The submission deadline for BMVC 2019 papers has now passed. We received over 1,000 submissions, a new record for BMVC. Exact figures and statistics will be released in due course.

Please refer to the workshops page for workshop paper submission instructions.

Paper submission and registration are handled on CMT. Paper registration is performed by registering as a user with CMT and entering a paper title and abstract. This will result in the allocation of a “paper ID”, which indicates registration is completed and should be used in preparation of the review copy. You will be able to make edits and upload new paper drafts until the final deadline. Submitted papers should be prepared according to the published specification for formatting and style. Please be sure to read both the formatting instructions and policies before submission.

Formatting your paper

A complete paper should be submitted in according to the formatting style. The length should not exceed 9 pages excluding the references. Any appendices must precede the reference list.

Submitted (under review) paper

Papers submitted for review should be anonymous and instead include the paper ID as allocated by CMT upon registration of the paper. The addition of line numbers (automatic in the LaTeX template) should be included, in order to facilitate the review process.

A complete paper should be submitted in according to the formatting style. The length of papers submitted for review should not exceed 9 pages excluding the references. All appendices must be counted within the 9 pages limit or supplied as supplementary material.

As per BMVC 2018, there will be no rebuttal phase this year.

Paper policies

By submitting a manuscript to BMVC, the authors guarantee that it has not been previously published (or accepted for publication) in substantially similar form. Furthermore, no paper which contains significant overlap with the contributions of this paper either is under review at the moment of submission or will be submitted during the BMVC 2019 review period to any of the following: another conference, a workshop, or a journal. The authors also attest that they did not submit substantially similar submissions to BMVC 2018. Violation of any of these conditions will lead to rejection.

Author’s responsibilities

If there are papers that may appear to violate any of these conditions, it is the authors’ responsibility to

  1. Cite these papers (preserving anonymity)
  2. Argue in the body of your paper why your BMVC paper is non trivially different from these concurrent submissions
  3. Include anonymized versions of those papers in the supplemental material

Final camera ready copy

Camera-ready submission for accepted papers will be open via CMT ( At least one registration of an author is required per accepted paper by this date. That is, for any two papers at least two registrations are required. Papers for which we have no registered authors will be removed from the conference. For each accepted paper authors should upload:

  • Final camera-ready paper (in PDF format)
  • Spotlight video (as an MP4 file) for spotlight posters only
  • Optional supplementary materials (ZIP file up to 100MB)

The name of your submission file must be of the form XXXX.pdf where XXXX is the four-digit paper ID (zero-padded if necessary). For example, if your paper ID is 24, the filename must be 0024.pdf.

You are permitted one extra page in the camera ready copy to take into account the reviewer’s comments. This means the length of the camera ready copy should not exceed 10 pages excluding the references. All appendices must be counted within the 10 pages limit or supplied as supplementary material.


Typesetting should preferably be done using the PDFLaTeX system (part of all modern LaTeX distributions). However, submissions prepared in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice will be accepted.

Paper templates, along with example PDF outputs are available for download through GitHub:

Instructions on how to use the BMVC LaTeX template are described in the file within the repository. To enable review mode in the LaTeX template, the \bmvcreviewcopy{??} command should be used, where ?? is your assigned paper number.

For the camera ready copy the \bmvcreviewcopy{??} command should be removed.

Supplementary material

Authors may optionally upload supplementary material, which may include:

  • Videos to showcase results/demo of the proposed approach/system
  • Images and other results in addition to the ones in the paper
  • Anonymised related submissions to other conferences and journals
  • Appendices or technical reports containing extended proofs and mathematical derivations that are not essential to the understanding of the submitted paper

The authors should refer to the contents of the supplementary material appropriately in the paper. Note that reviewers will be encouraged to look at it, but are not obligated to do so. Supplementary material is to be submitted by the paper submission deadline, i.e. Monday 29th April 2019 (23:59 Pacific Standard Time).