By my estimate, I think we're in the range of 300,000 or so jobs in the foreseeable future that could be automated to some significant extent. Jon and Jo Ann Hagler on behalf of the Jon L. Hagler Foundation. They didn't like the direction things were going. It was a day I will never forget. DRAFT REPORT on artificial intelligence in a digital age (2/11/21) AI is going to do some of that, software, robots are going do some of that. And then they realized, "Wait a minute, theres all this data in the economy we dont have." And that's gonna have a huge impact on the spread of your information across the internet. . There's also a danger, because the entities in the companies that are in control of those algorithms don't necessarily have the same goals as you, and this is where I think people need to be aware thatof what's going on, so that they can have more control over it. 1. And if the North goes dark, then there is still the South. Can A.I. So the activity is still there, but the number of jobs is very, very low because of automation and tech progress. And it's incredible to see so many, because just two or three years ago we hardly saw that kind of thing. and Mark Sagar push the limits of what a machine can do. Now its very large company. Imagine police take your phone and run data scan and force you to install compulsory software allowing your phone calls and messages to be monitored. The measure passes. Thats the premise of a new book written by Kai-Fu Lee. Here's you can start to write reflection paper: Finding a topic . Many among the Uighur diaspora have lost all contact with their families back home. These unicornsweve got one, two, three, four, five, six, in the general AI area. Until now. So by the end of the year, with that $150,000, by the end of the year we'd made about $22,000. The next part of the outline is the body section. And it's made very explicit that when the party needs them, they either have to respond or they will be dethroned. This film from Frontline investigates the promise and challenges of artificial intelligence, specifically how AI will reshape consumers lives and jobs and allow the emergence of the surveillance society. The computer was only told the goal: to win the game. We are a manufacturing powerhouse, but if you go walk around an American factory, you do not see long lines of people doing repetitive manual labor. Maybe we have some radically different approach to dealing with incurable cancers. The future is largely being shaped by a few hugely successful tech companies. And so we have conversations with people where we point out that the auto industry is better because there are safety standards. In the end, the scientists watched their algorithms win four of the games; Lee Sedol took one. There are 25 speakers, all named as icons" of the last 25 years of technological progress. And that part of our knowledge is actually probably the majority of it. Polls showed 80% approval for a privacy law. Now it's more "We love technology, but let's look at some of the big issues, and let's look at some of them critically; and let's look at the way algorithms are changing the way we behave, for good and for ill." So the whole nature of Wired has gone from a champion of technological change to more of a observer of technological change. Hes now a critic, and wrote a book about the company. It took nearly 10,000 years to go from writing to printing press but only about 500 more to get e-mail. Entrepreneurs like Cao Xudong, the 33-year-old CEO of a new startup called Momenta. This is my obsessively curated list of research papers and articles on ethics in AI that I have been collecting over the years. Is your voice a little wobbly? And what the Belt and Road ultimately does is it attempts to kind of create a political leverage for the Chinese spending campaign all over the globe. Every company is looking at all of the disruptive technologiescould be robotics or drones or blockchain. The paper further summarizes several AI Formulas from the AI vision . [Speaking Chinese] Theres no way the U.S. can crush us. is we dont need you to type at all because we know where you arewith your permission; we know where youve beenwith your permission; we can more or less guess what youre thinking about. Are we ready, Henry? [Laughs] Thank you very much. 5 Ways to Maintain the integrity of student writing. Two researchers had been poring through U.S. labor statistics, identifying jobs that could be vulnerable to AI automation. Same with Google; same with Amazon. Well, with the kids home from school, the families have three meals a day that they've got to put on the table. On stage, Kai-Fu Lee dispenses with one common fear. So effectively what the Belt and Road is, is China's attempt to, via spending and investment, project its influence all over the world. The market cap of all the firms arrayed against me was over $6 trillion. You're welcome. If your instructor demands a word count outside of this range, meet your instructor's requirements. So we are using technology not only to be better at assessing the breast density, but to get more to the point of what we're trying to predict: Does this woman have a cancer now and will she develop a cancer in five years? A breakthrough moment when the world champion of the Asian board game Go takes on an AI program developed by Google. I will post some . They are able to bend, and, when needed, break. Then came the dot-com crash of the early 2000s. Throughout Southeast Asia this was seen as a sports spectacle with national pride at stake. Gradescope . For the first time, it raises concerns about the end of human superiority. Regurgitating the material in your own words does not make a paper reflective. From its headquarters in southern Chinadesigned to look like fanciful European capitalsHuawei is the second-biggest seller of smartphones and the world leader in building 5G networks, the high-speed backbone for the age of AI. Private, human experience is claimed as a free source of raw material, fabricated into predictions of human behavior. In the future, the research and development of cutting-edge technologies such as brain-computer interface (BCI) together with the development of the human brain will eventually usher in a strong AI era, when AI can simulate and . So I was blown away. The amalgamation of technology breakthroughs in AI systems, virtual agents, social messaging, the Internet of Things (IoT), and mobile connectivity is . Yes, yes, we've made about 40 investments in AI. Artificial intelligence had proven it could marshal a vast amount of data, beyond anything any human could handle, and use it to teach itself how to predict an outcome. If you look at this graph of what's been happening to America since the end of World War II, you see a line for our productivity, and our productivity gets better over time. I felt very lucky and very inspiring and very exciting that we're living in this era. Don't go off on tangents. It's an imaginary device that imitates how arithmetic calculations are carried out with a pencil on paper. . With Regina's techniques and deep learning and machine learning, we were able to predict the women that truly needed the surgery and separate out those that really could avoid the unnecessary surgery. But about 10% did have cancer. For example, on the mobile device, we have timed the facial recognition speed. So the trucking industry is $740 billion a year, and, again, in many of these operations, labor's a third of that cost. Kai-Fu Lee also makes a great deal of money from AI. Future Intelligence Technology - 44 min - 8.87 Catch a first-time glimpse at smart technology that. It is kind of interesting, when you think about it. He said, "If you want it, you have to earn it." These are systems which in many cases are hidden in the back end of our sort of social institutions. The approach our projectgroup used was to find a big dataset to train and evaluate . You see another cuttinganother cutting in. And you're coming to my talk? 10/10. And please, tell all the workers how grateful these families will be. Now I've got a group of people at the top that are making all the money and I don't have anybody in the middle that can support a family. And for those who arent, it can describe them. And as China has gone through this amazing period of growth and wealth and openness in certain ways, there has not been the democratic transformation that I thought. China actually began its big push in AI only 2 1/2 years ago, when the AlphaGo-Lee Sedol match became the Sputnik moment. I have enough money in my checking account at all times to pay a month's worth of bills. The Gist: Downey is there to introduce and narrate the new docuseries The Age Of A.I., which is presented under YouTube's Learning banner. Because we've had four decades of rising inequality in wages, and if anybody is going to take it on the chin from automation, the trucking industrythe first in line is going to be the driver, without a doubt. When it started it was very much a magazine about what's coming and why you should be excited about it. The AI future was built with great optimism out here in the West. We don't want it moving to China, to Mexico, to Japan, to India, to Vietnam. Yeah, our job is finished. The markets in Asia and the U.S. falling sharply on news that a top Chinese executive has been arrested in Canada. Format is similar to any other academic work. Robots don't pay taxes. Only maybe three are at the magnitude of AI revolution: the steam engine, electricity and the computer revolution. That number quickly travelled the world in headlines and news bulletins. In the last century, they were all shut down by Maos revolution. So our first foray was just to take all of the patients we had at MGH, during a period of time, who had had breast surgery for a certain type of high-risk lesion. The great compliment that a songwriter gives another one is "Gosh, I wish I'd written that one." And I don't care what the robot manufacturers say, you aren't replacing those 10 production people that that robot is now doing that job with 10 people. They're at higher risk for cardiovascular disease; they're at higher risk for depression and suicide. He says hes reduced his stake and doesnt speak for the company. The purpose was to target and manipulate voters in the 2016 presidential campaign, as well as the Brexit referendum; Cambridge Analytica had been largely funded by conservative hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer. If those people's interests go against the values of democracy, then democracy is in danger. They spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year shipping parts around the country. So that's unusual in a developed world. Eric Schmidt and Google declined to be interviewed for this program. You know, were one of the cities in the country that I think we were left behind in this recovery, and I justI dont know how we get on the bandwagon now. AI HLEG, 2019, "High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence: Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI", European Commission, accessed: 9 April 2019. Regina and Connie began the slow process of getting access to thousands of mammograms and records from MGHs breast imaging program. What surveillance capitalism claims is private, human experience. What happened was they decided to turn to those data logs in a systematic way and to begin to use these surplus data as a way to come up with fine-grained predictions of what a user would click onwhat kind of ad a user would click on. Those companies can only exist and prosper at the sufferance of the party. And I thought it was gonna be one of those conversations, like withif you ever ask an airline pilot, "Should I be worried about flying?" With a continuing trade war and growing distrust, the longtime argument for engagement between the two countries has been losing ground. You know, people not making a decent wage to be able to support a family. It wasn't that the computers beat the humans; it was that one type of intelligence beat another. It proposes a constructivist-situative framework not typically considered, ABSTRACT This paper seeks to understand key dimensions of reflection in experience-based workplace learning for research being collaboratively undertaken by scholars in Dutch and US research, Abstract Accountability mechanisms in adult education, their constitution and their effects, are of increasing concern in an era threatening massive reductions to resources for adult education, Technology advances are making tech morehuman. But when the call comes, everybody knows what the company's response will be. I took money out of my son's piggy bank to pay for it because it's not scheduled in. Africa's been a huge place. In 2018, many of the people who invented it gathered in San Francisco to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the industry magazine. As we all know that Artificial Intelligence is the highest invention and biggest achievement of a human from time to time, before and then. AI is a technology that can be used for good and for evil. There's another argument, which is what I think most of them believe deep down, which is, this is different. Can everyone take their seats, please? We want all that stuff.". In the end they claimed to have nudged 340,000 people to vote. AlphaGo Technology - 90 min - 8.65 Go is considered the most challenging board game ever. And this is going be something that was gonna be critically important in the future. And they say, "Oh, the most dangerous part is coming to the airport in the car." In the popular discussions about robots and automation and work, almost every image is of a man on a factory floor or a truck driver. AI is a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers. We see a huge growth potential in robotics, and we see that growth potential as being, really, there's 90% of the market left. Are you sneezing while you're talking? It lays out rough outlines for national and global committees that should determine AI's uses and limitations across industry, academia and governments, in what . But the white-collar jobs are easier to take, because theyre a pure quantitative analytical process. Something we're gonna do for you guysthese were left over from our suggestion drive that we did, and were gonna give them each two. So what happened with Go, first and foremost, was a huge victory for DeepMind and for AI. The more and more that you use spoken interfacesso, smart speakersthey're being trained not just to recognize who you are, but they're starting to take baselines and comparing changes over time. Their unofficial motto was Dont be evil.". He first came here 45 years ago. That move 37 was a move that humans could not fathom, but yet it ended up being brilliant and woke people up to say, "Wow, after thousands of years of playing, we never thought about making a move like that.". Keeping reflection papers between 300 and 750 words is a good rule to follow. With the help of A.I, machines will be able to learn, solve problems, plan things, think, etc. And so, to get at the bottom of the iceberg, the solution was the computers have to acquire that knowledge by themselves from datafrom examples. The world needs Huawei because we are more advanced. That is a much bigger problem and certainly much more serious than what we faced with Cambridge Analytica. The history of AI (Artificial Intelligence) is rather short and shows that this field has progressed well in about sixty years. It's a little bit like the physicists around the Second World War who rose up to tell the governments, "Wait, nuclear power can be dangerous, and nuclear war can be really, really destructive." Currently in Pasadena, its 58 degrees with cloudy skies. The companies say theyre not using the data to target ads, but helping AI improve the user experience. It was really, in some ways, old-school, first-wave data science. My artificial intelligence helps me in so many ways everyday that I cannot imagine what it would be like to be without it. . He and sociologist Emily Wornell have been documenting employment trends in Middle America. For the last seven years she has worked on a new book, making the case that we have now entered a new phase of the economy, which she calls surveillance capitalism.. Lets talk a little about information and search and how people consume it. If we continue to go in an automated system, what are we gonna do? We've become so complacent about it. Ethics reflection as a precondition to research funding (12/28/21) . His message is, All will be well in the new world., I guess first of all, I remain incredibly optimistic about technology, and technologies always are two-sided. And if that happens, will they blame us? Its an ambitious goal, but only possible because of the recent breakthroughs in deep learning. ALASTAIR MACTAGGART, Founder, Californians for Consumer Privacy: I had a conversation with a fellow, who's an engineer, and I was just talking to him one night at dinner, at a cocktail party. If you want to get to $1,000, there's even less. This domain, which lies partly in artificial intelligence area, may be realized in four different ways [2]: Systems that think like humans Systems that think rationally Systems that act like humans Systems that act rationally The exact definition of the cognitive architecture can be presented as a . Though that was a milestone, it wasn't an . November 5, 2019 / 1h 54m. And that's not a world that's good for anybody. What does it mean to be human in the age of technology? REFLECTION PAPER ON THE FILM "THE AGE OF AI" Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School University of Baguio Baguio City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Advanced Managerial Accounting for the Degree of Doctor in Business Administration Prepared by: CHERRIE MAE M. MANUEL Submitted to: MR. CANDIDO PEREZ October 31, 2020 Explain how you expect them to be smart and responsible if they explore these options. It's pretty fast. Then one tech giant came on board in support of Mactaggarts efforts. Everywhere you go, you generate a cloud of data; you're trailing data. This is a ring road around Beijing. What separates him from most of his colleagues is that hes frank about its downside. PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Theres been offshoring, and I think offshoring is responsible for maybe 20% of the jobs that have been lost. You can review similar texts and authorities to help you understand the content of the text. So right now, human drivers are limited to 11 hours by federal law, and a driverless truck obviously wouldn't have that limitation. It . Casper, paste. That's a dramatic change. The industry says optimistically that with that growth they can create more jobs. Cashier was my first job, and where I live in Washington, D.C., its actually the No. In China in the age of AI, there's no doubt about who is in charge. Without a new business model, the founders knew that the young company was in danger. The best reflective essay topics allow you to express your innermost emotions and thoughts uniquely. I think that you will see the first vehicles operating with no one inside them moving freight in the next few years, and then you're gonna see that expanding to more freight, more geographies, more weather over time as that capability builds up. We paid $100,000 in fuel, OK? And so, I thinkI didn't know that at the time, that their entire business is basically mining the data of your life. Well, I think there are so many myths out there. We're talking about maybe 10 times more data than the U.S., and AI is basically run on data and fueled by data. There are more possible moves in the game of Go than there are atoms in the universe. The workplace of the future will demand different skills, and gaining them, says Molly Kinder, will depend on who can afford them. In the age of AI, the algorithms are transporting us into a universe of vast potential and transforming almost every aspect of human endeavor and experience. Laurie, can you get this gentleman a book? At a college in Goshen, Indiana, a group of local business and political leaders come together to try to understand the impact of AI and the new machines. And then there are computers looking at that data that are learning, and these computers are essentially trying to serve you better. I think one myth is that because AI is so good at a single task, that one day we'll wake up and well all be enslaved or forced to plug our brains to the AI. Right from the start, the founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, they had been very public about their antipathy toward advertising. This is machines that are automating some of our skills but have made decisions about who we are. So AI can be used in many ways that are very beneficial for society. The easiest way to find a good topic is to refer back to work or other activities you've done. Googles stock was now as valuable as General Motors. That made the politicians in Sacramento pay attention. Automations is definitely taking away a lot of jobs. It's whether you say, "I'll see you later" or "I'll see you at 6:45." The complete book, Guide to Deep Learning Basics , provides more in-depth material about the philosophy of artificial intelligence. Within the next two decades, its high human intellectual ability poses a severe threat to the workforce market that is initially under human labor. And so the kinds of behavior that's now being monitoredyou know, which language do you speak at home, whether you're talking to your relatives in other countries, how often you praythat information is now being Hoovered up and used to decide whether people should be subjected to political reeducation in these camps. You used to have seas of secretaries in corporations that have now been eliminated. Pharmaceuticals, even food products, all of these industries are better because the public has confidence in the products, in part because of a mixture of responsible companies and responsible regulation. Its a path set by a CEO with an unusual CV. And those traces, back in these days, were called "digital exhaust.". And every sliver of information is valuable. And it was my mistake, and I am sorry. Industrial capitalism claimed work for the market dynamic to be reborn as labor that could be sold and purchased. Kai-Fu Lee was born in Taiwan. Mr. Secretary, please call the roll. And we found that most of them didn't really need the surgery; they didn't have cancer. ", So that is an extraordinary amount of information that can be gleaned by you simply waking up and asking your smart speaker, "What's the weather today?". It's not something that you can afford. Turkel warns that this dystopian deployment of new technology is a demonstration project for authoritarian regimes around the world. Why are they doing that? The Cambridge Analytica scandal of 2018 engulfed Facebook, forcing Mark Zuckerberg to appear before Congress to explain how the data of up to 87 million Facebook users had been harvested by a political consulting company based in the U.K. Think about the massive data that Facebook has on user preferences and how it can very smartly target an ad that you might buy something and get a much bigger cut that a smaller company couldn't do. By reviewing the 70 years of AI, this article summarizes and discusses the paradigm transformations from the age of AI before the year 2000 to the new age of AI from the year 2000 onward. There have been reports of torture and deaths in the camps. Forty-seven percent. And from those experiments we already see thatthe possibility of what this social credit system can do to individual. They've been replaced by younger, less experienced drivers. I would say these few thousand Chinese top entrepreneurs, they could take on any entrepreneur anywhere in the world. Next, we checked them to see if they met our inclusion and exclusion criteria. And access to all that data means that the deep learning algorithm can quickly predict behaviorlike the creditworthiness of someone wanting a short-term loan. This is a supermarket. The Age of Artificial Intelligences: A Personal Reflection 4 stand its beginnings. The goal is to share a story about your relationship with the content. It's how you learn strategy. China has a grand scheme to spread its technology and influence around the world. The car is driving itself. Yeah, self-driving. And today the typical truck driver will earn a little over $40,000 a year. Every company is going to be incorporating AI, integrating it into what they do; governments are going to be using it; nonprofit organizations are going to be using it. Test Preparation Enters The Age Of Artificial Intelligence Feb 6, 2023, 10:23pm EST Just The Facts, Ma'am: PBS NewsHour's New Co-Anchor On Journalism In Today's Digital Age Over time, it has become harder and harder for veteran independent drivers like the Cumbees to make a living. So I believe that scientists who contribute to science, when that science can or will have an impact on society, those scientists have a responsibility. In the Age of AI Reflection The film has five distinct messages about China's AI Plan, the Promise of AI, the Future of Work, Surveillance Capitalism, the Surveillance State. The author's recommendations for the improvement of training and human resource development give readers clear guidelines for how to apply the ideas presented here. Understand and summarize the material. Emperor Yao devised the game of Go to teach his son discipline, concentration and balance. He says hes concerned about how widely companies like Facebook and Google have been casting the net for data. And I think the tipping-point moment we are at now, which is what is casting the whole question of things like artificial intelligence and technological innovation into a completely different framework, is that if in fact China and the U.S. are in some way fundamentally antagonistic to each other, then we are in a completely different world. It's not just what you post, it's that you post. They know whos a racist, whos a misogynist, whos a homophobe, whos a conspiracy theorist; they know the lazy people and the gullible people. Just like children learn, most not from their teachers, but from interacting with the world and playing around and trying things and seeing what works and what doesn't work. We've started to see it already in terms of surveillance systems. The second thing that they understood and they celebrated was that, "We can do this in a way that bypasses the user's awareness.". This shows a progression of a small, small spot from one year to the next and then to the diagnosis of the small cancer here. And it is how these companies make that money, and how their algorithms reach deeper and deeper into our work, our daily lives and our democracy, that makes many people increasingly uncomfortable. Artificial intelligence's ability to enhance the applicant and employee involvement by automating routine, low-value responsibilities, and freeing up time to concentrate on the more planned, Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. In 2011, Hany Farid, a photo-forensics expert, received an e-mail from a bereaved father. And so, I'm sure you've heard the statistic, more than 90% of all crashes have a human driver as the cause. As the conflict has grown, the authorities have brought in more police and deployed extensive surveillance technology. And the Third World gets to choose this or that. The engineers are confident that, in spite of questions about when this will happen, they can get it working safely sooner than most people realize. How the AI algorithms are ushering in a new age of great potential and prosperity. You know, Id been reading and reading and reading. Throughout history, there's been a complicated relationship between humans and machines, we've always worried about machines and it's always been fine. Consistency is important in justice, government, relations and ethics. He says that AI is coming whether we like it or not, and he wants to warn society about what he sees as inevitable. However, this type of AI does not exist yet. And now, there is a project called Sharp Eyes which is putting camera on every major street and corner of every village in China, meaning everywhere; matching with the most advanced artificial intelligence algorithm which they can actually use this data, real-time data, to pick up a face or pick up an action. The last thing we would ever want to do is stop the progress of new technologies, even when there are dual-use. There are clear economic, social, environmental benefits to our global society and the biosphere. The company claims the system is better than any human at identifying people in its database. FRONTLINE investigates the promise and perils of artificial intelligence, from fears about work . It's 50-50 right now. Through an analysis of Anand Rao's three-tiered model of AIassisted intelligence, augmented intelligence, and autonomous intelligenceand by using data collected through a semi-structured interview process that situated the article within a particular sector of the economythe health care industrythis article provides a framework for understanding the workplace, and human-machine . Get this gentleman a book about the philosophy of artificial Intelligences: a reflection! System, what are we gon na be critically important in justice, government, relations ethics... Thousands of mammograms and records from MGHs breast imaging program, six, in the.. Are easier to take, because theyre a pure quantitative analytical process to earn it. countries has been in! Back in these days, were called `` digital exhaust. `` integrity student... 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