[52] On The Skeptic's Dictionary, the American philosopher and skeptic Robert Todd Carroll noted that none of the statements about magnetic forces underpinning putative ley lines have been scientifically verified. best of luck. You can use a pendulum to dowse and find certain areas at the site that have a high energetic charge. . A ley-line is a straight fault line in the earth's tectonic plates; this is a scientific fact. How can we find local ley lines and harness this energy? www.artoftravel.store/ Spirit Ways or Death Roads Spirit ways or Death Roads is the most mysterious theory of all. Is it no wonder these corpse roads run along ancient ley lines? You won't find these lines on a geographical map nor in your typical history book. Epstein island went down because of its access, the the island of Bahamas was erased, due to its being a major hub of underground tunnels. I had a feeling it was built by the Natives on or close by a ley line. A ley-line is a straight fault line in the earth's tectonic plates which science has not denied. White fluffy and whispy clouds that were changing shape, seemed like it was a way of communicating. These sites include the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge, the stone heads at Easter Island, and Mexicos sun and moon pyramids. As soon as they arrived I put them out on the Earth under the sun, to cleanse and energise them and also to imbue them with the frequency of the Australian Earth. British archaeologists were then overwhelmingly committed to ideas of cultural diffusionism, and thus unwelcoming to ideas about ley lines being an independent British development. Yes, and its blurry, hard to read and cant zoom in. (2) Becker-Hagens planetary grid, Vortex Hunters The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (The Hollows, #2) by. The ancients were said to have marked these lines with stone monuments and pagan temples. [25] Translating the term lung mei as "dragon paths", he reinterpreted tales from English mythology and folklore in which heroes killed dragons so that the dragon-slayers became the villains. I stated aloud clockwise motion meant yes and counterclockwise motion meant no. Let the pendulum swing or circle on its own. Yes it is in the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming. Seeker Project 4 Spiritual Exploration (SP4SE). The aboriginal people of Australia called these lines dream lines, once again they claim that knowledge was passed on to them from the sky Gods. Theres a map of the U.S. with ley lines smack dab in the middle of the article. Although often hostile to archaeologists, some ley hunters attempted to ascertain scientific evidence for their belief in earth energies at prehistoric sites, evidence they could not obtain. I do not know why I never thought to see if there were a map f them available. Check out a ley line map and youll see. Usually the names given to represent these invisible lines are translated to an equivalent of 'spirit', 'dream', or 'energy' paths. How do these ancient ley lines affect us in modern times? Our bodies contain the essence of these intricate patterns. Watkins never attributed any supernatural significance to leys; he believed that they were simply pathways that had been used for trade or ceremonial purposes, very ancient in origin, possibly dating back to the Neolithic, certainly pre-Roman. that "medicine lines" is a con-line, spurious, imported and imposed. [43] Devereux pursued this approach in a series of further books. You may have felt certain areas seem to emit positive or negative energy. We dont know how or why they chose the sites to build significant monuments and buildings. The energy of Nature here in Cairns is sublime. It is one of the earliest major cities. [22] It was later edited by Paul Screeton, who also wrote the book Quicksilver Heritage, in which he argued that the Neolithic period had seen an idyllic society devoted to spirituality but that this was brought to an end through the introduction of metal technologies in the Bronze Age. I will send good energy your way. It is also known as the Cocos Basin, after Cocos Island. Theres a line that runs directly through Easter Island in the Pacific. custodians of knowledge for these lands. Just like we have our own energy centers or chakras, Mother Earth also . Australia sits on a ley line called the 44th Parallel. We know little more than that. This was so incredibly cool to find and read! [7] To assist this growing body of enthusiasts who were looking for their own ley lines in the landscape, in 1927, Watkins published The Ley Hunter's Manual. A ley-line is a straight fault line in the earth's tectonic plates; this is a scientific fact. This is a discussion of Ley Lines for a role playing game, nothing here should be taken as real or even not just made up. Independently of Watkins' ideas, a similar notionthat of Heilige Linien ('holy lines')was raised in 1920s Germany. [21] He came to this conclusion after comparing Watkins' ideas with those of the French ufologist Aim Michel, who argued for the existence of "orthotenies", lines along which alien spacecraft travelled. [30] One ley lines enthusiast, Philip Heselton, established the Ley Hunter magazine,[23] which launched in 1965. . After finding your local lines, its time to take a journey and confirm in person. Lovely article. I call it the Land of the Flowers, Floraida (I believe that is how the name is derives!). I made an educated guess and asked if the spirits were mad at the Spanish men who came from the water. [28] He presented this as a challenge to archaeologists, urging them to examine his ideas in detail and stating that he would donate a large sum of money to charity if they could disprove them. Planetary grid of "Ley Lines" and vortex anomalies such as: Bermuda Triangle, Easter Island, Devil's Triangle, Giza, etc Atlantis Ufo Dogman Encounters Lay Lines Aliens Australia Map Mystery Monsters Australia Line Map - Ley Line Maps - Directory of Sacred Places Solar Plexus Chakra Egyptian Pyramids Ancient Egyptian Ancient Wisdom where you live. Ley lines are the main meridians of earth and the most ancient geobiology elements, their width variates according to their importance. Go. I live in the north of Australia. . Following, I looked up the historical mound on a map of Florida. What Are Ley-Lines? Now I am wondering weather or now it is on a ley line!!! Our ancient. Ley Lines Map Of The British Isles An interactive map of the British Isles showing the route of some of the longest ley lines that have been generally accepted to be accurate. I ended up having a reaction to something and my lips swelled up. [41], Reflecting his move towards archaeology, in 1991, Devereux published an article on sightlines from the prehistoric site of Silbury Hill, Wiltshire in Antiquity, a respected journal of British archaeology. So does Trump and Clinton, and a boat load of others. [22] Michell's publication was followed by an upsurge in ley hunting as enthusiasts travelled around the British landscape seeking to identify what they believed to be ley lines connecting various historic structures. Geometry, in particular, is interesting because we can see it in action when we put sand on a flat surface. I currently live in a small rural town. He also argued that humanity's materialism was driving it to self-destruction, but that this could be prevented by re-activating the ancient centres which would facilitate renewed contact with the aliens. Im in the south west of the Uk my nearest city is Chichester once ruled by the Romans Ley Lines can vary in width and believed to be the life blood of Mother Earth. [30] The 1970s and 1980s also saw the increase in publications on the topic of ley lines. [19] The historian Ronald Hutton similarly noted that there had been a "virtual demise" in the idea by the 1950s, in part due to "a natural weariness with a spent enthusiasm". Copyright UTS - CRICOS Provider No: 00099F - 12 June 2019 03:05 PM. They set up natural sanctuaries and called the intersections of ley lines their sacred sites. A seventh ley line runs across the property along the top of the escarpment and intersects with one of the others at the precise location of the house. There are dozens of maps accessible online. They also argued that in prehistory, as in the present, it was impractical to travel in a straight line across hilly or mountainous areas of Britain, rendering his leys unlikely as trade routes. Yes there is a small mountain or large hill about two hour drive from where I live where cars literally roll up hill I couldnt believe it till I saw it with my own eyes. But why? His obsession with leys was a natural outgrowth of his interest in landscape photography and love of the British countryside. Though it seems an outdated idea, ley lines affect us now just as much as ever. Along these lines, at the places they intersect, there are points of concentrated energy, that can be harnessed by certain individuals. Our ancient ancestors could feel the magic and power emanating from these energy lines, and so they marked them. A huge intersection of ley lines is found in northern Egypt. [14] Part of archaeologists' objections was their belief that prehistoric Britons would not have been sophisticated enough to produce such accurate measurements across the landscape. The exception is the seven Ahu Akivi, which face outward toward the ocean, perhaps to greet or scare away travelers. I have done work for years and have lived here my whole life..and am in the middle of a battle, I feel,. Thank you for this post. I was shocked and thrilled to discover my guess was correct! lines on top of lines. It is the marine basin area of the northeast quarter of the Indian Ocean. Ancient legends talk about how people could tap into the earths energy at specific points. The 1960s and 70s saw all manner of New Age theories, and leys began to be automatically associated with lines of energy, flying saucers and strange psychic experiences. Ley lines are straight tracks or lines, essentially energy grids, that stretch across the earth in every direction. more likely the same goes around the world. 4 km ( pie) wide. He cited Williamson and Bellamy's work in demonstrating this, noting that their research showed how "the density of archaeological sites in the British landscape is so great that a line drawn through virtually anywhere will 'clip' a number of sites". The ley line close to me is in Pinellas County, FL. This is how I felt when I visited my local ley line. What Are Ley-Lines? The aborigines of Australia call them "dreaming tracks" or "songlines.". In Britain and throughout Europe, theres something called a corpse road. [44], The Ley Hunter magazine ceased publication in 1999. on all Australian ley lines cross over uranium deposits ,gold deposits, crystal sites and many more coincidences or is it T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent artists around the world. These lines form a grid-like pattern across the globe. Watkins believed so strongly in ley lines he organized a club. I do not have facts but am very sensitive to enervy and believe that pip lines are attempting to be made illegally under our land which not only is in the middle of ley line crossings but we own our mineral rights.somethings not common anymore and somethimg of a problem for those pipliners that want to cross through our landit has been a tug of war I feel between energies from them and energies from the combined work of the land and I which so far has kept our heads above water..literally.the last year we had a hurricane which flooded most everywhere in the city I live in but we did not.also just a month ago another tropical storm flooded everyone again.wr did not. Today, these links are called energy ley lines. Along these lines, at the places they intersect, there are pockets of concentrated energy, that can be harnessed by certain individuals. Image 1 & 2: Photo by Kate Scardifield, Image 3: Alan Dimmick, Image 4: Kevin Greenfield, Image 5: Ryan Hernandez, Image 6-10: Photo by Document Photography. The Becker-Hagens gird (2) shows the pattern that aligns them. a work developed as part of the commission, comprises of eight unique textiles dyed with native Australian plant material. Spirits travel the earth in straight lines ley lines. Almost every ancient culture has its version of such routes. It also links ancient mystical sites, churches, temples, henges, and burial sites. all cathedrals, pyramid Stonehenge and so many other ancient sites and many government project are on ley lines STRANGE Skeptics have also stressed that the esoteric idea of earth energies running through ley lines has not been scientifically verified, remaining an article of faith for its believers. Or at night for fear the fairies might carry them away. 1989: Six ley lines were identified converging at Oasis, forming an energy "node" which covers about two-thirds of the property. Science is defined in the dictionaries as the pursuit of the unknown, yet science today is coming more and more to insist that it not be bothered with this, and it has reached a point where anything that is not already known is frowned upon. Ivan T. Sanderson. I have always been interested in the Ley lines. Egypt's Great Pyramids, Peru's Machu Picchu ruins, and Australia's Ayers Rock. These are locations with strange and unexpected electrical and magnetic activity. "Heap big medicine" is a Hollywood-script-line, and one wanting in understanding of and respect for pre-invasion cultures, let alone the difficulties of conceptual translation, especially compounded by interlanguage (linguistic) translation errors. One particular ley line that converges with others just off the Eastern coast of Florida also runs directly north of Tampa and straight through the sacred site of the Tocobaga Indian mound in Safety Harbor! Its as simple as a Google search. These align with the original 12 points of the Icosahedron on the grid. And it is where we find ground zero for detonating ancient nuclear weapons. The Seattle Arts Commission contributed $5,000 to the project, bringing criticisms from members of the public who regarded it as a waste of money. There are, for example, ley lines with defensive, disruptive, or restorative energy. Paranormal & Supernatural : The Official GrahamHancock.com forums. The hustle and bustle of an entire civilization of people traveling up and down the mound. The project uncovered significant artefacts including union banners and maritime signal flags held across six distinct museum collections, and a number of astronomical instruments brought to Australia from Scotland in the 19th Century by the astronomer and former Governor of NSW, Thomas Brisbane (1773-1860). Ley lines are the luminous strands that many are pulling at today, hardly suspecting what riches lay at the end of these subtle light lines. Ley lines are mostly recorded in folklore and occult books, the comparative concept developed by a man named Alfred Watkins in 1921. Which mound do you live close by? Fuji to Australia back to Asia, it splits at Jerusalem one branch going to Africa the other to Europe, Across the Atlantic and then down into South America. Stand still for a while and feel the healing energy pulsing up from the earth. Ley lines have been associated with energy fields, UFOs, spirits, shamanic landscapes and more! Some believe this energy source is what Nikola Tesla (8) investigated. They are often places where megalithic structures, sacred waterholes, cathedrals, vortices and temples are located. I puzzled over this until I remembered my Grandad talking about lay lines a very long time ago. Its in the Bighorn National Forest in Wyoming. I guarantee youll find the pendulum swinging vigorously, as mine did. It shows how ancient structures relate to sacred geometry vibrational energy ley lines. [44], In 2005, Ruggles noted that "for the most part, ley lines represent an unhappy episode now consigned to history". And pagan temples mystical sites, churches, temples, henges, and so they them! These energy lines, its time to take a journey and confirm in.. Of Heilige Linien ( 'holy lines ' ) was raised in 1920s.. Is interesting because we can see it in action when we put sand on map... Or lines, and a boat load of others shocked and thrilled to discover my was! 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