Val Demings - Yes could win. Get this comprehensive guide. The time from December this year to April 2022 will be again difficult and challenging time for President Biden before the 2022 mid-term election. May, June this year and November, December this year will be somewhat difficult months for American people. Modi, who came to power . Already, after witnessing the lamentable handing of the pandemic in the USA, Chinese people young and old are convinced their communist country is far superior, whilst the power of the USA is fading. The Saturn-Neptune conjunction is almost exact at 2 Aries in July 2025, then Saturn goes retrograde and makes its final pass in February 2026 at 0 Aries. Again, this is, According to the Forewoman of the Georgia Grand Jury, Emily Kohrs, the Georgia Grand Jury recommended indictments of multiple people in 2020 Presidential Election interference for range of crimes. Apparao. Also at this time Kamalas progressed Sun is trine her natal Moon. We just pumped smoke through chimneys, cigarettes and exhaust pipes. Hindi News. 4. No exceptions, no matter brilliant the insights therein. Solve your problems, discover your unique gifts and get pressing questions answered, Become a proficient Astrologer with Adrians interactive Video Courses, Let Adrian show you how astrology is the worlds best guide to Current Events,, Basic Principles for Mundane Astrology Using USA chart, Government intervention to support those who no longer have jobs, Massive investment in infrastructure projects like charging stations for electric vehicles, Revolution in the banking industry through blockchain and cybercurrency, Acceptance of artificial meat products to counter climate change, Battle to break up social media (with results coming after Pluto enters Aquarius), Social confrontation with financial elite, Home working using Zoom and other media becomes a fact of life. Hear Bill Maher's prediction for 2024 election. Its a long shot, but its a possibility. The year 2030-2031 is likely to witness a major World War (aka) a Mahabharat. Starting in 2024, technological Uranus (the ruler of Aquarius), will travel in a close trine (120-degree angle of activation) to Pluto for the rest of the decade, accelerating when Uranus enters quicksilver Gemini in 2025. I predicted a Biden win in the beginning of August of this year based upon my prediction system that has been right ever since I predicted Ronald Reagans election in April of 1982, he said. Accurately predicted the outcome of the 2016 U.S. Presidential General Election. This has some relationship to the timing of Trump indictment. Yet there have been two notable exceptions to this predictive guide: the successful election of Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932 when he whisked away 'the crown' from the head of one-term Republican Herbert Hoover, and the election of Republican Ronald Reagan in 1980 who finagled 'the crown' from one-term Democrat Jimmy Carter. Early voting data looks very good for Democrats. The pandemic precipitated the biggest economic crisis in modern history. There will be no red wave this time. Click states on this interactive map to create your own 2024 election forecast. In addition to the presidential forecast Lewis has also shown a scary prediction about the future threat of ISIS that you should know. 2024 President Election Predictions: Prediction Market. Too many shooting incidents are happening across the country. Today, New Delhi is almost impossible to breathe in. The solution to the high inflation is not the Republican party in power. Either way Trump will be indicted before May 1, 2024, this was my astrology prediction given in July 2021. The poll numbers before October 25 have no meaning, because the momentum can quickly shift from one political party to the other political party between October 25 and the mid-term election day, if they make any mistakes / gaffes or some scandals take place. If you think I am doing a good job and my astrology predictions are enlightening then please feel free to pay an optional fee by clicking the "Buy Now" button, with your comments. As Evening Star, her position is the mid-to-later degrees of Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, sign of the stranger, foreigner, or outsider - someone different or 'other' who acts as the challenger and rival to the throne - such as a non-politician, or an Independent (neither Republican nor Democrat). We will make Trump 2023 astrology predictions in third week of December this year. Create a specific match-up by clicking the party and/or names near the electoral vote counter. Future Prediction. Craig Hamilton-Parker has made a series of psychic predictions about the coming new year, including a rise in nuclear weapons, an end to the coronavirus pandemic, and the death of the reigning monarch. GOP lies work with poorly educated misinformed voters, but not with educated suburban voters. Joe Biden: 23.26%. Know yourself, know your partner, and create the romantic spark. AS 5.56 AQ. Andhra Pradesh State Horoscope and Future Predictions. The rectified birth time gives us the Scorpio ascendant with ascendant degree at 7 degrees 44 minutes, for President Biden. There will be a significant improvement in the economy between April 2022 and February 2023. Take cars for example. Climate November, December 2021, January, February, March 2022 will be very difficult and challenging months for President Biden, and the country as well. The midterm election is happening on the day of the eclipse, so there could be some problem or delay in results. astrology and accurate predictions. Remember Democrats overperformed polls, in the House special elections in end of August this year, after Roe vs Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court. Vice President Kamala Harris's astrology chart also indicates a very challenging time. (It may be the biggest in history!) But Republicans are spreading lies that Biden is raising taxes on middle class Americans. I just said the chances of Democrats winning the White House in 2024 will be high, because the US economy will be doing well in 2024, just before the Presidential Election, then why American people would want change in the leadership. He writes horoscopes and political astrology forecasts. But this mid-term election is very different from the previous mid-term elections. Want to make a complex subject like astrology simple? Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment. I just said the chances of Democrats winning the White House in 2024 will be high, because the US economy will be doing well in 2024, just before the Presidential Election, then why American people would want change in the leadership. I had also indicated in my President Biden's Astrology article that there will be war like situation in 2023 also. Series of six rare Uranus-Pluto trines from 2025-2028. Surfaces will no longer be warm, but cool. Courtesy of Maren Altman. Primary Menu Sections Search Candace Owens' 2024 President Odds = 1.0% Chance. Irish psychic who predicted Covid-19 pandemic and Donald Trump's election defeat says life will return to normal by summer 2021. would not survive until the end of their terms. TRS/BRS manages to get required majority with great difficulty (similar to 2014). 3. Kayne West - No Kim Kardashian - No, but could run later in history. The Economy "The astrology of the 2022 Australian election shows delayed results, reshuffles during the campaign as well as post election, wrong calls by the media and a high chance of a hung parliament - it may be that Treasurer Josh Frydenberg risks losing his seat." So don't waste your vote on inflation and higher gas prices. Joe Biden Astrology | Joe Biden Presidential Astrology | Coronavirus Astrology | 2022 Mid-Term Election Astrology Predictions, Joe Biden Astrology | Joe Biden Presidential Astrology | 2022 Mid-Term Election Astrology Predictions | Coronavirus Astrology, JOE BIDEN VEDIC ASTROLOGY | JOE BIDEN ASTROLOGY | CORONAVIRUS VEDIC ASTROLOGY | 2022 MID-TERM ELECTION ASTROLOGY PREDICTIONS, Donald Trump Indictment astrology predictions. Even so, let's not use the word 'cheating' though I will say that cheating isn't winning, it's stealing. Many people don't know, Donald Trump has already destroyed the GOP party, it is too late to separate Donald Trump from the GOP party. BY: Harry Brent . So, in this time window we should see the indictments coming. This is a difficult and challenging year for President Biden. While she uses numerology to clarify her correctness internationally famous psychic, Betsy Lewis, has just called the future and also the winner of the presidential election. Will leave the power due to health. At the same time, those whose horoscopes showed their absence, their governments were in the minority and they too lost the trust of the people. Punjab Astrology prediction given on March 1, 2021 came correct. We have never had a losing president, or for that matter, any losing candidate, so openly and falsely and dangerously attack the foundations of our democracy. grah nakshatra in hindi. Mamata Banerjee will have big setback in 2024 as BJP will be piercing fully in West Bengal in 2024. Use the buttons below the map to share your forecast or embed . First of all the magnitude of the turnout. No more chimneys. Should we own cars, when we can just pop in to the nearest car. In this period it is highly likely that the technological dominance of China will be established. Its a non-partisan system.. Who cared about Air? Beijing. The BJP will be under the influence of Sun's Mahadasha from 18th April, 2012. The country is divided, and the Republicans seem to have an electoral college edge for now, but savvy bettors know that change is the only constant. Biden / Harris will face decline in poll numbers. October 20 to December 14 this year is the perfect time window for Donald Trump Indictment if the indictment is coming this year. GOP may split into two parties at some point in future, because of Donald Trump, either way they will find it very difficult to win elections in future. Trump will be indicted any time after March 4, 2023 and we should be done with all indictments by June 1, 2023 or by July 15, 2023. Now Mike Pence has decided to fight this subpoena in court, may delay the matter by few weeks. According to Vedic Astrology scheduling any important matter such as marriage, job interview, childbirth, travel etc., on the eclipse day is not considered auspicious. Russia My condolences to the families of thirteen marines who were killed in Kabul attack. Obesity carries an enhanced risk of many serious health conditions, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, liver disease, and . Greenpeace estimates 50,000 people die of air pollution each year in this city. In a poll released this Sunday, 54 percent of Americans disapprove of President Bidens job performance, and 71 percent believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. So let us hope for a good surprise and pray for the success of our American Democracy. Nevertheless, a Uranus-Pluto trine is in no way a stabilizing influence. McCarthy will be in some challenging time just before the midterm election, between Oct 24 and Nov 8, according to his astrology chart. Both elections occurred with Venus as Morning Star (in Libra) yet upsets somehow occurred due in part to both candidates' tendencies to hastily give favors to others and/or make advantageous backroom deals (Iran hostages boosted Reagan; for Hoover, his tide of popularity had turned due to economics after 1929.). I found President Zelensky of Ukraines birth time details also with A rating on internet. According to Quatrain 5.46 (below) The reign of the antipope will be marked by a new schism and he will have been assigned or appointed illegally. GOP knows voter fraud is a lie, but they keep promoting it. Dwayne Johnson "The Rock" - No. First 8 months of 2023 are very difficult months for the US economy. In case of Senate, we may have to wait for the Georgia Senate runoff election. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction takes place every 20 years, but this one is special. I have studied Kevin McCarthy's astrology chart. The last president of the United States will pull the country out of the economic crisis but push it towards war. GOP has not shown their plan to control inflation to the American people so far. The fate of 2022 mid-term election largely depends upon how President Biden will handle this difficult period from December 2021 to March 2022. India will be steered brilliantly by Yogi Adityanath in those troubling times. Aaj ka panchang. The period from February 2023 to October 2023 will be difficult one for the country. The moment has finally come, Donald Trump will be indicted any time after March 4, 2023. Now many people are angry and upset over inflation and higher gas prices, may want to vote Republican party. -Source: Allan J. Lichtman, The Thirteen Keys to the Presidency, Beta V.1.0 - Powered by automated translation, Look, I'm 73 years old and I've been doing these predictions for 40 years, and I get butterflies in my stomach every four years, Every indication, including statements from Republican election officials throughout the country, indicate that this was a remarkably smooth, full and fair election, and Donald Trump's challenges are entirely baseless, frivolous and dangerous, It doesn't look like the Republicans have anyone who fulfils the 'challenge charisma key', the once-in-a-generation inspirational candidate, like Franklin Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan. Trumps challenging time begins. Weekly Numerology Prediction. I think whats happened with Donald Trump since the election represents the worst moment in US presidential history, Mr Lichtman said, comparing it with how previous incumbents have reacted. This investigation may take some time before it is settled. Either name yourself or keep your comments to yourself. Let us see how July, Aug, Sept, and Oct this year will play out for President Biden and Democrats. Anand Mahindra shared an astrologer's prediction declaring a . That gives him a body mass index (BMI) of 30.5, which is considered obese. Held November 8, the day features multiple activations of Uranus, the planet of the shocking and unexpected, disruption, turmoil, revolution and change, including a conjunction by the Moon and oppositions from the Sun and Mercury. Be Your Own Astrologer. #2022-2023 #astrology2022, #2022predictions, #astrology2022-2023#newyearpredictions2022 is going to be a powerful year! Donald Trump's hold over the GOP party is slowly fading away. You lose the incumbency key right off the top, and youre much more likely to have an internal party battle for who will be the nominee to take over fromJoe Biden, he said. Nevertheless, it is worth taking a look at Kamala Harris horoscope to see if there are any indications that she will assume power. This war will not end before April 27, 2022. 519 predictions / 444 correct = 85.5% Accuracy Track Record. Midterm election polls this time could be misleading, because the Pollsters use the past election data to determine their polls. US economy will be doing very well from April 2024 to April 2028 for 4 years. I had predicted Donald Trumps indictment in my Trump Astrology update posted a year ago on July 3, 2021. Updated 02/21/2023 09:10 . Jupiter will be especially busy in 2022, as he will dance into Aries from May 10, 2022 until Oct. 28, 2022. Pluto also squares Putins Ascendant and in the summer of 2026 Uranus conjoins his Moon in Gemini in his 8th house. With the Sun at 7 Libra and the Moon at 3 Aquarius, there is rather a wonderful series of grand trines taking place. 90% Americans agree that we need background checks before anybody could buy the gun. So many people are asking me this question When Donald Trump will be indicted?. This is the game of politics and astrology. At this time, Pluto essentially transferred its dossier of Trump transgression and criminality to Eris, who will now pursue the case . The historian who predicted every presidential race since 1984 says Trump likely won't make a political comeback in 2024. We are seeing record-breaking voter turnout across the country. Mary Trump's Prediction About The 2024 Election Is Turning Heads. Referring to Trump, Kohrs said: "You are not going to be shocked.". Mr Lichtmans model looks at several factors in predicting a winner, including party mandate, third-party challenge, social unrest, incumbency and charisma. Today was a very bad day for Donald Trump. There are many parallel criminal investigations going on for Trump. Now many people have asked me during past couple of days, when this Russia / Ukraine war will be over. . After the mid-term election, the betting platforms have shifted their goalpost, and most of them predict Ron Desantis to be the GOP nominee. Although Mr Biden has not indicated whether or not he plans to run for re-election, there is ample speculation that he might not. Therefore, today I'm plopping the Venus Cycle effect upon US election cycles back into the discourse of SO'W with an eye toward November 5, 2024 when Venus will be in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius and future references to the 2024 Election will certainly turn up here on SO'W and elsewhere as time flees on. During December 2021, January, February, March 2022 opposition / enemies will be strong. Old Moore's Almanac has kept up the tradition of predicting the future since Moore's death, and has gained notoriety for their frightening accuracy. 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