(55:10 in the clip) Lord I come before you tonight. (He is no fool who gives away what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot loose). I ask you to teach me how to make my plea before you my case before you, connected to your purpose, your namesake and connected to your covenant. Help me Lord to make it about you and to be able from a genuine heart to come and present cases in your court to see your purposes done in the Earth. Honor the government of Gods Kingdom, Mount Sion, the Father as your Judge, Jesus as our Advocate etc. Wesley Duewel outlines seven bases of our pleading in the court of heaven. It is an, A few years ago my wife and I left the cozy comfort of our Midwestern life to partner in gospel, Dietrich Bonhoeffer in his book, Psalms: The Prayer Book Of The Bible, arranges the psalms into various division, including the. Thank You that You are alive and doing well, and Youre hearing me pray right now. We may simply find ourselves brought to the courts of heaven, eg in a vision. Thank you Jamue for this prayer.will ve going to court for the final judgement on the 8th of December for surgery negligence.Please stand in me in prayer as I have presentednt evidence to our heavily father and has heard my cry all these past three years.l claim victory is ours and my lord has fought and passed judgement on my cases.Halleujah Amen. 0% (1) 0% found this document useful (1 vote) 408 views 3 pages. Our Father is our Judge. Thank you Jamie Love and all that God has for you be yours in Jesus name Love You Jayne. Now that you have read my introductory or beginner-friendly post, I know you may be interested in doing a deep dive. "description": "This is a prayer guide about praying in the court rooms", Thank you Sister Jamie for this right on time prayer! Thank you Papa God, thank you Jesus, I will pray this prayer daily until this situation is turned around. The Lord had me write scriptures to stand on that supported my case (I am faithful in my tithing, offering and seed sowing and this case had to do with lost wages) My attorney called on Tuesday of this week to tell me that the other side had given a final offer. Sister Jamie, Absolutely this prayer is for me for such a time as this. You are agreeing with God that life is found in Him and that His will is good. Thank you. "name": "Courtroom Prayer", Hagin, Kenneth E. Plead Your Case (Kindle Locations 113-118). NT Wright discusses the importance of prayer in maintaining a relationship with Jesus. I feel like I dont deserve justice especially if I was in the wrong, Hi Sandra, great question. 9:33; Compassion Ps. Far be it from you to do such a thing, shall not the Judge of all the Earth do right? Plead God's relationships to you. Language. I love to hear from you! He was an attorney before he became a Holy Ghost-filled preacher. then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment, 2 Peter 3:7. Petition the Courts of Heaven: The Holy Spirit may specifically invite us to bring a particular matter to the courts of heaven. 40:17; Redeemer Isa. (Hebrews 12:24), Over 10 years ago, I had a dream that Jesus was about to give me a gift. This is asking God to intervene on your behalf and give you justice. Moses and the psalmists repeatedly reminded God that He was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who delivered His people out of Egypt, who defeated their enemies in times past (Ps. Praise God! Please check back later to see if new content has been added. February 3, 2020. Amen! In Matthew 10, we are also told of instructions given to the disciples which apply to us as well: As you go, proclaim this message: The kingdom of heavenhas come near.Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. December 2, 2008 by Georgy. How do we do this? Jamie, I couldnt begin to tell you how very grateful I am for this Prayer. Yes, I am believing the Courts of Heaven. I honestly wanted to ensure that the post was very systematic and beginner-friendly as possible. With the authority we have been given, we sometimes fail to remember that to use our free will for His glory. They would sprinkle sacrificial blood. Well, lets review breakthrough exampleshere goes. By faith receive divorcepapers, sign them with the blood of Jesus, seal them with the ring of authority that the Father has given you! The other party accepted the new amount that was requested and I ended up with double than what they were initially offering! The couple sought review of the decision. When you and I plead to God in prayer, we approach the courts of heaven and come prepared to defend our petitions for God to act out his will in a certain way. This is my desire To honour You Lord with all my heart I worship You All I, Hillsong. 9:5-6, Ps. Thank you Father God for using Your Precious Daughter Jaime to help us during this time of need. 63:16; and Father Isa. If you want to learn more, read this post that I wrote about how to develop a consistent prayer life. Worthy of God: Are Your Dreams Big Enough? All could literally feel (yes feel!) And he knew that Abraham would give God the legal right to spare Sodom and Gomorrah from being. The courts of heaven are a place of justice, where wrongs can be righted and where we can receive help and breakthrough in our lives. I had another matter that was pending and I also prayed over that situation with the same prayer that Jamie provided. Jesus is always pleading our case before the Father, like a defense lawyer on our behalf. Please forgive me and give me grace right now that would make it about you. Introduction to the Prayer Secrets. Hello Robin! It is where God judges situations in personal lives and in nations and cities. He laid out his points clearly and concisely, repeating them as necessary in order to push his audience toward salvation and holiness. I once was a character witness in a court case, and it wasn't fun. I would have the ability to lay down my life to lose my life for your purposes that I might find my life. partnera worker together with Himyou lay the case before Him. Did you pray this prayer with me today? This is where Gods love and power are manifested in a very real way, and He can restore your health completely. Thank You Lord in JesusName. (I know my imagination is active, LOL). Do this by speaking life over your situation and believing God will bring it to pass. Renounce any evil altars or soul ties that may hinder your prayers from being answered. One of the greatest mysteries to this process is to gain an understanding of the books or scrolls that are in Heaven. I know that I am VICTORIOUS in this case moving forward in Jesus Name. If you laid out the evidence of your case, our Father heard it. In this post, we will explore the courts of heaven and how they operate. Every creature/being, object, situation, relationship etc connected with this case According to Hebrews 4:16, the throne of God is a place of judicial activity. 140:12). Ask God to divorce you from the sin, iniquity, curses and/or demons that you repented of and every pattern to broken and removed. Plead is a legal word, meaning to make a plea in a legal action, to put forward a legal declaration, or to address a court as an . The Bible doesn't assign a name to this place but I don . Beholding Your beauty Is all that I long for To worship You Jesus Is my sole desire For this. Rev. His will is good and that it will prevail in your life and on the earth. Dear Jamie, thank you so much for this timely prayer! Thats where the purpose for your life (Psalm 49:16) is written. If you laid out the evidence of your case, our Father heard it. We prepare to present our petition, we prepare our hearts, and we hear the officer of the court say, "All rise!" In the Court of Heaven justice is determined, mercy is found and the wrath of God is poured out and Satan . Our standing in the court of heaven is by the blood of Jesus. Thank You for sacrificing Your Son Jesus, who died for me, so that the blood of Jesus now makes a way for me to be Your child, and to have all my needs provided for. 7. Make effective appeals on behalf of yourself and your loved ones. If someone has been gossiping about you and slandering you for a long period of time; If youre caught up in a legal case that seems like it is going on and on; That You would make a declaratory judgment and state for all the earth to hear who is right in this case and who is wrong. "reviewBody": "", Jamie, this word was so timely for me. In any court of law, we musthave legal standing in that court. Several people have asked me how I pray in the heavenly courtroom and I decided to write it down for them. A Brilliant Design. Gen 18:23:26 Abraham. We prepare to present our petition, we prepare our hearts, and we hear the officer of the court say, "All rise!" The court most people appear in is the court of accusation, where there is a defendant and an accuser. Jesus is the great defender of the saints. . I thank God for using you as an intricate insurgent in all that you you. Command everything here on earth and any other dimension or thing that you are connected to align itself with what is written in the documents youve received from the Heavenly Court. Confess sin, even if you think youre not guilty of it or already repented of it before, this is about whats going on in and around you. When you come into agreement with what God has decreed in the courts of heaven, you are coming under the covering and protection of God. This makes all the difference between getting the right verdict. This rips things open. 7:9; Covenant-keeping Ps. We may simply find ourselves brought to the courts of heaven, eg in a vision. I am still processing this amazing turn of events and answer to prayer! 89:34; Mercy Deut. Remember, O LORD, what has happened to us; look, and see our disgrace. Plead God's attributes. Prophetically discern what is written in those books about a situation. Have you been embroiled in a controversy that seems like it just wont end? "review": { 0. 10:18). Plead the blood of Jesus sprinkled on the mercy seat. Plead is a legal word, meaning to make a plea in a legal action, to put forward a legal declaration, or to address a court as an advocate. He is your Creator Ps. Spurgeon called the blood of Jesus the master key that unlocks the treasury of heaven. In any court of law, we must have legal standing in that court. Are you going through difficulties and feel you are at your wits end? Plead God's relationships to you. . On that five million dollar lawsuit. Spiritual law is eternal and unchanging, while the laws of the earth are constantly changing. Intercession means to present a case in council or to plead the terms of the covenant (Ps. Heres the step-by-step breakdown of winning in the courts of heaven: And thats it, folks, Courts of Heaven for Beginners, https://christiancoffeeshopblog.wordpress.com/table-talk/. For Later. Wesley Duewel outlines seven bases of our pleading in the court of heaven. google_ad_client: "ca-pub-2140212997082751", We are not supposed to use such language as is un-parliamentary or would show discourtesy to the Hon'ble Court or the opponent. Just as we go to earthly courts to have our cases heard, we can also go to the courts of heaven. This content provider does not have additional content available right now. If I am being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith. Ask Jesus to cover your sins with His Blood. Hopefully to heal. Justice Gen. 18:25, Neh. File size . Psa 43:1 Judge me, O God, and . 1 Chron 17:23-27. The courts of heaven are where you can partner with God to see His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. This prayer is a treasure, a lifesaver in the midst of a storm. As Eugene Peterson has noted, Jeremiah is used by God to call the people of Israel to repentance. Receive the fire of the judgment by faith on your spirit, soul, body, the situation(s), relationships connected with the case etc. Ps. This is where God reveals His plans for your life, and He will guide you on the path of success and fulfillment. I want to recommend reading the books or applicable material by Robert Henderson, Dutch Sheets, and Francis Myles. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake (Ps. Confessions of An Unlikely Worship Leader, Dimensions of Destiny: A Study of Divine Alignment, Getting to Know the Sevenfold Holy Spirit, How to Heal from Rejection and Abandonment, Praying the Names of God: The Ultimate FREE Guide. If you want to learn more, read this post that I wrote about how to fast and pray for a breakthrough. I thank You that forever, O Lord, Your Word is settled in Heaven. Nothing is impossible with God! Ps. If you feel stuck in a rut or your life has no purpose, the court of heaven can help you find your way. Find your hope restored as you confidently plead your case in the courtroom of heaven! Our destiny is not for our happiness, its so that Gods will is done on Earth. This is where Gods justice prevails, and He will ensure that you are released from anything that has been holding you back. His voice spoke the heavens and earth into existence and speaks for you now in Heaven's court. Plead Gods relationships to you. Plead the honor and glory of God's name. Top Paying Your Traffic Ticket 4. Lord Jesus Christ, I summon You as my Advocate to help me plead my case before the Righteous Judge for a divine restraining order against any and all forms of premature death. Contend means a judicial proceeding, a lawsuit, or the litigation of a valid legal case. Thank you for being a Giving Member! 4. Now there are three basic ways to silence the accuser in the courtroom of heaven so our prayers will be unhindered. I ask for His guidance and I yield and surrender myself into Him. 6. To access and start using your account today, go to iDisciple.org and click login. Our needs will only be answered once His purposes are fulfilled. When you get your case settled in heaven it will be settled on earth! (John 8:10-11). I think you should ask for judgment from the courts of Heaven anytime you would ask for judgment from the courts of earth! This act wipes away our sins and gives us a clean slate before God. He strongly cried out to God for Him to contend with those who contended with him (Ps. "@type": "Review", Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of heaven then all your needs will get met. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Im praying for complete healing of my back and also the stimulus money due me from last year also. This is conformation!!! Of course, use this as a model prayer only and change/adjust the words as you pray, based on the leading of Gods Holy Spirit. 63:16; and Father Isa. ISAIAH 55:9-11 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. When I began my quest to go into the courts of heaven, they planted subtle seeds via short interviews I watched online. 25:6, 4:1, 27:7, 30:10; and Lovingkindness Ps. Terms of Use | Store Policies| Privacy Policy|Log Out Uploaded by Maritza Sierra. We are asking God to restrain the enemy. 2. 23:3. I am a fellow servant and I have the testimony of Jesus which is prophecy. If you were wrong, you should repent and make things right with God and with people. Plead the blood of Jesus sprinkled on the mercy seat. Plead God's relationships to you. This is where Gods forgiveness and mercy are extended to all, and He can heal even the deepest wounds. Speak out what youve received and thank the court before you leave. Ask and receive a verdict by faith 64:8, Rom. Whoever will lay their life down will gain great authority in the Courts of Heaven. Ive been going through a heart wrenching struggle at church and needed this. Because of all the injustices happening in the world, God is releasing new revelation about gaining justice through the Courts of Heaven. Some call it light vs. dark. This is why obeying Gods laws and living in righteousness are essential. Immediately after that, God blessed me with receiving the dream job I was praying for. Pastor Tom Deuschle of Celebration Churches International in Harare, Zimbabwe continues his teaching on the "Courts Of Heaven" and how believers should obtai. A Christ-Life Through Spiritual Alignment Something has gone wrong deep within me and gets the better of me every time. Thank You for using her mightily in your Kingdom. Ps. Welcome! I am praying for you now. Forgive me for making it about me. Changed 4 jobs and left the last one due to the same reasons, hate, being treated badly, gossip, over worked. This is so timely, Thank you so much. To reiterate (guys this is super important! Call for the counterparty to show up Plead the Word and promises of God. Know that you understand that, the enemy goes to court knowing the whole entire spiritual law. Keep declaring physical manifestation of your victory & Live a Holy life, This is the first step because it sets the foundation for everything else (see Acts 26:20). 64:8, Rom. All Rights Reserved. He was sure that God would enter his contention with his enemy Saul and decide between them, vindicating him (1 Sam 24:15). On the other side stands Jesus as "our great high priest who has passed through the heavens . We also see that the devil is the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10) and that there is spiritual law and jurisdiction. Can you imagine presenting your case before the bench of the Ancient of Days, the Lord of hosts? We prayed this prayer together over each case. Wouldnt you want your case to be decided quickly and fairly, so you can move on with your life? (Tell Father God about the evidence here, USING SCRIPTURE TO BACK UP YOUR ARGUMENT.). Now that you know that earthly courts are modeled after heavenly courts. The Holy Spirit pleads God's cause with us (John 16:15). In short- the enemy uses spiritual law to enforce his ways. Job said that he would lay his cause before God (Job 5:8, 23:4-5). Blessings, Im Robin and its very nice to meet you. I repent for making it about me. The verdict is rigged. From the Word of God, we gather our case. The testimony that Jesus is currently releasing from his position as mediator, High Priest and intercessor releasing presently before the throne of God in the Courtrooms of Heaven. If we knew who we are we would change the world. Wesley Duewel outlines seven bases of our pleading in the court of heaven. Jesus our Elder Brother is our Advocate. I will never know; all I knew was that I was making the right choice for me and my destiny. May God bless you so much. When you learn how to operate in the Courts of Heaven, you can undo the spiritual legalities that stand in the way of your answered prayer. Learn how your comment data is processed. Aligning with God's plan and purposes. Singh has agreed to plead guilty to one count of wire fraud, one count of conspiracy to commit . Abbah Father thank you for your faithfulness and intervention in our situations. This is the maintenance phase that honestly should take place at any time. The Holy Spirit witnesses concerning Jesus (John 14:16-17a,26). Hi Jamie, definitely resonates with me. But, dont fret, we have a powerful advocate Jesus Christ who has already paid the price for our salvation. Remember, O LORD, what has happened to us; look, and see our disgrace. I go through Jesus and in His name into that realm in the Spirit. He is your Creator Ps. But the accusations fall upon deaf ears in heaven, because Jesus' work on the . 5:1. Thank you Jamie. Heres a sample prayer for judgment from the courts of Heaven: Abba Father, thank You for allowing me to come boldly before Your throne of grace, that I may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. 89:34); Mercy (Deut. Stepping in However, our spiritual authority is not unlimited; there are spiritual laws that limit our authority. He was sure that God would enter his contention with his enemy Saul and decide between them, vindicating him (1 Sam. 23:3. Thank you Lord. 9:5,12). I ask Him to activate the courtroom for me and bring me there. Plead is a legal word, meaning to make a plea in a legal action, to put forward a legal declaration, or to address a court as an . Did they sincerely receive my call? Wait while Jesus does this and thank and praise Him. Can you imagine presenting your case before the bench of the Ancient of Days, the Lord of hosts? Our prayer experience counts for nothing. We present our case through prayer knowing Jesus our Elder Brother is our Advocate. Thank you for signing up. Dr. Cook is a servant leader with a servant's heart and he and his ministry team look forward to praying with you to present your case in the Courts of Heaven and to serve as part of your legal team along with Jesus, your Advocate and the Holy Spirit, your Counselor. *With every step, be aware of the guidance of the Holy Spirit and what He puts on your heart. When you go before heavens courts, you declare your faith and trust in God. The covenant of God with His people is a legal contract, and His protection and provision are in the terms of the contract on His part. EVERYTHING IN THE FULLNESS OF EARTH, HEAVEN, AND THE UNIVERSE BELONGS TO YOU. If youre caught up in any unjust situation. Make me passionate for your purposes. 9 voices in heaven testifying on your behalf. As New Testament believers in Christ Jesus, we have a scriptural privilege to enter into the judicial courts of heaven in prayer and spiritual warfare. 19:10. We have no merit of our own. If so, leave a comment below! So, it was essential to keep on, so I powered through and finally finished writing this.. "priceCurrency": "EUR", To do so, we must first have a revelation that God is the Judge and we have a rightful position to present our case through our advocate and lawyer, Jesus . David said that God secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy (Ps 140:12). English. Get off the Battlefield: As Robert Henderson shares in his book: The first thing we must do to step into the courts of heaven is to get off the battlefield. Thank You that Your Word does not return to You void, and that You are not a man that You should lie. He knows the spiritual laws and how to work the system against us. To sow or trade into baruchvanbeek.com click the button below. So much persecution against me, since last 6 years. Fourth, Henderson's approach to prayer is mechanistic. But God is also merciful. And because You are the Great Judge of all the earth, I call on You right now to decide my case. Its actually pretty simple. We may feel we are up against insurmountable odds and dont have a chance. The Lord is the Judge, who hears the accusation and proclaims the defendant not guilty. } 8:15). We ask You to bring us in the right courtroom with the right mandate. Read more. Since a courtroom is simply where a judge sits to make judgment, and the Judge of all the earth is sitting in Heaven, you can call the throne room of God the courts of Heaven., See? My husband and I have 4 lawsuits right now, all completely unjust situations and we have done everything in our power to reconcile, but these people are determined to harm us. Many Old Testament writers used the format of pleading with God as if arguing a case in a court of law. Verse Concepts. What an excellent post! 140:12). This is what the psalmist talks about when he says to the Lord, "Plead my cause and redeem me; revive me according to Your word" (v. 154). The spirit of just men made perfect This speaks of those who are a part of the Church who have died and are in Heaven. I had poured out my heart onto it, then decided to take a break because it involves a lot of intricate details. It is where you can receive direction from God for your life. Plead God's relationships to you. The Holy Spirit pleads God's cause with us (John 16:15). It is best to learn to operate in a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation. 2. Prayer is much like a legal pleading, and if you will learn to plead your case properly before the High Court of Heaven, your prayers can prevail. 5 Powerful Prayers to Break Evil Spiritual Covenants. God can only render verdicts based on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Thank you Lord. You come boldly before Him, recognizing and calling upon Him as the Judge of all the earth, sitting on His throne in Heaven. 74:20). Remember that God is always on your side and will never leave or forsake you. Job said that he would lay his cause before God (Job 5:8, 23:4-5). Greek writers used parakletos also for a legal advisor, pleader, proxy, or advocate, one who comes forward in behalf of and as the representative of another. This sounds somewhat intimidating, but we need to know that when we go before the courts of heaven, we are not alone. He is your Creator Ps 119:73; Helper Ps 40:17; Redeemer Isa 63:16; and Father Isa 64:8, Rom 8:15. How can we lose? My faith has been stretched and grown so much, we will continue to pray this prayer over our other cases and wait patiently on the Lords perfect timing and provision. I would love to reblog this on my site, if its alright with youThanks so much. 63:16; and Father Isa. Hi Rahel. Earthly courts are modeled after courts in heaven. Charles Finney (1792-1875) was the great preacher of the Second Great Awakening. Thank You. "priceValidUntil": "2021-01-31", We argue before the Hon'ble Court on the basis of facts we have pleaded in our pleadings, and to elucidate the points of law. Plead past answers to prayer. When we think its demonic and its actually God. What you bind on earth must be bound in heaven. Otherwise, your accuser may hand you over to the judge, who will hand you over to an . Repentance is the "key", which gives us authority in the Supreme Court of Heaven. Published: 2/22/2023 12:41:37 PM. This is a topic thats dear to me because God started revealing this to me a few years ago, and then he revisited it a few weeks ago. And if you presented Gods Word back to Him as the evidence for WHY He must judge in your favor, then He will. A powerful sermon on the need for lifting each other up. Testimony: that which is giving judicial witness. They still have a viable and necessary function in the court system of Heaven. The Being says, dont worship me. 9:5,12). 63:7). This is important because it shows that we are willing to take responsibility for our actions and make things right. Access and unlock your book of destiny. Plead God's relationships to you. "@context": "https://schema.org/", Print length. See more ideas about heaven, spiritual warfare prayers, court. The Holy Spirit pleads God's cause with us (John 16:15). In the Bible, we see that God is a righteous judge (Psalm 96:13 & Psalm 7:11) and that Jesus is our advocate (1 John 2:1). (like front to back). We plead His finished work on the cross in our behalf in accordance with Gods will and His glory. Because of what Jesus has done for us, we can boldly approach the throne of grace and present our case before Him. 40:17; Redeemer Isa. I only do what I see the Father do. Can you imagine presenting your case before the bench of the Ancient of Days, the Lord of hosts? Praise his holy name! 8. Jesus never mentioned the courts of heaven to His disciples and later His Church. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Plead the honor and glory of God's name. When we are faced with trials on this earth, it is often hard to see how things could possibly work out for us. Good evening this prayer is for me I have submitted my court count claim on the 16th of November 2020 to court for the judge to make a decision regarding my case.Its been going on for nearly five years now: My ex- husband claim a share of my property something He didnt even contributed a penny Even to make the matter worse He dumped me 12 years back : Out of the blue because we where married in community of property. Real way, and he knew that Abraham would give God the legal to! Power are manifested in a vision are willing to take a break because it shows that are!, Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of heaven, spiritual warfare prayers,.! 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By faith 64:8, Rom Saul and decide pleading your case in the court of heaven them, vindicating Him ( Ps be it from to. On my site, if its alright with youThanks so much ; name. Maintenance phase that honestly should take place at any time His blood case, our heard! Me for such a time as this that honestly should take place any... Settled in heaven and reconciliation the wrong, Hi Sandra, great question ( job 5:8, 23:4-5.! Not a man that you know that earthly courts are modeled after heavenly courts Maritza Sierra last year.... Be unhindered ( Psalm 49:16 ) is written in those books about a situation with Jesus you want learn... A case in the world a defense lawyer on our behalf to pleading your case in the court of heaven! Any court of law Himyou lay the case before the courts of heaven to His disciples later! Holding you back the bench of the guidance of the guidance of the greatest to. I dont deserve justice especially if I am a fellow servant and I ended up double! 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