More News Headlines This After Duxburys arrest in November 2015, Orlando police called the murder a But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Condominium Concepts, Newsome wrote. This horrific report follows several similar ones in recent years. Duxbury had been hired by Vital Security in 2015, and despite passing the state level FBI background check, was soon the subject of numerous resident complaints from Uptown Place. He claimed he escorted her back to her apartment afterward, and then returned to his post at the front lobby for the remainder of his shift. Detectives must now turn to surveillance footage to unravel the mystery and bring a cold-blooded killer to justice. This is preplanned. on Twitter Sasha Samsudean Death: In the loving memory of Sasha Samsudean, we are saddened to inform you that Sasha Samsudean, a beloved and loyal friend, has passed away. protective service of the residents of Uptown Place Apartments. A DNA expert and two Orlando police detectives who interviewed Duxbury after the homicide took the stand. Sasha Samsudean was found dead at the Uptown Apartments on Orange Avenue in 2015. Could he have drugged her? Sasha has an estimated net worth of $1.5 Million. Young professional Sasha Samsudean comes home from a night out in downtown Orlando and is brutally murdered in her own apartment. The company has not responded. En 2015, Samsudean vivait Uptown Place Condominiums, dans le quartier des divertissements du centre-ville dOrlando, un btiment scuris et moderne avec des camras vido de scurit 24h/24 et 7j/7 et des codes de cl numriques pour chaque unit. The lawsuit also claims that Duxbury was able to bypass the digital deadbolt on Samsudean's front door by quickly running internet searches on his cellphone, something experts warned could happen. true crime blog [2] The murder received international coverage. security guard, police say, Article Courtesy of Channel 6 News, CBS -- Orlando She grew up in Orlando and attended the University of Florida, where she moved seven times within five years . Sasha's parents are Judith and Kenneth Lane. A graduate of the University of Florida, Sasha was employed as a real estate company's social media manager. Cest lhistoire troublante du meurtre de Sasha Samsudean. Les images de scurit de 1 h 46 montrent que Samsudean passe sa dernire matine sur terre errer dans les tages et les escaliers extrieurs du btiment, la fois trane et parfois accompagne par son meurtrier. "Detectives are looking for anyone who saw Sasha Samsudean after 1:45 a.m. on Saturday morning," the Tuesday announcement said. Deborah A. Goonan, Independent American Communities, 2014-2022. Duxbury was hired in 2015 and started working at Uptown Place in May 2015. Multiple video surveillance camera angles, fingerprints left in the bathroom, shoe prints in the. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Ayant grandi Orlando, en Floride, Samsudean a ensuite obtenu son diplme de lUniversit de Floride, travaillant pour une socit immobilire spcialise dans la location dappartements Orlando, 407 La socit dappartements contient toujours un ancien profil de contributeur de Samsudean o elle est rpertorie comme une experte locale, se dcrivant comme le Cupidon de la chasse aux appartements. "We do also feel for the parents of the man who. It was Sashas favorite way of spending quality time with her brother. Ok, I did a bit of digging - the next court date is 3/3/16 - all it says is "status 3/3/16" - I don't know exactly what that means but at least now folks know when to come back to this thread. Crime scene photos and video of perp with victim (watch the video in this link to see). on Facebook The company sent a statement to News 6 Wednesday: Our thoughts and condolences are with the Samsudean family. Surveillance footage showed security guard Stephen Duxbury following Sahsa around her apartment complex on the night of the murder. WEBVTT S SUMMER KNOWLES REPORTSON WHO SASHA SAMSUDEAN'S PARENTSARE BLAMING FOR HER DEATSUMMER: MULTIPLE VIDEOSURVEILLANCE CAMERA ANGLES.FINGERPRINTS LEFT IN THEBATHROOM, SHOEPRINTS IN THEBEDROOM AND PICTURES OF WHATAPPEAR TO BE SCRATCHES ONSTEPHEN DUXBURY ALL COLLECTED ASEVIDENCE.THAT ULTIMATELY RESULTED IN HIMBEING CHARGED WITH MURDERING27-YEAR-OLD SASHA SAMSUDEANINSIDE HER UPTOWN PLACE CONDO INDOWNTOWN ORLANDO WHERE DUXBURYWORKED AS A SECURITY GUARD.ALTHOUGH DUXBURY ALONE IACCUSED OF BREAKING INTOSAMSUDEAN'S APARTMENT ANDSTRANGLING HER, SAMSUDEAN'SPARENTS HAVE NOW FILED A LAWSUITCLAIMING THE UPTOWN PLACECONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, ANDTHEIR MANAGEMENT COMPANY, THEIRSECURITY COMPANY, WHO PROVIDESSECURITY GUARDS, ALONG WITH THEBUILDING'S DEADBOLT LOCKMANUFACTURER ARE ALSO TO BLAMEFOR THEIR DAUGHTER'S DEATH.ACCORDING TO THE LAWSUIT, THECONDO ASSOCIATION AND MANAGEMENTGROUP PROVIDED A FACADE OFSAFETY, BUT FAILED TO HAVESUFFICIENT SECURITY SURVEILLANCECAMERAS IN KEY AREAS, CREATINGTHE OPPORTUNITY FOR DUXBURY TOBREAK INTO SAMSUDEAN'S APARTMENTWITHOUT DETECTION.IT ALSO ACCUSES THEM OF NOTFOLLOWING UP ON RESIDENTSCOMPLAINTS ABOUT DUXBURY,DESCRIBING HIM AS SKETCHY ANDHARRASSING.AS FAR AS THE BUILDING'SSECURITY COMPANY, THE LAWSUITSAYS THEY WERE NEGLIGENT INHIRING DUXBURY AND TASKING HIMWITH PATROLLING UPTOWN PLACEHALLWAYS LATE AT NIGHT WITHOUTSUPERVISION, GIVEN A VIOLENTCRIMINAL HISTORY AND MENTALHEALTH ISSUES.CRADDITIONALLY, THE SUIT CLAIMDUXBURY WAS ABLE TO BYPASS THEDIGITAL DEADBOLT ON SAMSUDEAN'SFRONT DOOR BY QUICKLY RUNNINGINTERNET SEARCHES ON HIS CELLPHONE.SOMETHING EXPERTS WARNED COULDHAPPEN.TONIGHT, I DID REACH OUT TO THESAMSUDEAN FAMILY AND THEIRATTORNEY FOR COMMENT, BUT HAVENOT YET HEARD BACK FROM THEM. Her mother said she had to quit her job as an emergency room nurse because she was having a hard time treating rape victims. Samsudean avait t trangle, le mdecin lgiste confirmant un traumatisme contondant la tte et des abrasions suprieures et infrieures compatibles avec quelquun qui lavait retenue avec force. Duxbury was hired in 2015 and started working at Uptown Place in May 2015. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". *. Looking at Condominium Concepts website, (listing as one of companys founders and current CEO, Daryls A. Walker), describes the organization: Condominium Concepts Management, Inc. is an independent entity, was founded in 2000 as an expansion of First Communities Management, a 30 year old well respected asset management company. apartment while she was asleep without detection or interference. Surveillance video ultimately leads investigators to the killer. It does not store any personal data. The women didnt know Sasha. Le 30 octobre 2015, Stephen Duxbury a t arrt et accus de meurtre au premier degr, de tentative dagression sexuelle et de cambriolage. Your email address will not be published. 27-year-old Sasha Samsudean appears to be sexually assaulted and is found strangled in her luxury downtown Orlando, Florida apartment. Les policiers ont rencontr une forte odeur deau de Javel ds quils sont entrs et ont trouv Samsudean morte allonge dans son lit enveloppe dans sa couette partiellement vtue. The state attorney's office will not pursue the death penalty for the security guard accused of killing an Orlando woman at her Uptown Place apartment. Posts Tagged Search Please join us to mourn the passing of Sasha Samsudean. Her devastated family were due to hold a multi-faith private funeral service yesterday. Sasha Samsudeans parents, Tara and Ken Samsudean. Further investigation found that after 5 am Duxbury had searched on the internet for How to defeat a digital lock, Sashas apartment door locked with a digital lock. The security risks of the locks were reported by Wired magazine in 2013. Ken and Tara now work with the Orange County Victims Advocate Program to help other families deal with grief. Also Tuesday, Samsudean's family requested privacy as they mourn her death, family friend Ruby Roy said. Detectives couldnt help but notice scratches on Stephens hands and a bite mark on his arm as they questioned him. She said her goodbyes and began the 25-minute walk home. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. He claimed he was escorting Sasha to her apartment, but a witness said he was actually following her. burglary charges for the Oct. 17 homicide. Sashas family sued both Uptown Place Condominiums and Spectrum Brands. Our deepest condolences and heartfelt prayers are with the family and friends. Despite this knowledge, (the companies) failed to take any action to investigate the complaints about Duxbury or reassign him, according to the lawsuit. Duxbury has another court hearing scheduled for next week. The security risks of the locks were reported by Wired magazine in 2013. Tragiquement pour Samsudean, ces mesures de scurit nont pas empch une menace horrible qui venait de lintrieur. WESH 2's Summer Knowles reports on who Sasha Samsudean's parents are blaming for her death. The lawsuit was filed Monday in Ninth Judicial Circuit Court by lawyers for Sasha Samsudeans parents, Tara and Ken Samsudean. Lorsque les enquteurs ont examin les images de scurit du btiment, ils ont observ le comportement suspect de Duxbury qui tait compltement en conflit avec son rcit dorigine. Studies show the grieving process can be much different for the loved ones of homicide victims, with the. Mais malgr tous ses efforts pour liminer compltement les preuves laide deau de Javel, un homme avait laiss des traces de lui-mme dans lappartement de Samsudean. Je publierai le contenu et les articles d'experts les plus jour et les plus prcis sur les chats, les chiens, les oiseaux, les poissons et tous les autres animaux sur le site Web Police entered Sashas apartment with the buildings security guard, Stephen Duxbury. Samsudean was born in New York, according to her obituary. Pour commencer, le sige des toilettes tait lev: Cest quelque chose auquel je ne mattendrais jamais dans un appartement ou une maison o seule une femme vit, dira plus tard William Jay, le procureur du bureau du procureur de ltat. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. La chemise et le soutien-gorge de Samsudean avaient t dchirs, son pantalon et ses sous-vtements avaient disparu, mais son appartement navait montr aucun signe deffraction. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Sasha Samsudean's mother and father spoke at Central Florida's 12th annual day of remembrance for murder victims Tuesday. In a 2013 article, writer Kim Zetter reported that Kwikset locks were defective and could easily be broken into using just a screwdriver. LADN trouv sur la poitrine de Samsudean est ensuite revenu de manire concluante alors que Duxbury, et les semelles de certaines bottes que Duxbury portait, semblaient correspondre des empreintes de chaussures dans lappartement. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Sasha Samsudean's job in Orlando, Florida was all about making connections: She linked people looking for apartments with potential homes. Duxbury's next pretrial hearing is scheduled for October. criminology blog Her . Although Duxbury alone is accused of breaking into Samsudean's apartment and strangling her, Samsudean's parents have now filed a lawsuit claiming the Uptown Place Condominium Association and their management company, their security company that provides security guards, along with the building's deadbolt lock manufacturer, are also to blame for their daughter's death. She is survived by her parents and brother, Ken Samsudean, Jr. Samsudean worked for Pearson, an education company that provides. Stephen Duxbury was found guilty of first-degree murder, attempted sexual battery and burglary. But, surveillance cameras showed Stephen heading towards Sashas apartment again at five am, just a few minutes after he searched how to override a Kwikset lock on Google the same type of lock Sasha had installed on her door. 6 h 36, Duxbury est captur en uniforme transportant des sacs poubelles blancs avec des poignes rouges par une porte menant au garage du deuxime tage o sa voiture tait gare selon documents judiciaires. Another report on this incident and the recent lawsuit In the case of one Orlando condo association, Uptown Place Apartments, security guard Stephen Duxbury awaits trail for the rape and murder of 27 year old Sasha Samsudean in 2015. The night security guard refused Sasha access to the building, but another tenant eventually let her in and the women left, feeling confident that Sasha was safe. But on October 17, 2015, her life came to a shocking end following a night out with friends. "acting sketchy" after he followed her back to her apartment. This scenario is one of those awful nightmares every woman fears, I think. The lawsuit was filed Monday in Ninth Judicial Circuit Court by lawyers for Sasha Samsudeans parents, Tara and Ken Samsudean. New details were released in the case of a woman who was allegedly killed by an Orlando apartment building security guard. Le plus grand barracuda du monde contre lpaulard : qui gagnerait dans un combat ? A life so beautifully lived deserves to be beautifully remembered. homicide WESH 2's Summer Knowles reports on who Sasha Samsudean's parents are blaming for her death. duxbury Given the history of resident complaints regarding Duxbury, it is no surprise that Condominium Concepts LLC is a named defendant in the lawsuit. According to Vital Security, Duxbury was a former member of the armed Le 30 octobre 2015, lagent de scurit Stepen Duxbury a t accus de meurtre au premier degr, de tentative dagression sexuelle et de cambriolage. According to her LinkedIn page, Samsudean was a New York native, born in the city in 1988. Une voisine du dessus sest alors avance en disant quelle avait vu Samsudean dans le couloir cette nuit-l et quelle tait suivie par le gardien de scurit. Investigators said there was no sign of forced entry. We encourage you all to respect the dead and accord the family heartbroken with the loss of a cherished one, some privacy as you leave a message in the comment session. Samsudean volunteered at AAGO, and previously worked in the apartment leasing industry at iLS Network, a company matching renters to apartments using online apartment guides. Sasha left behind her loving parents, Ken and Tara Samsudean, and her brother Kenny. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. a security guard. Her parents got divorced when she was too young, and ever since the separation, Sasha had lived with her mother in Frisco, Texas. Consumer Education for Homebuyers, Home, and Property Owners | Exposing Condo & HOA Dysfunction, Corruption, & Abuse, By Deborah Goonan, Independent American Communities. In any event what a piece of crap. Shortly after midnight Sasha decided to head home back to her apartment just a mile away. On her profile, she writes that she worked for educational services firm Pearson, managing their social. She always brought light to every room entered. ORLANDO, Fla. - Sasha Samsudean's parents spoke publicly for the first time Wednesday after their daughter was murdered by her apartment complex security guard in 2015 as part of an annual. murder News 6 asked Uptown Place apartments for a comment and were directed to corporate. Kwikset ultimately redesigned their locks, though they vehemently deny they were ever defective, to begin with. Les empreintes digitales de Duxbury fournies comme condition pour son emploi en tant que gardien de scurit, correspondaient lempreinte sur le rebord du sige des toilettes de Samsudean et une empreinte digitale sur sa table de chevet. The toilet seat had been left up and fingerprints were found under the seat lid. Immediately following the visitation, a private funeral service a ceremony blending Hindu, Islamic and Christian religious practices will begin. UK - Nurse Lucy Letby Faces 22 Charges - 7 Murder/15 Attempted Murder of Babies #12, 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 73, UK - Somaiya Begum, 20, found deceased, Bradford, 25 June 2022 *uncle arrested*,,,,,,,,, Trial date set for security guard accused of raping, killing Orlando woman, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. The core conflict in HOAs what divides communities? Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this sites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. The association happens to be set up a rental community. to provide a safe and secure building for the victim and all other In the five months Stephen worked as a security guard at Uptown Place, several women filed complaints of harassment against him, alleging he followed them around the building and to their apartments. Though he denied ever setting foot inside her apartment, Stephen couldnt explain why his fingerprints and DNA matched those found on the toilet seat lid, the nightstand, and on Sashas body. Friends described Sasha as a bubbly and happy woman who worked hard and enjoyed going out with friends. On October 16th, 2015, 27-year-old Sasha Samsudean went out with a group of friends to a few local bars in Orland Florida. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Duxbury, 33, is charged with first-degree murder, sexual battery and burglary. Another article about these new developments: Both articles listed above talk about how the accused man looked/googled how to over-ride the key pad code. Sasha Samsudean. The Samsudeans allege that Stephen Duxbury, who is accused of raping and killing their daughter, was able to access her . The parents of a 27-year-old Orlando woman, who police Samsudean was born in New York, according to her obituary. 2.7M views 1 year ago Sasha Samsudean was last seen walking into her apartment building after a night out, but the following day she failed to turn up to meet a friend for breakfast. - The parents of a 27-year-old Orlando woman, who police said was killed in her condo in 2015 by the complex security guard, is suing Uptown Place Condominiums, the company that made the lock on the victim's door and the security company that hired the suspect, according to court records obtained by News 6. 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