If you have a program registered twice, and you restart only one of the registrations, one of the registrations will continue to run with the old rule (the one that was not restarted after the changes), and another will be running with the current rule (the recently restarted registration). Its location is defined by parameter gw/sec_info. NUMA steht fr Non-Uniform Memory Access und beschreibt eine Computer-Speicher-Architektur fr Multiprozessorsysteme, bei der jeder Prozessor ber einen eigenen, lokalen physischen Speicher verfgt, aber anderen Prozessoren ber einen gemeinsamen Adressraum direkten Zugriff darauf gewhrt (Distributed Shared Memory). If someone can register a "rogue" server in the Message Server, such rogue server will be included in the keyword "internal" and this could open a security hole. There is an SAP PI system that needs to communicate with the SLD. Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. In the previous parts we had a look at the different ACLs and the scenarios in which they are applied. In some cases any application server of the same system may also need to de-register a Registered Server Program, for example if the reginfo ACL was adjusted for the same Registered Server Program or if the remote server crashed. If this client does not match the criteria in the CANCEL list, then it is not able to cancel a registered program. Danach wird die Queue neu berechnet. The RFC destination would look like: It could not have been more complicated -obviously the sequence of lines is important): gw/reg_no_conn_info, all other sec-checks can be disabled =>, {"serverDuration": 153, "requestCorrelationId": "397367366a414325"}. Datenbankschicht: In der Datenbank, welche auf einem Datenbankserver liegt, werden alle Daten eines Unternehmens gesichert. Evaluate the Gateway log files and create ACL rules. RFCs between two SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP systems are typically controlled on network level only. Most common use-case is the SAP-to-SAP communication, in other words communication via RFC connections between SAP NetWeaver AS systems, but also communication from RFC clients using the SAP Java Connector (JCo) or the SAP .NET Connector (NCo) to SAP NetWeaver systems. Check the secinfo and reginfo files. Instead, a cluster switch or restart must be executed or the Gateway files can be read again via an OS command. About item #3, the parameter "gw/reg_no_conn_info" does not disable any security checks. As soon as a program has registered in the gateway, the attributes of the retrieved entry (specifically ACCESS) are passed on to the registered program. Remember the AS ABAP or AS Java is just another RFC client to the RFC Gateway. The notes1408081explain and provide with examples of reginfo and secinfo files. File reginfocontrols the registration of external programs in the gateway. Every attribute should be maintained as specific as possible. The secinfo file has rules related to the start of programs by the local SAP instance. How can I quickly migrate SAP custom code to S/4HANA? Hinweis: Whlen Sie ber den Button und nicht das Dropdown-Men Gewhren aus! Please make sure you have read at least part 1 of this series to be familiar with the basics of the RFC Gateway and the terms i use to describe things. You can define the file path using profile parameters gw/sec_infoand gw/reg_info. There is a hardcoded implicit deny all rule which can be controlled by the parameter gw/sim_mode. Legal Disclosure | Its location is defined by parameter gw/reg_info. The syntax used in the reginfo, secinfo and prxyinfo changed over time. This means that the sequence of the rules is very important, especially when using general definitions. It is configured to start the tax calculation program at the CI of the SAP system, as the tax system is installed only there. Only clients from domain *.sap.com are allowed to communicate with this registered program (and the local application server too). If other SAP systems also need to communicate with it, using the ECC system, the rule need to be adjusted, adding the hostnames from the other systems to the ACCESS option. The following syntax is valid for the secinfo file. Host Name (HOST=, ACCESS= and/or CANCEL=): The wildcard character * stands for any host name, *.sap.com for a domain, sapprod for host sapprod. Another example would be IGS. of SAP IGS registered at the RFC Gateway of the SAP NW AS ABAP from the same server as AS ABAP (since it is also part of it) and consumed by the same AS ABAP as an RFC client. In ABAP systems, every instance contains a Gateway that is launched and monitored by the ABAP Dispatcher. However, there is no need to define an explicit Deny all rule, as this is already implied (except in simulation mode). Accesscould be restricted on the application level by the ACL file specified by profile parameter ms/acl_info. They are: The diagram below shows the workflow of how the RFC Gateway works with the security rules and the involved parameters, like the Simulation Mode. The location of this ACL can be defined by parameter gw/acl_info. After an attack vector was published in the talk SAP Gateway to Heaven from Mathieu Geli and Dmitry Chastuhin at OPDCA 2019 Dubai (https://github.com/gelim/sap_ms) the RFC Gateway security is even more important than ever. This publication got considerable public attention as 10KBLAZE. However, the RFC Gateway would still be involved, and it would still be the process to enforce the security rules. At time of writing this can not be influenced by any profile parameter. Falls Sie danach noch immer keine Anwendungen / Registerkarten sehen, liegt es daran, dass der Gruppe / dem Benutzer das allgemeine Anzeigenrecht auf der obersten Ebene der jeweiligen Registerkarte fehlt. Die jetzt nicht mehr zur Queue gehrenden Support Packages sind weiterhin in der Liste sichtbar und knnen auch wieder ausgewhlt werden. In diesem Blog-Beitrag werden zwei von SAP empfohlene Vorgehensweisen zur Erstellung der secinfo und reginfo Dateien aufgefhrt mit denen die Security Ihres SAP Gateways verstrkt wird und wie der Generator dabei hilft. You have configured the SLD at the Java-stack of the SolMan system, using the RFC Gateway of the SolMans ABAP-stack. The RFC Gateway does not perform any additional security checks. As separators you can use commas or spaces. In case the files are maintained, the value of this parameter is irrelevant; gw/sim_mode: activates/deactivates the simulation mode (see the previous section of this WIKI page). TP is restricted to 64 non-Unicode characters for both secinfo and reginfo files. three months) is necessary to ensure the most precise data possible for the . Part 7: Secure communication Secinfo/Reginfo are maintined correctly You need to check Reg-info and Sec-info settings. The PI system has one Central Instance (CI) running at the server sappici, and one application instance (running at the server sappiapp1). Somit knnen keine externe Programme genutzt werden. Each instance can have its own security files with its own rules. Examples of valid addresses are: Number (NO=): Number between 0 and 65535. Save ACL files and restart the system to activate the parameters. Use host names instead of the IP address. In addition, the RFC Gateway logging (see the SAP note910919) can be used to log that an external program was registered, but no Permit rule existed. As we learned in part 4 SAP introduced the following internal rule in the in the prxyinfo ACL: Of course the local application server is allowed access. In diesem Blog-Beitrag werden zwei von SAP empfohlene Vorgehensweisen zur Erstellung der secinfo und reginfo Dateien aufgefhrt mit denen die Security Ihres SAP Gateways verstrkt wird und wie der Generator dabei hilft. You can define the file path using profile parameters gw/sec_infoand gw/reg_info. Certain programs can be allowed to register on the gateway from an external host by specifying the relevant information. Part 8: OS command execution using sapxpg. With this blogpost series i try to give a comprehensive explanation of the RFC Gateway Security: Part 1: General questions about the RFC Gateway and RFC Gateway security. All subsequent rules are not even checked. See the examples in the note1592493; 2)It is possible to change the rules in the files and reload its configuration without restart the RFC Gateway: open the transaction SMGW -> Goto -> expert functions -> external security -> reload However, in such situation, it is mandatory to de-register the registered program involved and reregister it again because programs already registered will continue following the old rules; 3)The rules in the secinfo and reginfo file do not always use the same syntax, it depends of the VERSION defined in the file. Wir untersttzen Sie gerne bei Ihrer Entscheidungen. You have an RFC destination named TAX_SYSTEM. For AS ABAP the ACLs should be maintained using the built-in ACL file editor of transaction SMGW (Goto Expert Functions External Security Maintain ACL Files). The default value is: When the gateway is started, it rereads both security files. About the second comment and the error messages, those are messages related to DNS lookup.I believe that these are raised as errors because they have occurred during the parsing of the reginfo file. This is because the rules used are from the Gateway process of the local instance. RFC had issue in getting registered on DI. The simulation mode is a feature which could help to initially create the ACLs. A LINE with a HOST entry having multiple host names (e.g. Read more. Program foo is only allowed to be used by hosts from domain *.sap.com. How to guard your SAP Gateway against unauthorized calls, Study shows SAP systems especially prone to insider attacks, Visit our Pathlock Germany website https://pathlock.com/de/, Visit our Pathlock Blog: https://pathlock.com/de/blog/, SAST SOLUTIONS: Now member of Pathlock Group. Depending on the settings of the reginfo ACL a malicious user could also misuse this permissions to start a program which registers itself on the local RFC Gateway, e.g.,: Even if we learned starting a program using the RFC Gateway is an interactive task and the call will timeout if the program itself is not RFC enabled, for eample: the program still will be started and will be running on the OS level after this error was shown, and furthermore it could successfully register itself at the local RFC Gateway: There are also other scenarios imaginable in which no previous access along with critical permission in SAP would be necessary to execute commands via the RFC Gateway. In addition, note that the system checks the case of all keywords and only takes keywords into account if they are written in upper case. The related program alias can be found in column TP Name: We can verify if the functionality of these Registered RFC Server Programs is accessible from the AS ABAP by looking for a TCP/IP connection in transaction SM59 with Technical Settings Activation Type = Registered Server Program the corresponding Program ID and either no Gateway Options or connection details to any of the RFC Gateways belonging to the same system set: SAP introduced an internal rule in the reginfo ACL to cover these cases: P TP=* HOST=internal,local ACCESS=internal,local CANCEL=internal,local. With this blogpost series i try to give a comprehensive explanation of the RFC Gateway Security: Part 1: General questions about the RFC Gateway and RFC Gateway security. Help with the understanding of the RFC Gateway ACLs (Access Control Lists) and the Simulation Mode, in order to help prepare production systems to have these security features enabled without disruptions. This is defined in, which servers are allowed to cancel or de-register the Registered Server Program. The name of the registered program will be TAXSYS. The rules would be: Another example: lets say that the tax system is installed / available on all servers from this SAP system, the RFC destination is set to Start on application server, and the Gateway options are blank. Viele Unternehmen kmpfen mit der Einfhrung und Benutzung von secinfo und reginfo Dateien fr die Absicherung von SAP RFC Gateways. It is important to mention that the Simulation Mode applies to the registration action only. It is configured to start the tax calculation program at the CI of the SAP system, as the tax system is installed only there. In addition, the existing rules on the reginfo/secinfo file will be applied, even on Simulation Mode. All subsequent rules are not checked at all. To mitigate this we should look if it is generated using a fixed prefix and use this as a pattern with an ending wildcard in order to reduce the effective values, e.g., TP=Trex__*, which would still be better than TP=*`. The prxyinfo file is holding rules controlling which source systems (based on their hostname/ip-address) are allowed to talk to which destination systems (based on their hostname/ip-address) over the current RFC Gateway. The SAP documentation in the following link explain how to create the file rules: RFC Gateway Security Files secinfo and reginfo. Hint: For AS ABAP the built-in ACL file editor of transaction SMGW (Goto Expert Functions External Security Maintain ACL Files) performs a syntax check. Since programs are started by running the relevant executable there is no circumstance in which the TP Name is unknown. There aretwo parameters that control the behavior of the RFC Gateway with regards to the security rules. Hello Venkateshwar, thank you for your comment. If the domain name system (DNS) servername cannot be resolved into an IP address, the whole line is discarded and results in a denial. With this blogpost series i try to give a comprehensive explanation of the RFC Gateway Security: Part 1: General questions about the RFC Gateway and RFC Gateway security It is common and recommended by many resources to define the following rule in a custom prxyinfo ACL: With this, all requests from the local system, as well as all application servers of the same system, will be proxied by the RFC Gateway to any destination or end point. Another mitigation would be to switch the internal server communication to TLS using a so-called systemPKI by setting the profile parameter system/secure_communication = ON. To do this, in the gateway monitor (transaction SMGW) choose Goto Expert Functions External Security Maintenance of ACL Files .. In addition to these hosts it also covers the hosts defined by the profile parameters SAPDBHOST and rdisp/mshost. Die zu der berechneten Queue gehrenden Support Packages sind grn unterlegt. The secinfo file is holding rules controlling which programs (based on their executable name or fullpath, if not in $PATH) can be started by which user calling from which host(s) (based on its hostname/ip-address) on which RFC Gateway server(s) (based on their hostname/ip-address). Part 5: Security considerations related to these ACLs. This also includes the loopback address as well as its IPv6 equivalent ::1. secinfo: P TP=* USER=* USER-HOST=* HOST=*. Before jumping to the ACLs themselves, here are a few general tips: The syntax of the rules is documented at the SAP note. To use all capabilities it is necessary to set the profile parameter gw/reg_no_conn_info = 255. In diesem Blog-Beitrag werden zwei von SAP empfohlene Vorgehensweisen zur Erstellung der secinfo und reginfo Dateien aufgefhrt mit denen die Security Ihres SAP Gateways verstrkt wird und wie der Generator dabei hilft. For this reason, as an alternative you can work with syntax version 2, which complies with the route permission table of the SAProuter. 1. other servers had communication problem with that DI. Wir haben dazu einen Generator entwickelt, der bei der Erstellung der Dateien untersttzt. Once you have completed the change, you can reload the files without having to restart the gateway. Such third party system is to be started on demand by the SAP system.Only the (SAP level) user IDs BOB and JOHN can start this program, and they will be logged on to one of the instances from this SAP system.You have an RFC destination named TAX_SYSTEM. Viele Unternehmen kmpfen mit der Einfhrung und Benutzung von secinfo und reginfo Dateien fr die Absicherung von SAP RFC Gateways. The subsequent blogs of will describe each individually. Part 2: reginfo ACL in detail. In case the files are maintained, the value of this parameter is irrelevant; and with parmgw/reg_no_conn_info, all other sec-checks can be disabled =>SAP note1444282, obviously this parm default is set to 1 ( if not set in profile file ) in kernel-773, I wasted a whole day unsuccessfully trying to configure the (GW-Sec) in a new system, sorry for my bad mood. Another example: you have a non-SAP tax system that will register a program at the CI of an SAP ECC system. This is for clarity purposes. Part 4: prxyinfo ACL in detail. Part 1: General questions about the RFC Gateway and RFC Gateway security. As a result many SAP systems lack for example of proper defined ACLs to prevent malicious use. In a pure Java system, one Gateway is sufficient for the whole system because the instances do not use RFC to communicate. (possibly the guy who brought the change in parameter for reginfo and secinfo file). P TP= HOST= ACCESS=,, CANCEL=,local, Please update links for all parts (currently only 1 &2 are working). If there is a scenario where proxying is inevitable this should be covered then by a specific rule in the prxyinfo ACL of the proxying RFC Gateway, e.g.,: P SOURCE= DEST=internal,local. On SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP there exist use cases where registering and accessing of Registered Server Programs by the local application server is necessary. The RFC Gateway can be used to proxy requests to other RFC Gateways. The reginfo file has the following syntax. The secinfo security file is used to prevent unauthorized launching of external programs. Its location is defined by parameter gw/prxy_info. The reginfo file is holding rules controlling which remote servers (based on their hostname/ip-address) are allowed to either register, access or cancel which 'Registered Server Programs' (based on their program alias (also known as 'TP name')). This section contains information about the RFC Gateway ACLs, and examples of landscapes and rules.The reginfo file have ACLs (rules) related to the registration of external programs (systems) to the local SAP instance. The RFC library provides functions for closing registered programs. 1. other servers had communication problem with that DI. In other words the host running the ABAP system differs from the host running the Registered Server Program, for example the SAP TREX server will register the program alias Trex__ at the RFC Gateway of an application server. The Java-stack of the SolMan system, using the RFC Gateway can be used by from... Local instance these ACLs following syntax is valid for the having multiple host names e.g! Program ( and the scenarios in which the tp name is unknown cases where registering and accessing of server! For example of proper defined ACLs to prevent unauthorized launching of external programs in the list... 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