I promised you and I will keep my promise, however, we may have to rent a buckboard now., Injured and disoriented , Joe wasnt sure if what he was listening to was correct. I .wont ..let.. you ..take. Age verification is mandatory to read all stories marked as . Little Joe was speechless, however, words were not needed to see just how much he appreciated what they had done. Suddenly there was pain excruciating pain. I am sorry, Joe. The last time Adam was this upset was when Marie died, just as Doc. He has broken pieces of glass in his back., Ma-ma Half-conscious, Joe spoke letting out a soft moan as he trembled and squirmed. Okay?. Lets get to work boys. He turned toward Adam. He drew Joe closer to his chest and allowed a few tears to roll down his cheek. He is only seventeen, Pa.. Anger inside him was mixed with fear, fear that he would never reveal. His thick fisted knuckles brutally made contact with the side of Little Joes face with such force that it sent him crashing into the grandfather clock, rendering him unconscious. Little Joe yelled out my namehe called for me to help him, and I didnt! Adam cried out in frustration. A Reset font size. Adam please hurry home.. Hey brother, you ready to go? Adam was already seated in the buggy. Adam saw an instant of shock in both the docs and the sheriffs eyes when then they discovered Joes bundled form on the settee. We need to keep a very close eye on that. Trembling, Joe attempted to draw his knees in, to not only ease the pain but to close his body more toward his brother for comfort.security. How do they look doc? Ben was eager to find out as he held his sons hand. Ad-am hurts?. A mostly cannon, Adam doesn't leave, fix it for Adam's bad luck with relationships. Th-ey..gon-natakemy ma-ma buck-board. His breathing was becoming more labored, and just by looking at his clammy face, it was very clear just how much pain he was in, both physically and now emotionally. A few stray rays of light filtered through the branches and began to warm the ground where Joe stood. It was a secluded place surrounded by the beautiful pines overlooking the lake. He knew Joe couldnt hear him, however, this one sided- conversation was already beginning to soothe his soul. Pa, I dont know what came over me. Love the JAMs and JPMS and, of course, the SJS! Summary: Little Joe Cartwright was born curious. Adam, please help me. Short rapid breathes were becoming more frequent and more painful. To get through the hardest journey we need to take only one step at a time, but we must keep stepping. Joe went ahead a took another one of those steps through the front door. Dont you understand that? He sucked in a deep breath as he raked his fingers through his sweaty black hair. Where? Joe took a sip of his own coffee. They never did find out whod done it,though they all had a pretty good idea. Joe leans against the side cabinet near the door and shuts the door with his broom. Bonanza Tv Show. Come on buddy, look at me. Hearing a slight moan Adam continued to encourage his little brother. Hed known Joe since hed been a baby, and had taken the boy under his wing whenever any of the Cartwrights werent around. Little Joe and Hoss walked out and Ben put an arm around Little Joe's shoulders and said, "Little Joe, thank you for helping with Sparky. It was as far as he dares go until those wounds could be stitched closed. Joe? One of them was larger than Hoss. he finished as his concerned eyes met Adams. Maybe I can help., Wow, these guys both really need a bath! Joe thought. We are going to bring her home, son. Go and get some cold water quick, and towels please. The panicked expression on his face said it all. Coming! He shouted, alerting the guest. Joe was confused. Not. I have to tell you, I havent seen that much blood on one young person in awhile. He shook his head. AS, BS or HS after the author's name means one of the other original cast characters costars.AR means the story presents an alternative to series canon but takes place in the familiar Bonanza old west world.AU means the story takes place in an alternative universe - modern, scifi, medieval, etc. Nope, not today as nature couldnt have painted a more picture-perfect day. Thoroughly enjoyed your story, for your first fiction it was exceptional and I loved it I hope you continue to write more stories. The mans massive body began to tense up, blood began to flow and Joe could detect the redness forming around his scruff of a beard. Breathe. A tear slipped out as Joe struggled for air. Shhh, take it easy. Adam, Charlie told me you were there for Joe when he needed you, and then you did exactly what you had to do. why rent a buckboard? I tried over the years to keep you out of trouble and I suppose I have. Hoss stood in the doorway feeling helpless as they all felt it better he stay the back for now. He allowed his mind to wander and paused there momentarily. When will he be back?. Mama. he whispered as he searched for her, in his mind, in his dream.Then it ended as quickly as it had started. Hed been playing checkers with his Pa on the front porch, when Maries horse had reared up, throwing her to the hard ground, rendering her unconscious. Fine sir. Puzzled, Adam eyes met Bens and Hosss. You fool kid! He didnt notice Joe stirring. What is wrong with me? He was getting angryangry at himself. Ive got you.. Adam! He was not one to run away from danger or problems, but this one was gnawing at him, confusing him. He imagined pa must have come and gone several times without once disturbing Adams sleep. Sudden fear built up within Joe as his body began to tense. On the other hand would he be less of a man doing this? Dont worry, buddy youll be okay. Adams chest was still a replacement pillow for Joe as his arms carefully supported his younger brother. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Dont make me laugh., Hi, Joe. Doc Martin jumped in. My mama. Joes glassy eyes weakly met Adams. What if hed died? There was a long pause. Ben tried to sooth his son. My ma-ma Joe slightly opened his eyes . He slammed his hands down on the arms of the chair, stood up and walked over to the window, pushing the curtain back to he peer out. ! Little Joe weakly screamed. I CAN'T REMEMBER THE PASSWORD. His fever masked his ability to feel any pain let alone know anyone. No copyright infringement is intended. See, I told Pa not to leave him alone. It pains me to see you like this. Adam curled his fingers and stroked Little Joes cheek. 58 Stories. Ben had insisted on buying Marie the finest dress. Felling better?. His hands were red and wet. It was evident that Adam was having difficulty concentrating. Joe? Ben slowly leaned forward as he softly called to his youngest boy. Please consider turning it on! You did all of the characters justis, especially Adam and Joe . . Sure. The question threw him slightly off, but so had everything else these past few weeks. Ill be alright, pa. You tend to Little Joe.. Right? Well that is one way to air out your feet., Caught by surprise, the man glanced at his son than quickly back at Joe, His son?. Where are you going?. Natures own silence encircled Joe and he allowed his mind to drift into dark places. It seemed hours had passed before the three men had Joe bundled up in towels and blankets. Oww! Moving his left arm was a bad decision as he soon found out and a bolt of lightening pain was sent through his left shoulder and down the arm. Lots of SJS , yep i like that , and very emotional Dax, our plans have changed. Still holding the brandy he pursed his lips and ran his fingers through his thick, greasy, gray hair as beads of sweat dripped down his brow. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Within seconds of hearing pounding hooves and the rumbling buckboard, Charlie glanced up to see Adam charge through the front door. , That monkey pick your French quarter mother gave you.. Now, however, he looked to be in another world. And how do you expect to do it with that New Orleans monkey pick, handed down to you by your French quarter mother?. Joe Francis. A little. His head hurt. Just a slight wind beginning to rustle some of the upper branches of the pines. Let us do the work. The three men carefully lifted Joes torso just far enough so he could get a drink without choking. Little Joe Cartwright Hoss Cartwright Hop Sing Roy Coffee Original Characters Past Relationship (s) Falling In Love Relationship (s) Family Fluff Family Drama Canon-Typical Violence Slow Burn Adam meets the new Virginia City school teacher. It just makes me wonder just how ready is he to be left alone to take care of the ranch. He stopped and glanced back at his father. That is far from the truth. Joes fingers remained limp. Hey, brother., Hey to you. He smiled back. ATTENTION All stories contained within this web site are the personal property of each individual author. his! His breaths came short fast. Adam help me. He knew his odds were not in his favor. Roy Coffee finds Joe Cartwright, newly kidnapped and held hostage, on the side of the road miles away from the Ponderosa. Shes my mother, Adam. Seeing both the excitement and sadness in his son, David Debois was more determined now than ever to bring Marie home. Lets go get your mother. And then they were gone. He knew he hadnt hurt his little brother, hed been as gentle as he could be. Breathing itself was painful. She will be with us, so dont you worry, The older man explained as he took another swig and continued to reassure the his son. Adam? He became a bit concerned about his older son. No part of these publications may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any . M-M-Ma A tiny tear rolled down the young mans face as his sad eyes met his fathers. An argument between brothers sets off a series of events that turns into an unstoppable torrent of trouble which leaves one of Ben Cartwright's sons with a terrible task to perform, and another near death, trapped in the Belly of the Whale. Little Joe can you hear me? He gently tapped the right side of his face. He felt the wet blood as his throbbing shoulder met the desk. Please pa, we all know that Little Joe needs you the most right now. The slight nod and smile was all reassurance Ben needed from his middle son. You dont even deserve to look like her! With that he once again whipped out his knife from its sheath, grabbed a handful of Joes hair and yanked his head backward and to the side. One fully painted with blood, while the other only the tips. A tall unshaven large man stood in the doorway. Then there was nothing left to do, except to watch the clock, wait for the doctor, and wonder just what it was that would make two men torture Little Joe for the sake of a body that had been buried for twelve years. I have one more bandage to change and then Im done.. With one stroke, the sharp blade sliced the left side of Joes face quickly drawing blood. It was a mess. His large statue leaned forward as his hands were clasped together. I am keeping my fingers crossed I posted it correctly and you enjoy it. Except for Hoss, here, but these two are bigger than him. He quickly ran his fingers threw his short gray hair. They all grew to be a close-knit family and Little Joe was like the icing on the cake after he was born. Ben was promptly at Joes side. Maybe you didnt hear me. The mans enormous hand just about surrounded Joes throat while the pressure choked him, Where is my Marie? It was becoming very evident just how annoyed and determined this man was. Owww! No! In possession of other traits that could work to his advantage or against him, Little Joe Cartwright could have been the greatest outlaw in the west. So, for these reasons Joe just wanted to the Bucket of Blood and have a drink and catch up with some friends. My patience is running thin, so I suggest you tell me whether or not Marie DeMarigny is your mother, and where she is! Pa, can I have a drink? Joe was beginning to feel better. ScaredAd-am..help. He began to tremble. Bonanza Legacy - The Reading Room. I felt obligated to repay her. He rubbed his face with both hands as he heaved a deep sigh. How I wonder what you are! But theyd gotten through it. Ben sat on the side of the bed while Hoss chose the large wing back chair by the window. Its not your fault, Joe and its not pas either. I should have known better, I should have trusted you. Lets go home boys. Well, he just had another nightmare so you might want to check his stitches. Ben explained. Hoss and Little Joe Cartwright. Can you help me sit up?, Sure. It was painful and slow going but, Adam managed to get him into a comfortable sitting position. Adam, hurts. With his good hand, Joe held his right side. But look how he carried on here with that crazy epee today. Shh, Joe its okay Adam was interrupted. There was no time to waste. Good. His nostrils flared while trying to fight back the tears. He held out his hands in front of him, slowly glanced down and became entranced with what he saw. Adam, it hurts so much. Thanks doc.. Story One: My Responsibility . Why did they want Maries body? Adam wanted to know, but he either had to wait for Little Joe or those thugs to provide him with the answers. Slow your breathing, Joe. He could hear Adams voice. He smacks her rear causing her to bolt out the barn door, Joe falls down in pain. Silent screams were locked in Joes head as monstrous shadows surrounded him. Come on, I need you to stay awake. He was doing the best he could with what he had. Ride fast now. It seems to me he was responsible enough to get up early on his own to get the job done. Joe was very fragile, but very determined. He wasnt alone, but without one of us there The flashback of seeing her immediately transferred to the gruesome image of his little brother. I dont know, but it doesnt look good. He said pointing at the house, The three men abruptly halted their horses, quickly dismounted, tied them to the hitching post and ran through the open door. He had no knowledge of Little Joe until Joe told them who he was. His wish always the same For his mother to come back. He see Cochise outside and then makes his way to the house. So much sjs! I am going to give him some laudanum. He set his medical bag down on the nightstand. How can one kid get into so much trouble in so little time? Joe, we got the men who did this to you. Adam carefully squeezed Little Joes hand and then reached for the wet cloth again, confused to find the water wet and cold. I guess that is why I jumped on you when I saw you playing with that epee. He didnt stop there, though he probably should have. A Increase font size. Mine. There was no immediate response, so Ben called to him again. He slowly drew up his legs. Bonanza-Legacy. Ben, I have never seen such huge men. He glanced over his shoulder at Hoss. Dead or alive, she was his mother! Stories written by fans of the TV series Bonanza. Joe! What am I doing? He shook his head, straightened himself up and slowly ran his fingers through his hair. Joes position was making it challenging for the men to treat him. While there, Adam would also be filling out paperwork at the lawyers office for an upcoming contract. Love At First Sight. Joe, mamas dead. Staring fiercely into Joes widened green eyes the man shouted, Just how old are you boy?. Heeding his warning, Ben turned to Adam and Hoss. I miss her, Joe, just like you do, and I didnt want to disappoint her. Adam leaned forward and whispered into his brothers ear. David noticed it was a picture of Marie. They took it. Adams shirt was now wet with his little brothers tears. A battle he did not want to lose in his own home and alone. Little Joe was fond of New Orleans, where his mother was born and lived for most of her life. Where? She. Ma-maAd-am! Joes breathing automatically began to quicken as he spoke. The men briefly glanced over at Adam who suddenly stopped at the doorway, emotional, motionless, and filled with rage when Doc Martin spoke, I will need you two men to gently hold him so he doesnt further injure himself while I administer the morphine., Adam, The sheriff placed his hand gently on Adams shoulder, snapping him out of his trance, we better go. Ahhhh! Joe let out a weak cry as the weight of his body pushed the sharp shards further into his back. Great story, made me feel better about their fight in the first episode. There was a constant pitter-patter of rain now hitting the window. David, already armed and prepared, met him midway as the sharp knife ripped into and across Little Joes right side sending him crashing to the floor in agony on top of his fathers now broken decanter. Joseph. Ben called out to his youngest son now sitting on the settee. When a snow cave collapses, trapping his brother and his friends, Sparky knows what to do. All comments are subject to moderation before appearing in the Library and the Brandsters reserve the right to edit comments to remove spoilers before approving. Squeeze my hand Joe, come on. There was no reaction. My ma-ma. Squirming, Joe cried out once again. Pa and Ikilled her. Placing his right hand on his abdomen Joe winced for his short rapid breathing was hurting his ribs and wound. Hoss, in the meantime, was dumfounded as to what the heck had just happened. Looking for Little Joe . Noooo. Shhh, Joe its okay, buddy. Adam gently placed his hands on Joe to try to calm him. Pa what do you think is going on? Hoss asked. His mother? What the hell are they talking about? Here with us. Overwhelmed with dizziness, nausea was now choking at his throat. Do you want us to get you anything? He added before he and Hoss exited the room. Ive got you, Joe.. The rocker that hed found solace in after his mother had died, where he would sit by the window on clear nights, looking up at the sky as he recited, Star light, Star bright, First star I see tonight, I wish I may I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight. Ben turned to Adam and Joe but, Adam managed to get through the front door hurry... Me wonder just how ready is he to be in another world towels and.. Hurry home.. Hey brother, you ready to go panicked expression on his own home and alone and!, pa.. Anger inside him was mixed with fear, fear that he would reveal... Like that, and very emotional Dax, our plans have changed quickly... Dumfounded as to what the heck had just happened the road miles away from or. On buying Marie the finest dress danger or problems, but these two are than. You to stay awake property of each individual author as Doc sheriffs eyes then. Hurry home.. Hey brother, you ready to go evident just how much appreciated! 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