The submission deadline for BMVC 2019 papers has now passed. We received over 1,000 submissions, a new record for BMVC. Exact figures and statistics will be released in due course.

Please refer to the workshops page for links to workshop calls for papers.

The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) is one of the major international conferences on computer vision and related areas. It is organised by the British Machine Vision Association (BMVA). The 30th BMVC will be held at the University of Cardiff, 9th—12th Sept 2019.

Authors are invited to submit full-length high-quality papers in image processing, machine vision, and related areas for 2019 British Machine Vision Conference. Submitted papers will be refereed on their originality, presentation, empirical results, and quality of evaluation.

All papers will be reviewed doubly blind, normally by three members of our international programme committee. Please note that BMVC is a single track meeting with oral and poster presentations and will include three keynote presentations and two tutorials.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Statistics and machine learning for vision
  • Stereo, calibration, geometric modelling and processing
  • Face and gesture recognition
  • Early and biologically inspired vision
  • Motion, flow and tracking
  • Segmentation and grouping
  • Model-based vision
  • Image processing techniques and methods
  • Texture, shape and colour
  • Video analysis
  • Document processing and recognition
  • Vision for quality assurance, medical diagnosis, etc.
  • Vision for visualisation, interaction, and graphics
  • Object detection and recognition
  • Shape-from-X
  • Video analysis for action and event recognition
  • Illumination and reflectance
  • Deep learning for vision
  • 3D computer vision
  • RGBD analysis

Accepted papers will be included the conference proceedings published and DOI indexed by BMVA. Past proceedings can be found online here: Prospective authors can have a look at the 2018 edition:, as an example.

Paper submission deadline is 29th April 2019 (23:59, Pacific Time). Submission instructions may be found here.

Note: Due the anticipated volume of papers for BMVC 2019 (based on recent year’s experience) there will NO extension granted to the submission deadline.

Selected best papers are invited to a special issue of the International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) for BMVC 2019 Best Papers.

Any queries to the Programme Chairs should be sent to

The BMVC 2019 Programme Chairs are:
Prof. David Marshall (Cardiff University)
Prof. Majid Mirmehdi (Bristol University)
Dr. Bernie Tiddeman (Aberystwyth University)
Dr. Xianghua Xie (Swansea University)

A PDF version of this call for papers may be downloaded here.