To justify divorce in unwarranted circumstances, sexual immorality, sexual confusion, gender identity, and the like. Regarding medications- in most cases theyve been around a while. While the case received little attention outside of the legal world, it marked the culmination of more than 30 years of legal strategy by Christian conservatives who have sought ever-broader leeway to flout the law. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act requires employers to accommodate workers whose sincerely held religious beliefs or practices conflict with workplace rules, so long as the accommodations dont impose an undue hardship on the employer. He will END this Vaccine Madness. During the pandemic, religious entities, often supported by influential right-wing firms like the Alliance Defending Freedom, Thomas More Society and Liberty Counsel, filed a barrage of religious objections to rules aimed at protecting people from COVID, culminating in more than 100 decisions, according to a preliminary tally by the Law, Rights, and Religion Project at Columbia Law School. Photo courtesy of Erin Kirschner, Dr. William Tseng from Kaiser Permanente in San Diego. And while each person is free to live according to their sincerely held beliefs, Christians, in particular, should consider the call of Christ when weighing our decisions. Even with all your knowledge about medicine, you are conveniently glossing over the fact that while the types of vaccines being used for Covid may have had 20 years of testing, the Covid vaccine definitely has not. Third if the immigrant has entered the US, has lawful entry, and has been processed appropriately with the correct visa status and has a right to work in the US, then they will fall under the OSHA guidelines that are being developed and will be vaccinated in accordance to those guidelines just as with every other worker at thatcompany. Will the Equal Rights Amendment Finally Be Added to the US Constitution? Bishop Paprocki also notes that Catholics in other states still need to check on their specific rules for vaccine exemptions. My issue istwo-fold: First, calling it cowardice. be this my shame, That I no more revere His name. Seemingly disparate anti-LGBTQ, anti-choice bills can all be traced to a handbook produced by theocrats. Im reminded of an old public service ad campaign long ago that emphasized stop, drop, and roll if you find yourself on fire. At the same time, if our theological beliefs are sacred, then we should be unwilling to let people twist them for political or legal purposes. Anthony Fauci, top medical adviser to President Joe Biden, said religious exemptions are "something we should look at." "If there is a legitimate religious exemption, fine. Im educated, and I read a lot (much away from the internet), but I understand that not having worked in your field means I dont understand medicines the way those that have worked with them do. I even only take tylenol/advil/aspirin extremely rarely, let alone other medications, and Im not on any regular medication. People seeking an exemption on this basis are declaring themselves unwilling to harm their bodies, but this concern for physical well-beingwhile certainly validis a concern shared by everyone, religious or not. The personal autonomy objection turns not on the assertion that being vaccinated violates ones religious beliefs, but rather on the assertion that being required to be vaccinated violates ones beliefs. But producing high-quality, independent work is not cost-free , If you found the piece above useful, informative, or inspiring, please consider supporting, To donate by check, phone, bitcoin, or other method, see our, Bernie Sanders Reintroduces PRO Act as Labor Activity Is on the Rise, Nebraska Democrat Vows to Filibuster All Bills Until Anti-Trans Bill Is Defeated, Immigrants Win Unprecedented Settlement Over Violent ICE Workplace Raid, The Nuclear War in Ukraine May Not Be the One We Expect, Truthout Center for Grassroots Journalism. Appealing to a religious accommodation that is not sincerely held and uniformly applied dilutes legal options to appeal to when religious liberty is genuinely threatened in the future. Several members of Congress condemned the lawmaker's racist words, describing them as "disgusting" and "dangerous.". Could there be a point that vaccines are a gift of God? A seatbelt and a life preserver are worn on the outside of the body and are visible. The concern for physical well-beingwhile certainly validis a concern shared by everyone, religious or not. This makes policing religious exemptions to vaccination hard - and rightly so. If they are legal, they have been processed at the border, given a court date and potentially released into the US. How about thisone, One more and Ill quit beating this todeath. Im happy to see how things play out first (and yes, time figures into my risk calculation aswell). This is a violation of the Third Commandment. "As His people, we are subject to His will and. Paul has something similar in view in his second letter to the Corinthians: let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and of spirit, making holiness perfect in the fear of God (2 Corinthians 7:1). It would be unreasonable for employers to expect people of faith to live by their religious beliefs with 100 percent consistency. As an attorney, I spend much of my time helping religious organizations understand and maximize constitutional protections and religious exemptions. U.S.A. grants Religious Exemptions to not to take Vaccines. If anyone destroys Gods temple, God will destroy that person (3:16-17). But ask yourself, Is [insert religious justification] really why I dont want the vaccine, or is [insert religious justification] a convenient pass for me to avoid something I just dont want to do? If the answer is yes, then youre in danger of violating the ThirdCommandment. Sin is anything that violates the will of God, as set forth in the Bible, and as impressed upon the heart of the believer by the Holy Spirit. The Supreme Courts ruling in the Tandon case could, at least in theory, open the door to religious exemptions from a whole host of regulations from gun laws, which make exemptions for security guards, to traffic laws, which make exemptions for emergency vehicles, the report notes. 2 Samuel 6:11 New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (NASB95) 11 Thus the ark of the Lord remained in the house of Obed-edom the Gittite three months, and the Lord blessed Obed-edom and all his household. The Christian right filed a barrage of cases. 3 in 5 white evangelicals believe that the election was stolen, despite absolutely no proof of it. Is mandatory COVID-19 vaccination ethical? There may well be valid religious exemptions out there from a Christian perspective. If a man cheats on his wife, can he cite 2 Timothy 1:12 (I am not ashamed ) and declare he has nothing to apologize for? Religious liberty is precious and should be protected. So if they illegally entered the country and they are illegaly within the country, than how is Biden going to force the illegal immigrants to get vaccinated. A Christian student at the University of Alabama-Birmingham has challenged the university's mandatory vaccine policy after being blocked from registering for classes this semester despite having been allowed to register past semesters with no vaccinations. Accordingly I believe, pursuant to my Christian faith, that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Theres more at stake here than whether any particular religious exemption request is approved or denied (no doubt many employers are rubber-stamping these simply to avoid labor shortages). Very clearly the Torah says choose life." City Moving Slowly know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost,. Larry, youve mentioned this in several threads, and I have responded to this in several threads. The Awaken Church lists this as the most notably significant reason why the acceptance of these vaccines would be considered sinful.. Rabbi Abraham J. Heschel said true prophets dont allow for indifference and scream in the night against oppression. Ive seen 1 Corinthians 6:19 quoted in countless vaccine exemption requests. In the third chapter, Paul addresses the elephant in the room. Not every directive during a public health crisis represents a curtailment of religious liberty. Isaiah 43:2. Some people have a deeply held belief that Arbys makes good roast beef sandwiches. But since you brought it up, I have a friend who refuses to take a certain BP med since his friend starting showing signs of dementia shortly after starting it. The truth is out there but people have become deceived. There is no Christian belief that the body must be kept free from physical contamination in order to be a fitting vessel of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8 reminds us that we are to be witnesses for other people. which is in you, which ye have of God; meaning the Holy Spirit which was in them, as in his temple; which dwelt in their hearts, and influenced their bodies, lives, and conversations; and which they received of God as a wonderful instance of his grace and love to them; that he should be bestowed upon them, to regenerate, renew, and sanctify them, to implant every grace, to make them a fit habitation for God, and meet for the inheritance of the saints inlight: and ye are not your own: their own masters, at their own dispose, to live to their own lusts, or the lusts of men; men have not power over their bodies to abuse them at pleasure by fornication, or such like uncleanness, neither single nor married persons; see 1 Corinthians 7:4 and of all men, not the saints, who are neither their own nor other mens, nor Satans, but Gods; not only by creation, but by choice and covenant; and Christs by gift, by purchase, and powerful grace, and in a conjugal relation to him; wherefore fornication ill becomesthem. As such, mainstream social and political discourse has begun to stray into theological territory, with uninspiring results. What is the conscience issue with the vaccine? Paul is repeating a central theme of the New Testament, which is that the purity laws found in the Torah no longer hold for those who are in Christ, because he has fulfilled them (Matthew 5:17). Three chapters later, Paul returns to the image of the temple, this time with individual Christians in view. I appreciate your comments here of late about theissue. She just cant pull the God told me card or defend her position by twistingScripture. I think this disinformation that is just exploding is a precursor to what is coming for the church. One Christian named Curtis Chang, who is a former pastor, wrote what Yosemite Sam would consider to be fightinwords: Christians who request religious exemptions rarely even try to offer substantive biblical and theological reasoning. The first reason cites a Bible verse that says the human body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. The letter states, We are commanded to take good care of it, not to defile it, and certainly not introduce something into it. It goes on to say that taking this vaccine actually makes modifications to the body. This, in essence, would be trying to improve or alter what God made perfectly which is clearly a sinful practice., The most common argument against being vaccinated against the coronavirus is that aborted fetal cell lines were used in the production process. Reasons for refusal are wide-ranging, with some based on credible concerns and others being much more subjective. "There's several different religious beliefs and doctrines associated with evangelicals, especially the belief in inerrancy of scripture, which is the belief that the bible is the literal word of God," Campbell explained. And this leads him to ask: Do you not know that you are Gods temple and that Gods Spirit dwells in you? Why do people keep missing this? 3 Health Freedom Idaho, Sample Letter for Religious Vaccine Exemption, Its in thebible! Christian notions of purity are not about food laws and physical cleanliness, but about the heart. A religious owner of a massive corporation could refuse to hire women to positions of authority over men because a workplace anti-discrimination law has an exemption for small businesses. (USNews The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics helps Christians show unbelievers the truth, goodness, and beauty of the gospel as the only hope that fulfills our deepest longings. I care deeply about religious liberty. I Work for a Pastor with Low Emotional Intelligence, Split or Stay? What foolishness. People look for us to be models of . The mandated vaccine, with its numerous additives and its mechanism for altering my body, is the equivalent of a prohibited unclean food that causes harm to my conscience. My Body Is a Temple I've seen 1 Corinthians 6:19 quoted in countless vaccine exemption requests. A faith community might help someone discover them or learn to think about them, but the individual is the one who matters. Were proud to publish real news 365 days of the year, completely free of charge to our readers. Sioux Falls, S.D., Aug 11, 2021 / 17:00 pm. Meanwhile, gospel-minded Christians are about to faceand are already facingan onslaught of legislative and judicial actions directly threatening their ability to evangelize, teach, discipline, counsel, and associate according to their cherished convictions. Its about the bigger picture that has been talked about all through COVID. The answer, it would seem, is that there is a long-standing precedent for exempting religious communities from government mandates, so people have reached for religious exemption as a ready-made solution for their fears. I came up in the Church of Christ in the '60s, so I know about religious exemptions. It has become common for Christians to claim that being forced to take the COVID-19 vaccine is a violation of their religious convictions because their body is a temple, and they are commanded to keep it pure. To make an apt answer is a joy to a man, and a word in season, how good itis! I was recently prescribed a statin after a recent exam, for high (though not ridiculous) LDL, and Im still trying to decide whether I want to start that medication or not. I am one of the. If you have to resort to hermeneutical gymnastics to prove God doesnt want you to get vaccinated, youve already lost, and other believers should be the first to confront you aboutit. My response is that if someone claims that her Christian faith as informed by Scripture doesnt allow her to get vaccinated, then she does need to demonstrate how / why Scripture demands that conclusion (if she wants to be taken seriously by other Christians). *** *** Religious Exemption Letter (Template) *** As has been already mentioned, we ingest all sorts of unhealthy foods and beverages without blinking an eye. Presuming for yourself that you are justified in saying similar things when speaking about things that Scripture does not speak about is an entirely differentmatter. The Christian argument for religious exemptions follows two tracks typically: first, that the vaccine shots at some point in their production used aborted fetal cell lines. Read In 6:19-20, however, it is clear that the individual bodies of believers is in view. There are also those who are highly educated who refuse to get vaccinated. They consider vaccination a personal choice and argue the government shouldnt encourage or force employers to dictate this choice for workers. Placebos over the last two decades have increasingly gotten better during Clinical Trials. But others will not, and their prudential judgement still follows the religious teaching of the Catholic Faith. I agree. Employers must grant the religious accommodation request so long as doing so does not pose an undue burden to the employer, either economic or non-economic. What has the global church said? So, you and your family are going to risk unnecessary hospitalization and death because Juan Pablo crossed the border without getting a vaccine? "A religious, moral or other exemption of conscience should be ascertained not by documents, but by a simple conversation seeking only to establish that the individual has a sincerely held, reasonable belief that . Therefore, we can claim and live in all the promises of the Bible which he, by the power of the Holy Spirit, inspired men to write (II Timothy 3:16,17). Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on As it turns out, a large number of everyday productsincluding over-the-counter medicines, prescription drugs, and cosmeticsall have a similar attenuated relationship to these cell lines. If you loathe COVID vaccine mandatesas many dothen engage in public advocacy, use politics, and vote with your feet. Likewise, putting out a fire on ones body is obviously helpful to ones temple. Injecting something into your body that you dont fully understand is a different case. Saying that people and their positions are cowardly, moronic, etc is nothing but repeated use of ad hominem statements. If you have elderly friends or family. Most commentators agree that the purpose of the letter is to urge unity among the Christians in Corinth. So, do not. Perhaps most chillingly, at a time when Roe v. Wade and a host of other important rights are on the chopping block, the case shows how the Supreme Court can upend decades of precedent with relatively little outcry. If it doesnt come from Tucker Carlson or Hannity than it is biased media and we cant listen to it. Such a claim might be motivated by the belief that their constitutionally protected rights are being infringed upon and that their religious sentiments are sufficient grounds for refusal. , The percentage of white evangelicals who say they have been vaccinated or plan to get the shot as soon as possible was 56% in June, up from 45% in March (WSJ The entire family is now vaccinated against the coronavirus, but they worry that Jonah wont be fully protected until everyone around him gets vaccinated as well. "I have a religious exemption." "Great. Unvaccinated employees may have any number of personal responses to a policy of vaccine mandates. As Jesus explains, it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth. He goes on to explain that out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. That makes absolutely nosense. In the Bible, those who practice sorcery were those who practiced making or taking mind-altering drugs in order to stimulate hallucinations or visions! . But, he must also treat it with respect and care forit. How worried should we be about COVID conspiracies? The argument seems to be that being injected with one of the available COVID vaccineswhich are characterized as manifestly unsafe or, at best, risky experimental potionswould defile the Holy Spirits dwelling. On a Friday evening in April, the Supreme Court quietly issued a short decision that opened the floodgates for religious entities to claim an exemption from just about any law. Amy Littlefield is a freelance investigative reporter focused on the intersection of religion and health care. I still can't bring myself to think that there is a religious reason you wouldn't get vaccinated or even consider the possibility of getting vaccinated," Kirschner said. Some may feel concern or anger at being told how they must handle important and personal medical decisions. This is a well-meaning but sad argument. Mine are nodifferent. There may be people that think that Paul is talking about the Corinthians as a whole in this passage, but that is the wronginterpretation. Thats one reason why I go out of my way to keep the amount of any kind of medicine I take to an absolutely minimum. Pre-COVID 19, Maine passed a law saying there would be no religious exemptions for medical workers in the case of vaccinations. There are no major religions in the United States that are officially opposed to the COVID vaccine, Evans said. Thats not an attack on the poster (who I think has made some very helpful posts [while missing a few important points] ). Views reflected in this article may not reflect those of their current or previous employers. (Proverbs 27:17). This kind of bible interpretation can justify anything, and itsdangerous. Attorney, I spend much of my time helping religious organizations understand and maximize constitutional protections and religious exemptions vaccine. Not to take vaccines, Split or Stay traced to a man, and their positions are cowardly moronic! Answer is yes, then youre in danger of violating the ThirdCommandment a gift of God and yes then... Fire on ones body is obviously helpful to ones temple religious beliefs with 100 consistency... Do you not know that you are Gods temple and that Gods Spirit dwells in you reflect those of current. Others will not, and I have responded to this in several threads, and vote with feet! 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