Send a package with love letters or get some flowers delivered to her house. My girlfriend has jealousy along with paranoia, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder and some depression. Im on anti depressants myself but evidently those are for the weak that cant handle reality from her pointof view. My Girlfriend's Depression Is Bringing Me Down. How do I approach the situation without hurting her feelings/making her feel bad? She blames herself for everything, and says incredibly negative and hurtful things about her self. It sounds like you have been a tremendous source of love, strength, and support for your girlfriend in her battle with depression. If you feel insecure or anxious in your romantic relationship, it can really start to affect your health. My partner's negativity gets me down A happy, optimistic man is brought down by the relentless negativity of his partner. My ex boyfriend left me because I was depressed all the time. I have been dating my girlfriend for almost two years. Let her take the step and compliment her if she completes it. Having your sh$t together isnt exactly essential for survival anymore. I always tell her I enjoy how she is my first thought when i wake up and the last. We kept going on, and little by little she started becoming more and more away from me. If you would like to talk to a therapist or counselor, you can use our site to locate one in your area. Move on with your life. But youre so young and its not very obvious but so many people go through this at some point in their lives because life truly is pretty messed up. Atlast I hate the word LOVE with cry. Basically, she pretty frequently attends fancy. So Ive been in a relationship with my partner for over a year and a half, and in the past 6 months things have really become difficult for both of us. He has put me last every time. Someone might say, she cooks, cleans, is stunning and wants sex, what more do you want.. Just stay focused on your ultimate goal with her and never lose site of how she was before depression. If you're being dragged down by your partner, it could be due to cheating, or emotional abuse, or a lack of support. I hope you will take another one and find some support for yourself. There are so many ways a relationship can be unhealthy, and therefore so many ways it can drag you down. Smoking and drinking! Subscribe me to the public newsletter. Remember the love bit. After everything I did, I have been there every single day, sharing my life with her, and pushing her away from this disease. DUMP THE SAD GIRL OTHERWISE SHE WILL DRAG YOU DOWN. He has on multiple occasions told me that he only feels happy, safe and secure around me, and that if it wasnt for me he wouldve killed himself long ago. Its dragging me down and she wont listen to me and wouldnt want to change her way of thinking for herself or anyone, I hate to say this but I realized she is actually very stubborn and selfish. And as you deal with their negativity, you may find yourself no longer interested in things you used to find fun like going out, being social, or, you know, leaving the apartment. Ad by TruthFinder Have you ever googled yourself? Kind regards, The GoodTherapy Team, Im going through a similar thing, Ive been with my girlfriend for 4 years, shes been through childhood trauma, depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, shes friendly when normal, considerate of others, respects me, whenever theres an emotional issue , though not my fault, she became destructive, recklessly destroyed everything she could see, started to be indifferent to me, aloof, aggressive, self-harm, said a lot of negative things, i love her i tried meditating and Self hypnosis to deceive my emotions, I dont know what to do, I dont know how long I can hold on, Im afraid Im really broken, it will hurt everyone. she is unhappy with dating. Talk, really talk openly without any criticism. Things we fine for few months then i noticed our sex life taking the down hill road. I have thought about leaving, but I'm afraid it would devastate her, and I truthfully don't know that she would survive it. This makes any conversion on other topics nearly impossible or difficult until her anxieties about her health are addressed. This girl was everything I wanted, such a good partner, listener, so smart, sensitive. Theres all kinds of genuine people maybe even in different countries that could turn your life around just by knowing them. What you have to realise is that she didnt chose to become depressed so to have a partner in this situation is devastating, you cant be angry and leave her because shes done nothing wrong, she still loves you as much as you love her and I promise she feels a million times worse when she has an outburst than you do. Your girlfriend should know that she has the right to be an active participant in her treatment plan and to discuss changes to this plan with her clinicians. Every time I look at her pics, I am immediately in love again by seeing her smile but in person all I am thinking of is an exit strategy despite all the caring in the world. Smoking and drinking! We started dating and since after 2 months shes been depressed. Its your natural born right to be happy! Unfortunately, there seems to be nothing I can do when she feels down. So both of you can benefit. Please know there is hope, and help is available. I m still jobless for more than 2yrs thinking about her problems all the time.i can marry her after getting a good job.i feel like my life is hell and but I am not selfish too. I also feel now a little bit insecure, because in need he left me and I have impression that it might happen again if anything else bad happens. this relationship is stressing both of us out and thats why she does not want to be in it. Dear Armand, All rights reserved. I have been dealing with a depressed girlfriend for the last 3 months. Ive dealt with people like that and let me tell you its never easy cuz there gonna try and bring you down.I mean I too have anxiety but not to the point where I freak out or go completely insane. Exactly. He occasionally took me out shopping saying it was my treat for putting up with him but when we got to where we were going he wouldnt treat me, one time he left me in the metro centre (Newcastle uk) alone with no money, when we got home he always wanted sex, I never wanted to but allowed him to make him happy. I am essentially a caretaker now. Shes been unemployed this year, and wanted to take time for herself, which Ive supported, but during which shes been extremely depressed and even harsher to herself than normal. "Trust is lost and conflict often results in anger and finger pointing." I feel for all of you guys! As Dr. Sylvie Stacy said on, "The most common headache catalyzed by anger is the tension headache. And I never had a problem with that, I loved her entirely, with all of that. I have become very weary, weak and helpless toward her, every piece of support I give her is taken with offence, as an insult of her character or some other negative quam brewed inside her hyperactive mind. You are helpful to them by being there when they need you. But I just dont know anymore. Youre so much less experienced and you know so much less than you think, Im not saying that as a criticism at all, Im sure youve been through more than I can imagine, but people have gone through this before and somehow got passed it to live their life for decades and decades. I missed her, but she pushed me away and i got fed up from this. And thats when shit will get unbearable for the two of you. Stress can cause all sorts of problems. Well, Ive dating this girl for the last half-year, after two years of deep depression, isolation, drugs & alcohol abuse and poverty. I didnt know about it. Maybe your girlfriend finds talking to her friend, who also has the same kind of problem, helpful in some way. I tried takin my own life and he didnt care, eventually he ended it with her and started seeing me. I would answer, I just want to feel free and safe. Sorry to say this but its just my own opinion. I really hope that it is it. ", When it comes to unhealthy relationships, however, the badness can take so many confusing forms. My sleep have been deprived for over 6 months. when there is more unhappy than happy, its a problem and thats what we are going through. Yes, we all need help and support and Im in it til death do we part. Some times its okay but those are only the times when things are easy. Her ex (whom I happen to know) ended their year of marriage when he couldnt handle her depression as a spouse, so they are now friends & respectful of our relationship. The 3 Cs: You didnt Cause it, you cant Control it, you cant Cure it. Im worried that I put myself as his crutch unintentionally and that Im not helping him although he says I do. She probably wants you to make a call. Right now, we value the future of our child more than anything else. There is more to life than this, trust me. This is important: I have to tell you you will not find the cure, you can be there and support but please stop believing that it will make the problem go away. Offer to help her move large pieces of furniture and boxes to her new space. "When youre stressed, your heart starts pumping blood faster through your veins to give you energy to deal with that perceived threat," said Marcelina Hardy on I let things change for the negative and even though my instinct knew something was wrong I stuck with it because I am loyal and felt love on a certain level that I thought was worth considering. And I was aware that there is so much wrong, that it is complicated, that I really cant explain it. You have two choices. To go cold turkey off 3 different anti depressants can someone die by doing that? Seems like a pattern, a thing to analyse better. It is characterized by a dull pain accompanied by muscular tension in the neck area." I cant leave her though because she said she wouldnt be able to live if i left her. It's definitely the opposite of how you should feel, and it's definitely not good. Hi everyone, Then to know she will react & get angry is so wrong. But every day she is more and more far away from me. But I feel so guilty and ashamed and like a failure for wanting this and I dont know what to do. Uffo , I feel like I dont want anything in my life. She has lost sleep all night, and so did I. No one feels superior or inferior to the other." Friends are pretty intuitive in that they know immediately when something isn't right. Thanks for your testimony Ching. Life is can be cruel, tough and deceiving. I am a twenty year old student. I hear your talking and whispers, pale drawn out nails and fingers. You might also want to look for a caretakers support group. You wish your sex like was more active, but hate being the one to initiate. Its very common, but you must break the cycle. Dry spells happen a lot. ), It can also really take you by surprise. I know who I am; I am lonely, very needy and manipulative sometimes, but am also very human and humble to talk, to admit faults, to strengthen things. WE ARE ALL A PRODUCT OF OUR ENVIRONMENTS. The more. Ive got a life, I want to be happy, to love, I am strong, I am bold, and I cant seem like to help her anymore, she doesnt want to, shes just getting away from me, Im losing her. she undergoing medications and therapy but nothing could help her. My suggestion is start having a quality of life before it is to late , love is wonderful when it is growing but it can be hell if it is one sided. I still dont know what to do and I feel terrible. If that person still doesnt change then it may be time to leave. Hi Greg, I dont know if you know Jesus, and sorry if I sound like a religious nutcase now but Im really trying to help you. You wrote my experience in such a clear and concise manner, that I never thought I would encounter. Do a "deep search" instead. In the end of the year, she have changed her medications, on new years eve I gave her weed for the first time, she had a crisis, disappeared and the suddenly left me, told me very harsh and humiliating things, I was totally broken. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. It seemed that she had turned into a distant person and the saddest part is that I think she probably wouldnt mind if I couldnt reach her anymore and Im dying inside because of this feeling, slowly Im getting depressing too and I really want out but I am trapped. I am now self harming and am depressed myself and still having to work 3 jobs I am now going to see a Councillor I can ill afford and I have no one to say dont go to work I will look after you. I was in the same situation the past three and a half years. She wants us to break up so we dont have to care for each other, which really hurts bc I want us to find a way to make it work. I do everything I can to help her, but I feel like I'm just propping her up, and despite the medications she's taking she doesn't seem to ever improve. She felt distanced by me, but in no way did i feel any different toward her. I personally have never had to deal with depression of my own, I guess I would consider myself an always glass have full guy. This is especially the case if you haven't dealt with anxiety before, but suddenly feel yourself worrying constantly. In fact, research has shown that this feeling of insecurity may boost levels of a stress hormone, and can even lower your immune system, according to Kathleen Doheny on Im really hurt, I know Im losing her, I am starting to become, once again, insecure, isolated, anxious. I know that you wnat to help but it doesnt really sound like you are getting the things that you need out of this sort of relationship anymore. Im in a similar situation & it is making me crumble emotionally. Most of you experienced it yourselves unless you are blessed with incredible good looks or a family wealth. Also over the years I have cancelled so many plans with friends to take time to help her that I have lost contact and have become depressed myself about my loneliness. To lower the quality, character, or value of something or someone: His disruptions are dragging down the performance of the other students. Welcome to Tissue Issues, an advice column from comedian Ash . Your love will develop as you both learn (with help) how to manage your feelings and youll both be closer having supported one another through this difficult process, July 16th, 2016 at 5:42 AM Recent events have dragged prices down. I forgave her and forgot all of that. You're so tired. I myself am in a LDR with my girlfriend. we took a break for a day, then got back together. My girlfriend's depression is bringing me down Wellbeing Medicines Pregnancy & Parenting Conditions Follow Ask the expert My girlfriend's depression is bringing me down I am living. Im having similar issues as many of you aforementioned. hello, I am this depressed girl, Shes my best friend, but I worry that shes not able to plan a life with me or be an equal partner in the relationship. From past one to two years I came to know.Now it becomes severe.she suffers from anxiety , bipolar disorder. "Unhealthy relationships can literally make you feel drained of energy. yesterday she said dating isnt working for either of us, the things that we need to change are things that cant chnange. I have honoured her decision to sort this out alone. If you need help finding a therapist, you are welcome to call us. If you have trouble finding a professional in your area, dont be discouragedit may mean youll have better luck doing a Google search or asking for a referral from a trusted health professional, such as your doctor. According to psychologist Salama Marine, your pattern could be emotionally draining if "you . It's what we all strive for, and hope for, and dream about when pairing up with a partner. Medication and therapy dont really work. Wow.. so many people with so many similar issues and I thought I was the only one! My girlfriend is dragging me back into depression with her own personal problems. If you have depression or anxiety its because you know deep in your soul that you arent on the right path or living up to your potential. About me and my girlfriend! Youve shown your love for her and she knows that. You create your own reality. I even offered to pay for the consultation costs. Apparently she doesnt really talk to anyone anymore she wants to be left alone. I consider myself in recovery. I started to be rude and aggressive. But when you have a hobby, do make sure that you are always there for her when she needs you. A woman goes through a break up, she goes out, cries half the time and gets her drinks paid for all night and has her choice of a half a dozen guys fighting over her. I have good days and bad days. Dont see how that would help at all f%cked either way, Your girlfriend needs help and support but so do you. My girlfriend has been depressed for 3 years. We read your comment, and we hear your frustration and unhappiness. There was a point in my life when it was obvious I needed to address my depression which exposed itself as anger and Ive been waiting 5 years for her to have the same epiphany. Sign up and Get Listed. I still love him so much, but I think its the best choice for both of us. Peace, In other words man if you cant make a difference with ger,and just using you for attention move on. please help! I feel like a slave. Life was perfect. All I could do is be the best boyfriend a girl could have. My girlfriend and me have been together 8 months, we havent had regular sex in a month. I did it to myself kind of depression, but for the most part Im ok with myself and I strive to walk as much as I can and get out of the house or busy myself with crafts that has helped alot. The reason is the best youtube downloader . Good Luck Everyone. Im sick of having nothing in my life matter. Its a selfish decision either way. I need to know, I was engaged to get married to her but we called it off. She has been alcoholic for 10 years. I m still jobless for more than 2yrs thinking about her problems all the time.i can marry her after getting a good job.i feel like my life is hell and but I am not selfish too. 3. I completely changed from confident cheeky fit guy to someones whose fat, very low self esteem and broken. You may click to view our members full profiles and contact the therapists themselves for more information. You have to tell her when she hurts you. Seeing the change in her every day life and general well-being has been nothing short of a complete shock to me. I have told lies to her before because I think of telling the truth and thoughts of the reaction fill me with absolute dread. It truly could be your relationship that's to blame. One day she wanted to elope Bcos she feared the crowd at our wedding and the next day she just broke it off completely with no reasons. We r loving since 5-6 years! She doesnt like it when I do my own thing or want to go out or have something in my life other than her. You are NOT responsible for the thoughts, feelings, or behaviors or others. Before this everything was amazing, great relationship, we admitted to each other that we were in love and had fallen head over heals, amazing sex, I really felt like I had found my best friend. Im so hurt lately, and she doesnt give it a mind, and she doesnt barely talk to me on the late days. He started changing we had an argument one time and he cut all way from his wrist to his elbow, I couldnt leave him I had to ditch my mam to see if he was okay before he went to work. I am not an expert in the world of women but if there is anything I have learned it is that women feel a whole range of emotions and only show/tell a few (or none). If your partner makes you uncomfortable about being you, then her or she is only dragging you down. THIS MORNING WITH ALL YOUR WEIGHT TIED TO MY NECK AND YOUR DRAGGING ME DOWN, DRAGGING ME DOWN DRAGGING ME DOWN, DRAGGING ME DOWN I GOT . When I have some me time to save my soul from drowning because of her, she said that I was selfish for leaving her for, like, a day! I am not sure if Im still with her for love, for the codependency that has definitely developed or simply because I have been doing this so long I dont know any different, I have almost the exact same problem. It was me rationalising my emotions. I really wish would have some people, professionals or people who had past experiences in line with all the above comments and have them offer some advice and hope for everyone here. I took on too much. We used to talk all day, have very long calls every night, laugh a lot, play together. Posted October 5, 2013 | Reviewed by Ekua Hagan Question: Hi Irene, My BFF and I have been friends since high school. We are in the office Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mountain Time, and our phone number is 888-563-2112 ext 3. All i see now is cold person who i love and so frustrated by the lack of intimacy. Go with her to therapist. She will fight if you will let her fight, support this fight, but not be the one to fight for her. Start praying to God, together with your girlfriend. Next time you feel like this world is messed, go outside and try something new. It seems that most of you are wonderful people who would do everything to safe their loved ones, even if you are not sure that you still in love. Depression is a serious issue that is very difficult to understand. I have been with my girlfriend long distance for over a year now. But how is it possible? I would stand everything for her, but she doesnt seem to care, and it kills me from the inside. If you have any of these friends, you should reconsider that relationship. Its a positive sign that you seem to have a solid sense not only of where she is, but also where you are. Yes, "envier" is a word. It was new to me and i didnt know exactly how depressed people behave. Take it as a hint that things need to change. Medically reviewed by Jennifer Litner, PhD, LMFT, CST By Ash Fisher on June 10, 2021. Over the past year I dated someone that was unbalanced and going through a significant life transition. She questioned our status, then says if we are a couple we should act like one (she is always busy and making plans with friends so I leave her be) which she doesnt like. Youve been shouldering a significant burden on your own for years; it sounds like you are ready to let someone help you carry the load. Im talking about Yeshua, the son of the God of Israel. One Direction - Drag Me Down (Official Video)Follow on Spotify - on Apple Music - on Amazo. Your girlfriend loves you, but I think she is just a bit restless without you being there. First two years went well. A few months ago she began self harming, and I apparently did something to upset her and she started talking about how she was going to commit suicide because of it. Girls love that kind of crap and its not gay or anything if you do something where you express your feelings. Now dont get me wrong, I get shes depressed and I feel for her, but I used to never have outbursts in my relationship period, and by now, 8 years in, the only way to make her stop taking all of her aggressive-depression(not that shed get violent, but yell on the most absurd things)/anxieties on me is to stoop down to her level and shout back, which then makes me feel like a jerk, she (almost) never say sorry, and for everytime she yells at me, somehow at the end I have to apologize or shell frown at me forever (claiming everything is fine, but obviously is it) I cant stay wit her anymore. Your Dilemmas: My girlfriend's negative energy is dragging me down. It's an affect that's truly worth noting. Can anyone help me and tell me what can i do?. Somehow though, everyone seems to find a way to keep going and be happier and that can so be you! If she is not, I would suggest you encourage her to begin therapy, in addition to the medication treatment. I think it is a complicated thing close relationships on one hand you are sharing everything on the other sometimes you cant tell some truths, because you feel like you gonna hurt someone. I feel you. You're looking older but you can't be certain. Bishop Blurz. I compared myself with healthy happy laughing girls that my boyfriend meet everyday. We talked (argued) about the lack of sex and how distant we are and she said that she doesnt feel any of these feelings, and that sometimes we doesnt feel comfortable thinking about sex. Working for either of us world is messed, go outside and try something new I... Anything if you have to tell her when she needs you furniture and boxes to her space... 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