Everybody at Houston celebrates, completely impressed by the stunt. Kinnaman described Eds character as an all-American character who undergoes a transformative event in the light of the Soviet moon landing. When he gets home, as they fold clothes, Karen tells him she can not handle him going back to the navy and getting calls that his plane had been shot down. None of them do a very good job, except for Wayne, who hits a perfect drive. They neared Shackleton, which was dark, but it was time for them to find a landing spot. Deke told him that the women were doing desert survival training, which surprised Thomas. He mentioned another relief mission that would be there in a few days, but Ellen tells him that she would send him back home. Angered, Ed breaks his phone, and apologizes to Karen, who told him not to worry about it. Molly Cobbs character is based on Geraldyn M. Cobb, a candidate who successfully completed the training for the Mercury 13 program (NASA did not sanction the program). We still get up there and push the envelope every single day, and maybe, maybe today's the day you don't come back. He points his gun at her as well, and Gary tells them to stop and tries to think of another way. Weisner told him to leave it since they did not want any international conflict on the Moon, but Ed disagrees since it was their territory. Gordo tells her that there was more to being an astronaut than just going to space, but said she was tired of reminiscing. He also said training for Apollo's 12 - 20 would also continue, as there had been no instructions from the top. Kinnaman echoed the sentiment in an interview with Men's Journal, describing Edward as "an all-American character, a little bit conservative, who goes through an absolutely transformational event.". Ed was not answering NASA's messages. Ed had a hearing with Sandman, where the latter tried to blame von Braun for not landing on the Moon during the Apollo 10 mission. Ed asks him what he had been doing, constantly calling him "Ivan", but this one told him that he could not tell him and should be let go since his compatriots would be looking for him. If you are wondering the same, we have got your back! Tracy saw Gordo and hugged him, telling him that Patty Doyle had crashed. Ed says that they have orders, but Sally reminds him that he is commander of Pathfinder and also reminds him of when he testified on Apollo 10. Formerly married to veteran astronaut Ed Baldwin, Karen began her arc in the Apple TV+ series on the sidelines as a rigid housewife. "It made them reevaluate what was important, and I think that was something that really made me feel like this is still a very important story to tell. The Baldwin family watches the news, which mentions that people are protesting the launch of the Sea Dragon, since it contained nuclear fuel. Margo laughed, but Thomas told Ed to prep the crew. Ed says that he was not there when Shane died and was not there for anyone, only being able to scream into the night. He says he does, but not as much as he thought he would. On the Moon, astronauts are moving towards Jamestown, but stop to take a look at gear they found on the way. Here is everything you need to know in that regard! At home, Ed told Karen how he offered to help Molly, but mentioned all she gave him was attitude as if she had already been in space. Actor(s) Ed Baldwin is based on Thomas Stafford, commander of Apollo 10. Karen leaves Tracy flowers. Larry suggested a diaper, but Ed was against that, and told them that nobody in his crew would be wearing a diaper. Edward Baldwin is on a phone call with Patty's father, who is angry at what happened, but Ed only mentions he was Patty's instructor on the day of the accident before Doyle hung up on him. He says that he found himself happy, even though he did not expect to find himself where he was before. Ed mentions that Gordo had changed a lot in 9 years and Danielle says that he had gone to therapy. Ellen says that they were recuperating and told Ed that life support systems should be doing fine, but the Mars program would have to be put on hold, also mentioning that the fuel rods were damaged. Ed calls Gordo and is asked by his friend if he knew about it, but Ed mentions he did not and asks if Gordo is okay and if he needed some company, but Gordo says he would be fine. The show deals with the after-effects of this decision and paints a hopeful narrative of an alternate future. Real person The absolute latest Ed could've been born and still had time to do the stuff in his back story was 1930. His colleague asked him about his hat since he was from the Air Force, and he says that he had lost a bet which he could not remember since he had been drunk. Danny is having dinner with Karen and Kelly. Shane apologizes, but Ed tells him he does not want to hear it, and simply wants him to ride the bike while following his instructions. It's always there. Talking to Ed, Karen mentioned problems she had been having with a fence. Molly Cobb is told she is live on all networks. He's going for that John Boone achievement of being the oldest martian. Gary wore his cap and was nervous since Ed was late. He gets in his car and leaves. Ed orders him to speak English. At the end of the meeting, Thomas asked Deke how "Nixon's women" were doing, specifically Tracy. She concludes he would then be returning to the navy and asks him where they would be moving. On a rocket simulator, Molly got into her spacesuit, while Ed helped her. He's survived these crisis events and made NASA and American look good in the process. Asking why he had gone through with it, Neil talks about the risk taking that is involved in taking calls while flying. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. Pathfinder was briefed about the situation in Jamestown. Margo told everyone what to do and told them that if they did not play their cards correctly, Deke and Ellen might be lost in space. Thomas reminded her that the jets were expensive; Margo also told Molly that she should set a certain tone, but Molly reminded them that she would handle them as she saw fit. Kelly asks Ed what was going on, but Ed said that he did not know and had suddenly reacted and knew that he should be proud, but had gotten an overwhelming feeling that he was going to lose her as in her dying, like Shane. They discussed changes made to Outpost like a plant Karen wanted to put there and the removal of the pool table. No Family He tells them about their guns, since they might need to defend themselves returning, also having to destroy Pathfinder if they returned to hostile territory. Except, unlike many of the characters, Edward is not based on a real person. Had Edward and his colleague Gordo Stevens (Michael Dorman) not hesitated while piloting Apollo 10, it could have been them. Ed and his crew are provided a ground-breaking opportunity when Roscosmos proposes a joint mission to extract water they have discovered under the planets surface. This wiki contains spoilers for all published episodes. Afterwards, he apologizes for what he did and confirms his trust in Neil, Buzz, and Michael who would all be going to the Moon soon. He greeted Ellen and asked how Deke was doing, but Ellen told him that space had made Deke more soft and cuddly than usual. Ed enters the room, and wishes everybody a good morning. (Apple TV+) Danielle asked if they had ever seen a shrink when applying to the program, and Ed told her they needed to see about five, which was more than the women had to. Karen asks Ed if he thinks that it was his fault, and he says that Shane had been angry at him and he was not on Earth, but Karen tells him that it had been an accident and says that thinking back to that day was just torturing themselves. The other asked him what he did since he did not follow orders, and was a real American cowboy. Deke Slayton, the astronaut Office Head, Mission Control Chief Gene Kranz, and NASA Administrator Thomas O. Paine are also featured in their respective capacities. Molly makes fun of Ed for having to use reading glasses and says that she sometimes felt that being on Earth felt like being in outer space. After the conversation with Houston, it appears that their "Hi Bob" tape was fixed, but the tape is ruined after a while. The Apollo 15 crew finally got strapped in, ready to go to space. She turned on a light and told Ed to go lower. He told Ed he can get drunk with Gordo, and watch it on TV or go on Apollo 15. Gordo greets Ed, who tells him he wanted to take a look at the old shuttles before Pathfinder made them obsolete and tells him he is proud of him. Kelly says that if he does that, she would go to the recruiting office and go to Annapolis as an enlisted sailor. Gordo told him to cut it out lest he do something about it. Although once a traditionalist, believing a woman's job was only to take care of the family, Karen eventually came into her own as an entrepreneur. When astronaut Ed Baldwin (Joel Kinnaman of Altered Carbon) ejects from a fighter jet before it crashes in season 2, there's no real doubt in the audience's mind that he'll survive. When the congressman asked him if he would have been the first man on the Moon had it not been for von Braun, Ed mentioned it was not that simple since von Braun had made the call on the ground, but in lunar orbit he had known he could bring Apollo 10 down safely into the Moon and after the launch, it was his ship to command and asked for everyone to blame him for losing the Moon, non von Braun or Neil. Karen walked into Shane's hospital room and started crying. Bradford asked Ed if he thought Mikhail had planted a bug in Jamestown. The two looked at each other and the Soviet brandished a hammer threateningly. The three-way competition incorporates traditional players NASA and the Soviet . The crew aboard Pathfinder ran into trouble when disagreements arose. If he can pass the flight physical, it shouldn't be a problem. However Ed was thinking about his conversation with Karen. He tells her to put it down, but she tells him it was not a joke. Don Pettit is 66 and is still an active astronaut, selected in the class of '96, so pretty rare but not impossible for Ed. i was thinking test since he still works out. And Shatner just took a joyride on a ballistic flight at age 90. Ed acknowledges that, but tells them they needed to make sure Sea Dragon could reach the Moon, escorting it to Jamestown. When Ellen makes it to the Moon, they stand in front of Shane's grave and drop Deke's pin on the ground, also burying him next to Shane's grave. Ed makes it to NASA and looks at his board and eyes his Pathfinder model with a smile. The next day, Ed and Molly broadcast to Mission Control live, and drove a dover on the Moon's surface. Ed agrees, and so does Karen; he apologizes for having said what he said, also saying that he did not want her to leave. At NASA astronauts tell Margo that they had not noticed any abnormalities at the time. She tells them that she wants to go back to Jamestown since none of them had been up there in nine years, but neither of them want to go back. Ed says that he is the man of the house and did not need to explain himself to anyone, and when Kelly told him that she did not need his permission to apply, Ed said that he knew the superintendent of the academy, so with one phone call, she would be rejected. He said that he was very upset and had overreacted, but she says that he has a special look when every launch goes up or when he talks about Pathfinder. Gordo mentions it wasn't true that the spacecraft was too heavy and had too little fuel, but it was not on their mission plan, and leaves to the toilet. Michael Dorman as Gordo Stevens: An astronaut who is married to an experienced pilot and NASA recruit. In . In an interview to Newsweek, Baldwin said that "NASA doesn't have guts anymore".[1]. Moreover, in an interview in June 2022, Kinnaman hinted at his involvement in the shows yet unannounced fourth season, which is likely still in development. Santoro stays with Ed and wonders why NASA didn't have the guts to let him land, and Ed starts remembering his mission. A flight assignment board, seen here behind astronaut Ed Baldwin (Joel Kinnaman) in the chief astronaut's office includes the portraits of a number of real-life NASA astronauts, from the second season of "For All Mankind," the alternate space history series. Ed walks to the mining site as Karen walks through the hospital. For All Mankind is a science fiction drama series that charts an alternate history after the Soviets successfully landed on the moon first. However, in the third season, Ed returns to space and pilots Helios Phoenix spacecraft to Mars. After they were off air, the Apollo 15 crew was told that ice had been located on the Moon, but the data would be used for later missions, since the ice was nowhere near their landing site at Mare FrigorisW. Edward Baldwin may refer to: William Godwin (pen name Edward Baldwin; 1756-1836), English journalist, political philosopher and novelist Edward Baldwin, 4th Earl Baldwin of Bewdley (1938-2021), British educator, hereditary peer and Crossbench member of the House of Lords On day 200 of the program, Ed introduced the five remaining candidates to the LEM simulator, which would emulate the flight dynamics of the lunar module spacecraft. Ed told him that he had it under control, but Mikhail told him that he was not in Korea anymore and told him that they had no choice but to trust each other, asking him to let him help. Ed asks Gordo what was going on, so the latter suggests that perhaps something had been lost in translation. He radioed Houston and began the launch sequenced helped by Gordo, Danielle and Margo. Molly told them that would not work, since the trip was a week long. Thomas says that he hopes there was reason to his actions as opposed to nepotism. Joel Kinnaman Karen tells him that she remembers when he wanted to join the navy, also mentioning that both of them ended up in the navy, with Shane wanting to be in the navy as well. He opened his parachute and headed straight for water. In space, Buran tells them that they had two minutes to leave, but Ed tells them that if they were fired at, they would fire back. On the LEM, Ed felt relieved to be able to breathe, and Molly told Mission Control that they did not know how lucky they were. During the training for the mission, Gordo was replaced by Molly Cobb, which displeased him. Alias Joel Kinnaman as Edward Baldwin: An astronaut who seeks redemption after making drunken and disparaging comments about NASA. Thomas tried to convince Ed that to be on-board with the Pathfinder problems. Affiliation The crew of Apollo 22 said goodbye when Danielle broke her arm and was sent home. Ed laughs after the encounter. She purchased The Outpost, before selling it to Sam Cleveland, who she later got into business with by opening Polaris Space Tours. He is wearing his Naval Astronaut Warfare InsigniaW, along with the Joint Meritorious Unit AwardW, Meritorious Service MedalW with Gold Star, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation MedalW with Gold Star, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement MedalW, Navy E RibbonW, National Defense Service MedalWwith Bronze Star, Vietnam Service MedalW with Two Bronze Stars, Sea Service RibbonWwith Three Bronze Stars, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm and Frame Unit CitationW, Republic of Vietnam Campaign MedalW with Device (1960 ), along with his Gold NASA astronaut pinW. Gemini 7WApollo 10Apollo 15Apollo 22PathfinderPhoenix After a while. She sees Tracy and the NASA doctor waiting for her. She celebrated not having to wear a bra in space since there would be no gravity, but Sedge asked her to please wear it on behalf of their marriages. Shorty then told her that Americans want to see a free woman on the Moon, not some Soviet puppet, and told her she should smile more, but after seeing her smile, he regretted it, and told her not to. Ed tells Gary that he likes ambition and would be one hell of an astronaut, but would let him know when he was ready. He asks why she was cancelling their trip to the Bahamas and she says that she did it since he would be going back to space, which confuses him, but she says that he would be going on Pathfinder. Tracy apologizes because she had gotten her schedule mixed up after celebrating with her new husband Sam. That must have been a youth serum that he injected into himself back in the hotel room. Karen says that it is since Kelly had finally decided where she wanted to go. Everybody likes the idea and Bradford mentions that this would be a powerful message, and after Thomas says that he would let everybody know, he asks him to tell him if anybody gave him any trouble so he could call the Secretary of Defense so he would support it. Thomas was angered by how they were always losing to the Soviets, and reminded them the election was coming up, which would probably be against Ted Kennedy. Ed also mentions that even at 8 kilometers an hour, accidents can happen quickly and the Moon's terrain would be very irregular. He also tells him that his name is not Ivan, but Mikhail and reviewed Ed's options. The treatment of Ed specifically is one of those places the show deviates so badly from any kind of plausible alternate history. He also gave Ed a plaque which recorded the landing of the Moon. Shane Baldwin is called by his mom in order to go to school. When he got there, he went to Shane's room with Karen. Ed had his heart set on shepherding NASA's first Mars mission, but Molly. As he left the house, Karen told him to stop and discuss it. Ed tells Bradford and Margo that the only way that the Soviets knew about the lithium on the site was because they had cracked their code, despite NASA changing the encryption keys every month. Ed asks Gordo to explain what he was doing back at the base, and Gordo mentions that he was fed up being locked in with the food he hated, and said that he did not sign up for what they were going through. Molly and Ed looked down and said it was very steep, meaning they could go down, but they did not know if they would be able to go back up. Baldwin (Joel Kinnaman) pilots the Apollo 10 mission, which misses its chance to complete a moon-landing. The host asks her if she has a new ring and she tells him that it is a ring Sam Cleveland had given her when they got married in Vegas. They were told that President Kennedy was doing everything he could, and wanted to apologize for the delays. The third member of the crew is Sally Ride, a real. He also tells him that Margo was protecting her turf when Ed mentioned they had tested second generation shuttles and was worried that they would put weapons on the shuttle and it would become a military asset. On the program, Tracy greets the host and tells him that she had returned from being in Rio and Aruba, also stopping at Vegas before returning. is ed baldwin a real astronaut. He smells marijuana, and Molly says that Wayne and Karen would deny having smoked it. After a while, they all start reciting the tape since they know it by heart, even reciting the laughs. He tells them that he understood if they wanted to drop out of the mission. Its a huge liability having someone that old on a mission that long and isolated, let alone the mission commander. Ed backed away from the man, who then moved off towards his rover. Mikhail told him that Elvis was banned in the USSR, but people found a way to listen to him, and called the singer fantastic. He greets Danielle, who tells him to hook up to the biosensors and to fix the aux tank coupling. Later, Gordo meets up with Ed, who asks him if he is ready to go. Ed mentioned they could find more about it on Apollo 15. She tells them that they have one last chance and tells them to leave. He told Ed of problems with his child, but Ed made fun of him for simply following orders. Karen thought it was ridiculous, but Ed mentioned he had heard a rumor that Deke had threatened to resign. Ed talked to Karen trying to ease the tension between them. Gordo is woken up by a woman calling from JSC, who tells him that a weekly staff meeting had been moved to that day. At the end, Tracy landed the jet smoothly, which Deke liked. Gordo took a walk in the meantime and saw nothing in the distance. Her transmission was cutting out, but managed to tell Ed she would be slowing down, as she was now heading into the dark. When asked what she thought about being near the Moon, Molly mentions it is humbling and Deke reads a letter from a fan to her. Gordo reminded him that if he stayed, then he had to wait for Apollo 24 to get there, and then the next crew, which Dani mentioned NASA would never approve, but Ed mentioned that he was commander. Baldwin and Gordo Stevens came under fire for not landing on the Moon when the Soviets did so first. Moments later, the launch began, and was successful. Thomas asks if he turned Margo over to his side if Ed would join and Ed tells him that if he is able to do so, he would not stand in his way. Instead, he functions as a nebulous stand-in for all the astronauts in that time period. Ed asked Danielle how she was and she said she was okay, but missed Clayton, who had struggled during his last nine years. They flew and Ed told Gordo he would test them to see if they had any balls. Edward remembered it differently, but he told him that there was enough ice for everyone. Buran had missile lock on Sea dragon 17, so Ed sits down again, telling her he would do what he had to and shoots Sea Dragon down. Karen mentions that one of the colleges had a great theater program, but Ed tells her that engineering, physics, computer science or any of those careers, which were "the future." When Ed walks back into Jamestown, Karen calls him crying and tells him about what had happened to Shane, which visibly shakes him. He's also starred in The Killing, Altered Carbon, and Hanna. After NASA sets up the Jamestown Base on the moon, Ed is stationed there with other astronauts. This was due to the fact that if they did not do anything, nothing would stop the Russians from taking other sites from them. Deke told Thomas that the crew would decide and left. 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