The World's Largest Megacities By Population, 2020 Today, this grand city continues its prosperous growth rate. )services: 72.7% (2017 est. According to the latest census, undertaken in 2010, the population of Brazil was 190.7 million, although this number has grown significantly in the last six years. ; Brazil population is equivalent to 2.73% of the total world population. The city is home to more civilians than its neighboring suburban communities and continues its growth even today. It's estimated both men and women will live longer than 80 years on average by 2041, which means Brazil will also be dealing with an aging population before long, with greater demands on pensions and health care. )proven reserves: 363.984 billion cubic meters (2021 est. 22. The data reached an all-time high of 213.3 million people in Jun 2021 and a record low of 54.0 million people in Jun 1950. Veja as ltimas notcias no jornal O GLOBO. Brazil's population is growing at a rate of 0.8% per year, so it is likely that Brazil's population will reach 207 million by the beginning of 2017. Blog - Follow us on Twitter - Buy a poster - Contact us by email, 2023 by, made available under a Creative Commons license CC BY 3.0 IGO:, Population Pyramids of the World from 1950 to 2100, Less developed regions, excluding least developed countries, Comparison of carbon emissions per country, List of countries ordered by their population size, Origin of the migrants stocks per country, Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19), Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population), Antiretroviral therapy coverage (% of people living with HIV), Antiretroviral therapy coverage for PMTCT (% of pregnant women living with HIV), Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total), Children with fever receiving antimalarial drugs (% of children under age 5 with fever), Completeness of death registration with cause-of-death information (%), Diabetes prevalence (% of population ages 20 to 79), Diarrhea treatment (% of children under 5 receiving oral rehydration and continued feeding), GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$), Health expenditure per capita (current US$), Immunization, BCG (% of one-year-old children) - Turberculosis, Immunization, DPT (% of children ages 12-23 months) - Diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and Tetanus, Immunization, HepB3 (% of one-year-old children) - Hepatitis B, Immunization, Hib3 (% of children ages 12-23 months) - Meningitis, Pneumonia, and Epiglottitis, Immunization, Polio (% of one-year-old children), Immunization, measles (% of children ages 12-23 months), Incidence of HIV (% of uninfected population ages 15-49), Incidence of malaria (per 1,000 population at risk), Incidence of tuberculosis (per 100,000 people), Labor force, female (% of total labor force), Literacy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above), Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above), Literacy rate, youth male (% of males ages 15-24), People practicing open defecation, urban (% of urban population), Population ages 65 and above (% of total), Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49), Prevalence of overweight (% of children under 5), Prevalence of overweight, female (% of female adults), Prevalence of overweight, male (% of male adults), Prevalence of syphilis (% of women attending antenatal care), Public spending on education, total (% of GDP), Risk of impoverishing expenditure for surgical care (% of people at risk), School enrollment, secondary, male (% net), Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births), Smoking prevalence, females (% of adults), Suicide mortality rate (per 100,000 population), Tuberculosis death rate (per 100,000 people), Unemployment, total (% of total labor force), )hydroelectricity: 65.8% of total installed capacity (2020 est. Source: Iplan-Rio using digital technology , based on aerial . )consumption: 540,997,340,000 kWh (2020 est. )permanent pasture: 23.5% (2018 est. According to current population projections, Brazils population will reach its peak of 229.6 million in 2045. More than 35% of Niger's population are under 10 years of age. Population pyramids are split in half, showing males on the left and females on the right. - Keywords: demography, population pyramid, age pyramid, aging, retirement, Brazil, 2016. The heaviest concentrations of pardos and pretos are found in Rio's favelas, regardless of location. )biomass and waste: 9.2% of total installed capacity (2020 est. Moreover, retirees from public service jobs continued to constitute a significant element of Rio's population. The most famous gay village of So Paulo is the Frei Caneca Street and in Rio is the Farme de Amoedo Street. Life expectancy has also grown in Brazil to 71.6 years for men and 78.8 years for women. Researchers also determined that most of the houses are . )$14,700 (2019 est. )crude oil and lease condensate exports: 1,123,300 bbl/day (2018 est. Rio de Janeiro is the second most populous city in Brazil, known for the beautiful scenery samba rhythms and Carnival. Estimated population-6.32 million Absolute location-22.9068 S, 43.1729 W Site- It is located on the Atlantic Ocean, in the southeastern part of the tropical zone of South America. The population in Rio de Janeiro for 2023 is 6 453 682. Rio de Janeiro has an estimated 2016 population of 6.45 million, which ranks 2nd in Brazil. A ttulo de comparao, a polcia dos Estados Unidos matou apenas 347 pessoas em todo o territrio estadunidense ao longo de 2006. By the mid-16th century, French settlers called an island just off of Rio de Janeiro their home but, not for long. of City Population GLB Population rank: 1: Rio de Janeiro: 14.30%: 1 2: Fortaleza: 9.35%: 2 3: Manaus: 8.35%: 3 4: So . The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. UNESCO has deemed Rio de Janiero a Cultural Landscape named Rio de Janeiro: Carioca Landscapes between the Mountain and the Sea, the designation recognizes the citys exceptional urban setting that have shaped Rio; including the highest points of Tijuca National Parks mountains, right down to the sea. Recent immigrants come mainly from Argentina, Chile, and Andean countries (many are unskilled illegal migrants) or are returning Brazilian nationals. Cariocas are primarily Roman Catholic, although many simultaneously observe the practices of the Umbanda religion. To stand, you can simply show up on the night. However, the favelas are a stark reminder that one fifth of Rios population live in several hundred favelas that are plagued by extreme poverty. The population growth rate has significantly decreased in Brazil. The composition of housing condition of the LGBT population is distributed as follows: 52% live with parents or relatives, 22% live with partners, 20% live alone, 6% live with friends. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. ), general assessment: Brazil is one of the largest mobile and broadband markets in Latin America with healthy competition and pricing; the development of 5G, was scheduled for March 2020 but was delayed due to interference issues with satellite TV broadcasts and the pandemic; the auction was completed November 2021; the licenses are obliged to provide 5G services to all capital cities by July 2022, as well as about 35,500km of the national highway network; the country also has one of the largest fixed line broadband markets in Latin America, though broadband subscriptions is only slightly above the regional average, trailing behind Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay; amendments to the licensing regime adopted in October 2019 also require that ISPs which have switched to authorizations invest money saved from lighter regulations in the expansion of broadband services; the fixed line broadband market has seen rapid growth for a number of years, with a growing focus on fiber broadband; in 2019 the number of fiber accesses overtook DSL connections; the country is a key landing point for a number of important submarine cables connecting to the US, Central and South America, the Caribbean, Europe, and Africa; several new cable systems are due to come into service through to 2022, which will increase bandwidth and push down broadband prices for end-users; investments have also been made into terrestrial fiber cables between Brazil, Argentina, and Chile (2021)domestic: fixed-line connections stand at roughly 14 per 100 persons; less-expensive mobile-cellular technology has been a major impetus broadening telephone service to the lower-income segments of the population with mobile-cellular teledensity roughly 97 per 100 persons (2020)international: country code - 55; landing points for a number of submarine cables, including Malbec, ARBR, Tamnat, SAC, SAm-1, Atlantis -2, Seabras-1, Monet, EllaLink, BRUSA, GlobeNet, AMX-1, Brazilian Festoon, Bicentenario, Unisur, Junior, Americas -II,SAE x1, SAIL, SACSandSABR that provide direct connectivity to South and Central America, the Caribbean, the US, Africa, and Europe;satellite earth stations - 3 Intelsat (Atlantic Ocean), 1 Inmarsat (Atlantic Ocean region east), connected by microwave relay system to Mercosur Brazilsat B3 satellite earth station; satellitesis amajor communication platform, as it is almost impossible to lay fiber optic cable in the thick vegetation (2019)note: the COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a significant impact on production and supply chains globally; since 2020, some aspects of the telecom sector have experienced a downturn, particularly in mobile device production; progress toward 5G implementation has resumed, as well as upgrades to infrastructure; consumer spending on telecom services has increased due to the surge in demand for capacity and bandwidth; the crucial nature of telecom services as a tool for work and school from home is still evident, and the spike in this area has seen growth opportunities for development of new tools and increased services, state-run Radiobras operates a radio and a TV network; more than 1,000 radio stations and more than 100 TV channels operating - mostly privately owned; private media ownership highly concentrated (2022), total: 172,173,121 (2020 est. Ver mais. In 1550, the population of Madeira would have reached to 200,000 inhabitants, of whom 3,000 were slaves. This designation also includes the citys Botanical Gardens, the Corcovado Mountainwith its famous statue of Christand the hills surrounding Guanabara Bay. ), $14,600 (2021 est. Farther out, however, poverty increases. )92.57% of GDP (2019 est. Eastern South America, bordering the Atlantic Ocean, total: 8,515,770 sq kmland: 8,358,140 sq kmwater: 157,630 sq kmnote: includes Arquipelago de Fernando de Noronha, Atol das Rocas, Ilha da Trindade, Ilhas Martin Vaz, and Penedos de Sao Pedro e Sao Paulo, total: 16,145 kmborder countries (10): Argentina 1,263 km; Bolivia 3,403 km; Colombia 1,790 km; French Guiana 649 km; Guyana 1,308 km; Paraguay 1,371 km; Peru 2,659 km; Suriname 515 km; Uruguay 1,050 km; Venezuela 2,137 km, territorial sea: 12 nmcontiguous zone: 24 nmexclusive economic zone: 200 nmcontinental shelf: 200 nm or to edge of the continental margin, mostly flat to rolling lowlands in north; some plains, hills, mountains, and narrow coastal belt, highest point: Pico da Neblina 2,994 mlowest point: Atlantic Ocean 0 mmean elevation: 320 m, alumina, bauxite, beryllium, gold, iron ore, manganese, nickel, niobium, phosphates, platinum, tantalum, tin, rare earth elements, uranium, petroleum, hydropower, timber, agricultural land: 32.9% (2018 est. Name Status Population Census 1991-09-01 Population Census $317.175 billion (2021 est. ), 4.2% (2016 est. The icon links to further information about a selected division including its population structure (gender, age groups, age distribution, urbanization, literacy (a10+)). In addition, 7% of Brazilians reported themselves as being non-religious. Its size and population can't be overstated. ), sugar cane, soybeans, maize, milk, cassava, oranges, poultry, rice, beef, cotton, textiles, shoes, chemicals, cement, lumber, iron ore, tin, steel, aircraft, motor vehicles and parts, other machinery and equipment, agriculture: 9.4%industry: 32.1%services: 58.5% (2017 est. Between 1793 and 1960, Rio was the capital city of Brazil. Roman Catholic 64.6%, other Catholic 0.4%, Protestant 22.2% (includes Adventist 6.5%, Assembly of God 2.0%, Christian Congregation of Brazil 1.2%, Universal Kingdom of God 1.0%, other Protestant 11.5%), other Christian 0.7%, Spiritist 2.2%, other 1.4%, none 8%, unspecified 0.4% (2010 est.). Brazil is without a doubt one of the Dream Destinations for any travel lover. ), fresh water lake(s): Lagoa dos Patos - 10,140 sq kmsalt water lake(s): Lagoa Mirim (shared with Uruguay) - 2,970 sq km, Amazon river mouth (shared with Peru [s]) - 6,400 km; Rio de la Plata/Parana river source (shared with Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay [m]) - 4,880 km; Tocantins - 3,650 km; Sao Francisco - 3,180 km; Paraguay river source (shared with Argentina and Paraguay [m]) - 2,549 km; Rio Negro river mouth (shared with Colombia [s] and Venezuela) - 2,250 km; Uruguay river source (shared with Argentina and Uruguay [m]) - 1,610 kmnote [s] after country name indicates river source; [m] after country name indicates river mouth, Atlantic Ocean drainage: Amazon (6,145,186 sq km), Orinoco (953,675 sq km), Paran (2,582,704 sq km), So Francisco (617,814 sq km), Tocantins (764,213 sq km), Amazon Basin, Guarani Aquifer System, Maranhao Basin, the vast majority of people live along, or relatively near, the Atlantic coast in the east; the population core is in the southeast, anchored by the cities of So Paolo, Braslia, and Rio de Janeiro, recurring droughts in northeast; floods and occasional frost in south, note 1: largest country in South America and in the Southern Hemisphere; shares common boundaries with every South American country except Chile and Ecuador; most of the Pantanal, the world's largest tropical wetland, extends through the west central part of the country; shares Iguau Falls (Iguaz Falls), the world's largest waterfalls system, with Argentinanote 2: cassava (manioc) the sixth most important food crop in the world - after maize, rice, wheat, potatoes, and soybeans - seems to have originated in the west-central part of Brazil; pineapples are probably indigenous to the southern Brazil-Paraguay regionnote 3: Rocas Atoll, located off the northeast coast of Brazil, is the only atoll in the South Atlantic, White 47.7%, mixed 43.1%, Black 7.6%, Asian 1.1%, Indigenous 0.4% (2010 est.). The northern suburbs, in contrast, contain much larger proportions of mulattoes, as do many districts of the North Zone. ), 60 deaths/100,000 live births (2017 est. However . If you love Brazil, and its rich culture, you will love to find out about these 21 Rio de Janeiro Interesting Facts!. Conhea o Rio. The majority of these emigrants are well-educated and middle-class. Answer - The Rural-Urban divide is a crucial factor as the lifestyles differ from each other in terms of livelihood and social conditions. Ranks 2nd in Brazil Estados Unidos matou apenas 347 pessoas em todo territrio... For women % of the Dream Destinations for any travel lover the language are. Population can & # x27 ; s population are under 10 years of age be overstated famous!: 363.984 billion cubic meters ( 2021 est but, not for long 2016 population of million. Umbanda religion 6 453 682 have reached to 200,000 inhabitants, of whom 3,000 were slaves 7 % the! 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