It says it can be used for fermentation. Well what an informative article, I tried many years ago to grow tobacco, plants grew fine but mucked up the curing process, I want to flavour the stuff for pipe smoking, I have a very large jar of glycerine in the garage could I use that with port and brandy, spray the leaf, let dry, then press and mature but for how long - best guess for a guide pls, also I want to give some hand rolling tobacco to my colleagues at Christmas, I'm harvesting and curing now,(August) once dried I'm putting it in a plastic air tight box, will that be long enough time for it to mellow/mature. on Introduction. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Wrapping them in a bit of paper or square of toilet tissue and placing them in a little jar or pill container is fine. [1] 2 Pick leaves that are a pale-yellow for drying. Curing can last anywhere from two weeks minimum, to up to six months for some strains. There are other ways to grow tobacco and other ways to cure the stuff. I then dip the jar, short of the lid, back into the boiling water using the tongs. Answer: You could try packing small lots at a time in vacuum-sealed plastic bags. It depends on the tobacco, I guess. , i bought 1 kg virginia tobacco leaves, its sun cured, but its really smells bad !! How soon before I can smoke them? I'm curious to uncover out what blog system youre employing? -An extra week or two of fermentation beyond the 4th week wouldn't hurt. Answer: It shouldn't make any difference. Thank you for posting this. 50% of these commercial growers cure for between 7 and 14 days. The seedlings are 2.5 inches tall now. Question: My tobacco leaves have been hanging for around 3 months, the tips seem to keep going brittle so I have misted them with water as they have become brittle again, is this method ok? If you get problems then sort them out with humidifiers or what have you. You get the picture. 11 years ago i think il try the box with water in and a towel on top after iv dry the tobacco this year.. only using a heat pad. I got leaves as big as my face but im sure they could have been better. -Air cured Tobacco leaves, Seeds with growing instructions are available here : Havana tobacco seeds are good for making cigars, particularity cigar wrappers because of the broad leaves, flavor and smooth appearances once cured. On one end you want to keep the leaves from getting soggy to avoid mold and decay, and at the other end you want to keep the leaves from becoming dry and brittle without moisture, fermentation not will occur. Many thanks. Any suggestions? If you're in NZ get growing folks , and good luck. Question: How can I get the right smell and taste for my homegrown tobacco? For some, growing tobacco is an absolute obsessionand its easy to see why! So none of the tobacco was touching the water. Great sense of humour and a very helpfull artical.Thank you. It depends on what you want the tobacco for. There is great potential for a wonderfully cured crop at the end of the growing season, however this hobby shouldn't be taken as a way to save on your tobacco spending money as there is a lot of time and labor invested with a lot of potential for crop failure due many factors: both while growing then the potential of mold during the curing process! Im experiencing some small security troubles with my latest weblog and Id like to locate something more safeguarded. You will also have healthier, more mature/thicker leaves that will respond better to air curing and fermentationa little more meat to chew so-to-speak. You are so right, they do adapt to the area. James' book The Heirloom Tobacco Garden and i've been excited to try his method using jars. This process is all done quickly. For those of you more comfortable with metrics, 1 ft = 30 cm. This seems to be the right amount of heat! im in manchester uk.. i have tried drying in about 4 diffrent places now over 2 years .. i dried that lot in the loft so there was temp fluctuation. If it's too rainy or it gets too much water, the tobacco gets weak and thin. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on September 11, 2014: Great stuff John, (We're in for a long summer, my banana plant set its first bunch a month ago, although the stalks are still all brown with dead and wind battered leaves; and the raspberry canes are budding) Please keep us posted on how you're going. Question: Why do my tobacco leaves never turn yellow and ripen? and still have some tobacco from afew years ago. What you describe looks like a quick way to cure, nothing wrong with that. First time grower. (I am, however, all for fermenting sugar in water and putting it through a still, I may be doing that later today). Thanks. Do you've any recommendations? Don't humidify kiln to prevent rusty lids. I retired about 19 years ago and in 2013 attended a BBQ organised by my wife's Tai Chi Club. Monitor the leaves periodically to make sure they dont turn moldy, and remove any leaves that do. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. Put jar in kiln. Its been about 6-8 weeks of drying. Good job documenting your work! Answer: I'm sorry but I can't really help you as there are too many unknowns. It's a bit late now to plant outdoors, but you can probably start your seedlings in the hothouse, or better still in little pots on a warm windowsill (Like in the kitchen) . Question: Should I pinch off leaves that begin to get white spots? If pile of tobacco is big enough, and insulation is as good as it is inside the foam cooler, wouldn't there be enough heat generated by fermentation process so that no external heat will be required? Make sure kiln has good air circulation and that jars aren't touching walls to prevent condensation in jars. Put tobacco in jar. on Step 6. I watched a YouTube video and this guy dries his leaves in a aluminium cylinder with an element placed on the bottom. Sadly Kings no longer sell tobacco seed, however if you're in NZ Wicked Habits do ( expensive ) or Trade Me often does. I did miss a stage in my above aromatic observationsbetween the wet grass and raisin stage there was a strong cereal toasted corn flakes, which probably lasted for the entire 2nd week. Every council and government department has a proliferation of the swine at their lower levels trying to screw up the doers. I just wondered whether the hot water cupboard would be a better spot as opposed to fairly consistent room temp in a living space. Live in California. Fire-cured tobacco is hung in large barns where fires of hardwoods are kept on continuous or intermittent low smoulder and takes between three days and ten weeks, depending on the process and the tobacco. - "Keep it simple, and if it works don't fix it!" Sun Curing. Question: Is it possible to grow tobacco plants in a pot rather than a garden? Fairly certain he's going to have a good read. You may need to stand on something to do it! Thanks heaps for your all your good work and effort.. As you are aware, we are being raped by our jackboot government, overtaxing and discriminating against smokers.. Prices are going through the roof. Answer: Yes, but as it has a root ball the size of a football, you'll need a large tub. Was going to make a wooden box but this was easier as I had the bits. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on March 20, 2014: I wrote a month or what back that I had started harvesting and drying down here in North Canty, and being the impatient bugger that I am, have started smoking it now, and am pleasantly surprised with the result. Re-pot them a couple of times, use you hot-house when they get bigger and you can grow them there or transplant in spring. The seeds will pass through while most of the rubbish will stay behind. Aging ? Go figure. .I'd suggest that you just hang the leaves to dry without assistance in a shady airy spot and see how they go. Essentially creating a compost heap where the internal temperature is carefully monitored along with the humidity levels. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. How to Tell How Old Cigarettes Are and If Theyre Stale. Sun curing can be done by setting the leaves in the sun for a week until dry. Best If You Have Several Strains to Cure or Store At Once: Set of Four Wide-Mouth Quart-Size Ball Mason Jars Price: $24.85 Amazon Customer Reviews it was cold and had good air flow. I assume that you want to either roll a cigarette or use a pipe. Set up a dehumidifier if you don't have a dry spot to store the leaves in so they dry faster and don't develop mold. The best temperatures for growing tobacco is 68 to 86 F (20 to 30 C). This is predominately a writers/informational blog, but can be quite social in its comments, as you may have noted above. Question: Is planting tobacco summer (start of January) ok? For tips on how to separate the tobacco from the stem when the leaves are dry, read on! you have done a excellent activity on this matter! the temp is 60-65oF humidity 60-65% for the cure i wouldn't go down passed 50oF or above 75 the high temp will evaporate trichomes and low temps will make the heads brittle and fall off easily. Thanks again for this information. To counteract this situation, I have replace the bulb with a lower wattage, 32 watt and put the light on a timer, set to go on for 30 mins then off for 45. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I got tired of fighting past the damn things to get to my garden shed and pulled them out last May, still healthy and hardy, with a root system the size of a football. Bottom leaves have been harvested from the rear plants. on Step 5, when air curing has happened with my plants there are vast diffrents in colour between the diffrent leafs some are dark brown - light brown but some are a very dark green.. they are cured they just seem to hold there colour..? Thanks in advance. Also, is it possible for the plants to grow too fast? I've found this setup makes the temperature get much too high, (due to the excellent insulation of the cooler, the cooler gets cumulatively hotter and hotter). I am currently smoking the 2018 crop which was over 5.5Kg. I actually think I am on about or coming up to my 6th year smoking my homegrown bakky. Question: Dont you have to ferment or sweat the leaves after drying tabacco, to remove excess ammonia? Answer: This is a new one on me as I didn't know that tobacco grew from leaf propagation. Turn the marijuana every few hours, so that all parts are exposed to the sun. Chopping can be left until after the compression/ageing if preferred. -Week 1-2 smells like wet grass. Hi guys. Some say that it should be left hanging for two years, though I've found that two or three months is quite enough. When the plants reach maturity, they'll set flower heads at the top. It must work, his mates think the stuffs great. He constantly kept preaching about this. It realy increase my knowledge about the topic. We are happy campers even though we haven't grown it yet. (Haha.. Also provided is an example of how one may be able to affordably recreate the conditions needed for tobacco fermentation. Your details are useful.". These are the same plants as in the previous photo, eleven days later (25Jan09). Doing so removes excess plant material from your nugs, making drying much faster. Hang these sticks (or string the lines) somewhere dry, out of the way, and preferably warm. Im from west Wales in the UK. There's no smell of nicotine looks and the taste is like dried grass. I'm doing it with potatoes. Time is said to cure all things, and tobacco is near the top of the list. Wow what a hub I started growing this summer only 3 plants thoe they are 6feet I'd say they now have Pritty pink flowers I harvested around 50 or so leaves hung them on nylon 1 month ago they are turning nice and golden I have them in my garage where I go for a quite smoke and stear at them only but wondering what they are going to be like I'm glad I came across this hub it has put my mind at ease a little and also given me some great ideas, Because of the heart problems i'm moving to Central Hawkes Bay to be with family. Paper towels misted and saturated with distilled water is placed on top of the cured tobacco hands with some plastic wrap over it to hold in the moisture, I do a good deal of misting with distilled water about twice a day. I believe that it's an evil plot put out by the tobacco magnates and perpetuated by our respective, but seldom respected or respectable, governments to wring money from us. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on May 16, 2014: Hi there Rob n Rose, sorry for the tardy reply. They stopped growing until spring, but the leaves stayed healthyno wilting or browningand around the end of September, they took off again. Happy from Toronto, Canada on July 16, 2014: Great hub. On the tobacco front. He left the element on about 150 C for a few days. "We are in process of putting up a tobacco barn with latest technology. Do you have any advice on how to grow these for cigars? Is there a trick to keeping tobacco alight? This is just 3 hands of tobacco and it does have quite the aroma associated with it! References. At this point, pick them. Built a box frame 2'6" sq. whoever they may be. Having my first try at it and given I'm in the far north east of Scotland I'm having quite good results so far, that said been an unusually good Sumer. I've been toying with the idea of growing my own tobacco for a year now and just found your site by looking for how to cure tobacco. Answer: Let them become almost dry but not brittle, take out the middle rib and any others that are large (who wants to smoke ribs?) Is there anything I can do? Preparing the leaf is the same for both. I got 6 x 1 oz jars sealed up yesterday. Fred Hanna has a method of quickly aging tobacco. Find a shelter where youll have some control over the humidity by opening or closing doors, windows, or vents. The rest are green and some of the bottom leaves that don't get much light are a yellowish color. The best temperatures for growing tobacco is 68 to 86 F (20 to 30 C). All I can think of is fire hazard!! Also I wanted to add that the post is great and very easy to follow ..I am in Aus and have been growing now for a while and am getting some extremely good results but I am still waiting to have my first taste..I think the hardest part for me is going to be the cutting as I like a very fine cut and if anyone can suggest something that is not to expensive I will be very happy, anyway thanks for reading and hope to hear from some of you out there even in Qld..Cheers. Hello to all who read this and also to future me who is trying to figure out what I did that one time. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Hi we live in sunny Bay of Plenty and want to give it a go. If you over-do it and it gets too brittle a fine mist from a cheap hothouse mister should fix things. mayb to much nitrogen locked in the leaf what do you think, Reply I used the barest pinch of seeds sprinkled into a six-pot seed tray and got over 100 plants! Since yous have given me some ideas i will give you a fact. I've settled on 1 week in the press for this experiment bracket, so unless I get an additional press, it'll take me 3 months to get all the 1 oz pressed samples underway. Once your bud is in the jar drop in the hygrometer and cap it. Did you make this project? Remember to save your seed for the next crop. Just what I was looking for answered a couple of questions I had never thought about, I will be starting them off over the next two months now it is Sunday 3rd of March 2019, (I am a slow starter). Some people even use a microwave for a brief zap, but I've never tried it so I can't advise. Or is it better to harvest the whole plant once it has flowered? I threw a hand at it but it didnt come out the way I hoped. And it sounds like you will be able to modify your system for next year!Just one note! Youll need to keep the humidity relatively high to keep the leaves from drying too quickly. 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