Statue becomes lightning rod for Australian nationalists. Privacy & Terms, Circadian Rhythm: Your Bodys Master Clock. More importantly, the reaction (in France, Europe and elsewhere) to the massacres in Paris have proved beyond doubt the resilience and determination of the majority of ordinary citizens not to allow terror to rule the world. We should acknowledge this and celebrate what a great country Australia is - and work together to make it even better. Cook is often credited as the first European to discover Australia. Other suggestions by Morrison to safeguard January 26 as Australia Day include enforcing dress codes at citizenship ceremonies an idea which was widely criticized. Better sleep: Delayed start time could help teens sleep during their natural sleep/wake cycles. The conscription debate. Sure, not everythings perfect in contemporary Australia; and its possible that Aboriginal life could have continued for some time without modernity bursting upon it, had governor Arthur Phillip not raised the Union flag and toasted the king on January 26, 1788, but its hard to imagine a better Australia in the absence of the Western civilization that began here from that date. We need our non-Indigenous people to walk with us on this journey of healing and empowerment for our kids. For those objecting to Australia Day celebrations, I encourage you to consider the aforementioned problems and ask yourself: How will changing the name or the date help those who are suffering most?. And as we confront our history, re-write our curriculums, maybe the side of history we chose to honour on our national day changes too. If January 26 is abandoned, selection of an alternative day could be overwhelmed by history games: you provide a date and someone will provide the negating atrocity. In doing so, he hopes to instil strength, hope, love, family and culture back into their lives and break the cycle. The economic reforms adopted in the 1980s have transformed Australia into a globally competitive market economy. Am I the only one who believes our politicians now see, us the electorate, as the enemy? 70% support for keeping Australia Day on January 26. Australia Day is held on the same date Britains First Fleet sailed into Sydney Harbor in 1788, beginning the European colonization which led to the modern nation of Australia. That way, DST may counteract the sedentary lifestyle of modern living. Consequences of success. The main proposal is to end the reign of the monarch of Australia (the Queen of England, Elizabeth the II) and her appointed Governor-General in Australia, replacing both with an elected president.This debate Continue reading "Australian . We heard this from our Prime Minister just days ago: "Australia Day is about how far we've come," Scott Morrison said. We care about the protection of your data. Four-fifths of the US population identify as Christians and a goodly number of those take as literal truth Adam and Eve and the creation stories and other biblical fables. So, when we spring forward an hour in spring, we add one hour of natural daylight to our afternoon schedule. All times AEDT (GMT +11). Australia has its downsides, too, and more than just some truly terrifying wildlife. Attention Deficit and Fatigue. I don't personally have an issue with the date itself, it's Summer, so it's perfect bbq and beer drinking weather. January 26 is not a day for celebration thats why is campaigning to change the date of Australia Day, so we can celebrate the best country in the world, without leaving anyone behind. In doing so, it ignores more than 60,000 years of pre-colonial history and 230 years of multicultural migration to Australia.. I find that Canberra is generally a well- built and well-organised city, but there are things I do not understand. Should our national day beheld on January 26, the day the Union Jack was raised at Port Jackson on the land of the Eora clans? A debate exists in Australia over whether the country should adopt a republican form of government and abandon its current constitutional monarchy. People are becoming more aware towards the day, he says. A century ago, when DST was introduced, more daylight was a good thing because it meant less use of artificial light and more energy savings. Did you encounter any technical issues? Is it time for Australia to move its national day of celebration? A 4 day work week may seem like a radical idea, but we've gradually reduced the number of hours worked within a typical work week since the late 19th century. 54% of Australians supported keeping the date, more than 100,000 people marching across the country to protest Invasion Day, have already tried moving the celebration. Every year, January 26 rolls around, and each time the same debate about our national day floods the country's consciousness and for some of us it can feel tiringly predictable. January 26 marks the day the Union Jack was raised at Port Jackson on the land of the Eora clans, signifying the beginning of centuries of dispossession that permanently destroyed elements of Indigenous culture. We shouldnt invest too much glory in the First Fleets intentions and what it delivered. Longer school days could result in attention deficit and fatigue, making the extra class time ineffective. On average, annual vet expenses alone are estimated to cost close to $400 for dogs and around $270 for cats - and that's before you factor in medications, surgery and emergency treatment. I agree with Aboriginal elder Robert Isaacs: It [Australia Day] brings the community together, it brings the Australian people together and it celebrates the good this country has provided for everyone. The dispossession of Australia's First Peoples began on this date in 1788 representing a day of mourning rather than celebration. The Australia Talks National Survey 2021 has revealed a majority of people now believe Australia Day should not be celebrated on January 26, given the historical significance of the date for Indigenous nations. We must not any longer shut our eyes to the consequences of our being on earth. It had not maintained substantial armed forces during the years of peace. List of the Cons of Living in Australia. Not a lawyer: Lisa relied on 10 to fact-check, Aussie fans X-rated quip to Harry Styles. Lets celebrate together, allowing others the freedom to express what it means to them. I respect peoples right to mourn and even to claim that Australia Day celebrations are causing them grief, insult, and suffering. Few former British colonies celebrate their national day on the actual day of colonization. How proposing an extra day off and more choice makes anyone a "holiday-hating curmudgeon" escapes me. Modern society, with its computers, TV-screens, and air conditioning units, uses more energy, no matter if the Sun is up or not. The Pros And Cons Of Australia Being A Republic Around Australia Day, There's A Lot Of Controversies. "Sometimes it's just about surviving Survival Day," said a friend who is feeling exhausted three weeks into January. The latest version of the British flag dates from 1801, that of Canada 1965, South Africa 1994, France 1848, Israel 1948, Japan 1854, Spain 1936 and USA 1960. This means that expats will need a good salary to cover the cost of accommodation. That will take policy designed in concert with Indigenous communities and leaders, representation in places that matter, understanding of past wrongs, and likely several decades. Besides, there are drawbacks to all the other contenders: too many people are the worse for wear on January 1, the anniversary of the foundation of the Commonwealth of Australia; and Anzac Day commemorates an unsuccessful military campaign (led, you guessed it, by the despised British). As the first Aboriginal person to be elected to the NSW parliament and the first Aboriginal woman to serve in the Australian House of Representatives, Ms Burney says she sees the importance of having a national day, however it needs to be one all people can truly celebrate. Though the COVID-19 vaccine is unique in both its type and speed of release, a look at influenza vaccine policies can be instructive. The most common application of year-round education uses the 45-15 plan. Why do many countries set the clocks back and forth an hour twice a year? A similar poll from the ANU's Social Research Centre (SRC) in 2019 also found about 70 per cent of people supported the January 26 holiday. Pros: great fresh food; relaxed lifestyle; climates to suit your preference depending on where you live; decent standard of living for almost anyone with a job when compared to say the US. These are the actions of barbarians. Comments made, both in Europe and Australia, regarding the importance of ensuring all Muslims in France are an equal part of French society and enjoy these freedoms are equally important. 6 important facts every Australian should know about January 26. For us, thats a real true sign of reconciliation.. The Captain Cook statue in Catani Gardens in St Kilda is seen vandalised on January 25 in Melbourne, Australia. A protester waves a flag during an "Invasion Day" rally on Australia Day in Melbourne on January 26, 2018. If Australia was invaded today, if a foreign power pushed us all from our homes, forced us to speak another language, killed us en masse, then chose to celebrate that fact year after year, would you want to join the party? THERES no doubt the First Fleet brought the worst elements of the British Empire to Australia. To argue that Australia Day should be on January 26 because of a richly embraced tradition is a hard sell, too. The 'forgotten people': When death came to the Torres Strait. Let's not knock this proposed light rail project: 50 years from now, when all major centres are connected by light rail including the international airport and the fast rail interstate network, the rest of Australia will look at us with envy. Read our Privacy Policy. Last time I went camping was at Wee Jasper. Personally, if I want all mod cons I stay at home. The commemoration of this day has grown contentious in recent years as a result of a "change the date" campaign, in which supporters demand that Australia Day be moved from January 26 to May 9. So, someone working a four-day week would be entitled to: 4 days x 5.6 weeks = 22.4 days. 2023 Cable News Network. 11:26 PM EST, Thu January 25, 2018. One can only hope that the practical application of this will be demonstrated by the French government revoking the current law banning of headscarves and female Muslim dress in public places thereby returning to Muslim women the liberty and equality to choose how they dress in accordance with their beliefs and preferences. Everyone can hear the TV. Daylight Saving Time (DST) has been used for more than 100 years. "Australia Day" is named by some as "Invasion Day" due to the dispossession of Indigenous land and the arrival of the First Fleet's at Port Jackson, Sydney, Australia in 1788. In this article the truth is January 26 should be first fleet day, not Australia day by Smith in the. As of Feb. 2023, the average personal loan rate was 10.6 percent, while the average credit card rate was 19.91 percent . Australia Day: Why we need to change the date There are many things we want to celebrate about Australia, but 26 January doesn't represent an inclusive day for everyone. Increase in informal votes. The cost of living is high. Super-efficient Energy Sources 2. appreciated. Two prominent Australians weigh in on the debate. That eventmight be a long way in the past. Certainly the sustained British presence on this continent eventually produced the liberal democracy, private enterprise priority, independent judicial system we now prize. We can celebrate the achievements of our Aboriginal brothers and sisters, and the successes achieved together. SHOULD THE AUSTRALIAN FLAG BE CHANGED? There are good arguments in favor of and in opposition to longer school days. During Daylight Saving Time the correct time zone is British Summer Time (BST). Terrorists and the like, mainly gullible young men, feel free to behave badly with guns and bombs because they're sucked in by the teachings of the two major religions, Islam and Christianity. Our human rights are also . The Pros of Longer School Days More Time for Instruction The number one reason for lengthening the school day is to provide teachers with more time for instruction. Sure, let's ensure appropriate recognition of the indigenous community and do what is necessary to right any wrongs which have occurred, but let's not lose sight of the fact that January 26 marks the beginning of the nation we all (indigenous, those born here and the more recent arrivals) call home. Australia Day is one of the few times of the year where we are forced to reflect on our nation's identity, and that's a tough conversation for a former penal colony with a bloody history. Easier to Set Up 6. 3. However, at latitudes between these extremes, adjusting daily routines to the shifting day length during summer may indeed help to save energy. A cornerstone of that is an acknowledgment of the trauma that began and has lingered since 1788. My sympathy and God's blessing to his grieving family. All Rights Reserved. Nationwide News Pty Ltd 2023. These days the places are overrun with TV sets, stereos, fridges and all sorts of other noise-making devices. That's how most Australian's, celebrate the day, if they celebrate it at al Continue Reading Matt Jennings Former Youth Basketball Coach Updated 6 mo Promoted For both Mr Dawe and Ms Burney, reconciling the suffering caused by Australias colonial must start with education, acknowledgment and truth. Like Christmas Day, Australia Day is a holiday where most can relax and socialise, and reflect on matters that are of importance to them. Not everyone sees it as a reason to celebrate. Your digital subscription includes access to content from all our websites in your region. Why do I not see them upset by the injustices committed by Aboriginal people against other Aboriginal people today? For starters, if public servants are to be restricted to around 1.5per cent salary increases, is it fair to assume that the Remuneration Tribunal will follow suit with salaries of our political masters and not fiddle with allowances to muddy the waters? Pros And Cons Of An Australian Republic 734 Words | 3 Pages. On Sunday 3 September 1939, Prime Minister Robert Menzies declared to the nation that Australia was at war with Germany. The generators, plenty of them, were started at 7am and turned off (if we were lucky) at 10 at night. #9Today People take part in an "Invasion Day" rally on Australia Day in Melbourne on January 26, 2018. There is an extra cost in building DST support into computer systems and keeping them maintained, as well as manually changing clocks. Then of course there are the rallying cries of those who say a celebration on the anniversary of British occupation is the equivalent to dancing on their ancestors' graves. I have seen this wonderful village grow into a city of which we should all be very proud. A 2015 report by the Brookings Institut ion found that, on the first day of DST, robbery rates fall by an average of 7 percent. Useful Byproducts 3. In calling for a change to the date of Australia Day (yes, it's that time of the year again) Ester Gaia (CT, January 13) uses the emotive "British invasion and occupation" language to try to reduce the significance of the date. So why do more than 70 countries in the world still use DST? As the children of the digital age grow up, and take public office, run corporations and make decisions for our country, maybe the pendulum of this debate will start to swing. It feels, as Woolwonga/Gurindji woman Susan Moylan-Coombs says, "like pressing on a bruise". Drawbacks of Organizational Change. The controversy has led to a growing push to change the date of the countrys national celebration to another day without the historical baggage. I am not sure if treason is still a crime on the statute books. We encourage discussion, meaningful and respectful discussion, of the issues and opportunity for all Australians to become better informed about what the issues are, why (January 26) is offensive to many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, he said. Housing and groceries, in particular, tend . Millennials and Gen Z were far less supportive of celebrating January 26, at 58 per cent and 47 per cent, respectively, in the SRC poll. Why the Flag Should Change. A poll commissioned by progressive think tank Australia Institute found 56% didnt care when the national day was held, while a separate poll from conservative group the Institute of Public Affairs resulted in 70% support for keeping Australia Day on January 26. We should acknowledge this and celebrate what a great country Australia is and work together to make it even better. Some terrorist foot soldiers are no doubt exalted by a distorted understanding of their religion but their leaders are primarily pursuing political and often venal ends. I choose not to repeat myself, because the date will change. If you just have a look its not Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people only, its also the majority are Australians. Australia Day remains unprotected, Liberal Party Senator Dean Smith wrote in The Australian on Thursday. These problems will not be solved by changing the date of Australia Day or giving it a new name. In the 18th century, this no doubt upset Christians; and maybe it even made them think critically, about war, faith, prayer. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is bad for your health. Far from playing into the hands of the terrorists by irresponsibly encouraging fear of Islam, the media and other commentators should follow Tony Abbott's example in this. To take the headache out of calculating holiday, we've created our very own easy-to-use Holiday Calculator . Watch: What January 26 means to different Australians. . (Through awareness and truth telling) about this day, believe we will all be able to find reconciliation here in Australia. Bruce Woodley's Iconic Song 'I Am Australian' When Australia shaped its foreign and economic policy, Europe and the US were taken as an example. The woman claiming she may be Madeleine McCann has hit back at Polish police, after they ruled out her version of events to be true. Acknowledgement of the significance of the issues, and corresponding changes are required to reflect Australia's multicultural society, as well as to . Join the conversation, you are commenting as. Essentially, terrorist shooters and bombers are willing to be killed because their religions tell them that if they do the right thing then there is a wonderful life awaiting them after death analogous to the wishful thinking of cargo cultists. For most people, the resulting tiredness is simply an inconvenience. According to the 2020 Family Matters report published in November last year, while Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children represent just six per cent of the total population of Australias children, they also make up 37 per cent of all children who have been removed from their parents. Anthony Dillon receives funding from the Australian Research Council. January 26 represents where it all started to change for our people for the worst, the beginning of intergenerational pain and suffering for our people, says proud Butchulla and Gawara saltwater man, Isaiah Dawe. Business and consumers would have more options too. While I see Australia Day as a day of celebration, it is also perfectly legitimate for people to take time to reflect on past injustices associated with the invasion. Our program is addressing the disproportionate rates of aboriginal kids being removed from their parents, families and culture.. Those are people who cannot cheer for a country that was built on the dispossession and loss of their people. Immigrants do more than create stronger local economies. The equivalent for Australia is July 9, 1900. So, when we spring forward an hour in spring, we add one hour of natural daylight to our afternoon schedule. Good and free public education and healthcare as a general rule. Its very hard for Aboriginal people to celebrate a day that represents the beginning of the end, she says. Increased momentum around changing the date of Australia Day reflects a growing sense that January 26 is symbolic of the Australia we used to be, not the Australia we hope to become. Students attend school for 45 days, or about nine weeks, then take off for three weeks, or 15 school days. Let's celebrate. On the 26th of January 1788, Governor Arthur Phillip raised the British flag at Sydney Cove, beginning the long destruction of Indigenous people and their culture. This was in spite of the fact that its estimated more than 500 First Nations groups had already inhabited the continent, with the total believed to be about 750,000 people. I certainly dont see what happened at the time of the invasion as worthy of celebrating nobody does. If you are single and renting a shared, private accommodation you will receive a higher rate of rent assistance when compared to the Age Pension. Personal loans often come with lower interest rates than credit cards. Not until 1994 did they begin to celebrate Australia Day consistently . "This is the best country in the world no doubt. The most recent statistics reveal that the extension of DST saved . Among older generations, support ranged from 73 per cent for Generation X, 80 per cent for Baby Boomers and 90 per cent for Silent Generation, which are those 73 years and older. January 26 marked the beginning of policies and practices that sought to steadily erase Indigenous people, their culture and language (think removal from their lands, massacre, slavery and the Stolen Generations). Change Management Pros and Cons. We've all heard the arguments, about honouring the legacy of the British convicts who struggled in a harsh new land, of celebrating the achievements of a young multicultural country. Young bright and full of hope is what we all. Australia no longer aligns itself with the thinking of the. The consequences of that have filtered through the generations, contributing to huge differences in health and financial outcomes for First Nations people, higher rates of incarceration and the number of children in out-of-home care. There are differing interpretations of what it means to celebrate on January 26. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander activist Calma said he felt the conservative Morrison government was rushing to make changes to Australia Day before it likely loses power at a national election due to take place before May. Look at a bus stop near a school, office, cafe or shopping centre and you will see what I mean. It helps their aim to dignify murderers with terms such as Muslim fundamentalists, jihadis, Islamic State or any other words suggesting that the issue is "true believers" against the rest. Australia has the 12th highest cost of living in the world, with the US and the UK well behind it at 21st and 23rd, respectively. As an expat from Europe I have been living in Canberra for more than two years now. A tussle to decide if the loss of the first inhabitants should be commemorated, or the success of the new Australians celebrated. Almost 100 suburbs and each with a soul! Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people see the date as the beginning of the deliberate destruction of their people and culture as colonists took lands they deemed uninhabited despite large indigenous populations living there. Write an article and join a growing community of more than 160,400 academics and researchers from 4,572 institutions. Benefits of Change Management. January 26 is not a day for celebration - that's why is campaigning to change the date of Australia Day, so we can celebrate the best country in the world, without leaving anyone behind. By contrast, 74% of those over 75 said "disagree" or . But how will protesting about the date and Australia Day help those Aboriginal people most in need? That includes the communities that thrived on and cared for the land for 65,000 years before Captain Arthur Phillip planted a flag in it. Ms Gaia writes of her love of her adopted land and recognises the security and benefits Australian citizenship has given her. One of the aims of DST is to make sure that people's active hours coincide with daylight hours so that less artificial light is needed. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. Its really important that we have a national conversation about this together and that to me, is extremely powerful.. Ensure you speak to a registered tax agent to ensure the planning is all legal. This is the best country in the world no doubt, but I cant separate January 26 from the fact that my brothers are more likely to go to jail than they are to go to school, or that my little sisters and my mum are more likely to be beaten and raped than anyone elses sisters and mum, she said on morning TV. In this sense, the inability to acknowledge the divisive date of January 26 is proof of that disconnect between Indigenous and some non-Indigenous Australians. But by having that celebration on January 26, we're tying it to British settlement and positioning that invasion (in Reconciliation Australia's words) as "the primary source of Australian identity and pride.". The downsides of going cashless include less privacy, greater exposure to hacking, technological dependency . I've written about that date before, its origins and forgotten stories and recent almost-comical attempts to protect a public holiday. But I celebrate on January 26 with thousands of others for a quite different reason because Australia is a great country to live in. For anyone who has had an awkward conversation with an older relative at a family barbecue, that's probably not so hard to believe. Climate and Nature. But the movement to change the date has become increasingly mainstream, with more than 100,000 people marching across the country to protest Invasion Day in 2018. 1. The data tells us that those discussions whether they be in Canberra among the nation's leaders or around your family dining table are likely drawn on generational lines. Power Stations Require Lots of Reserves of Coal 3. However, she also acknowledges that change is incremental. 3. 'An unthinkable tragedy': How did this train crash happen? Keep your letter to 250 words or less. This used to be the greatest country on Earth, but weve lost the plot.. Labor set a superannuation trap and Dutton immediatelytook the bait, Here's what the super tax changes might mean for you, NT Labor candidate confirms involvement in fatal car crash that led to conviction of driving without due care, Freya is one of 15,000 Australians who must soon find a new life-saving medication or pay a much higher price, Perrottet's brother resurfaces, refuses to take part in council inquiry, 'We are not the same, that's why you do not understand': An interview with a mother accused of a terrible crime, Man who murdered Jay Brogden convicted of contempt of court, Live: Australia looks to press home its advantage with the bat on day two against India, Well-known Tasmanian wine brand to be bottled interstate, Derryn Hinch urges supporters to 'maintain the rage' as he calls time on political party. The pros and cons of the proposed change One of the more common arguments amongst those who are against raising the legal drinking age is that minors will always find a way to drink, and making it illegal for those under the age of 21 to drink at venues means they will simply drink elsewhere, and may not be as safe in the process. Along with this were the brutal efforts to subjugate the indigenous people. The loud headlines, the hyperbolic commentary, the sense this debate won't be quickly resolved, or that perhaps some aren't even looking for resolution. They treasure it and use the anniversary to mark it, as do their children. Crack down on all rorts The Prime Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Finance and Minister assisting the Prime Minister obviously have a lot to learn about fairness, a virtue that most Australians treasure. You may see it as tokenism, but to many, it's a signal of that understanding, of a willingness to move forward together as a unified country. 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should australia day be changed pros and cons

should australia day be changed pros and cons

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