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Consequently, India is home to more vegetarians than any other country. While some individual Catholics decide to be vegetarians -- either due to their interpretation of spiritual texts or for other reasons -- vegetarianism is not explicitly suggested or endorsed by the Catholic Church. Yes several. One of the most popular and beloved meats is beef. Islam is a culmination of the same monotheistic religion that was revealed to earlier prophets. Organised religions have form where this sort of thing is concerned. Hindus, mostly of India, don't eat beef because they believe the cow is holy, which is where we get the expression "holy cow". They worship the animals. From this I can reach only one conclusion: God is a seriously picky eater. For example, Judaism prescribes a strict set of rules, called Kashrut, regarding what may and may not be eaten, and notably forbidding the mixing of meat with dairy products. Laws of Judaism Concerning Food . This summer also saw the publication of. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. It's called common sense. Also some religions may not have a blanket taboo against beef or meat, but individuals in that religion may have a personal religious taboo against it. Whether packed in a juicy hamburger or served as a whole steak, beef is versatile and delicious. Why should a Hindu not eat beef? This has been interpreted into the vegetarian dietary practice. HISTORY. Most Hindus would not consume meat of animals closely related to the cow, such as buffalos. Get answers by asking now. Theravada, a branch of Buddhism does allow pork, chicken, and fish if the animal was n… They must also be slaughtered in a special way, which is the least painful for animals. And rightly so, because none of it makes the blindest bit of sense. To go to the details of it we may have to go into the Vedic Vishwa. What is your preferred Bible translation? Among the Christians, the Seventh-Adventist Church do not eat pork. However, as with the exclusion of meat and alcohol, not all Buddhists or lay followers of the religion fast. But that's not a reason for banning cheeseburgers. 6. However, it doesn't have to be red meat. There are many fasting days and periods in the calendar, with restrictions such as eating only plant foods. Now, of course, our parents taught us the importance of respect and tolerance. This religion does not specifically restrict any particular food or food preparation, but it does have tenets that are interpreted and followed in many aspects of daily life, including food consumption. Not all Indian Hindus, however, refrain from eating beef. Just as the strict veganism of the Jains sets them apart from the vegetarianism of the Buddhists. Weren't it we who said, "Eeshavasya midam sarvam..."? ) Why? My, but the things I tolerate: members of the UK Independence Party, Alan Sugar, Channel 5. The same reason is also given in the Islam religion. The rest of you can go to hell. I will tolerate you. God made some animals that are scavengers in the sky. In the Catholic Church, not eating meat is generally seen as a form of penance. But, as I get older the first part of that equation, the respect part, is, with the rest of me, withering. ? To worship me you must forgo baked beans" Photograph: Allstar Picture Library, here are lots of good reasons for cutting down on meat; Jesus really isn't one of them. From the Biblical Books of Moses (Torah) It is permitted to eat animals that have cloven (split) hooves and chew their cud. Hindus don't eat beef. from the Biblical Books of Moses (Torah) and the Code of Maimonides (Mishneh Torah) Hooves and Cud. Some of the Jewish people are vegetarians, and Seventh-day Adventists believe people should be vegetarians. The average Indian Muslim doesn’t eat beef because of some religious prerequisite, as many die-hard Hindus would have us believe. Since Catholics are normally allowed to eat meat, this prohibition is very different from the dietary laws of the Old Testament or of other religions (such as Islam) today. They worship the animals. Once upon a time eating pork in a hot country might have been a bad idea but not now. On the latter part of this agenda I am completely with the project. Still have questions? Some of them depend on the sect within the religion, or a person's particular observance. If Jesus conquered sin 2000 years ago, why is sin still prevalent to this day? A few weeks ago the UK's bishops declared that they would be encouraging their congregations to give up flesh on Fridays as a way to "deepen… the spiritual aspects of their lives". What do you think of the answers? Beef is prohibited, as the cow is considered sacred. Killing cows is forbidden in Hinduism and … The prohibition of mixing meat and dairy arises because of a passage in Exodus, in which it is declared an abomination to cook the baby goat in its mother's milk. 4. Why did angels betray god, If angels can fall what does that mean for humanity? Most of the religions there don't eat beef. There are lots of good reasons for cutting down on meat; Jesus really isn't one of them. Buddhists follow the principle guide to do no harm. But I stopped eating pork, poultry, beef, and any other kind of land animal about a year and a half ago and I don't think I'll ever start back. It can be anything that you enjoy eating or doing, because abstinence from it would mean you are really offering it to God. The Muslims don't eat pork. All those dietary strictures don't work for me. in india cows are sacred so it is forbidden to eat beef. Because it defines difference. Meat is considered desirable, so abstaining is a sacrifice. A pig does not meet this qualities, thus Jews don't eat pork. Data from the 2011 census shows that the five most common religious affiliations are Christian (59.3%), Muslim (4.8%), Hindu (1.5%), Sikh (0.8%) and Jewish (0.5%). That being the case, eating pork belly, sucking lobster from the shell, and scarfing cheese burgers is simply a way of making sense of it all or at best passing the time. Various religions forbid the consumption of certain types of food. People eat meat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on some days. However, most Hindus are stricter in terms of not eating beef because they consider cow as a holy manifestation of the divinity. Brahmins may have restrictions on who prepares their food and how it is stored. A few weeks ago the UK's bishops declared that they would be encouraging their congregations to give up flesh on Fridays as a way to "deepen… the spiritual aspects of their lives". It requires industrial meat production and massive crop areas used to grow food for the animals. Well, I'm with the Bible on that. About 30% of India's 1.2 billion population practices lacto vegetarianism, with overall meat consumption increasing. Some Hindus who did eat meat made a special exception and did not eat the meat of cow. The reason which triggered the historic 1857 revolt against the British was that the Indian Hindu soldiers refused to bite off the cartridges, which were made of beef fat. Catholics don't eat red meat during the Fridays of Lent as a sacrifice. Each to their own, I suppose. Most Indian religions have philosophical schools that forbid consumption of meat and Jainism institutes an outright ban on meat. Jainism is one such religion. My partner has anger issues and snaps easily at me. As a Jew I can explain kosher dietary requirements. However, it doesn't have to be red meat. And yes, I know, the Jains and the Buddhists don't have an overarching deity per se, but you get the point. Many religions include guidance on what is appropriate to eat in order to demonstrate faith. Does racism exist in the Jehovah's Witness faith? * Animals: They must chew their cuds and have split hooves. You would be absolutely right. There are also some scavengers in the waters that include catfish and sharks. Hindus don't eat beef. Some jains will not even eat plants that have been killed, but instead will only pick fruits/nuts in a way that doesn't kill the tree/bush. Although the Glorious Qur’an is the only revelation that is extant in its original revealed text, some remnants of earlier revelations can be found in the Bible.The Bible prohibits the consumption of pork, in the book of Leviticus“And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you”.“… Why? [1] Hindu and Buddhists because they believe in the concept of reincarnation, so if you eat animals it would be like eating your ancestors. Like Jainism, Buddhism has earned well-deserved distinction for its ideals of nonviolence and compassion. Organised religions have form where this sort of thing is concerned. In this admittedly fundamentalist world view, life is one huge cosmic joke. Accordingly, if you wish to worship me you must forgo the baked beans and sea cucumber thing. In the Acts of the Apostles ( Acts 10:9-16 ), St. Peter has a vision in which God reveals that Christians can eat any food. Eating meat is often condemned and, if not, it is surrounded by cautions and restrictions as is the case in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. When your liberty might stumble a brother or sister in Christ, then you don’t eat that food: Romans 14:21 It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is … Atheists cry when presented with the truth. I also think salt-fermented sea cucumber is disgusting. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, SDA, Taoism. But I can think of a few of my own, "I am establishing a new religion with me as its god. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Feminists, I have a bible verse that will shut you up? Islam has similar laws, dividing foods into haram (forbidden) and halal (permitted). Worship however and whatever you wish, but don't expect me to respect you for it. A healthy varied diet is essential for health, growth and development. But it really does sound like a miserable notion. I was on the bus the other day and was noseying into someones conversation and a lady was saying because of her husbands religion they only eat Halal meat and something about killing sheep when a new baby arrives, i only caught part of it and found it quite interesting, i'm curious as to what religion this refers to and if anyone has anymore information, thanks! 'Eat less meat to help the climate' doesn't apply to everyone – here's why More plants, less meat — it's a simple way to sustainably feed the planet's exploding population. The divine is marked by a palate that would shame a three-year-old brought up on crisps and Sunny Delight. I am therefore establishing a new religion with me as its god. So it's just a thing my Jewish brethren do. From this you can also tell I am a Very Bad Jew. Hindus do not eat non vegetarian food like chicken, meat or fish or any other Non Vegs on particular days, not limited but including: Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays of every week, many more auspicious days like Yekadashi, Sankranti, Dussera, Sankashti Chaturthi, Angarki Chaturthi, Ekadashi, Gudhipadwa, Akshaytrutiya, Diwali (all the days). They’re called buzzards. Basically vedas refer "Gou" as animal and as well as "Indriya" (senses). Lacto-vegetarianism is most common for Buddhists, which includes dairy and animal products, but does not allow meat. ... many Hindus continued to eat beef. Not only are we forbidden from eating meat, but we are also forbidden from eating anything that grows beneath the ground (For example, onions, potatoes, garlic, etc.) It happens that I hate Heinz baked beans. Is it true that after you die you won't go to heaven until the rapture happens? Research suggests beef’s benefits do not outweigh its disadvantages. Still, if you can't beat them, join them. Hooves and Cud. This will help define you as very special in the eyes of, well, me. Hindus don't eat beef, it's against their religion. It is feared that eating beef or killing a cow will condemn one to hell. As a scholar, studying Sanskrit and ancient Indian religion for over 50 years, I know of many texts that offer a clear answer to this question. Christians are just following the stream, quoting Rom 14:2 they eat a massive amount of meat unheard of in all of world history. For that matter, they see God in all entities of the world. A lactovegetarian diet is followed by many Hindus – no meat, poultry or fish, no eggs, but milk products are allowed and encouraged.

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