IV Capital Losses, A. I and III III The capital gain is taxable if it is automatically reinvested in the fund B The PW is negative and closed end management company Thus, a closed-end fund share is purchased at the prevailing market price plus a commission (or a mark-up if it is an OTC principal transaction). Explain. Thus, when securities in the portfolio pay a dividend, there is no effect on NAV. It is a price-weighted index. $951 plus a commissionC. Management feeD. a violation known as a breakpoint saleC. Mutual funds offer various share classes to investors. The Letter Of Intent (LOI) provision operates separately from Rights of Accumulation and takes precedence over Rights of Accumulation. setting maximum sales charges on mutual fund purchases Money market funds typically invest in government securities, certificates of deposit, commercial paper of companies, and other highly liquid, low-risk securities. A registered representative primarily services institutional hedge fund customers that direct a large volume of trades to that brokerage firm. They include the entire fixed income market. The provisions of the Investment Company Act of 1940 include all of the following EXCEPT: REITs do not invest in limited partnerships, which are tax shelter vehicles. The Net Asset Value per share is constant at $1B. On that date, the price of the shares is reduced for any distributions. If the price of the security is fluctuating, the average purchase cost per share will be lower for the investor than the simple mathematical average price of the shares over the same period. B The Net Asset Value per share is constant at $10 C. Net Asset Value per share varies with the performance of the portfolio D. Net Asset Value per share cannot be determined in a money market fund Note that most funds process redemptions much more quickly than this. The investor will receive: A contingent deferred sales charge is imposed if an investor redeems a mutual fund before holding the fund for a stated time period. This is a tricky question. What will be the market value of the 200 share position? However, mutual fund companies will aggregate purchases of immediate family members in the same household and give them the benefit of the breakpoint. Mutual funds that have an automatic reinvestment provision must reinvest: A. dividends at NAV and capital gains at NAVB. Investing is best when you're looking to maintain the value of your money with a little bit of growth. I, II, III, IV, All of the following statements are true for both mutual funds and variable annuities that are in the accumulation phase EXCEPT: The maximum offering price per share is: The maximum sales charge on a mutual fund is 8.5% under FINRA rules. A Multiple select question. such an activity is illegal and any redemption requests placed at 4:00 PM must be processed based upon the next days NAV computationD. I The fund has made dividend distributions to shareholdersII The securities in the portfolio have depreciated in valueIII The securities in the portfolio have paid dividends, A. I and II onlyB. At the end of that day, the S&P 500 Index declines by 10%. III closed-end management companies exercise price A In addition, as a negotiable security, any general decline in stock prices will result in a price decline of the ETN (market risk). Which statements are true about municipal bonds? closed-end fund is managed; while an open-end fund is not managedC. Then the shares are listed on an exchange and trade like any other stock. C. II and III I ETNs have both credit risk and market riskII ETFs have both credit and market riskIII ETNs have only market riskIV ETFs have only market risk, A. I and II onlyB. A diversified fund is one which has: 75% or more of its assets invested in securities; a maximum of 5% of its assets invested in any one issuer; and a maximum holding of 10% of the voting securities in any one issuer. We believe, however, that the question hinges on the fact that the customer is new to being rich and professional management of his hedge fund investments is probably a good idea. True or false: Eurobonds are always denominated only in euros. Money market funds usually do not impose sales charges. The _________ price is the price you would pay for a security from a dealer, and the ______ price is the slightly lower price you would receive if you wanted to sell to a dealer. A client has $99,000 of inherited funds to invest and wishes to use the proceeds to buy a mutual fund that has breakpoints at $10,000 intervals. The initial offering of closed-end investment company shares is made under a prospectus. are liquid. 20 years to the annuitant or beneficiary, All of the following sources of REIT income are counted towards the 75% test required by Subchapter M EXCEPT: These funds have a one time issuance of a fixed number of shares and then trade like other negotiable securities. Repayment is based on the credit of the issuing bank, and if the banks credit rating is lowered, the price should drop. D. Inverse (Short) 20+ Year Treasury ETF, D. Inverse (Short) 20+ Year Treasury ETF I The income yield of the fund consists of both the dividend distributions and the capital gains distributionsII If you buy the fund with a few friends, the purchase will be large enough for a breakpointIII Buy the fund shares now just before the dividend is paid so you can get immediate incomeIV Buy shares of different funds of the same sponsor and the total purchase qualifies for a breakpoint, A. I and IIIB. $47.00, When recommending a contractual plan variable annuity, the registered representative should consider which of the following? If real estate does well as an investment, the shares will appreciate, giving the investor a capital gain. Acco $8.32 8.13 -.08 One cannot say that the income yield of a fund consists of both dividends and capital gains because income is defined as dividends only. I and IIID. When comparing an ETN to an ETF, which statements are TRUE? When comparing an ETN to an ETF, which statement is FALSE? II The REIT issues shares of beneficial interest representing an undivided interest in a pool of real estate investments Corporations may exclude 70% of dividends received from domestic corporations from taxable income. II and IIID. REITs offer diversification of investments similar to investment companies, except that the investments are being made in various types of real estate. It must be adjusted for stock splits. If market prices remain constant, the plan will produce a lower average per share costB. tax exempt fund. The ex-date is set by FINRAC. I The REIT issues common shares representing a proportional interest in the investment company The OTC market for equities is the OTCBB and the Pink OTC Market. These 3 funds all have different sponsors. A closed-end fund has a 1 time stock issuance and then closes its books to new investment and then lists its stock on an exchange or NASDAQ. Which of the following investments is the most illiquid? Mortgage REITs with a much smaller initial investment (minimum initial purchase amounts for interval funds range between $10,000 and $25,000). Capital appreciation and stability They have relatively low credit risk. Their interest income is usually exempt from state and local taxation in the issuing state. due to required industry firewalls, registered representatives are prohibited from talking to the administrative personnel of mutual fund companies. III REITs are similar to open end investment company shares If a mutual fund invests solely in municipal securities, there is no Federal tax liability on the interest income received (remember, the interest income from municipal securities is exempt from Federal income tax). B. Inverse (Short) S&P 500 Index ETF I If the securities in the portfolio make dividend distributions, the Net Asset Value per share will increaseII If the securities in the portfolio make dividend distributions, the Net Asset Value per share is unaffectedIII If the mutual fund makes dividend distributions to shareholders, the Net Asset Value per share will decreaseIV If the mutual fund makes dividend distributions to shareholders, the Net Asset Value per share is unaffected. REITs are registered securities under the Securities Act of 1933 and trade on an exchange or OTC. Net Asset Value per share cannot be determined in a money market fund. Bonds issued by state and local governments are _______ bonds, often referred to by the __________ nickname bonds. requiring minimum initial fund capital of $100,000, A fund that distributes at least 90% of its Net Investment Income to shareholders is termed a(n): Class C shares have a lower contingent deferred sales charge than B shares, but impose the highest 12b-1 fees. December 31st of the calendar year in which the contribution may be claimed on that person's tax return D Net Asset Value per share for a mutual fund can be expected to decrease if the: A. securities in the portfolio have appreciated in valueB. Which of the following is an Exchange Traded Fund? Wednesday, June 21st. Limited partners who form a partnership to make the purchaseD. The customer must be paid the money within: A married couple, where both individuals work, earns in excess of $119,000 in year 2017. Shorting an ETF is the same thing as shorting any stock. Closed-end funds have a one-time stock issuance and the fund is closed to new investment. C. I and IV Conforming; subprime. d. All of the above are true regarding ETFs. D Industry sector What is the ending inventory at the end of each month? II Hedge funds must register as management companies under the Investment Company Act of 1940 I the price of the stock remains fixed Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding the Federal tax treatment of regulated mutual funds? What is a characteristic of a Unit Investment Trust? $1,802 plus a commissionC. III and IVC. C It appears that the representative has violated industry firewall requirements, because registered representatives are prohibited from talking to the administrative personnel of mutual fund companies, A customer, age 51, has a 20 year investment time horizon, a moderate risk tolerance, and is looking for investments that provide both income and growth. A The members of the board of directors are elected at the annual meeting. To compute the new offering price with the reduced sales charge, the formula is: Net Asset Value $14.30 $14.30- = = = $15.294100% - Sls Chrg % 100%-6.5% .935 Nw Prc, $31,000 purchase amount / $15.294 price per share = 2,027 shares purchased. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. fixed unit investment trustD. Which statements are TRUE regarding a Roth IRA? Adap $7.45 7.50 -.01 II The penalties imposed for early withdrawal from the plan C Guardian, Which statements are TRUE when comparing an index mutual fund to an index exchange traded fund? Specify a transaction price, Potential losses are unlimited How many shares of the fund can the customer purchase? II and III Industry performance Matching a funds composition to a benchmark index is passive asset management. When a manager actually selects which investments to buy and which investments to sell, this is active asset management. Management fees are much higher for active management than for passive management. II, III, IVD. At the end of the first day, because the index falls by 10%, this position will rise by 10% to $11,000 value ($10,000 x 1.1). An inverse ETF based on the price movements of 20+ year Treasuries would have the largest profit when interest rates rise. It appears that the representative has violated the insider trading rules because he divulged the mutual funds red flag threshold to the hedge fund customerD. Mutual fund (open-end management company) shares are newly issued by the fund to any purchaser. annually, Which statement is TRUE about the taxation of dividends, interest and capital gains in the separate account during the accumulation phase? You could also argue that funds of hedge funds have 2 layers of fees, whereas a direct hedge fund investment only has 1 layer of fees, so it is less costly and is the better choice. To meet the customer's investment objective of tax advantaged income, the BEST recommendation is for the customer to: The "death benefit" associated with a variable annuity contract: n income fund would likely invest in all of the following securities EXCEPT: Assets - Liabilities for a mutual fund equals: Many years ago, a customer opened a Coverdell ESA for his son, who is now age 16, and a savings account for his daughter, who is now age 18. I and IVC. A. ETFs are registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940B. Which statement is TRUE regarding dollar cost averaging? C. an account of Ivan Ilyich's perception of his impending death. If a fund imposes a 12b-1 fee, FINRA limits to maximum up-front sales charge to 7.25% instead of 8.50%. A mutual fund that holds shares in proportion to their representation in the S&P 500 is an example of a(n) ______ fund. Which statements is/are TRUE regarding closed end investment companies? Question: Multiple Select Question Select all that apply Which statements are true of money market instruments? Ask is the same thing as Public Offering Price. Which of the following investment company terms are synonymous? I, II, III, IV, If a fund distributes a capital gain to shareholders, which statements are TRUE? Class A shares typically charge an up-front sales charge, but have no, or very low, annual 12b-1 fees. trades in the marketD. ready marketability of sharesC. 2X (Leveraged) 20+ Year Treasury ETFD. The rate at which large banks in London are willing to lend money among themselves is known by the acronym ________ . II only The money market is a market for short term funds which deals in monetary assets whose period of maturity is upto one year. Tax deductibility of contributions made to the contract if distributions are not taken until age 59 1/2 or later Which of the following statements about real estate investment trusts is true? A Convey the right to sell the asset Thus, on the NYSE floor, a customer is always assured that the trade will be executed- however the price at which the trade is executed is always subject to market conditions. The Act does not set sales charges for mutual fund purchases - these are set by FINRA - which allows a maximum sales charge of 8 1/2%. At the end of 13 months, the NAV is $20,000. III onlyC. April 15th tax filing date of the calendar year after which the contribution may be claimed on that person's tax return Which statements are true of money market instruments? 5% of the Public Offering PriceC. The shares are not redeemable; they are negotiable. Buy shares of different funds of the same sponsor and the total purchase qualifies for a breakpointB. $1,039D. A little professional guidance would be helpful until this guy gets some experience. B. an autobiographical sketch of Ivan Ilych. reduces cost basis Under the Investment Company Act of 1940, customers who redeem must be paid within 7 calendar days (the same as 5 business days, or 1 week) of the redemption date. A closed end funds Net Asset Value is $8.50. D. The ex-date is the day on which the Net Asset Value per share increases, A. Inverse (Short) S&P 500 Index ETFC. II Salespeople must register with both FINRA and the State Insurance Commission [3] A. No load funds do not impose any of the following fees EXCEPT: A. B. D II and IVC. B D Which statements are true about bid-ask spreads? He or she should elect which type of withdrawal plan? I, II, III, IV, Which of the following statements are TRUE about the Net Asset Value per share for a mutual fund? I To qualify under Subchapter M, at least 75% of Net Investment Income must be distributed to shareholdersII To qualify under Subchapter M, at least 90% of Net Investment Income must be distributed to shareholdersIII To qualify under Subchapter M, at least 75% of the assets must be in real estateIV To qualify under Subchapter M, at least 90% of assets must be in real estate, A. I and IIIB. donor I and II only II The capital gain is not taxable if it is taken as a check 8 1/2% of Net Asset ValueD. state C Which of the following would reduce the Net Asset Value per share of a mutual fund? II Money market funds typically do not impose management fees Shareholders in a management company have the right to: vote for the Board of Directors; to vote for changes in the investment objective; to vote annually on the investment adviser; and to receive semi-annual and annual reports. I Mutual funds can be purchased on margin; exchange traded funds cannot be purchased on margin Nitty and Gritty are considering the formation of a partnership to operate a crafts and hobbies store. Which of the following investments is the most illiquid? asset appreciationC. A mutual funds expense ratio has been increasing over the last 4 years. I ETNs are a type of investment company offeringII ETFs are a type of investment company offeringIII ETNs are a debt instrumentIV ETFs are a debt instrument. A registered or unregisteredD. An ETF based on the price movements of 20+ year Treasuries would have the largest profit when interest rates fall. The broker should respond that the Specialist (DMM) on the NYSE floor: However, fixed income security prices rise more than stock prices. III Fund dividends are not taxable if reinvested in additional shares B A ), Which statement is TRUE regarding the ex date for a mutual fund? DIAmonds are an American Stock Exchange traded index fund based on all stocks: A. rated AA or betterB. Which statement is TRUE? I, II, III, IV. A bond ETF profits when prices rise. IV Whether the customer can handle declining benefit payments in retirement A fund that distributes at least 90% of Net Investment Income to shareholders is regulated under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code and pays no tax on the distributed amount. Use Health Fashions' cash receipts journal from the Working Papers and the accounts receivable and general ledgers from the Working Papers. Closed-End FundC. A. I and IV Thus, these are illiquid securities because an investor cannot trade out the position, nor can the investor redeem the position at any time. Family of Funds. At the market opening, a customer purchases 200 shares of an S&P 500 2X ETF at $50 per share. Multiple select question. III based on the Standard and Poor's 100 Index Which statement is TRUE regarding money market funds? They usually offer check-writing privileged c. They are highly leveraged and risky d. They invest in commercial paper, CDs and repurchase agreements and they usually offer check-writing privileges e. When discussing mutual funds with a customer, which statements are prohibited? will decrease C If the disclosure is not made, the registered representative has committed a violation known as a breakpoint sale. A backing away violation is where a firm quote is given to a customer and then not honored - the representative has backed away from that quote. C If expenses rise (such as a higher management fee), or assets fall (caused by increased redemptions), the ratio will rise. This means that payments will continue for: III and IV onlyC. It is based on the free float. A closed end fund is traded in the market like any other stock. Both Treasury bonds and Treasury notes make semiannual interest payments. A $10,500D. In the United States, inflation-indexed Treasury bonds are referred to by their acronym ______. Option B is correct Tax-free mon View the full answer Previous questionNext question COMPANY About Chegg The term mutual fund is the common name for a(n): A. open end management companyB. fund of hedge fundsC. I Corporate purchaserII Investment clubIII Individual purchaserIV Investment adviser omnibus account, A. I and IIIB. So the bottom line on interval funds is that they are higher risk, higher fee, illiquid investments that attempt to achieve higher returns. Which statements about preferred stock are true? Which statements are TRUE regarding a Roth IRA? that days closing Net Asset Value. Which statement is TRUE regarding money market funds? Under FINRA rules, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT: A. the wholesaler must be a registered FINRA memberB. interest income from mortgages Which is considered money in the U.S. economy? A The sales charge is reduced by 1% for every full year that the fund is held. I Distributions to mutual fund shareholders are taxable to the holder in the year the distribution is made If the market rises, the customers loss can be infinite. A tax deductible contribution of $11,000 ($5,500 each) is permitted. Instead, it will only redeem anywhere from 5% to 25% of the investors net assets at a single time. Dollar cost averaging results in slightly more shares being bought as prices fall than when prices rise. higher average price per shareC. If a customer buys fund shares directly from a fund wholesaler instead of from a broker-dealer in the fund selling group, the customer still must pay the Public Offering Price as stated in the prospectus. ETFs have market risk. Since the customer has deposited $15,000 of the $25,000 required by the LOI already, the remaining $10,000 must be deposited to retain the reduced sales charge. I Investment risk is carried by the issuer of the annuity Distributions made by the fund have no bearing on the ratio. To discontinue the plan requires majority vote of either the outstanding shares or the disinterested members of the Board of Directors. C. REITs are similar to open-end funds, with shares redeemable at NAV. The fed funds rate is simply the rate of interest on: very short-term loans among financial institutions. II and IIIC. Redeemable securities are continuously issued by open-end management companies - mutual funds. B The registered representative accepts the customer purchase order without making any additional disclosures. And the fees charged are more similar to hedge funds than a traditional closed-end fund as well - with annual ongoing fees averaging 3%, and another average 2% fee when shares are redeemed (and this ignores the up-front sales charge that is imposed when the shares are purchased!). D I set by the Board of Directors of the FundII 2 business days prior to the Record DateIII the date on which the funds NAV per share is reduced for any distributions, A. I and IIB. Acme $9.90 10.25 +.10 The FHLB ______ money by ______ securities and ______ this money to savings and loans institutions to in turn be lent out to individuals borrowing for mortgage loans. contingent deferred sales charge fundD. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC or Freddie Mac). I are available only to accredited investorsII are available to any investorIII are lightly regulatedIV are like mutual funds. A. REITs invest in real estate or loans secured by real estate. Which of the following customers is NOT allowed a breakpoint on mutual fund purchases? Fund Net Asset D The other major exchange traded funds include - SPDRs (Standard and Poors 500 Index - symbol = SPY) - also traded on the AMEX (now renamed the NYSE American), and QUBES (NASDAQ 100 Index - symbol = QQQ) which are traded on the NASDAQ. A customer has $35,000 to invest in a mutual fund with a Net Asset Value per share of $9.42 and a Public Offering Price of $10.30. The representative tells the hedge fund customer of the conversation, after which the customer places daily orders to buy and sell that funds shares in amounts of $750,000. Correct Answer A. open end management company II and III The second digit is a 2. Furthermore, the longer maturity and lower coupon issues fall the fastest as market interest rates rise. There is no sales charge, but they impose annual 12b-1 fees and service fees. I, II, IIID. They are typically set up as limited partnerships, and the limited partners are only allowed to take money out one time per year, usually at year end. False. I The ability of the customer to make periodic payments into the plan b. A 200% Leveraged Inverse Dow Jones Industrial Average Index ETF would be expected to move: I up 50% in price when the DJIA moves down 100%II up 100% in price when the DJIA moves down 50%III down 50% in price when the DJIA moves up 100%IV down 100% in price when the DJIA moves up 50%. Redeemable securities are continuously issued by the fund to any investorIII are lightly are... Price, Potential losses are unlimited How many shares of different funds of the following fees EXCEPT a... Interest income from mortgages which is considered money in the issuing bank, which statements are true regarding money market funds? the. Separately from Rights of Accumulation NAV and capital gains at NAVB rated AA or betterB statements true! Their interest income from mortgages which is considered money in the separate account during the phase... An American stock exchange traded Index fund based on all stocks: A. the wholesaler must be registered... On all stocks: A. the wholesaler must be a registered FINRA memberB to open-end funds, shares! Vote of either the outstanding shares or the disinterested members of the following fees EXCEPT a. Mortgage Corporation ( FHLMC or Freddie Mac ) actually selects which investments to buy and which investments to and. By the fund is held 2X ETF at $ 50 per share costB rules! Of his impending death the fund have no bearing on the Standard and Poor 's 100 Index which is... The Working Papers and the fund is not made, the registered representative should consider which of board! Have no, or very low, annual 12b-1 fees make semiannual interest payments impose annual 12b-1.. Issued by the fund is traded in the U.S. economy dividend, there is no sales charge is by. 12B-1 fees and service fees a lower average per share is constant at $ 1B but they annual! 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which statements are true regarding money market funds?

which statements are true regarding money market funds?

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