POSTER PRINTING: we recommend using “The Print Centre” for poster printing, as there is a branch in close proximity to the BMVC 2019 venue and they can cater to international orders. See: for contact information (we suggest calling), and mention BMVC 2019 for a 10% discount (on or before 02/09/2019).

Oral presentations

  • Oral talks will use their own laptop. The projectors will be setup for 16:9 format, will be native 1920×1080 resolution and will accept other resolutions (including 4:3 formats such as 1024×768) with rescaling.
  • The projectors will have native HDMI connectors and converters for VGA.
  • Oral talks are given 13 minutes plus 2 minutes for questions by the session chairs, switching between speakers and introducing the next speaker. You will be asked to leave the podium once your time is up. Please make sure you do not exceed the given time limit.
  • Each oral presenter will also present their work as a poster. Your poster is scheduled for the interactive session on the day of your oral presentation. This is a good opportunity to expose the work further and get extra feedback from the BMVC attendees.
  • Oral presenters should be present at the podium (in the correct room) at least 10 minutes before the start of the session and should introduce themselves to the session chairs as soon as they arrive.
  • If you require any special assistance to get to the podium or during your talk, please let the session chair know of this before the session or email the organisers.
  • Oral speakers should test their own laptops with the projector before the session, to avoid any technical difficulties.

Poster presentations

  • Each poster is assigned a specific poster stand identified by paper number as specified in the programme. Check with the volunteers or the registration desk if you cannot find your poster board.
  • The physical dimensions of the poster stands are A0 portrait.
  • There will be two poster sessions, one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday.
  • Poster presenters are asked to install their posters during the morning break on their assigned day. These posters will be up all day, but you need to be at your poster during your assigned session. Please remove posters promptly by the end of the day.

Top tips

  • Ideally you want to keep the posters very readable: this is not your paper, it is a poster. Consider large enough text size. When inserting graphics or equations, keep the resolution high to avoid blocking artefacts.
  • You are free to use coloured backgrounds but they generally reduce readability.
  • You are free to use whatever fonts you like, but note that sans serif fonts are more readable from a distance, while serif fonts may look more consistent with your mathematics.
  • Remember the poster session will be crowded so design the poster to be read in columns so people can read what is in front of them and move left to right to get the whole story.
  • The poster should use photos, figures, and tables to tell the story of the study. For clarity, present the information in a sequence that is easy to follow.
  • There is often too much text in a poster. Posters primarily are visual presentations; the text should support the graphics. Look critically at the layout. Some poster “experts” suggest that if there is about 20–25% text, 40–45% graphics and 30–40% empty space, you are doing well.
  • Include more figures than there are in the paper, so you can discuss them with visitors. Include things that are not in the paper and then encourage visitors to read the main paper. Do not try to simply convert the entire paper into a poster: people will skip that poster since they can read the papers after the conference.
  • Many people find it better to spend time talking with poster presenters that have more to offer than just redoing the paper content paper in big fonts.

Spotlight presentations

Selected papers accepted as posters have been invited to give a 3 minute spotlight presentation with accompanying video.

  • Authors of poster spotlight papers will submit a 3 minute (= 180 seconds) or less video spotlight that highlights and summarises their paper. 
  • Spotlights will be presented at oral session where each paper will have 3 minutes time slot. The session chairs will not be introducing each spotlight. The video would typically contain recorded slides or video demos to which you can speak and present your paper.  There will be no time allotted for questions after each spotlight.
  • These video spotlights will be independently available on the BMVC 2019 YouTube channel and collated into larger videos that provide an overview of each session of the conference.
  • For your spotlight presentations there is only one format: MP4 (see instructions below).
  • Presentations will be limited to 3 minutes with the next speaker’s video starting automatically at the 3-minute mark. The videos will be combined into one large video that will play each clip in turn.
  • There will be no presenter control and the next presentation will just start. If your video is longer than 3 minutes it will be truncated. If your video is not in the proper format, it will be converted as best as our automated tool will do, without any guarantees as to quality (it may even be solid black!).
  • In addition to your spotlight presentation, please remember to prepare a poster for your paper which will be presented at an interactive poster session.

Please read the following instructions carefully to ensure that your video spotlight is formatted and submitted correctly:

  • Length: Maximum 3 minutes = 180 seconds. Everything in excess of 180 seconds will be cut
  • File Size: Maximum 100 MB (104,857,600 bytes)
  • Size: 16:9 ratio, 1280×720 resolution (per YouTube specifications)
  • Audio: allowed
  • Frame Rate: 30 Hz. All other rates will be converted to 30 Hz
  • Format: MP4 files with the H.264 codec. We will make the best effort to convert other formats, but cannot guarantee that the conversion will work flawlessly.

Content: Please keep legal restrictions in mind (e.g. do not use footage or images which you are not entitled to distribute beyond fair use). The videos will be on display in a public place to a wide range of nationalities, so avoid causing offence. We reserve the right to withdraw videos we believe to be outside these guidelines. If you suspect you may come close to the boundaries of acceptability, submit several days early and email us for approval. All videos will be reviewed before releasing and collating.

Templates: There is no template for the videos. Authors are permitted to include a title screen for their paper. However, do note that we will be prepending a title screen to each video, containing paper, author, and session information.

Submission: Your 3 minute video spotlight is to be submitted as a single MP4 file as part of the camera ready submission.

To submit your video spotlight MP4 file, login to the CMT paper collection site:

The name of your video spotlight must be of the form XXXX_video.mp4 where XXXX is the four-digit paper ID (zero-padded where necessary). For example, if your paper ID is 24, the filename must be 0024_video.mp4.