Harris, Harvie. Thank you, I have several names on your list who are in my direct line: Dalton/ Brown/ Clark/ Davis/ Evans/ Freeman/ Hill/ James/ Jones/ Martin/ Moore/ Osborn(e)/ Powell/ Pruitt/ Williams. In addition, it leaves untouched some of the families who in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were typically classed as whites, but who claimed Native American ancestry, such as the Sizemore claimants among the Eastern Cherokee applicants." My great grandfather was a Freeman of color in South carolina. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Hi Debby, I was told we were Jewish my entire life but never made more connection to it as kid, but more so as an adult. I grew up in upper east tn living in the tri cities (bristol/kingsport and Johnson city) area from 1964 until 1988 when I moved toive in Richmind,va. Thank you. The Majority of my ancestors are from The Appalachians. I have been doing some ansestry searching, combined with some hints that my great grandma spoke of often. [https://nativeheritageproject.com/2012/08/10/a-report-on-research-of-lumbee-origins-by-robert-k-thomas-part-18-appendix/?fbclid=IwAR21JgwWwyYej0aPBQ8JKjGvNaHk_pXexc7Ddmkn6kKdxF6vaLxJdglOIf8](https://nativeheritageproject.com/2012/08/10/a-report-on-research-of-lumbee-origins-by-robert-k-thomas-part-18-appendix/?fbclid=IwAR21JgwWwyYej0aPBQ8JKjGvNaHk_pXexc7Ddmkn6kKdxF6vaLxJdglOIf8). I am trying to see if I can locate my Great Grandmother. In January of 1943, Plecker sent a circular to all public health and county officials in Virginia, listing, county by county, the surnames of all families suspected of having African ancestry. Are you able to expound a little more on the lineage of Melungeon peoples and the specific areas they inhabited? 2847 results. George Alvin Wood Sr., 1764-1802 from Yorkshire, through Richmond, settled in Scott Chapman, Chavis. Page, Paine, Patterson, Perkins, Perry, Phelps, Phipps, Pinder, Polly, Powell, Powers, Pritchard, Pruitt. I descend from the Brooks, Clarks and Cooper lines. With blonde hair blue eyes. West Virginia were noted by Dr. N. Brent Kennedy during his Because I just dont know. It possibly accounts for my 0.7% West African/Congolese DNA. Do you have any information on the Bunch family? My grandmother is Bessie Zackery and her mother was Elizabeth Collier or Dicey Elizabeth Collier and her mother was a Mary Ann Norris. my family comes from west virginia in the appalachian mountains and we are of native american descent through my grandma though i havent tracked down who yet. Is Jones her maiden name? Im going to share your comments with Angela Walton Raji and Melvin Collier, they have Bass out of Arkansas. Hi! At that time, their native Angolan fa- Him and his wife did not have any children. Would love to hear if you have tips or suggestions! So then we need to go to our trees The college of UVA Wise, Va. held an event several years ago about Melungeon. White. Sparks Morrison Not looking like any of the others. Connie Crosby 4/27/02 . I have the knot . April Pilkey Williams Other relations are Chavis and Locklear which are frim the Lumbee Indians.HELP! Smiling, Smith, Stallard, Stanley, Steel, Stevens, Stewart, Strother. My name is Relaeh and this journey has been wild. Oxendine, Paine. Other Surnames in his line are Brewer, Davis, Seals, Phipps, Tagliaferro(toliver) and many more. Thanks for posting. This surname means from the anchor in Dutch. I have traced my ancestry back to the right areas at the right times, I have pictures of them that just dont match up with the white on their census records. My grandmother, a Chapman, when young was always asked if she were Jewish, to which she simply replied, no. In the early 80s when I was a little girl, I remember Papaw Chapman (her father) always saying we were Dutch Indian and Black Dutch. Change). Jackson Joel Gilliam is my 4th great grandfather, and he is from Scott County Virginia. RICHARDSON RIDDLE RIVERS ROBERSON ROBERTSON ROBINSON RUSSELL, SAMMONS SAMPSON SAWYER SCOTT SEXTON SHAVIS Are there any distant cousins related to them? Surnames: Allen. Little. As the study's authorsRoberta J. Estes, Jack H. Goins, Penny Ferguson and Janet Lewis Crainnote: At one time isolated geographically and socially due to their dark countenance, they were known. Any information would be great. I have been trying to place my Melungeon ancestors as well as my Native ancestry. C 2. On the early 1900s census our family was classified as mulattos born in Virginia/Western Virginia. Am trying to find out much more. They were listed as white on census, but Im at a dead end before 1850 census, a Daniel Boone is listed as the father, and the only other earlier record I can find is a Daniel Boone in Amherst, VA that fits his birth year, but listed black. Thalassemia genes are widely distributed in the world but are found most often among people with ancestors from the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and southern Asia. These last names show up in my family try. The rest of my matches are 1 in Germany and the rest in Spain, Portugal, Purro Rico, Italy, and Brazil. There are a lot of Coopers in Eastern Kentucky, especially Somerset, Ky. Hello Ms. J Gray: On another list the surname Riddle was given as a surname for Melungeons. These common kinships of cousins show the Melungeon society was becoming cohesive and distinctively apart in colonial America at least 100 years before the American Revolution. My great grandmother was Leeann Cox and it was said she had Indian blood. There are Coopers who live in Somerset, Ky. and a lot of the older generations have died. Dad claimed their was Cherokee on his side but I have found no proof. King James IV is also my 14th great grandfather. Hello! It was great to get your email, Ive been asked to speak in Charles Town and as soon as I finish up with that presentation Ill be back on my Melungeon research. I had no idea what that meant. John Brown-Warrants 26 Dec 1760, 700 acres on the Flatt River, includes Bolins, Riddles and Collins Improvements. I am stumped here and cant seem to find much on them. My Grandfather was Cleo Berry Son of Lydia Price and Calvin Berry. The oldest two were blondish and blue eyed. I know very little of my fathers familys origins, except my grandmothers name, Mary Jo Berry, how she died (tragically) and my dad was from Tennessee. Melungeon Geography and Surnames. Morris Baker and Jane Smith had a daughter, my 5th great grandmother, Mary Polly Baker 1780-1831 m. Owen Meredith Ballou, my 5th great grandfather, 1766-1847. Tally, Taylor, Thompson, Tolliver, Tuppance, Turner, Ware, Watts, Weaver, White, Whited, Wilkins, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wisby, Wise, Wood, Wright, Wyatt, Wynn, Monacan surnames of Beverly, Branham, Johns, Pinn and Terry. Thanks, Rachel. 1 It is now known that DNA samples can be contaminated by contact by other persons with the sample, or even DNA attached to . Interview your folks and any elders still alive. Also known as the "Lost People of Appalachia," these darker-skinned people were called "Melungeons," a word derived from the Arabic "Melun-Jinn" meaning one who has been abandoned by God - a cursed soul. Hello again Ms. Gray. Glad to see the name here. My DNA has me 98% European and 2% Asian. I am stuck on finding any census records or ethnic listings for these women. Aaron had a wife, Nancy Gray, and a son named Moses Bass. The center of Melungeon territory in former times was Newman's Ridge, Hancock County, Tennessee. Jane Taylor was born in Virginia in 1798 and died in Marietta ,Ohio in 1883 or 1888. The Clarks were said to be Portuguese. maxg, Nov 28, 2007 #22. Robert K Thomas mentions an offshoot of Lumbees settling in Lincoln Co, Asheville and Macon Co NC in the link below. Im a Brooks, Clark, and Cooper descendent. Mississippi never had a law like that, because such a law would have prevented the states finest old families from marrying their neighbors. Where are you living I too am a Foresman. Stoney Creek church records show the name "Melungeon" was known in Virginia before it ap- peared in Tennessee. Can you give me access to your family tree? One of their kids, Wyatt Wert Wood, born in Illinois, 1913 1993, moved to Garland, Texas. This page was last modified on: Thursday, 01-Jul-1999 13:32:47 MDT, RootsWeb is funded and supported by I am on Ancestry and 23andme I do have both Indigenous and African dna, as well as Iberian and Ashkanazi Jewish. Dare. Havent heard back from George yet, when I do Ill be sure to let you know! Bryson Gibson was born between 1775 and 1782 Washington County, Virginia to Thomas and Mary Gibson. As a researcher and family historian, I was excited when a . Willis. Jack Goins is the patriarch of Melungeon research. Thank you for providing a surnames list, Ive been trying to find out anout my mothers fathers side, surname is Boone and Richardson. In Callaway County and Randolph County Missouri, known Melungeon surnames in the community are listed on Census records, Minor, Gibson, Hicks, Hix, and more. Would taking one of the ancestry dna tests help determine this or just make it more confusing? The surnames most associated with the Melungeons are the Irish name Collins, and the English name Gibson. TUPPANCE TURNER, WARE WATTS WEAVER WHITE WHITED WILKINS WILLIAMS Nearly everyone who has written about the Melungeons agrees that they fiercely resented the name. The Melungeons were a people of mysterious origins who had swarthy complexions, straight black hair, black or gray eyes and were found by the first pioneers. North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky. My daughter will be helping us in the future so if i find it, I will try to send it to you. Change). On an Annete. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. Smiling, Smith, Stallard, Stanley, Steel, Stevens, Stewart, Strother. What can you tell me? But I seen the Smith name were Melungeons just trying to find out about my family history. "Jordan, son of Gilbert Gibson was undoubtedly born after 1746/7, possibly as late as 1752 or so. Hello:I have ran across an interesting web page and it offers new insights into Melungeon origins.I wanted to see if anybody else has found it?I am writing a short story of it and will be posting it around eventually.It's not plaguarism its research because I am copying from more than one source :-) Johnny sounds like youve done a lot of work already, do you have a family tree established? It was an open secret that they were not white. 2 vols. We are cousins! On my Daddys side my Grandmaw was Pearl Bass. Now to find the link to the Indian Nation. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I, too, am kin to Reeves from the VA/WV area who claimed unproven Native blood, even though there descendants were dark-skinned, dark-haired, etc. I have 21 of those melungeon surnames in my direct bloodlines. My "Brown" Genealogy-East Tenn/Ky. Hammon, Jones, Osborn, and Steele on my mothers side. While I have some information, I would like to trace him back to Ireland, as my DNA shows over 70% Irish. Reply message to 540.529.2592. Hi! Researchers with ancestral roots in North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia may have Melungeon genes. This is seen in all generations that I know of in my family. She is 86 years old and sadly, that time is coming closer than we want to admit and I would love to help her find her moms family before it is too late. Howe. Also, I am related to the Bolling which go back to the Randolph and then to the Carters, and Hill last names. My grandpaw was also a Pentecostal revival preacher who has been written about in several books about the Pentecostal snake handlers, I know one was by a fella named Jimmy morrow. Her mother was Elmeda Johnson who died in childbirth,her father Jim cogdill went to ww1 and her grandparents raised her, family stories have suggested her mother was NA and Ive seen the name Luna johnson in my search once , it suggested that Luna johnson was her grandmother or great grandmother, all my grandmothers sons look very Hispanic in old photos but a lighter skin tone,say lighter than a Mexicans but quite a bit darker than a regular Caucasian,she her self had what Ive heard described as very ruddy complexion but to me she looked pure cherokee. Viccars. Please email me when you are available. The following common Melungeon surnames occurring in North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia were noted by Dr. N. Brent Kennedy during his research for The Melungeons: The Resurrection of a Proud People An Untold Story of Ethnic Cleansing in America. She was in her 20s, married to James Elbert Manis Ferrell. Thank you. Wish I knew of someone that could help point me in the right direction. ajpilkey76@gmail.com. Butler. My sons dna showed black ancestry circa 1700. I have Iberian, Sardinian, Turkish, North African and Nigerian DNA. Could use any help I can get from you or anyone reading this on pinning things down. and we are talking and gathering info. Coleman. I did take my fathers death certificate when she was unaware. Grew up in eastern tn near church hill and sneedeville home of melungeons. I am a Denham..Been researching this info a great confirmation! Clarks, Coopers, Saunders and Pruitts. Some of the most prominent surnames that have been claimed as potentially associated with a Melungeon identity include Bowling (Bolin), Bunch, Chavis (Chavez), Collins, Epps, Evans, Fields, Francisco, Gibson, Gill, Goins, Goodman, Minor, Mise, Moore, Mullins, Osborn (e), Phipps, Reeves (Rives, Rieves, Reeves, Reaves), Ridley (Riddle), Rodrigues, Hello my name is Melissa Blevins Nesbit. Earlier they may have lived near the Atlantic coast but, preferring a more secluded setting . Where did they come from? 18 of those being in the US all with my last name or variants and very distant matches. These laws required anyone with one drop of African blood to be classified as black. Is there any way to find out if there is Melugeon in my history. Our grands are from Eastern KY our fathers were born there as well. Some Notes on Jordan Gibson. My grandfather was straight black hair, brown eyes, and really dark in the summer sun. Melungeon. Just to note, a lot of Melungeon families are mixed with Roma. North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky. Lucas. reaves/osteen/lawson. Martin. Boone, Bowman, Badby, Branham, Braveboy, Briger/Bridger, Brogan, Brooks, Brown, Bunch, Butler, Butters, Bullion, Burton, Buxton, Byrd. I am 4 th cousin s with lowry,revels and bakers per my 2018 ancestry.com test results. Thank you for being our [an error occurred while processing this directive] visitor since July 1, Surname is Turner. Melungeon-related surnames (North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky) ADAMS ADKINS BARKER BARNES BECKLER BELL BENNETT BERRY BIGGS BOLEN BOWLIN BOWLING BOWMAN BRANHAM BROGAN BULLION BURTON BYRD CAMPBELL CARRICO CARTER CASTEEL CAUDILL CHAVIS CLARK COAL COFFEY COLE COLEMAN COLES COLLEY COLLIER COLLINS The thing I have been asking, but still dont know. So many questions, where to start,my maternal grammaw was a cogdill and married a Raines in cocke county Tennessee in a remote area known as the 15th (we still retain the property on the old 15th Rd, it lies between del Rio and grassy fork tn.) My name Is Brent Stanley, I live in CT. Senator named John Sherman Cooper who was my mother-in-laws first cousin. Bennett. Just learned there is a Jesse Taliaferro Toliver connected through the Wood/Stamper line. My fathers name was Creed and his mothers name was Emma Jo Hall. There is no proof that Melungeons even have Mediterranean ancestry, . Thanks for contacting me, Im working on a big project right now and as soon as I can Ill see what I can find. Do you have any information? Knowing it could be a false positive or perhaps true, I have pursued that info. Surnames on my maternal grandmas side are Mullins, Stallard, Stanley and Roberson/Robertson/Robinson. Her parents are from Kentucky, from S.C. and Maryland. North American Indian ancestors include people from the tribes of Powhatan, Mattaponi, Monie, Nansemond, Rappahanock, Pamunkey, Chickahominie, Cherokee (Buffalo Ridge) and Choctaw. Thanks! The `so-called,' Melungeons were `discovered' in the Appalachian Mountains in 1654 by English explorers and were described as being `dark-skinned, reddish-brown complexioned people supposed to be of Moorish descent, who were neither Indian nor Negro, but had fine European features, and claimed to be Portuguese." (Louise Davis, "The Mystery of the Best of luck and Merry Christmas! And thank you for checking in on my site, I hope you enjoyed reading! Well hopefully you can work your skills to help me find a better understanding. I found the connection and sent it to her. We believe the melungeon came through from my direct Collins and Gabbard lines from that area. Im just so tired of not knowing a connection and many of extended family feel the same My Grandmaw Pearl Bass always told my father Jasper Stanley. linda mckee 12/16/08. I was thinking maybe someone would see my ost any maybe have some new ideas of where I can search for records or what to look under as the regular ones do not pan out. Graham. Many of the Melungeon are believed to have taken the surnames of white settlers as their dialects switched to English for trading. The Melungeons were dark-skinned and isolated, but the ethnicity of these olive and brown-skinned families has been in question since the early 1800s. (And no Cherokee.) Hi, on my fathers side I have Davis, Spillman and Ramey as well as Berry all from south eastern kentucky. I wish I knew more about, but anyone I can ask are now passed. Does anyone know anything about Po (Napoleon) Brown from south east Kentucky? She was a black person in Memphis, Tenn., I believe. My 84 year old Aunt just did DNA it came back with Camaroin/Bantu/Congo. People publish scholarly books, not gangster rap records, with Redbone or Melungeon in the title. Thank you for writing, have you seen the other two pages concerning the histories of the Melungeon people? Joseph Higdon says: February 9, 2023 at 4:17 am. Brent Kennedy based his primary genetic proof on a 1990 study of blood samples from 177 Melungeon descendants taken in 1969. I do not have dark skin and for the most part people are shocked about my skin. The Clarks were said to be Portuguese. They came into Tennessee via Virginia. Surnames include Adkins, Beam (er), Black, Blevins, Brown, Bunch, Bundren, Burke, Burns, Cooper, Davis, Fields, Gist, Gunter, Keys, Lackey, Lowrey, Redwine, Riley, Shankles, and Sizemore. my mothers last name is Brown, my fathers last name is King but that is not a Melungeon name but Brown is. Look in Bibles and record any folklore that might have been passed down. My grandpa Short had black hair and black eyes. The parents settled in Owens Co. Ke. Among the northern Europeans, the Melungeon ancestors include English, Scot, Irish, Welsh, Dutch, and German parents. I can possibly help if you connect to Sylvaneous Brewer, b 1812-1815 in Claiborne County, Tennessee, and lived in Lee County, Virginia, from 1850 to circa 1900. All around 1700-1800 time frame. Would appreciate any comments/information you may be able to provide. 1999. That can be but does not have to be a Jewish Haplogroup. GOINGS GORVENS GOWAN GOWEN GRAHAM GREEN(E) GWINN, HALL HAMMON(D) HARMON HARRIS HARVIE HARVEY Also Mary Bolling 1720-1790 Wilkes NC m. Andrew Baker 1720-1779 Rowan NC. And for some not any death dates. I was born and raised in Big Stone Gap Va I am of mulungeon descent. Also, if you know who they were their spouse, this will help even more. Melungeon families themselves claimed to be Indian, white and Portuguese. BOWLING BOWMAN BRADBY BRANHAM BRAVBOY BRIGER/BRIDGER BROGAN Smith (40), Williams (27), Johnson (26), Brown (26), Davis (19), Jones (16), Martin (15), Moore (15), Clark (13), Taylor (13), Cox (11), Jackson (10), Hill (10). 3 great grandmother Ramey who wasnt related to my grandmother Davis was also said to be black dutch. What are the Common Melungeon Surnames? All maternal lines tested have been European. And many more Because I just dont know when I do Ill be sure let., Purro Rico, Italy, and Cooper lines a black person in Memphis Tenn.. 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Parkersburg Indictments, Articles M