So that's really the answer. When that happens, we have a new country and create a different natal chart. We'll see. I highly recommend using The Garden Oracle, The Tarot and The Astrology Oracle if you want to time your movements. Massicot said Russia's losses, which U.S. officials estimate to be over 20,000 battlefield deaths (Ukraine believes more than twice as many Russian troops have been killed), has left Russia groggy. Happily, when things are going well, you do amazingly well and earn or save a fortune, or experience real abundance through other means. Western officials say the package along with European aid should cover Ukraines needs through the next six to nine months. Here is a better future for humanity. This one is dated, about the crisis with Facebook and Vladimir Putin now, March 2022. The action is the largest land war in Europe since . whichever side can produce the most ammunition, Russia steps up attacks against Ukraine, targeting power grid, Moscows forces have run through stockpiles, Putin stokes fears, raises prospect of nuclear strike, Dozens of countries meet to pledge aid for Ukraine during winter months, Zelenskyy visits liberated city of Kherson. That's itthe agentin the first line you can see above.So the square should be read asbutin's saturn and marswhich is correct, if we look at Tuesday, April 5, 2022, when there is a conjunction between Saturn and Mars in Aquarius 22. Thanks for that. Moreover, Russian losses have been huge. But one thing he didnt quite get right was his prediction that the U.S. government, under Biden, would not have any military support for Ukraine. I'll check back later to see if you're logged in, although I must warn you that there are 13,419 comments in the queue at the moment, so it's not always possible to pick up where I left off. The constitution will change to embrace community, diversity and equality and a female president is not far off. I am very sorry for the Ukrainians, I love their bravery. The currency sign and the stock markets. This is also true for anyone who is against you. Hi Jessica,i plan to move to russia in july but the whole situation is difficult..but i think it will be good for future investment in date of birth 09.08.1977Thanks a lot. Hi Jessica, you have written many times about the historical and current importance of the UN. A Ukrainian artillery team in the Donbas setting up their 152mm gun, which was captured from the Russians in the early days of the war. Romania in 1938 was under Carol II and the royal autocracy. Your predictions here are reassuring and give us hope, even though what is happening in Ukraine right now is horrible, horrible.So many young men in the Ukrainian army and also in the Russian army who grew up in peacetime and now find themselves in a war they don't want, all because of one man. But you have to leave the decisions to the leadership, and only the leadership can resolve those very old spiritual debts from the last war. So, on 24 June 2022, I headlined "Biden forces Russia to retake all of Ukraine" and I closed by saying and will also close here: "In order for the U.S. to win this conflict, the entire world will have to accept rule by America's Government (i.e., being a U.S. 'ally'). It is classically the employer, a client or a powerful colleague; sometimes a domineering husband. There have been contradictory assessments of Russias ability to conduct a significant new offensive. My heart breaks for Ukraine and the people, especially the children.I am also very concerned about Russia's threat to Sweden which is now helping Ukraine with military equipment, money and aid. could be any of us. russia ukraine war prediction. Facebook has changed its hate speech policy to allow users to call for the death of Russian soldiers in Ukraine. I think he also wanted to invade while it was easier to drive tanks across frozen wastelands into the Ukraine before the thaw happened in the spring. This means the end of fossil fuel, supplied by Russia, and the end of mass-consumer manufacturing, supplied by China. This natal chart of Russia established in 8December 1999 at 17:06 GMT shows the day of the biggest stock market crash in Russian history. People help with their own money. Thank you very much Jessica. It's spiral, we're in. Thanks for this article. Consider the eclipse I'm talking about: it turned out to be the exact date Ukraine took center stage at the United Nations. I just wanted to say that his work is fantastic and very clear. Jacob Bentley-York; Published: 23:28, 29 Mar 2022; Updated: 7:11, 30 Mar 2022; You will see big changes in 2022, 2023 that close the circle of karma. Is Russia Ukraine war over ? The real name of Baba Venga is Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova. I never felt the need to learn to drive as I always had a 'feeling' that we were going to use 'horses and carts' for transportation again. The whole thing is a scam. There are two, one here and another that is no longer seen. You are a Virgo Sun born with Pluto and Uranus in Virgo, so you 'live' in your Sixth House. Thank you very much. It's not World War III. Oh Jessica, thanks for that information, you are really talented! Community, diversity, equality. I had not seen. The Ukrainian and Russian borders with the Donbass. I am a nurse and I travel for my work. Women in Bulgaria will lead the response. Have you already said that this will not turn into a world war, but that the United States will join the fight against Russia? And then on the Russian side, how well can their defense industrial base really perform?. Women. I feel that reading this site has helped me a lot, not only to learn more about Astrology and Tarot but also to find peace of mind in the articles you have written in difficult times like now.I feel as if I have been held by the hand and comforted. I have felt the hard times personally as a British citizen.As a premium member, may I ask why Pluto hit me so hard? I appreciate you with all my heart.I know you predicted the end of Trump.In America, there are still plenty of Trump supporters. Europe was quite a scattered mess before the Russian invasion, and Germany, the continents top power, was quite ambiguous in its attitude toward resisting Russia. Without this channel, you could end up feeling frustrated and unhappy. Do you see that this is changing for me because of the oil issue? Never." Biden spoke in Poland just days before the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I just joined your association for that. Between January 1st and February 7th 2022, transiting Uranus at 10 Taurus was exactly trine the Ukraine Uranus position at 10 Capricorn. I still made mistakes. Eastern Ukraine has a higher share of people (45%) who see themselves as 'one people' with Russians compared to western Ukraine, but even there, it is not a majority view like in Russia (64%). And we should include Belarus in this, since the latest Russian astrological chart includes Belarus, its partner. My husband is retired and receives a pension. This post was comforting. Please consider your part and support the people and organizations doing great work in Ukraine. What is clear is that the current Russian efforts show the poor leadership, logistics and tactics that have been the hallmark of its operations over the past year, with high casualties for very modest territorial gain. Meeting world leaders at a ridiculously large and ostentatious table for "mock" peace talks. The change of plane was rejected. Why wasn't it deactivated? Shell is stalling. The people who will fall the most will be those who have borrowed a fortune and/or put dirty money in overpriced houses. Can you tell me something about my country, Poland? Craig Hamilton-Parker made another prophecy 12 days before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, on February 12, and this time he predicted the course of this aggressive war and the time of its final end. You said that Putin is "finished", but when?2. Out of curiosity, those of us who were born in late 1993 will experience this upcoming May eclipse in a significant way: we have pluto 25 scorpio. You sure know all that! (But it doesn't last, obviously.) I've just read Simon Tisdall's Guardian editorial on this topic so just wanted to share the link, hope it's ok. Because?As a Brit I am ashamed of the position our government has taken on refugees, especially now that we are faced with the karma of 1938. Anand predicts that this volatility will occur around mid-March, so he advises most investors not to enter the market before mid-March. Mercury at Scorpio 26 in the Eighth House of the Russian chart (sex, death and money) is struck by an eclipse at Scorpio 25 (full moon) on Monday, May 16, 2022. Disrupt fixed means, lose your old life budget as it was before 2018 when Uranus arrived in Taurus. Along the way, there will be a Russian withdrawal, out of Ukraine. A very good rule? But they are happening very slowly. As we approach the one year anniversary of the full scale invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainians are bracing for another 300,000 to 500,000 Russian soldiers who are preparing for an impending attack . The USA, which has the greatest influence on its course, will help Ukraine win the war - this is the prediction made by tarologist and runologist Iryna Klever. Thanks. Our generation has experienced 2-3 recessions, a pandemic and now this new cold war. You are likely to find yourself in the United States, dragged right into the karma of Ukraine and Russia in 2022, but also in 2023. You have certainly put the current craziness into perspective. I can't read the horrible articles anymore because I feel too much stress. I agree with you, the courage of the Ukrainian people is inspiring. For Norway, it will be a leadership revolution. This can and does improve markedly as Christmas approaches, and Saturn's cycle slowly ends. I see that Finland lined up tractors as a reminder to Russia that it was Ukraine's farmers who defeated Vladimir Putin with farm machinery. Will Boris Johnson be Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain or Sir Winston Churchill? He is a famous psychic who predicted years in advance that the UK would leave the EU in 2016. The stranger is the UK. This is already showing up as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. (Image: Ibrahim Boran, Unsplash). Thanks again Jessica. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Yes - Russia may invade. The golden rule with this transit is to use sheer willpower to empower yourself. Thanks. The European economy will be very unpredictable, erratic and sometimes quite stormy in 2022, 2023 for Portugal and its neighbors, and I don't think traveling around Europe will be any easier in 2022-2023 either. In the roughly 300 days since Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscows forces have run through stockpiles that took more than a decade to build, two of the officials said. Do we have an AA-rated table for the Ukraine leader? Just watch. This is just a random example. China under Xi Jinping is even more secretive and dangerous than Putin and Russia. What will it be like for me and Germany? Luck would be on your side then. You will earn or save a lot of money when Jupiter enters Taurus, so a 2/3 year plan is not a bad idea. Vladimir Putin chose to do this in the throes of Pluto in Capricorn, as you say. In Moscow, another prominent astrologer, Konstantin Daragan, who made a name for himself by claiming to have predicted the coronavirus pandemic, also says Russia will win on the ground in Ukraine and in its clash with the West. Don't get caught up in too many binding agreements like partner and family agreements. The power of people in one or more new shared global networks. No one should have to live in fear of a missile or a military drone hitting their home. No one on Ukraine's side wants nukes going off, and going nuclear would be the end of Russia. It is very sad and distressing now that this prophecy has come true. I think Belarus will be the ultimate player in this because of that chart. Jupiter in Taurus in your Second House of money, property, possessions, and business protects you. ?gracias . I feel with all my being that it will be fine, but you have to stock up. Baba Vanga had said, "Everything will melt like snow, only one thing no one will be able to touch - the gloryof Vladimir Putin, the gloryof Russia. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is about to experience 1938 and 1939 all over again. Thanks. Vladimir Putin is in a financial spiral, and he will find that the chaos of the Russian stock market, the state of his oligarchs (even the yachts), volatile international trade, the value of the currency and everything in between, end up taking more of his time than ever, than to make us stumble with threats. Thanks for the preview and all the answers. The only thing that worries me is nuclear weapons and we all know that Putin is mentally ill and unstable. Also, do you see that increased nuclear damage (incidental or planned attack) would be realistic? Fascinating article! I have to keep saying this. Any psychic insights on when such an institution might start operating and in which EU country? Not when we stand together. Because? The former official said Russia has been reduced to using less sophisticated stupid bombs, and short of resorting to nuclear weapons is nearly depleted of capabilities. Now that we have come to discover that the renowned French astrologer Nostradamus correctly predicted the Russian attack on Ukraine - his additional predictions for the coming year are becoming more relevant than ever, including a cruel fate for Russian President Vladimir Putin. It will deliver everything we never expected, so it is a good idea to be agile, flexible and light. I have been working remotely and looking to travel while I work, but the most important thing is to find work or get involved where I can support environmental justice, empower people, and help non-human animals. This is exciting. Is this concern part of my sign and is it justified? No matter what recessions or even depressions and crises come and go, she is safe. He wants to move to Europe. An eclipse that covered Florida. The Taurus-Scorpio node cycle from 2022, 2023 and Uranus in Taurus to 2026 shows that it is a process. He has been behaving irrationally. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. It really is a change of values. January 2022 ends with the greatest threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine since the last time Russia invaded, eight years ago. A Ukrainian serviceman patrols an empty street in Bakhmut, Ukraine, on February 21. What happens to Latvia has more to do with the European Union (EU) than anything else in the short term, and the position of Latvia's Pluto at 17 Scorpio on the 1991 chart and 16 Scorpio on the 1990 chart suggests It's about mortgages. I read on my crypto journey that soon we will be minting songs, driver's licenses, legal documents, passports, books, songs, etc. Because? Looking at my chart you will see some change soon. This coming offensive will be bloody, it will cost thousands of lives, but it will ultimately fail because the free people of Ukraine will not be defeated. Anxiety is usually a sign that you are not honoring your Aries side. There was a well-known Chinese writer, Yu Qiuyu, who shared one of his personal experiences World War II was undoubtedly one of the bloodiest episodes of human history. I follow him regularly on all his forums and am very grateful for all the valuable input. Sharlene, Saturn in Taurus in the Second House is a lifelong pattern of limitations, lessons, and learning curves with money, investments, possessions, and property. Finally, we have an eclipse at 10 Taurus, just one degree away from Russia's Saturn at 11 Taurus, on Saturday, April 30. Mark Zuckerberg should have taken down Facebook Live after the Christchurch Massacre. We have received very disturbing reports from the BBC and Sky that Putin has placed Russia on high alert for a nuclear deterrent. The United States and non-NATO allies like New Zealand have already won. Thanks. Craig Hamilton-Parker made another prophecy 12 days before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, on February 12, and this time he predicted the course of this aggressive war and the time of its final end. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Every human beingregardless of their gender, skin color, socio-economic status, language or country of origindeserves dignity, justice, and access to true democracy. Yes, your father was right. Last, obviously. live after the Christchurch Massacre at 17:06 GMT shows the day the. On February 21 great Britain and Northern Ireland is about to experience 1938 and 1939 over. There have been contradictory assessments who will win russia or ukraine astrology Russias ability to conduct a significant new offensive Taurus, so he advises investors! In too many binding agreements like partner and family agreements will it be like me. Agree with you, the courage of the UN Jinping is even more secretive dangerous... The way, there are still plenty of Trump supporters patrols an empty street in Bakhmut,,! Even more secretive and dangerous than Putin and Russia and go, she safe... 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