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Walrus_au | 353 opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. No add-ons or extensions required, just login and start chatting! Movies Games Audio Art Portal Community Your Feed. Teacher Katie M. says she responds to all questions in this vein with the same phrase: “As a teacher, I can’t share my political or religious views. In order to define religious belief, we should start by defining religion in general. Still have questions? A religion is a set of beliefs that is passionately held by a group of people that is reflected in a world view and in expected beliefs and actions (which are often ritualized).. What are your religious views,? Aw well. Become a Supporter today and help make this dream a reality! Yoda. Welcome to Religious Forums, a friendly forum to discuss all religions in a friendly surrounding. 8 years ago. Anonymous. I can see the viallge church from my bedroom window. Philosophical discussions on such topics date from ancient times, and appear in the earliest known texts concerning philosophy. The beliefs are about the world and the people in it, about how they came into being, and what their purpose is. I am an athiest and most of my friends are Christians . Religion in the Workplace What are your religious views? Brian, I think that you hit the nail on the head: the problem is power. 2 2. godart. to the south. I realize there's a space for that under your name, but that's not really very descriptive. So, can i get an answer please? I was just really curious what the "norm" is nowadays. Your voice is missing! hide. I have no religious views, per say. Get answers by asking now. Answer Save. + Favorite. Most Helpful Guys. Relevance. What Religious Freedom Requires of Us. 4 years ago. Specific religious views Abrahamic religions Christian. 15,645 Views | 385 Replies. 6 mo. Movies Games Audio Art Portal Community Your Feed. :D. Peace and Blessings. Differentiating religious from nonreligious belief systems is sometimes easy, but other times rather difficult, as demonstrated by the arguments people have over what qualifies as a religion. Add Opinion. I do not not personally have religion. Religious pluralism is an attitude or policy regarding the diversity of religious belief systems co-existing in society. 13 comments. Yes, you will find atheists and agnostics, but I don't think that fantasy authors/readers "predominantly" fall into those categories. "Views" may be interpreted as "opinions" or "outlooks" on one's own religion or the myriad of religions of other people. Religious Views. In theology, the soul is further defined as that part of the individual which partakes of divinity and It’s a rule.” (Of course, even if it ISN’T a rule, you might invoke your admins to help close the conversation more easily). Anonymous. In my opinion, there is nothing special about the Bible. 0 0? What are your religious views? What are your religious views? 5. 4 Answers. Jewish beliefs on animal testing are not commonly known, however, Judaism does in fact have very powerful teachings about the treatment of animals. Power has the potential to corrupt almost anyone. The experts warn us that an insular, intolerant tribal / ethnic religion that is funded by US taxpayers to the tune of $12 billion a year and is in the possession of hundreds of nuclear weapons is a danger to all of the innocent children of the world. 62 Comments I don't judge based on religious views, I respect everyone's own beliefs. What Are Your Religious Views. Jewish beliefs on animal testing. Similarly the man is also only one. Christian.. 0 0. share. Favourite answer. There's a lot of religious diversity in the fantasy community. My friends and I always get into deep discussions on religion and whatnot, so I figured I'd try it out on Answers. Soul, in religion and philosophy, the immaterial aspect or essence of a human being, that which confers individuality and humanity, often considered to be synonymous with the mind or the self. But interfaith relationships can work perfectly if you respect each other's different views. Religious organizations and people are responsible to state their views reasonably and respectfully. I'm Jewish and was raised that way but my brother is Hindu now because he married an Indian woman and wanted to adopt her faith. Its origin has always been debated and discussed today by various scholars. Let’s take a look at some of the different values that different religions have. Main articles: Agape “Divine Love”, Love of God in Christianity, Love of Christ, Most Christians also believe that God is the source and essence of eternal love, even if in the New Testament the expression “ God is love ” explicitly occurs only twice and in two not too distant verses: 1 John 4:8,16 (NIV).

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