Religion Vatican Clarifies Pope Francis' First Remarks On Sexual Abuse Of Nuns By Priests It's very hard for a nun to report. It was a known fact among the slave women and children that beating them was a way of compensating for the Nuns own incompetence and of imposing and demonstrating their authority. I saw boys picked up by the throat by a nun for disobedience in line changing classes in Catholic school. "Most of the nuns were Irish and though they were trained to be nuns they were not trained to look after kids, and that is where a lot of the problems were. The innocent novice Nuns, with their good intentions, had no idea of what awaited them in the hellholes known as the Magdalene Laundries with their captive and illegally-held female slaves and their children who, although they had committed no crime, toiled there. (11 Reasons Why), Why Does Batman Not Kill? There were very few nuns in many cases in these Magdalen Laundries which were called Asylums up the foundation of the Free State. Dozens of former residents of homes in Aberdeen, Glasgow, Midlothian and Kilmarnock claimed they had suffered vicious beatings and sexual abuse. The Magdalene Laundries were a profitable business for the Nuns and the Cult of the Irish Catholic Church. Sometimes the really obvious take on history turns out to be the right one. The nuns join a convent for a life of prayer not teaching, nursing or looking after children in orphanages. It is anger, suffering and self isolation.It is to sad that they scarred my family members the way they did but there is not I can do for it now. "It could happen for any thing, any time of the night or day. It specifically mentioned 48 children who were part of a British government migration programme. Its not easy to always obey those in authority, and many nuns who cant obey suffer from stress and anxiety, leading to nuns lashing out at others in positions of power. Seven months into his stay, in December, William was invited to a staff members room, to help him put up Christmas decorations. I was told that I was useless, stupid, blind and hopeless, nobody would love or want me. Violence was frequently employed and encouraged with the most common forms being verbal abuse, slaps, blows, and kicks. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. And thats a good thing for everyone involved. I've never found it easy forming relationships and had periods when I've had to go to hospital and had all sorts of problems.". Abuse is only broken when the cycle stops. "The nuns never believed I was deaf. "The gagging order is such an appalling and cruel abuse to all of us survivors who went through the Redress Board," he says. If you were scrubbing the floor and looked up you could get a whack over the head or even be kneed in the face. Why Are Nuns So Cruel? I was sent to clean her office and if she decided I didn't clean it properly she would start banging my head against the wall. This can lead to a cycle of cruelty thats hard to break. The one thing that I have found from talking to them and from past stories they have told me before they died was the Nuns of the Caotholic Missions were always mean and abusive to the children. My mother entered. When I was young, there was a very popular record called "Sister Mary Elephant" about a nun who kept screaming at her class to "Shut up!". For the barbarous Nuns who lived there and in other Institutions, they were a great place in which to eat, drink, work and play once you locked the slaves away at night as any competent slave trader and owner would do. My grandmother's sister was also smacked so hard by a nun that she was knocked out. Does any of what these Nuns did sound righteous to you? For generations, we all assumed that the atrocities perpetrated by the Germans in Belgium at the outset of the first . "I began wetting the bed and this was seen as a dreadful crime. One of the questions I have is for the Catholics of the forums. Gods people, "get out of her.". May 2020 Your post was so full of hate & sarcasm Im surprised you havent been banned what you wrote was absolutely inexcusable. Are just some of them mean? Yet another was scarred after being scalded by a nun who accused her of not using enough hot water when washing. I became agnostic when I learned about the Crusades. "I had three sons with my second husband. Sometimes when I'm feeling down I'll go in and cuddle them and lie down and remember how we were treated, and cry. August 2020 Inside were the bodies of scores of unknown women: the undocumented, uncared-about inmates of one of Ireland's notorious Magdalene laundries. A social worker then arrived at their door, offering him and his four younger siblings 'a holiday'. One of these burst and burnt my foot badly, leaving a permanent scar. My time with these Nuns was horrendous. I should have been a child that was nurtured, loved, cared for, protected, educated, supported and given quality care to, William tells Sun Online. December 2019 My grandmother was 3 years old when she was first brought to the mission. It dawned on the expedition leaders that the land mass opening before them was far larger than they had anticipated, and this New World was not the tantalizing Indies. ), it wouldn't be hard to see why some Nuns are high-strung. The Poor Sisters of Nazareth is one of the oldest established orders in Britain; it has been looking after children in its homes since the 1870s. I went to a convent and the nuns were from Ireland - I landed one who also beat me and her face whilst hitting me with a ruler on the back of my legs was absolutely horrid. Today it is different, but I believe the stories I have been told. My mom told me that they had no life, could not leave the convent, no TV, no newspapers, so I think it was simple burn out, no way to get away from us brats. Catholic nuns, as decreed by Pope Francis, are not allowed to use smartphones or social media. The novice Nuns watched and learned from the older, more experienced Nuns, so that they too could attain the level of cruelty and depravity they daily saw being committed on the slave women and their fatherless children. Before pushing me in the nuns told me there was a mouse in there and I went totally hysterical. July 2019 My grandmother, aunts, uncles, great aunts and uncles cousins ect ect, were mostly raised in the Cotholic Missions on different Indian Reservations. When I couldn't make out what they were saying they thought I was being cheeky and I got slapped and punched a lot. We found nine reasons that may shock you. But the nun wasn't looking for someone to help her. "There were two slices of bread and dripping for breakfast, a ladle of soup at dinner and two more slices of bread and dripping in the evening. I have cried so much wondering what happened to my loving brother. I wonder what makes them so mean? There are a lot of expectations and rules that they have to follow, leading to stress and anxiety, which in turn leads to nuns being cruel to others. Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! This can lead to nuns being quite resentful toward Mothers. Instead I was a child who was physically, mentally, emotionally and sexually abused.. The savage, merciless and more seasoned of the Nuns in the Magdalene Laundries and other female Religious-run institutions encouraged and taught brutal Catholic Cult reality to the simple, well-meaning and middle-class rural women who were now Holy Nuns. The female . Content Summary. August 2019 It was thought to confer a higher social status for the family and to provide a degree of comfort for unmarried daughters. The investigators established the chambers were originally used to treat sewage. Once I was beaten black and blue, so badly I had to stay in the infirmary for five weeks, and when I came out I was given a bag of sweets and told to tell no one about what happened. Keep on seeking first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. Why are Nuns so mean? Nuns indeed put in a lot of hard work. The allegations stretch back as far as 50 years and are as recent as the 1970s. I would listen to these stories as he told my mom and I thought as a 10 year old, "Why were these nuns so cruel!" As National Indigenous Peoples Day draws closer and the news that 215 Indian children's graves have been discovered at the Kamloops Indian Reservation School, all those memories of my dad's and mom's stories come back. The family would throw her out of the house and she'd give the other daughters a bad name and lessen their chance of marrying any kind of decent man. Then we were beaten black and blue and made to apologise in front of the whole school.. I am no studying the Bahai faith which is very much the opposite of the RC Church. They would often use their leather belts but also their wooden sandals to dish out hidings. People considered the. I don't think they are a mean as they were back in the turn of the century, but I have had some dealings with them in the last 30 years or so and they can still be mean. Nuns should strive to serve their Lord and Savior as best they can. Pictured, with the head nun and members of staff, William has struggled all his life because of the trauma, William's little brother Thomas was also abused, The Industrial School at Moate, where he was abused, The head nun, left, at Mount Carmel, with children under her care, The graveyard beside the Ard Abhionn building at Moate where children were buried, The helpless lads were put to work from a young age, The packed dormitory at one of the industrial schools, The laundry at the home where children were made to scrub floors, machines and basins, Kids tend to their work at one of Ireland's institutions, A moving poem written by William, aged 19, about his abuse, The convent building where the nuns lived at Moate, Philomena Bolger and her siblings after she made her Holy Communion, Philomena, right, with daughters Emma and Kell, The Good Shepherd in Waterford, where Philomena was abused, I was battered by nuns and raped by priests in same room as my disabled brother, 6, at sickening orphan schools, Frogmore eviction shows King Charles has drawn a line with Harry - now he must do two more things with the spoilt brat, Harry's vicious attacks on Camilla could not be forgiven by King Charles - he had to hit back, Constance Marten: Baby's body found after massive police search, as cops question runaway aristocrat & Mark Gordon, Rishi Sunak to finally unveil delayed small boats law next week after Brexit win, Ministers vow to never use draconian spy law to jail journalists, Irelands notorious mother and baby homes, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Celibacy is NOT normal for humans. As the result of a rape and beating by a Nun, I spent two years in a coma in hospital hiding from my mangled mind and body. WILLIAM Gorry is still haunted by the look in his six-year-old brother's eyes as two priests ushered them into a room, took off their robes and decided who to rape first. At least 20,000 Irish nuns served outside Ireland between 1800 and 1960. It can also lead to nuns lashing out at others due to their discomfort. Philomena went on to marry twice and have three more children, Emma, 35, Richard 27 and Kelly 25. For being late for prayer. They would just use anything that came to hand. The improvised weapons greatly increased the force of the blows and added humiliation to physical injury. The victim lies prostrate on the ground, at the Nuns feet. I was in bed by 7pm and they used to check you were asleep with your hands across your chest. Beatings were a daily occurrence. NANCY WILLOUGHBY was taken into care by the Poor Sisters of Nazareth after her mother died when she was three. Only my opinion of course, but I'd blame it on a lack of physical and emotional shenanigans with members of the opposite sex. The skeletal remains of infants and babies have been discovered in a site which used to be run by an Irish religious order. Its crucial for nuns to be aware of this and to try to break the cycle. But the fact remains, why were nuns so cruel? as elsewhere, they became . You could be hit for talking in church. Following the redress process a further 110million (100million) was set aside for a hardship fund named Caranua - which ironically translates as 'new friend'. "The lack of education in these institutions means many of the survivors are illiterate or poorly qualified," he says. Police are also investigating after lawyers representing former residents passed on relevant files. I think that's the way many of them were trained, in a very authoritarian church. Mrs Guerrier, who is now 73 and lives in Tottenham, north London, said: "The nuns were extremely harsh. Thankfully, those methods have changed, and nuns are now taught with more compassion. Its not easy to grow up in an abusive or neglectful home, which can lead to trauma and emotional damage. But, back in the day, this is how nuns were taught, and its no wonder they turned out to be so cruel. She was looking for a victim."I was 11 and looked 9. Its not easy to live up to such high standards. Today she attributes her deafness and chronic asthma to the batterings and cruelty she says she suffered there, and still cannot talk about her experiences without breaking down. Thomas Paine, . My aunt said I never stammered before I went there. While your doing that, tell any stories of nuns that you might have. I just want to try to understand it. But there is good news in all of this. At the residential home, he was given two sets of clothes, a number 217 and sent to his dormitory. During the time of the French Revolution there was a Jannist, Pls explain in detail why this was a cruel society thank you, Clearly a huge part of Babylon the great! He used to spread our legs and sit us on his lap and then he would put his hands underneath. In fact, on my senior week being stalked by a stranger, my Catholic sisters refused to help me or protect me. Or maybe it's just being in a power of authority with god as your boss. We were stripped naked, put over the nuns' knees and leathered on the backside with a hand at other times.. No matter what any "spiritual leader" might say. There are times when its hot outside, and the last thing you want to do is dress in heavy clothing. By Jack Dutton On 2/22/21 at 6:42 AM EST. "The only thing I learned to do there was fight, and when I come across a nun today I avoid them because I cannot be civil. They would see women who had sex outside marriage as being deviant. There are undoubtedly some nuns today who arent the nicest people in the world. This can lead to frustration and a feeling of being trapped. Getty Images. It's easy! June 2019 This can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety, leading to nuns taking their frustration out on others. 4-And I heard another voice out of Heaven say: "Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues." I was lucky one. Violence was frequently employed and encouraged with the most common forms being verbal abuse, slaps, blows, and kicks. Eventually, the crochet schools established by the nuns in the 1850s and 1860s disappeared as fashions changed and the demand for Irish lace declined. Gmail "There was no limit to the sexual deviance that could be engaged in with those unlucky enough to be singled out as the chosen ones.". Nuns have hectic schedules, and the busyness doesnt leave much time to express emotions, thus leading to a lot of bottled-up emotions. October 2019 This definitely made it much worse. The Nuns exercised absolute power over the enslaved women and children in the Gulags that were the Magdalene Laundries and other Institutions they ran in Ireland. And 40 nuns belonging to the Poor Sisters of Nazareth and the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul are named in a civil action by more than 500 people, mostly middle-aged or elderly, who. To provide a degree of comfort for unmarried daughters that 's the way many of the survivors illiterate... Investigating after lawyers representing former residents of homes in Aberdeen, Glasgow, Midlothian and Kilmarnock claimed had... In the nuns feet was taken into care by the Germans in Belgium the. And I got slapped why were irish nuns so cruel punched a lot happened to my loving brother site which used spread. 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