Raw LandA parcel or tract of land with no improvements, for example, infrastructure or vertical construction. The changes provide updates to and consolidate some of the existing supervisory issuances. In finalizing the Guidelines, the Agencies considered the Dodd-Frank Act, other Federal statutory and regulatory changes affecting appraisals,[11] The Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA) requires real estate appraisals used in connection with certain federally related transactions to be (1) written; (2) performed in accordance with uniform standards; and (3) conducted by appraisers whose competency has been demonstrated and whose (See the Evaluation Development and Evaluation Content sections.) Appropriate deductions and discounts should reflect holding costs, marketing costs, and entrepreneurial profit during the sales absorption period of the completed units. For example, an institution originated a 15-year term loan for $3 million and, in year 14, the outstanding principal is $2.5 million. Further, USPAP requires the appraiser to disclose whether he or she previously appraised the property. In the AVM validation procedures, an institution should specify, at a minimum: To ensure unbiased test results, an institution should compare the results of an AVM to actual sales data in a specified trade area or market prior to the information being available to the model. To eliminate redundancies, the Guidelines incorporate the discussion in the Proposal's section on qualifications of persons who perform evaluations into a new section that addresses both the qualifications and selection of an appraiser and a person who performs an evaluation. 59. et seq., and any implementing regulations If the qualification for sale is not adequately documented, the transaction should be supported by an appraisal that conforms to the Agencies' appraisal regulations, unless another exemption applies. An institution also is responsible for ensuring that a third party selects an appraiser or a person to perform an evaluation who is competent and Start Printed Page 77464independent, has the requisite experience and training for the assignment, and thorough knowledge of the subject property's market. 1. The effective date of the appraisal establishes the context for the value opinion. 1989: FIRREA directed regulatory agencies to prescribe appropriate appraisal standards and required certified appraisers for federally related transactions of $1 million First, the process of obtaining an evaluation is not new since IDIs already obtain evaluations for transactions at or below the current $250,000-threshold. The estimate of market value should consider the real property's actual physical condition, use, and zoning as of the effective date of the appraiser's opinion of value. When analyzing individual transactions, examiners will review an Start Printed Page 77457appraisal or evaluation to determine whether the methods, assumptions, and value conclusions are reasonable. The only exception to this requirement is that the Agencies' appraisal regulations allow an institution to use an appraisal prepared for another financial services institution provided certain conditions are met. A tract development is defined in the Agencies' appraisal regulations as a project of five units or more that is constructed or is to be constructed as a single development. An institution acting as a fiduciary is not required to obtain appraisals under the Agencies' appraisal regulations if an appraisal is not required under other laws governing fiduciary responsibilities in connection with a transaction. Hedonic models generally use property characteristics (such as square footage and room count) and methodologies to process information, often based on statistical regression. Other Interagency Appraisal-Related Guidance Documents. This exemption is intended to have limited application, especially for real estate loans secured by residential properties in which the real estate is the only form of collateral. Two prospective value opinions may be required to reflect the time frame during which development, construction, and occupancy will occur. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), and the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) (the Agencies) are jointly issuing these Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines (Guidelines), which supersede the 1994 Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines. Transactions Insured or Guaranteed by a U.S. Government Agency or U.S. However, when a fiduciary transaction requires an appraisal under other laws, that appraisal should conform to the Agencies' appraisal requirements. Blended or hybrid models use elements of both hedonic and index models. Appraised Value With respect to any Mortgage Loan originated in connection with a refinancing, the appraised value of the Mortgaged Property based upon the appraisal made at the time of such refinancing or, with respect to any other Mortgage Loan, the lesser of (x) the appraised value of the Mortgaged Property based upon the appraisal made by a fee appraiser at the time of the origination of the related Mortgage Loan, and (y) the sales price of the Mortgaged Property at the time of such origination. Unsold UnitsAn unsold unit is a unit that does not meet the conditions listed in the definition of Presold Units. These regulations also specify the requirement for evaluations of real estate collateral in certain transactions that do not require an appraisal. These standards also required that real estate loans falling in certain categories above $50,000 be appraised by a state licensed or state certified appraiser. An appraisal may contain separate opinions of such values so long as they are clearly identified and disclosed. Under this rule, credible assignment results depend on meeting or exceeding both (1) the expectations of parties who are regularly intended users for similar assignments, and (2) what an appraiser's peers' actions would be in performing the same or a similar assignment. by the Housing and Urban Development Department Document page views are updated periodically throughout the day and are cumulative counts for this document. Prior to entering into any arrangement with a third party for valuation services, an institution should compare the risks, costs, and benefits of the proposed relationship to those associated with using another vendor or conducting the activity in-house. Start Printed Page 77456and the 2005 Frequently Asked Questions on the Appraisal Regulations and the Interagency Statement on Independent Appraisal and Evaluation Functions. 12 CFR 701.21; 12 CFR part 723. Sample 1 Marketing TimeAccording to USPAP Advisory Opinion 7, the time it might take to sell the property interest at the appraised market value during the period immediately after the effective date of the appraisal. The Agencies' appraisal regulations permit an evaluation for a renewal or refinancing of an existing extension of credit at the institution when either: (i) There has been no obvious and material change in market conditions or physical aspects of the property that threatens the adequacy of the institution's real estate collateral protection after the transaction, even with the advancement of new monies; or, (ii) There is no advancement of new monies, other than funds necessary to cover reasonable closing costs.[57]. daily Federal Register on FederalRegister.gov will remain an unofficial The appraisal must: Although allowed by USPAP, the Agencies' appraisal regulations do not permit an appraiser to appraise any property in which the appraiser has an interest, direct or indirect, financial or otherwise in the property or transaction. Such discussions should assist the appraiser in establishing the scope of work and form the basis of the institution's engagement letter, as appropriate. However, a borrower can inform an institution that a current appraisal exists, and the institution may request it directly from the other financial services institution. The work performed by appraisers and persons providing evaluation services is periodically reviewed by the institution. The Guidelines are effective upon publication in the Federal Register. For a small or rural institution or branch, it may not always be possible or practical to separate the collateral valuation program from the loan production process. Effective Date of the AppraisalUSPAP requires that each appraisal report specifies the effective date of the appraisal and the date of the report. require each institution to adopt and maintain written real estate lending policies that are consistent with principles of safety and soundness and that reflect consideration of the real estate lending guidelines issued as an appendix to the regulations. Loan Production StaffGenerally, all personnel responsible for generating loan volume or approving loans, as well as their subordinates and supervisors. It resulted indramaticchanges tothe savings and loan industry and its federalregulation, including deposit insurance. Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)USPAP identifies the minimum set of standards that apply in all appraisal, appraisal review, and appraisal consulting assignments. An institution should use written engagement letters when ordering appraisals, particularly for large, complex, or out-of-area commercial real estate properties. Some commenters did not support the longstanding flexibility afforded to small and rural institutions when absolute lines of independence cannot be achieved. [FR Doc. provides [i]n conjunction with the purchase of a consumer's principal dwelling, broker price opinions may not be used as the primary basis to determine the value of a piece of property for the purpose of loan origination of a residential mortgage loan secured by such piece of property.[36]. appraisal education and real estate appraisal examination requirements According to the Agencies' appraisal regulations, fee appraisers must be engaged directly by the federally regulated institution or its agent,[65] In the Proposal, the Agencies specifically requested comment on the Agencies' expectations for reviewing appraisals and evaluations. FIRREAalso allowedbank holding companiesto acquire thrifts. Address the selection, use, and validation of the valuation method or tool. The Guidelines clarify the Agencies' longstanding expectations for an institution's appraisal and evaluation program to conduct real estate lending in a safe and sound manner. Staff performing the collateral valuation function is responsible for selecting an appraiser. The Guidelines apply to all real estate lending functions and real estate-related financial transactions originated or purchased by a regulated institution for its own portfolio or for assets held for sale. Additionally, valuation methods that do not contain sufficient information and analysis or provide a market value conclusion would not be acceptable as evaluations. The institution should consider the risk, size, and complexity of the transaction and the real estate collateral when determining the appraisal report format to be specified in its appraisal engagement instructions to an appraiser. OCC: 12 CFR part 34, subpart D; FRB: 12 CFR part 208, subpart E; FDIC: 12 CFR part 365; OTS: 12 CFR 560.100 and 560.101; and NCUA: 12 CFR 701.21. NCUA's appraisal regulation, 12 CFR 722, does not define business loan. A member business loan is regulated under 12 CFR 723. For example, the sole use of data from the Internet or other public sources would not be an evaluation under these Guidelines. FIRREA Appraisal ReviewsNow that the S&L crisis is long past, the skills of appraisal review are in demand for other purposes, including institutional equity and loan decisions and litigation support. Establish procedures to test the quality of the appraisal and evaluation review process. Federally Regulated InstitutionFor purposes of the Agencies' appraisal regulations and these Guidelines, an institution that is supervised by a Federal financial institution's regulatory agency. An institution should ensure that persons who validate an AVM on an ongoing basis are independent of the loan production and collection processes and have the requisite expertise and training. (See USPAP Statement 4 and Advisory Opinion 17.). The review also should consider the process through which the appraisal or evaluation is obtained, either directly by the institution or from another financial services institution. Conversely, when new monies are advanced (other than funds necessary to cover reasonable closing costs) and there has been an obvious and material change in market conditions or the physical aspects of the property that threaten the adequacy of the institution's real estate collateral protection, the institution must obtain an appraisal unless another exemption applies. Ensure staff has the requisite expertise and training to manage the selection, use, and validation of an analytical method or technological tool. For this type of exempted loan, under the Agencies' appraisal regulations, an institution may obtain an evaluation in lieu of an appraisal. For users of Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) only, contact (202) 263-4869. Some small institutions noted that they could be placed at a competitive disadvantage with larger institutions that use AVMs. This topic was moved from the Evaluation Content section in the Proposal to this section, as it relates to the regulatory requirement that evaluations reflect safe and sound banking practices. The Agencies believe that the Proposal adequately addressed the issue of enforceability and their supervisory process. The documents posted on this site are XML renditions of published Federal on In assessing whether changes in market conditions are material, an institution should consider the individual and aggregate effect of these changes on its collateral protection and the risk in its real estate lending programs or credit portfolios. If each note or real estate interest meets the Agencies' regulatory requirements for appraisals at the time the real estate note was originated, the institution need not obtain a new appraisal to support its interest in the transaction. electronic version on GPOs govinfo.gov. On the other hand, an institution has provided a $5 million revolving line of credit to a borrower for two years and, at the end of year two, renews the $5 million line for another two years. For properties where improvements are to be constructed or rehabilitated, an institution may request a prospective market value upon completion and a prospective market value upon stabilization. Further, the Dodd-Frank Act provides [i]n conjunction with the purchase of a consumer's principal dwelling, broker price opinions may not be used as the primary basis to determine the value of a piece of property for the purpose of loan origination of a residential mortgage loan secured by such piece of property.[66]. Engagement LetterAn engagement letter between an institution and an appraiser documents the expectations of each party to the appraisal assignment. headings within the legal text of Federal Register documents. Therefore, in their appraisal regulations, the Agencies identified certain real estate-related financial transactions that do not require the services of an appraiser and that are exempt from the appraisal requirement. The applicable discount rate is developed based on investor requirements and the risk associated with the physical and financial characteristics of the property. Sum of Retail SalesA mathematical calculation of the sum of the expected sales prices of several individual properties in the same development to an individual purchaser. An institution should file a complaint with the appropriate state appraiser regulatory officials when it suspects that a state certified or licensed appraiser failed to comply with USPAP, applicable state laws, or engaged in other unethical or unprofessional conduct. Appraisals for these properties must reflect deductions and discounts for holding costs, marketing costs, and entrepreneurial profit supported by market data. 63. During the supervisory review of an institution's real estate lending activities, the Agencies' examiners assess the adequacy of risk management practices, including the independence of the collateral valuation function. This process should include sufficient analysis by the institution to assess whether the third party provider can perform the services consistent with the institution's performance standards and regulatory requirements. Appraisal Review Licensing Requirements. [4] By order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, December 1, 2010. For example, an institution making a loan to a logging operation may take a lien against the real estate upon which the timber stands to ensure its access to the timber in the event of default. In such cases, the Agencies expect an institution to monitor its borrower's performance in selling loans to the secondary market and take appropriate steps, such as increasing sampling and auditing of the loans and the supporting documentation, if the borrower experiences more than a minimal rate of loans being put back by an investor. Other information might include the prevalence and effect of sales and financing concessions, the list-to-sale price ratio, and availability of financing. The savings and loans invested heavily in risky mortgages, which went bust in the early 1980s. In addition to the other information, the engagement letter will identify the intended use and user(s), as defined in USPAP. For example, an engagement letter may specify, among other items: (i) The property's location and legal description; (ii) intended use and users of the appraisal; (iii) the requirement to provide an opinion of the property's market value; (iv) the expectation that the appraiser will comply with applicable laws and regulations, and be consistent with supervisory guidance; (v) appraisal report format; (vi) expected delivery date; and (vii) appraisal fee. The Public Inspection page may also As specified in the Agencies' appraisal regulations, an institution must obtain an evaluation of the real property collateral. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our. The appraiser must provide an opinion of value for raw land based on its current condition and existing zoning. (See the discussion in these Guidelines on Third Party Arrangements.). An institution should take into account all aspects of the long-term effect of the relationship, including the managerial expertise and associated costs for effectively monitoring the arrangement on an ongoing basis. Ensure that timely information is available to management for assessing collateral and associated risk. Register documents. To ensure their independence, such lending officials, officers, or directors must abstain from any vote or approval involving loans on which they ordered, performed, or reviewed the appraisal or evaluation.[26]. The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. These commenters expressed the view that the Proposal gave too much discretion to regulated institutions in the development and implementation of their appraisal and evaluation programs. As Completed Market ValueRefer to the definition for Prospective Market Value. Evaluate the vendor's scoring system and methodology for the model(s). Specify criteria when a market event or risk factor would preclude the use of a particular method or tool. These revisions incorporate and clarify certain supervisory expectations from the Evaluation Content section of the Proposal, and emphasize an institution's responsibility to establish criteria addressing the appropriate level of analysis and information necessary to support the estimate of market value in an evaluation. In the Proposal, this section addressed the competency and qualifications of appraisers and persons who perform an evaluation. Under their appraisal regulations, the Agencies reserve the right to require an institution to obtain an appraisal or evaluation when there are safety and soundness concerns on an existing real estate secured credit. Although not required, an institution may use state certified or licensed appraisers to perform evaluations. Each of the Agencies has adopted additional appraisal standards.[21]. Appraiser An Independent nationally recognized professional commercial real estate appraiser who (i) is a member in good standing of the Appraisal Institute, (ii) if the state in which the related Mortgaged Property is located certifies or licenses appraisers, is certified or licensed in such state, and (iii) has a minimum of five years experience in the related property type and market. Deficiencies will require appropriate corrective action. Ensure that appraisals comply with the Agencies' appraisal regulations and are consistent with supervisory guidance. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. Table A1: Collateral Interest Underlying Property Characteristic Provided ValueCommuter Portfolio 161 North Arlington Avenue USPAP Appraisal (Y/N) FIRREA Appraisal (Y/N) Y YNew Horizon Apartments NAP Ground Lease Maturity 3/28/2040Exhibit 2 to Attachment A Page 8 of 14Notes: (continued)3. An institution may find it appropriate to modify a loan or to engage in a workout with an existing borrower. The Agencies believe that the Proposal adequately addressed an institution's responsibility to maintain a risk-focused process for elevating its collateral valuation methods consistent with safe and sound banking practices. 0 Therefore, an institution should be cautious in limiting the scope of the appraiser's inspection, research, or other information used to determine the property's condition and relevant market factors, which could affect the credibility of the appraisal. Leased fee interest, on the other hand, refers to a landlord's ownership that is encumbered by one or more leases. Exposure TimeAs defined in USPAP, the estimated length of time the property interest being appraised would have been offered on the market prior to the hypothetical consummation of a sale at market value on the effective date of the appraisal. This estimated valuation considers the Bank only as a going concern and should not be considered as an indication of its liquidation value. The President of the United States issues other types of documents, including but not limited to; memoranda, notices, determinations, letters, messages, and orders. In year 14, the borrower seeks to refinance the loan at a lower interest rate and requests a loan of $2.8 million. The absorption period should be based on market demand for lots in light of current and expected competition for similar lots in the market area. When using a third party, an institution remains responsible for the quality and adequacy of the review process, including the qualification standards for reviewers. As specified in the Agencies' appraisal regulations, an institution must obtain an evaluation of the real property collateral, if no other appraisal exemption applies. Referrals. Agencies' Appraisal Regulations. documents in the last year, by the Food and Drug Administration An institution may rely on the second opinion of market value obtained through an acceptable USPAP-compliant appraisal review to support its credit decision. Transactions that Require Evaluations. Dodd-Frank Act, Section 1473(r). These Guidelines pertain to all real estate-related financial transactions originated or purchased by a regulated institution or its operating subsidiary for its own portfolio or as assets held for sale, including activities of commercial and residential real estate mortgage operations, capital markets groups, and asset securitization and sales units. WORK & FEES $32,500 $12,500 $0 $20,000 SOFT COSTS FIRREA Appraisal $4,000 $4,000 Market Study $3,500 $3,500 Environmental Study/Review $20,100 $20,100 TOTAL SOFT COSTS $27,600 $7,500 $20,100 $0 GRAND TOTAL OF COSTS $60,100 $20,000 $20,100 $20,000 2017 CITY OF MISSOULA HOME USES OF FUNDS ATTACHMENT C HOME Administration and Indirect Cost Selection Form INSTRUCTIONS: Subrecipients interested in reimbursement for indirect costs must complete all parts of this form. 30, 2008); 75 FR 66554 (Oct. 28, 2010). These updates will consider, among other factors, any developments or changes in the Bank's financial condition, operating performance, management policies and procedures, and current conditions in the securities market for thrift institution common stock. To apply the exemption, the institution should determine that the market value of the real estate as an individual asset is not necessary to support its decision to extend credit. 34. In response to these comments, the Agencies revised the Guidelines to address an institution's responsibility to file a suspicious activity report (SAR) with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the Department of Treasury when it suspects inappropriate appraisal-related activity that meets the SAR filing criteria. The Public Inspection page All real estate-related Describe the method(s) the institution used to confirm the property's actual physical condition and the extent to which an inspection was performed. The Agencies' appraisal regulations [ 1] implementing Title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA) [ 2] set forth, [9] to promote sound practices in regulated institutions' appraisal and evaluation programs, including independence in the collateral valuation function, the appraisal of residential tract developments, and compliance with revisions to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). 2010-30913 Filed 12-9-10; 8:45 am], updated on 11:15 AM on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, updated on 8:45 AM on Wednesday, March 1, 2023. Requires the appraiser must provide an opinion of value for raw land based on investor requirements and date. Or licensed appraisers to perform evaluations ncua 's appraisal regulation, 12 CFR 722, does not meet the listed... Licensed appraisers to perform evaluations an opinion of value for raw land based on its current condition existing! 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