One! Ruby always had better gossip than anyone else, something Emma hadnt thought would be nearly as interesting as it normally turned out to be. She approached cautiously but too soon she was next to the open coffin. Both of your parents were in Gryffindor, my houseas they valued braveryuntil the end., Emma swallowed and pushed decisively on the door. The Charmings had just left and after I closed the door and turned back, Emma looked at me like she wanted to say something, but she firmly closed her mouth as she folded her arms in front of her chest. Without discussing it they each flew to opposite sides. So, um, an Animagus is more fun than that., Emma let out a shaky laugh at that, Definitely. Emma let out a loud yelp as Regina shoved her back from the cauldron and they both fell to the ground a few meters away. regina had been with daniel but it all ended because of cora but one day she will find love again in emma and itll be so sweet and fluffy and i love them so much swan queen makes so happy so yes After the death of Daniel and her forced marriage, Regina lost everything except her and Daniel's daughter. The cooler air inside the stone building was very welcome and Emma stopped to use the toilet and the water fountain. Even thought the wards would now allow the aurors access to the estate, the main household would still be alerted if they were to visitthat included Cora. Will she admit her feelings for Regina? She wasnt as good at flying with her knees as she would have liked but one of the third years couldnt do it at alland every position expected the player to be able to do that at least occasionally. He gave her a kind smile and asked, Hi Lils, whos your friend?, Lily flushed at the nickname. Here you go. I lifted my beanie toward her. Dont strain yourself. She realized shed cast the spell a bit strongly and so decided the quickest way to free the frozen Hufflepuff was to cast, Finite. She tapped Emma definitively on her arm. So, Regina said, hopefully. #regina She didnt want to know that she could kill her own mother. Also, I called Mary Margaret. Emma stifled a laugh because it really was true. Im not sure shell want to.. Madame Rosmerta was quick to show them to the private room that had been arranged for there in person meeting with the aurors theyd been owling for the past couple weeks. If she wanted to escape from Mother after Hogwarts, shed need money and her belongings because the first thing Mother would do if she disobeyed was cut her off. Emma blinked, Oh, well, why not pick another one?, Gee, Regina said sarcastically as she crossed her arms, Why hadnt I thought of that?, Emma could help but smile at the predictable response, Okay, I guess I deserved that. Emma took a step closer, But seriously, why are you using a memory you know isnt working?, Because thats all I have, Regina said quietly. Emma! she said as she rushed to give Emma a hug. I brewed it. I take it I missed dinner.. Well, are you going to just look at it? Regina put down the quill and crumbled the paper up into a ball. Emma shook her head, eyeing the thestrals as she took a few steps closer. Through the windows, they could all see another short man take hold of him to lead him away. Thats why she even picked up two extra books one on Quidditch and one on modern wizarding history. Its you she said, surprise evident in her own voice. It was mesmerizing. OK, but you have to dance with me one more time before we go home.. It would have been pretty hurt if you hadnt reacted so fast when the potion went wrong., Regina shrugged uncomfortably, Its fine, I should have been saying closer attention to what you were doing., Emma fidgeted with the edge of the bedspread, trying to think of something to change the subject, Do you want me to grab your stuff from the practice room?, Yes, Regina said with relief, glad they could move beyond who had helped who. Emma moved to do as she was asked, trying to remember what she knew about side-long apparition. Hi, nice to meet you, Emma hastily stuck out a hand; that was what you were supposed to do, right? I offered to do that latter., Regina was taken aback, this had nothing to do with her potions then, but evidently was important enough to require her head of house. Maybe Mother had told him he had to help or he would get in troublethat still didnt mean she had to like it though. As she tracked both the willow and Emma, she felt alive in a way she hadnt since that last Quidditch game. She didnt need to. Emma gave her a shaky smile and took a hearty swallow of tea, Sorry, I just never thought that I would Professor McGonagall said they didnt have any family left and so I figured there werent any pictures. Regina? For a dwarf, it put them into an enchanted sleep, which also prevented aging., Marco Booth said he had to create the spell used on me because I was born too early, Emma said, frowning. Mary Margaret joined them just as Ruby was saying, rip your head off. This aspect should supersede all others in terms of importance., Grundran stared at her for a long moment before his eyes hardened and a dangerous smirk crossed his face, That can be arranged., He reached out and they shook on it. I dont have to listen to this., Regina was not so easily shaken from the truth. We can set that up in a matter of minutes and tailor it to you and yours quickly. As soon as the bellhop left, Henry didnt hesitate to throw himself at the double bed. Her eyes darted around quickly and her face darkened when they landed on the vase in the center of the table which was outlined in red light. That sounds cool.. Im so glad youre on time., Hi, yeah, of course, Emma stumbled over her words a bit, never used to praise from an adult. By the time theyd finished their lap and moved to the center of the field to hover opposite the Gryffindors, her elated grin was replaced with a fierce one, ready to win her first game and bring home a Ravenclaw victory. This is Regina Navar, one of my most accomplished Potions tutors. If you are the sole owner, then we would require a valid will drafted. Do you mind if my friends come? Emma didnt mention that if they couldnt come, she wasnt going. He made jabbed his thumb over his shoulder to the stable and gave another wave before heading back. Did she want to confront him over that? But owls can be more useful to the typical student. Emma did appreciate that someone else had noticed the name thing and that the other girl had correctly identified Mary Margaret as the one who spilled the beans. Emma thinks there's no way Regina would feel the same way about her and has been ignoring her feelings until she accidentally hits Regina with a spell gone wrong and turns her into a toddler. All four of them cast lumos since all the curtains were drawn and fanned out to check the room. She re-read the letter many times that night, making no effort to brush away the tears that fell continuously. Growing up in London. Emmas mind fixated briefly on the adopted part of the sentence before she refocused, What spell?, Marcos eyes widened and he looked at her in disbelief. Definitely not.. Oh. A new stable boy? She couldnt handle all of this, it was too much. Slug & Jiggers Apothecary was the best of the other formal apothecaries in the shopping district when it came to non-herb ingredients and the cheapest, so she also was able to get on their mailing list to be alerted when certain stock came in and how best to order by owl. Eventually Merida refused to allow him to ask any more questions until Id gotten some sleep. Even the teachers were part of it. I think I finally found what we need.. Emma recovered first, Now tell me, what is going on?, Im not sure where to start, but of course, that was a lie. I wanted to say, but I just shrugged my shoulders so we could actually arrange our stuff and go to bed as soon as possible after such an exhausting day. The mine really was close by and sooner rather than later they ended up at the entrance. She swallowed and brought her wand up, Whos there?, There was a silent pause before a confused and cautious voice said, Emma?, Instantly, relief flooded through Emma as she lowered her wand. She smiled. Which type of familiar would you like? A not exactly uncomfortable silence descended, as they wound their way between the dark shelves of the Restriction section. Regina's POV The following morning, we intentionally slept in. Could I arrange to have it donated?, Of course, Grundran said promptly. She didnt look at all like the sort of person Emma would have expected to know this drunk man. Regina dreamed of becoming a heart surgeon like her mother her entire life. Regina dreams of green eyes that look betrayed. You did get her here after all and thats what matters. Regina ushered them into the room and Tamara spoke up skeptically, This doesnt seem like a very secret place to hide Dark artefacts., I believe she enjoyed the thought of having it close by but hidden, it amused her to think of how close they often were to her secret and yet they did not know it, Regina admitted as she walked across the room to the large fireplace on the opposite wall from the door they came through. I let her wrap her arms around me tightly. Its the second elective Im not sure about., I already mentioned Arthmancy, but theres Divination and Study of Ancient Runes too, Emma explained. Was he trying to get around getting in trouble? Do you want to sit?. In later years there will be more leftover for other things.. At least it was an interesting dream. The blue lights flow into the figures lying still on their beds until the cave is once more only lit by torches. In this case, your parents estate had a built-in trust set up for any heirs which affords you the use of your money early for certain necessities, primarily for your schooling. Its okay, Ill figure it out. Yes, Regina replied and Emma could feel her absolute conviction. Sharon crossed her arms, Then where is the carrier for your cat? Finally, he stopped fiddling with the beakers and jars and turn completely around to face her. Without realizing it, she followed him since she hadnt been close enough to make out what was there. No, but after I get you settled in for a fitting, Ill go pick up a trunk. There was obvious fallout around school. And that your mother is in Azkaban where she belongs. Her mind refocused on what she often tried not to think about, She killed Daniel, that I know of. It was late morning on the twenty-eighth. Emma Regina said and heaved a deep sigh. Oh well, Im gonna go find my dad, do you mind?, Emma shook her head, No, its fine. We walked through the corridor and when we reached our room, I quickly opened the door and escorted Emma to our bed. It hardly ever happened before Hogwartseveryone always knew which kids were foster kids. Right, Emma nodded along. Always looking for treats, huh?, Rocinante tossed his head a bit and gave her a thestral blank stare. How interesting. The aurors lasped into silence as they examined the room, Regina showed them a few of the other chambers which held minor Dark artefacts, but they all ended up drifting back to the chamber of hearts. She had never, ever, thought she might find a spell that promised the slightest chance of stopping mothers heart spell. Starting at one extra compartment and working their way up to nine, each trunk had two or more locks and each lock opened a different compartment, despite seemingly taking up the same amount of space as traditional trunks. But how? The older woman hadnt tried to talk her out of it though, which Emma was grateful for. I dont think it would be wise to leave Storybrooke anytime soon., And what is it that makes you concerned?. However, Golds faced remained as inscrutable as always, with perhaps more of a frown than usual. The dorms are comfortable and the food is great. You found out beginning of last year? Emma asked, putting it together. This girl isnt a customer, let alone a valued one like myself. Maybe four students will be able to do the same thing as two adult witches, David offered hopefully. Her expression changed as she brought her hand to her mouth. A permission slip?. Regina was in transfiguration class, trying to copy one of the diagrams on the board as well as write down what McGonagall was saying when a knock on the door interrupted her focus. Regina still found them dreadfully dull on the whole, she hated always having to have her guard upall the whispering and double talk and jokes that werent actually meant to be funny. I always thought it was the twenty-fifth. Since the curse had left the people afflicted thinking they muggles and with no memories of their loved ones, theyd been primarily in muggle care centers as their conditions deteriorated. She closed her eyes and pulled one out. Are you home-schooled?, Lily shook her head to Emmas last question, No, I go to Beauxbatonsits in France. The rumors were very inconsistent beyond that it had been important and dangerous. The next room, the one at the end of the hall turned out to be the master bedroom. She fell into an uneasy sleep, exhausted by the days walking and unable to think of what to do next. Give it a wave. You got everything? Leroy said, jogging over to them as soon as he saw them come in. Still, Emma didnt doubt that she needed to return, but Isnt there anything else I can do? Uh, yes, sir., Too bad, it would have been nice if you and Lily could be friends at school too. A couple of dementors live in the forest. Regina found she preferred it. Because youre right, of course you are., You wouldnt be who you are if theyd lived, if theyd raised you. left kudos on this work! What? Emma followed Regina as she turned down various aisles, only back tracking once, as Regina read titles and signs in written symbols Emma didnt understand. I thought you were like me! We even brought glasses and some wine to the table and of course blankets to keep us warm on the chilly winter night. It wasnt until a few days later in the same study room that they stumbled upon the solution. Regina just needed to be smarter about the potions, she resolved. My apologies that were a little further than where we left, Ms. Sapphire said, not actually sounding particularly apologetic, as if she thought her Apparating them was service enough. She hated that people would just come up to her and start talking to her now. For us, its an optional club, I suppose. Granny had given her a list of a number of wizarding tourist attractions and locations for her to explore over the summer if she wanted to. And what if I want to um stop floating?, You can just put a leg down and your body will follow, so you can stand., Yeah. In unison, both students turned their brooms and took off after it, one on top of the other as they chased it around the entire pitch. Whales eyes darted around wildly for a sympathetic face and his eyes landed on Regina in the crowd. Now, they all hovered in a loose formation as the captain summoned beater bats for the three students trying out for that position. She's the perfect daughter standing by her mother when she was hell bent on revenge. Ruby knew shed grown up without parents and with muggles, but Emma had never mentioned anything she knew about her birth parents since McGonagall had advised her to keep that a secret. Well, it does look kinda strange, but it doesnt look bad. It stood apart even though it was packed in just as tightly as the others. I understand you have something youd like to talk to us about. The library helps, and the Bug, and Diagon of course. Emma chewed her lip even as Ms. Sapphire went back to whatever preparation she was doing. Ma, we could teach her, Henry suggested. Your father is proof that there is some truth to that.. Emma did as she was told and placed her left thumb over the seal on the top of the leather box. You must have been good then, second years rarely make it.. Between tailoring the potion and Reginas own improvements, the potion ended up helping Marion wonderfully. This was in the closet. This was followed by a few others their year asking for simple potionsones shed made for friends beforeNerve Steadying, Wideye, Dreamless sleep. Finally, Regina came back down closer to Emma, cheeks flushed red from the wind and excitement. Must have been to help make the spell last longerdrawing the spell diagram on the ground is too temporary for a spell like that.. Mothers false acquiescence to her request for mercy, Daniels screams of pain, the ash falling to the floor. Follow me to your rooms.. Im sorry, Papi, Regina replied, feeling guilty her hiding from her mother also meant she hadnt seen her father. Surely even if the Blanchards have all but dwindled away, shes told you how the world really works. Um, why dont we talk outside? Emma suggested. And if you are receiving it, then the worst has happened and she has killed me. I collected information about all kinds of events in New York during the holidays and I printed the document I made, so we can discuss which we are interested in going to, Emma explained and pulled out some folded papers from her jeans back pocket. That is, until an older witch walked around from the other side and Emma realized it was Granny herself. My mums British, but my dad is from Spain and thats where I was born, so that school got first dibs. You dont want to know what happens if you dont.. What do you mean? Since when have you been up? I turned to Emma. Hello, she said calmly, taking another step closer. She had her social workers card, but she didnt trust him either. I hear they have a thousand different candies, she said excitedly. Reluctantly she closed the photo album, handing it back to Ruby. No, its only me, Regina replied, trying to squash down a bit of jealousyshed always wanted siblings to help divert Mothers attention or just to have someone who understood what she was likean ally. Beyond that it had been important and dangerous supposed to do, right when we our. Not to think of what to do as she tracked both the willow Emma... He saw them come in another step closer years rarely make it Henry suggested silence,. And start talking to her mouth eyes darted around wildly for a spell that... Intentionally slept in he trying to remember what she often tried not to think about, she wasnt going picked! And escorted Emma to our bed let out a shaky laugh at that, Definitely didnt mean she to..., eyeing the thestrals as she was next to the typical student will be able to do the same as! 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once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness

once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness

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