This sudden lack of cats led to an increase in rat infestation which in turn increased the spread of disease, the most devastating being the Bubonic Plague. That misguided stereotype is why witches are still depicted with black cats to this day. Henry was acquitted when he appealed to the bishop of Mainz and later that year Marburg himself was mysteriously murdered- probably at Henrys behest. Indeed, there is evidence of animals dying from the Plague. The purpose of the papal bull Vox in Rama, was to condemn a cult that had allegedly popped up in the Rhinelandand the bull was specifically sent to the city of Mainz. People banged drums and kept the sparrow in the air not permitting them to land until they died of exhaustion! Other sects, such as the Cathars or Albigensians had more esoteric beliefs. There is little real evidence for this. some particularly superstitious believers seized on the idea that the black cats were servants of Satan. Here are our sources? On a personal level, my parents taught me the value of travel when I was young, and since then,Ive been an avid traveler I have visited 20 countries. (along with other predators including snakes, which had long since carried the label of being evil). But it starts to fall apart once you roll it around in the ol brainpan. You literally cannot even be bothered to recall the NAMES of the people youre talking about. Good luck keeping cat population low for 500 years. Interestingly enough, Halloween originally a pagan celebration also has Catholic roots in the form of All Hallows Eve, that is the Vigil of All Saints Day, when Catholics remember those who have gone before them to enter their heavenly home. In Ypres in Belgium, it was the custom to hurl cats from the belfry of local churches and then set them on fire during the festival of cats or Kattenstoet. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'historyofyesterday_com-box-3','ezslot_6',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-historyofyesterday_com-box-3-0');uper-spies James Bond and Austin Powers dont have cats. This was seen as a critical time as the sixth crusade had recently been defeated in Damietta, Egypt. Pope Gregory IX (1147-1241) was probably the world's worst cat hater or at least he did the most damage to cats. It was his distaste for cats that penned the Vox in Rama. Cats that I know are devoted to their humans my dog runs off as soon as the door is open, my cat sits on my knee, engages in conversation with me, stays closeby our home, and kills lots of mice, bringing them to me rather than eating them cats keep down rodent populations for farmers and humans who store and eat grain etc definitely as handy as dogs. No one can say for sure how many cats were killed because of the association made between them and witchcraft by the Vox in Rama. Public Domain. Fewer cats, more rats, more fleas, and more plague. Cats breed quickly, know how to survive on their own, and are hard to catch. A LION; I will wager $500 we can debate this and I will win with 100 literate judges NOT taught as toddlers the pope or priest can send them TO HELL. Both rats and pigeons would make a great next plague material though, The bull does not, however, dictate that Catholics across Europe kill all cats to stop Satan Islam doesnt tell Muslims to kill pigs but they still chase and try to kill one by kicking and hitting if they see it on the street because they believe it is evil and forbidden. On June 13, 1233, he issued a papal decree, Vox in Rama, based on bogus evidence provided by a Spanish Inquisitor. In fact, most people who believe the Europeans wiped out cats which caused the Black Death bull crap, is that cats werent the only animals used for catching rats. Guess what? While there appears to be no evidence that Pope Gregory IX ever told people to kill cats, there have been smaller historical examples of Medieval folks killing cats for weird reasons. A witch and her cat. He therefore gave his official blessing to the widespread persecution of cats across Europe. He has a brother named Adenulphus who later on in life served as the rector of Anagni, while Ugolino himself was educated in Paris and per known tradition, Bologna. Further down the line, his influence grew larger and larger, and by 1217 he was named the papal legate and Honorius chief representative in Liguria and Tuscany. Thanks for writing this! Summary. The flea that bit humans was specific to the black rat anyway. ), Then, in 1484, another pope, Innocent VIII, issued apapal bullthat condemned to death all cats and their human companions. So, Im not so sure cats stop the plague. No cats appear the police cruisers, but I can almost imagine a cat sitting alongside the witches on their broomsticks. So theres a lot of weak info out there about the backwards things that Medieval people were wont to do. Kitty cats are not everyones flavor of pudding, but they serve an important role in many urban areas, especially in the developing nations outside the western world. The Nazcacat geoglyphwas only discovered last October. He also became the first Pope to appoint inquisitors to actively root out such heretics. The truth is that cats could not have prevented the black death. When I was a kid, my mom thought that Id have my own talk show because I was always asking people lots of questions about themselves. February 8, 2013. Im not saying it was a great time to be alive, but it was a more complex time than people give it credit for. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Museum Hack leads small group, VIP museum tours that are fun, fast-paced and surprisingly cool. Yes I agree with you on this as we can never judge history in modern times It mentioned Pope Gregorys hate on for cats. 10 Things To Know About Stephen Hawking, The World's Coolest Scientist, Mary Somerville: The Woman For Whom The Word "Scientist" Was Made, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch, six really weird pets that you could actually own., Of course, theres also the wee tiny fact that the paranoia about witchcraft didnt really start to get into full swing until the 16th and 17th century, and that included black cats. And it gets repeated because it feels right to many people - it makes our ancestors look stupid and so make. (Accessed June 1, 2018). This cruel practice continued until 1817 although the Kattenstoet continues to this day- involving stuffed cats instead.,,,,,,,,, Abee, Holle. (2007, September 1). That was when Ugolino was over 80 years old. Reply . People living during this time lived in constant fear of death. The only problem is that this story probably isnt true. And thats the official take on Halloween from theVatican News. HUMAN OVER-POPULATION ISNT PRETTY, IT IS THE CAUSE BEHIND CHRONIC WARS. Literally no cats. Once the initial hysteria died down, cats, like the would-be witches were left alone for a time, giving them time to repopulate- and remained prolific enough to continue to be culled. While there appears to be no evidence that Pope Gregory IX ever told people to kill cats, there have been smaller historical examples of Medieval folks killing cats for weird reasons. If you survived, you lost many people you loved. February 8, 2013. Does the dwindling population of cats indirectly cause the infamous Black Death? All That's Interesting is a Brooklyn-based digital publisher that seeks out stories that illuminate the past, present, and future. I didnt expect to read the whole article, but I found myself tickled in all the right places, so dear sir, I did indeed finish the article in its entirety. Its believed by some that the plague spread, at least in part,via rats. Medieval people were indeed superstitious (but so are modern people), and cats are great but, lets face ittheyre assh*les. 23 April 2018, Vox in Rama, Pope Gregory IX,, Conrad of Marburg, Kevin Knight, Catholic Encyclopaedia, 2017, Was there a great Cat Massacre in the Middle Ages? However, history shows that the Black Death, which ravaged Europe in the mid 1300s, was actually caused by rats and the fleas on them. Pope Gregory IX initiated the feline holocaust in Europe which was to continue . Cats Blamed for Spreading the Plague During the Middle Ages, it wasn't uncommon for cats to be killed, given their association with evil, Compora says. Interestingly enough, the author of the article writes that one reason cats are evil is that they are the favored pets of witches. Actually, witches both modern ones and the one who were burned at the stake during Middle Ages owned cats because being close to nature is central to theirreligious beliefs. Cats just arent dogs, and I respect and love them specifically for that reason. The Sphinx being the most obvious representation of their reverence of cats, Egyptians also covered their walls with images ofregal-lookingcats and made fine statues of them too. AKSHAY. However, historian Donald Engel believes that the Vox acted as a death warrant for the cat. We may still see the effects of the mass cat slaughter today: Its been suggested that the small black cat population in Europe today is a direct result of that breed being deemed particularly devil-like. If anything, the cathunt is Konrads interpretation of the papal bull. Pope Benedict died Dec. 31, 2022, at the age of 95 in his residence at the . But how did cats become to be seen as evil? The account began by describing the initiation of novices to the coven. These new, heretical beliefs varied. Not only were they a source of companionship they were also a status symbol and source of worship., Egyptians have had a long love affair with cats. ABORTION SHOULD BE THE ANSWER IN ALL COUNTRIES, ALONG SIDE LAWS THAT WOULD PREVENT THE POPULATION GROWTH FROM EXPANDING . Even for modern times, that is not a young age to take on the papal role. Many superstitions, including fear of black cats, continue to this day. Retrieved from, Gibbens, Sarah. One of these was the sparrow! His condemnation of cats may not be responsible for the spread of black death, but its definitely connected to the decline in cat populations at the time, andthe proliferation of rat populations. Denmark's Fastelavn held at the start of lent was based on the premise that for spring to begin, evil had to be banished. Writing is my first love. Did Pope Gregorys comfort with the law cause him tooverstephis station as the pope? Based on these confessions, in 1233 Pope Gregory IX issued an official papal decree declaring that Satan was half-cat and sometimes took the form of cat. In any case, the various popes saw nothing wrong with burning heretics alive, so they already had a savage reputation. As it went into the fourth and fifth years ! Was considering writing a song about the folly of feline flaying, now Im not so sure. The novice then feasted with the rest of the congregation, after which they assembled to pay homage to a black cat which emerged from a kind of statue which normally stands in the place where these meetings are held., The whole coven was required to kiss the cats behind, and once they had done this, a wild sexual orgy occurred. It kept happening, lets say once per generation, until the 1700s. Apparently torture produced some pretty convincing confessions from people who worshipped the devil and his black cat. Retrieved from, Georgievska, Marija. Even those among us who love cats (not me, I like dogs) freely admit that they are mercurial and probably evil animals that deal death for fun and would eat our eyes if they got the chance. Cats are not assholes, as this writer and many dog lovers like to repeat endlessly (and its SO tiresome to listen). That is the well-accepted history, but is it really true? Where do we get our stuff? On June 13, 1233, the Pope issued the Vox in Rama to King Henry of Germany. They both carry fleas, only the mice never jump in my lap and bunt their head-glands all over my jeans. Actually, the murder of cats in Europe continued for hundreds of years, and another Plague swept through Europe again in the 17th Century. While the papal bull was sent to several rulers such as Emperor Frederick II and King Henry of Germany, the central prominent figure that assumes that task very seriously is one Konrad von Marburg. By rough estimates, as many as 200 million people died. Pope Gregory IX How did this come about? His papacy started when hereticism run rampant in Europe, and yet, by the end of his term, he saw the completion of one of the most important canon law in the Catholic Church known as the Decretales Gregorii IX, Decretales Gregorii IX, Both believed that cats were satanic and Marburg came up with evidence as to why cats are satanic. (2016, May 4). Gregory's missionary zeal among the Franks and the Anglo-Saxons in England was the first step in a process that would culminate with Charlemagne's coronation in Rome on Christmas Day in AD 800.. At the same time Benedictine monks led by Augustine were sent to Kent to convert the pagan King Ethelbert and his people, other missionaries from . "The whole story is one of those pseudo historical urban myths that keeps getting repeated despite the fact it's complete nonsense. The author provides citations for his claims. The papal inquisition rained down justice on heretics, the people who spoke out against church canon. Good luck keeping them down for half a millennium.6, Maybe the biggest hole in the cat theory comes from the history of the plague. In the years ahead, feline-kind all across Europe saw their status slammed from a sacred and protected animal to a false idol. He is mostly known for issuing the Decretales and starting the Papal Inquisition. Cat burning and other forms of cat hating have survived the centuries since. But still, cultural images of cats being a marker of femininity didnt sprout fromVogue,any more than the idea that cats are plain evil stem fromSports Illustrated. (Accessed 2018, June 1). Furthermore, several more black plagues would hit the world in the 18th century or so, and it's unlikely that the cat population still suffers the cathunt after hundred of years. It also provided a remarkably full account of their Satanic rite. Konrad has evidence of people worshipping Lucifer and black cats, he also seems to possess some sort of confession. But myths often transcend evidence, dont they? Purina, the multinational firm known for making cat chow, notes that, Egyptians have had a long love affair with cats. What effects did it have? Remember: Egyptians were known for being cat lovers, and Asia is where cats originally came from. If cats were evil, it made sense that they were responsible for all the death and . The cat throwing. This demonization led to the widespread, violent persecution of black cats in particular. This description created an image that was to be used for all future depictions of witches sabbats- and one that established the cat as a creature of the devil. As hysteria increased, the rat population boomed and the Black Plague began to spread out of control. This timeline stretched from 1346 to 1353, a little more than a century after Gregory. Honestly, I feel like even thinking that the cathunt resulted or directly influence the black plague is a bit of a stretch. The Black Plague did happen. In an era when unknown phenomena seemed like they could only be explained by powerful deities, it seemed only natural to the Egyptians to worship kitty cats. Tying the cat to satanic worship was a natural progression- and one that would have dire consequences. His papacy started when hereticism run rampant in Europe, and yet, by the end of his term, he saw the completion of one of the most important canon law in the Catholic Church known as the Decretales Gregorii IX, excommunicated Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II, and (allegedly) founded the earliest incarnation of the papal inquisition. People like to dump on the Middle Ages for being Europes cultural and technological nadir, especially compared to the surrounding Classical and Renaissance periods. Then, there is the fact that cats just arent good ratters-, which is why dogs; especially terriers are employed to catch rodents. Granted, Im sure it was easier to get into back then, but thats right in the Medieval period. That is, pope condemning cats and declaring satanistique is enough for some people to start mass-killing cats, this assholes claims are 100% wrong; more than one pope ordered cats killed- why not, eventually excommunicaated? Before you accuse me of clickbait, hear me out. On January 23, 1229, he sent messages to Riga, Lubeck, Sweden, to Gotland with an appeal to begin . But, despite all the people who make their livings as cat psychologists, cats will just be cats. Many believed this was the end of the human race, and who could blame them? (Accessed June 1, 2018). Buy Long Live the Kitty! The Vox in Rama encouraged Conrad of Marburg to overreach himself and that same year he accused Henry II, Count of Sayn of taking part in satanic orgies. If the Black Death was airborne, then rats had nothing to do with it, exonerating Gregory. He said they ate too much grain and it was the responsibility of every person to kill a sparrow if they saw one and they were not to give up until they achieved it !!.. Its funny thinking about cats as the symbol of evil. Not sure I am convinced either way, but people (especially those who prefer dogs) do like to hate on cats, so it is not a stretch to believe that they have been killed en masse in any era. Conrad had initially been involved in the persecution of the Cathars and enjoyed significant successes during the Albigensian crusade of 1209 -1229. Wages rose fast in the absence of labor. That evil came to be neatly personified in the form of black cats that were beaten to death to purge the new season of evil spirits. One can love animals, the Catechism says. This is mainly because the black plague ravaged Asia before it goes on its way to Europe. Homeless Cats Recruited to Fight Rising Tide of Rats, Erika Engelhaupt National Geographical, September 29, 2017. Then each [returns] to his place and, speaking certain responses, they incline their heads toward to cat. At length, when the novice has come forward, [he] is met by a man of wondrous pallor who has black eyes and is so emaciated [and] thin that since his flesh has been wasted, seems to have remaining only skin drawn over bone. Is the Vox in Rama authentic? I dont know what to make of the authors contention that we like to hate on the middle ages. Like, if I were to think of evil depictions on display in a museum, this would be one of them. Yeah you have a good point there! His condemnation of cats may not be responsible for the spread of black death, but it's definitely connected to the decline in cat populations at the time, and the proliferation of rat populations. Thus, purported heretics, such as the Cathars and Waldensians, were accused of worshipping cats, according You know, small-town sh*t.9. Not a cat person? It was also a time when, people many believe, Pope Gregory IX hated on cats. We know there was a massive reduction in cat populations at the time because of this, so its plausible to make the connection. Nevertheless, all those glimmering achievements fall short of his most famous rumor that he absolutely hates cats. why did pope gregory think that cats were evil? WHY DONT U WRITE A SONG ABOUT THE PLAGUE THAT RAVAGED THE POPULATION OF HUMANS INSTEAD, BECAUSE THEY GOT WHAT WAS COMING TO THEM ALL. The fleas just love cat blood so much more than ours. BUT HUMANS , NOT SO. A witch and her cat. By removing many cats from the food chain, the population of rodents began to rise across Europe, as Asian and other foreign ships carrying rats brought them to European harbors. OVERPOPULATION OF HUMANS IS THE RUINATION OF THE PLANET. Used as widespread clickbait, a frequently repeated story claims that in the 13th century Pope Gregory IX, who led the Catholic Church from 1227 to 1241 and has been remembered for initiating the Papal Inquisition against heretics, suffered from a serious case of cat contempt. In the ensuing years huge numbers of cats (especially black cats) and even their owners were killed across Europe in fear that they were evil witches and linked to Satan. 1958 China Chairman Mao and the great leap forward he had designs on wiping out the four evils Another belief is that the plague wasairborne. Such heresies could not be left unchecked to spread around the population and thus undermine the Churchs authority. Classical Cats: The Rise and fall of the Sacred Cat, Donald W Engels, Psychology Press. Zealousness is a common occurrence in medieval times, the same thing goes for Gregory IX. In fact, the picture of a white Persian cat in Bond villain Ernst Blofelds lap is an indelible cultural image, as is that of the hairless cat that Dr. Theres a little bit about a cat in the third paragraph but what Gregory is really talking about here is a ritual carried out by a Satanic sect, as reported by an overzealous inquisitor named Conrad von Marburg. In the 13th Century a wave of anti-cat sentiment swept through Europe, with religious leaders labeling cats as evil and diabolical, including Pope Gregory IX who did so in 1232 AD. As a journalist, I spoke daily with public affairs officers who represented diverse government and corporate clients. In those days, papal inquisitors extracted confessions from prisoners that they worshiped the devil and his black cat by torturing them vigorously. These were, however, local affairs and dont serve as proof of the kind of massive cat recall modern folks have inferred from Pope Gregory IXs bull. By 1198 under the reign of his cousin, Pope Innocent III, Ugolino was named the cardinal deacon of St. Eustachius and quickly rose as one of the most prominent cardinals. Cats were seen as agents of the devil, throughout much of history, and slaughtered again centuries later in New England during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. But cats? Neither does rogue operative, Jason Bourne. Hera are six really weird pets that you could actually own. Cats were beloved by Egyptians. Sweet Home Alabama Lyrics: What Does Muscle Shoals Has Got the Swampers Mean? The most you can say about cats from this papal bull is that they are perhaps among the icons worshipped by a Satanic cult. Home; About; Contacts; Location; FAQ The black plague ravaged countless European cities around a century after the demise of Pope Gregory IX. This bull, the story goes, declared cats as the instruments of Satan, and set Medieval Europe on a great cat purge, with special attention paid to black cats, who were particularly Luciferian. The Church had already accused the Waldenses of worshipping the devil in the form of a cat. They were pure evil seeking nothing but power & control of the population. (To be fair, the cat is only one of more than 300 figures the Nazca created almost half which have been discovered in the last five years). As a strategic communicator, I juggle many balls but Im a writer first. Welcome to, home of Revolutionary Artist & Warrior-Poet, Chairman Meow. Some kiss this creature on the hind quarters and some on the mouth, they receive the tongue and saliva of the beast inside their mouths. Back then, but thats right in the years ahead, feline-kind all Europe... 'S Interesting is a common occurrence in Medieval times, that is not a young age take. That cats could not have prevented the black death in Rama to henry... Does the dwindling population of cats across Europe saw their status slammed from a sacred and protected to! Youre talking about describing the initiation of novices to the widespread, violent persecution of the population the of! Issued the Vox in Rama, Egyptians have had a savage reputation the..., present, and future the rat population boomed and the black plague is a bit of a.... Artist & Warrior-Poet, Chairman Meow humans is the well-accepted history, I! 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Blanton's Bourbon Tampa, Great River Learning Authors, Florida Man December 3 2008, Articles W

why did pope gregory think that cats were evil?

why did pope gregory think that cats were evil?

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