But honestly, thats never going to happen, I could steal your belt buckle before you had time to put me in handcuffs. This was her idea of a fun assignment. I could, but I wont, because Im not here to show off. Woohoo! Dont worry. Ill see you tomorrow. (turns around and sighs) Fiddlesticks. Lifewe take it for granted, dont we? you think I am obsessed too? I know who I am, Im the queen of this place and there is nothing you can do to change that. What breaks me the most is that no one sees me hurting. I work in DiCor Labs, I had been working on a medication to cure bad skin. However, I know not everyone will like me, but at that time it made sense. The scene opens with the actor pantomiming playing a video game. Im ready. Xia, a Chinese girl who came to the US for Master program on Chinese History, was convinced by her brother to quit school and work for his black market business illegally. And with things are the way they are, were sometimes all each other has. Last night my world was shattered. Ill be embarrassed everywhere I go. Its so worth it. Mr. Rupert will be with you shortly. You are looking at me like Im some murderer. Like, we would pretend we were dying, or possessed or something. I set them down on my bedside table and gaze up at the sky, imagining myself soaring up through the atmosphere into the deep ocean of space. What if I dont get the part? I could blame it on my father, but it was me who took away the only thing I loved, the only thing that truly made me happy. Youd think Id be surprised, but I wasnt. JK!!! I am sure that if the roles and been reversed and that it was a white baby abandoned in a trash can adopted by a black family, the courts would have left it with its adoptive family on the basis that "skin colour had no importance, only the love of a stable family". Excuse me, yeah hi. After I leave here, Im going to that high bridge over the interstate freeway. Realizing.) I feel betrayed because you were taken from me too soon and Im just another person consumed by grief. I would like to dedicate this concoction to my late wife, whom we all adored. And when we do, we will see Lila again. Theres the bell. GET BACK, FEATHERED FIENDS, GET BACK! I stood there for hours, until finally I got a lift into the city. If I do one thing wrong everybody is going to notice, and laugh at me, and Im going to be so embarrassed. I have since learned that girls are impossible. Oh crap I have a file?! with updates on movies, TV shows, Rotten Tomatoes podcast and more. At lunch we had meatloaf, so I went hungry. He didnt even notice that I was there. Second Place Winner! Im, Im just going to say it. Got arrested again and it was rinse and repeat with juvey. HD. Why did you have to bring home pizza? I remember drinking chocolate milk while she drank coffee. After that, I was still determined to have the best day ever, so I decided to drive home real quick to change out of my coffee-stained shirt. The story revolves around her journey; the treatments, effects, and significant events that happen in her life. You and Papa, but Papa looked different now. Id give anything just to be a regular kid. Nah. Losing Isaiah received mostly negative reviews from critics. Whats my idea of the perfect day? I know. Do forgive me, we dont get many visitors to the Briarville Library. Outside, the London riots are raging. Losing Isaiah is a 1995 American drama film starring Jessica Lange and Halle Berry, directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal. Cleaning chocolate poo is not in the elf job description! I heard the voice of James Dougherty Marilyn Monroe is a stranger. I saw the jealousy on Joe DiMaggios face. I would be too if I had to go in there. (Turns to hero) How do you silence your phone? My trip to Venus took two months. I gotta find my flashlight. How am I going to patch that skylight, momll kill me wait do ya hear that? I tell her that I miss the days when I didnt have to go to school. My name is Jeanine Brefcyznki and I know that those are two very polar, funny sounding names but thats just me! Third Place Winner! Now its grey. Yeah, you can probably imagine how well that went. Its so fun! The movie also manages to enrage without even engaging the color issues. How can she do that? Losing Isaiah Reviews. Everyone in this family does. Charlie from science, right? I have a familyyes, its an evil crime family, but I also have a pet cat! Hi. Plus, I still had two tickets with me! Samantha, oh my god, that man must be the most depressing person I have ever met. Shes energetic and very optimistic and able to see the best in everyone. I did well enough in that college to earn a Green Card and a scholarship to Wesleyan University. How do I fix it, dad? So unusual for a catI said, I know that we arent going to keep herof course, I realize that we already have sixteen cats. Ive been thin all my life. Those moments Ill never forget, and theyll always be ours. This is it. But Im not popular. So, first, my best friend and neighbor is not the sharpest tool in the shed, to say the least. This monologue is from The Telling, the first short play in. Or depression. First Place Winner By:Sarah K., Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, Age 14 Gender:Any Genre:Dramatic Description:A teenager visits her (or his) fathers grave with a friend. I have dreams. Ive been in there for days! He uses Ezekiel 25:17 to explain why he believes himself to be the shepherd, guiding Gods flock where they need to go. First Place Winner By:Isabel Parent, Calgary Alberta, Age 15 Gender:Male Genre:Comedic Description:A nervous Walmart employee makes a video tape of himself asking for a promotion. I feel our connection has been lost and I have fallen for someone else. My name is Brock Bruce. Its both soft and light, Isabel. You don't know anything about him. She likes this one band, Nirvana, and I swear you cannot understand a single word they are singing. Ive got to get out of here. Put them in the zoo and charge people three dollars to look at them. I stayed up all night reading classified documents. Its almost like youre always doing something that needs apologizing for. Do I lie about it and deny it, or do I come clean and tell the truth? Its not worth it! But this does not apply to me. It was a big white room. Only a few months till youre finally an adult. I gotta get my kiss now. (stops moving) So, what happened? I have scars from that one. ), Excuse me? (turns to back and looks really annoyed, then yells) Im not talking to you! Me? Well more like we were kicked out of a party. Id better turn in my paper. I hope I can give her strength when she needs it. I know because I was once in that situation and went down the wrong path. If I fail my chemistry test today, or spill Pepsi on my dress at prom, or flunk my first job interview, or anything else that can and will go wrong in the next week, the same rain that is soaking through my socks right now will carry on. Is that what we want to teach? You tell him no and hope he gives up. Xia, a Chinese girl who came to the US for Master program on Chinese History, was convinced by her brother to quit school and work for his black market business illegally. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the gun. Everyone holds me up to her standards. This Shakespeare monologue, however, discusses death on another level. Did you hear that? You throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball. I am calling the principal! Its just that everyone has given up on him; even you andand our parents have decided to move on, but I- I cantokay? Now Im thinking about how not thinking about thinking made me think about thinking about not thinking. What Im doing now is pointless. (to self) Im going to drop this phone in the toilet on accident when I get home. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes and lines from all your favorite films. Everyone is chanting, Throw it back! USA Gender: Female, but can be changed Genre: Comedic Description: A teen girl comes out to her family in a comedic way. Do you know about sacred geometry? You and Lisa going at each others necks the whole time! By:Dillon Hammell, Age 12, South Carolina, USA Gender:Male Genre:Dramatic Description:The Pied Piper threatens the townspeople if the Mayor doesnt pay him. Ugh. People fear of drowning or being attacked by creatures from below. (Sit back down and smile.) But now that Im going to be in college, and Im no longer the only kid in 3rd grade whos read Pride and Prejudice. Birds arent stuck in moldy, rundown apartments. (pause) I know you dont have to. Various plates of half devoured frozen meals are lying about, beer bottles. Im not! And this scar? Not only is this monologue short, but it also shows off your dramatic and classical acting skills. When I grow up and have kids of my own, I will play One Direction in the car and in the house in front of their friends, and I will for sure not embarrass them! My skin color, for some strange reason, is a threat to you? I dont mean to eavesdrop on you, but the walls are so thin. Rainbows and unicorns, that felt good! I cannot believe that there are even words coming out of my mouth, its almost as if my mind is full. Im never going to be a dancer; Im never going to do the only thing that I was meant to do. I even had a horse! . I guess Ill just turn it in. Why dont I talk to Jake? I wasnt surprised. I like not just boys but also girls. OFF. Oh, did I make you cry? Genre: Comedic. (Looks around.) Shes natural, and I respect that. Look, youre new here, so I feel its my duty to warn you there are a couple of people youll want to avoid. I have final say. She probably still holds a grudge from THE MISHAP. Yes, ice-cold crystal-clear water for the whole country! Mrs. Jones just glared at me. Hes crying. (Jumps to feet.) It explains a lot actually. Sometimes I think you forget what growing up was like for me, and what a miracle it is that I am here, because if you remembered, youd never complain. Where to watch losing isaiah losing isaiah movie free online 123moviesgo.tv is a free movies streaming site with zero ads. And what happened then you ask? What I query in the film is its political correctness. I bare my scars and my breaks and let people see what I am. Thats why I had to take this job Whats it like? People use your head as an armrest, like ALL the time. The police are on their way, stay calm and breathe sweetie you are going to be fine. (Smile turns into an angry frown) Okay. Genre: Dramatic. When they found me, they arrested me! (Realizes what she said.) You have my word. No, you dont understand. I read that on Facebook. I have awesome parents. My brother gets the whole day on the internet. They are coming to get me. My childhood has been taken away from me. I dont think that was it, though. The professor called my parents to inform them I was kicked out. My mother was screaming over me, but she sounded far away. See, my friend Tom and I were put in a group for a science project on fungus, and there was this extra credit assignment. Oh, theres that book Im supposed to read for English class. By: Madison Fannin, Age 15, Tennessee, USA Description: A child confronts their family after being ignored for two weeks. We held our breath as the footsteps above grew closer and closer. You dont watch TV? You got that from me, you got that from me.. Lucifer's Pride Led God to Cast Him Out of Heaven. I understand that its like the second class of the year and you want to form a relationship with your new students or whatever, but not like that. Howd I wind up here? Alright. I used to be sort of an outcast and suddenly I had my first best friend! And its hard, it really is. She rubbed my back and made me feel better. Genre: Comedic, Woah, woah, woah! I cant be like you, and I dont want to be like you anyway. Excuses, excuses. Im honestly sick of monologues. The attendant just stared at him. Youll never do anything with your sad little life and thats that. You take a few minutes to decide how youre going to do your hair and how youre going to do your makeup and if you even want to do makeup. (mocking her in falsetto) Oh, Mr. Archibald, thats a circuit breaker! Chairete! Thats right, I married my Uncle. Why am I here? Vanilla with Vanilla and Chocolate with Chocolate. Othello says. I never saw my sister again. And say besides that in Aleppo once, Where a malignant and a turbaned Turk. You did what? Shi-Schnitzel with gravy! You could have one bad day and it could ruin everything. Everyone knows I used steroids before the championship. While you are out experiencing life, I lie in this hospital bed. Uh! Hmm, says Bob, Ive been wanting to talk to you about that. Apparently, the true storythat I came out of a milk carton in the local supermarket when Alan unscrewed the lid, wasnt exciting enough, it didnt scream blockbuster. Will you help me? That doesnt seem fair. I decided to do it; what could go wrong? Everything. But you want to hear something even more strange? Life has been rough, people at school are laughing and making fun of me, they say things like (in a funny accent) Youre so ugly or Wow where do you get your clothes, and it reminds me of when you used to stand up for me. Help! . Though I suppose it wasnt really your idea, was it? Those guys down there? I made the mistake of mentioning this to my parents. Dont blink. Its Ross Sullivan you really have to watch out for. See ya then! Thank you all for stopping in today. OTHELLO. If you say so. Genre: Dramatic I do work hard. The first day of middle school is written as scary in all of the movies, but its not that bad. "Losing Isaiah," inspired by various actual cases, tells the story of a cocaine-addicted black woman named Khaila ( Halle Berry) who, in a drugged haze, stumbles out of a crack house and abandons her son in a cardboard box in an alley. Erm well, if you can find it in your hearts respect your elders follow the-class dismissed! Needless to say, youre officially out of gum, unless you count the piece stuck to the bottom of my shoe. This isnt just for us, its for our future. By: Micaela E., Los Alamitos, CA, Age 16 Gender: Female Genre: Dramatic Description: Elena confides in a friend about a crime she committed. You have to get through it, so you can read the more exciting part? He also uses this to explain why he is used to filter out the weak from the flock. I still have all the gifts you gave me, the fluff ball, the coloring page, the paintings, and that terrible ceramic dog that sort of resembles mine. I hate my brother, period. Why should I have to see that word, over and over again? You were all I needed, and now Im so alone. You just feel bad because some of us really cared, and that's not sorry, that's pity. I kinda hoped to live up to more than this. You must feel such a thrill, having him watch you like youre some kind of savior. (pauses, looks at groom) I love him. Losing Isaiah: Official Clip - I'm His Mother 1:57 Added: November 11, 2015. Look at Hanna. Goddess, Miss. I should have stayed here in town, at least until you were ready to leave too. Gender: Any Genre: Comedic. Ya think that I would work away, makin shoes and boots for all da rich uns, just to let a theivin scud the likes of ye, come long and snatch me riches? Yeah, Angela deserved the award. These are all reasons I want to go out at night. But I imagine the shape and structure of our DNA is related to some kind of larger thing in the universe. (angry) Wait? You know what, maybe Baby Erk isnt so bad? Hold on just a minute here waiter. (Jumps off stool and moves off camera. Im an honest monster. Im sorry for that. She knows that shrimp is the one thing Im scared of. I should be over that Prince Royce-wanna-be by now. In this scene, she is attending her high school reunion and feels the need to defend her life choices. There! By: Lily P., Carman, Manitoba, Canada, Age 12 Gender: Female Genre: Dramatic Description: A difficult boss rants about her assistant. Because loving him took my life. I dont see why Im here. And my job? Oh, no, I dont have any plans tomorrow. LOSING ISAIAH is a moving and well-acted drama that takes a hot-button issue to an emotionally manipulative level but will involve you to the point of taking sides. I know who started the zombie virus (pause) its me. So, last March. Now, I think I know the cure. Monday the 26th of April. Ive tried to get another job, but every time I do, it lasts about eleven minutes before Im crawling back to my money-hungry boss. Everything is so tiny. OMG! Anxiety hits me from every angle. But its a snail. Youve got your mommas disco ball eyes! I didnt want her disco ball eyes! I mean, with a last name like that you would be laughed out the door. Am I even allowed to be mad at her? For the first time, I feel like there is going to be a good change in our lives. Is that what you see? Third Place Winner! If it wasnt for me, then you people would have gotten a horrible plague that would have killed almost everyone. I hope you realize that Faith brings nothing to the table when it comes to a musical. I had a note, but couldnt think of anyone to give it to. No late-night work, drunken moods, or angry fits could change you. I feel love when I look in his eyes. In this monologue, Ty tells Vic about a dream Ty had, and Vic tries not to listen because the image is much, much too real. Possibly the only man who would be considered as my equal. You will have a deadly weapon for life. Ugh! I know you shouldnt do it, but its a metaphor just roll with it. What did I ever do to deserve this kind of pain and hurt? When he caught me looking through his phone, he was a little mad, and he explained that just because hes talking to women, doesnt mean hes cheating on me. Hello? I never got an apology for that. He didnt listen. If you tell me Ill invite you to my Halloween Party, which is going to be like totally cool, but if you dont you cant come! He begins to understand how they are all related and you cannot experience one with the other. I tell her that I miss all the attention I used to get from people., the times when I didnt even think to worry what other people thought of me. So much pain from the bullet in my leg, and my head was just full of questions. I was looking at myself in the mirror when my reflection started to waver. Verified reviews are considered more trustworthy by fellow moviegoers. Youre out of your mind if you are considering going somewhere with me. I hope so. I have to go. That's a pretty name. Youll never be an archenemy or on the starting roster of an evil team. I wear makeup due to the fact that I am seen as a monster with a bunch of acne. No one can match my skills or mastery. Enough to provide drinking water to cities and villages for a year! Because I gave into peer pressure. We were all so beautiful, but we made people sad. , and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes. No rest for the wicked. Holy crap! No, Im serious. (Moment of realization) Ok so maybe Im like totally petrified. Come here. By the time we did all that, the period was almost over. (Pause.) So she made her sisters stop and take pictures of her. Before you know it its the end of senior year. Not there. Was that normal for you Mom? I totally disagree with those critics who say that the ending of "Losing Isaiah" is `wishy-washy' or a `cowardly compromise' (to quote IMDB reviewers). So, thats why Im late. You know, my boyfriend tells me Im an (does air quotes with fingers) overprotective and jealous girlfriend, but he just doesnt understand. I truly do. If youre done with the tea, dear, you can just set it on my desk. (Pause.) I ordered it from my house, but it never arrived. Would you go back and be at least honest with her? And if something as simple as that can keep going, Ill tell myself I can too. Well, except for the fact Im scared. Ive me work to do! There are worse things. I will tell the police everything that happened. Third Place Winner! I tell her about whats going to happen in her future, and I tell her that I miss the past. I could tell by the way the gravel crunched under his feet that he was drunk. (Imitating children.) [Absently] Ah, but death is calling me back. I am in LOVE! This pandemic is crazy! You may have seen me at your local Walmart. Listen up! Im sure of that. And I get to walk on a beach thats empty just for me, on golden sand freshly washed by night waves. I know it in my bones. Were going to be okay, he said, everything is going to be okay. but then the doors burst open. Star after star. Genre: Dramatic. I say it time and time again: This whole operation, this machine theyre running you through, it has no interest in you. Terra, pregnant, and Alex, Terras boyfriend, were talking when Terra jumped into the lake and drowned. That computer right there. Yeah, me too. (falls dramatically to the floor) I thought you loved me. (Pauses to collect herself and changes tactics.) And oh yeah, she likes the Rolling Stones. Can you- Could you repeat that slower, sir? None of my other friends have to share a room, and none of them have a mother like you. Destroyed his TV. Santa never gave you any attention until last Christmas when he couldnt see any farther than he could spit. Its just that I feel so insecure and overwhelmed. Probably some so-called heroes here to rescue you. The lights will be beaming in my eyes and my hands will start shaking like crazy. Couldnt you see my little Ricky with his wide eyes and crazy raven hair as he munched on some dry bread next to a busty middle aged teacher? I know! Maybe I should make it about love or something. Borders closed? Look, I need to talk to you before I go. She was speaking to me the whole way back to this Podunk town. There were women screaming for their children. First Place Winner! Right now! Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic. You know my grandma died. All the skinny pretty girls at school like him! Do you think that I could forget with people telling me every day? When a classmate commits suicide, shy Evan Hansen finds himself at the center of the tragedy and turmoil. Third Place Winner! Its you. He really wants to catch the mouse because the rehydrated foods all taste the same. Watch a video performance of this monologue here! The day you left we said wed text every day. Its different, thats for sure. By: Carley B., Age 11, Ohio, USA Gender: Female Genre: Comedic Description: A teen girl has a frustrating day at the mall. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! I told you already. Take that, Hannah! I really had no interest in seeing this picture, but I actually had a friend who was in a similar situation. So, Im just saying maybe asking me how I feel isnt the best approach. To sport would be as tedious as to work; But when they seldom come, they wished-for come, And nothing pleaseth but rare accidents. Just wait. Maybe its too late for us. I regret having to leave our family but theyll join us soon. Youre gonna vote for me anyway. Anyway, last week, Alex just saunters up to me and is like Hey Elena, I think youre pretty cool, so uhh, wanna rob a bank tomorrow? and NATURALLY I said, SUREEEEE ALEX! Those painted on faces, fake smiles, and pretend emotions are all designed to fool you into thinking theyre good. Months till youre finally an adult updates on movies, but I wasnt about, beer bottles that slower sir. Movie also manages to enrage without even engaging the color issues out of your mind you. Ive been wanting to talk to you before I go look in his eyes himself! She was speaking to me the whole time and repeat with juvey to school ran. Consumed by grief I want to go and more weak from the bullet in my,! Enough to provide drinking water to cities and villages for a year supposed to for... Are, were sometimes all each other has more strange makeup due to the Briarville Library all the skinny girls. Whole way back to this Podunk town zoo and charge people three to. 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