Maybe it's blood or being stuck with a needle. Tony, on the other hand, had a less complex goal in mind and was aware that he wasnt going to be able to bring her back, so it was easier for him to snap his fingers and finally get rid of Thanos and his armies. $350-400 Million. But after doing this for the last decade (good granola, has it been that long? It's only correct that Hulk should be barely capable of utilizing the Stones; they were facets of existence compressed into objects. He worked with Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) to create their time travel device, and he was still the only one strong enough and mentally stable enough, considering Thor's situation, to make the first snap that truly brought the rest of the Avengers and half the Marvel Cinematic Universe back from the dead. In a film with stakes as high asEndgame, that suffering will come swift and hard even if you're the Incredible Hulk. Avengers: Infinity War saw Thanos finally collecting the Infinity Gauntlet and all six Infinity Stones, while the MCU heroes did their best to stop him from doing so and later from wiping out half of life in the universe. In this space, the show absolutely nailed a simple dramatic dynamic: Sometimes our dear Banner was trapped in some horrible situation, and you rooted for him to turn into the Hulk. Published Oct 2, 2020. By the end of the film, Banner gave himself over to Hulk in order to try and defeat Hela, and Hulk was back in control at the time ofInfinity War, but as Russo points out he was being used as a wrecking ball yet again. In a universe where anything can happen and be undone as is convenient, what makes us care is characterization, and characters will usually have to suffer before success. In Avengers: Endgame after the time skip Professor Hulk explains to those that meet him in the cafe that he merged Banner and Hulk together to get the best of both, Banner's intellect and Hulk's strength and powers. Maybe Bruce Banner isn't as zen as we thought. Avengers: Endgame puts Hulk in a very different place from where he started. And yet we have to acknowledge thats exactly what the MCU does in its endless game of Calvinball. It upholds Stan Lees original vision beautifully and gets to the tragic heart of the character. And for a fun little aside, I will always link to this decade-old list of all the things that caused Banner to Hulk out during the show. But he was never fully dejected, so our Banner pressed on as the paragon of decency. And then theres the Hulk, the fully busted-out expression of the raging subconscious id within us all. During a recent conversation, Joe Russo elaborated on the issue: "He's lost an arm. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. While Thor: Ragnarok raised the possibility that, because Hulk had been in control for so long, another transformation might permanently trap Banner and leave Hulk on the outside forever,. Its no accident that weve seen some more careful, muted versions, but the translations have also come with a few errors in judgment. Now that Endgame has hit theaters, we know. Bruce Banner will return inthe "She-Hulk" series with a release date expected sometime around this summer. Copyright 2023 And yet, two characters were able to survive such a task: Thanos at the end of Avengers: Infinity War and Hulk in the latter half of Avengers: Endgame. Ultimately, the MCU gave the Hulk the worst of the half-hearted treatments. And its not just when it comes to learning how to control his emotions when hes Hulking out; hes also faced with the possibility of a relationship with Natasha and the endless logistical questions therein. "I dont know if the Hulk sees the value in the relationship. Hulk's sizzled right arm has finally received the Avengers: Endgame post-release lore treatment. Banner never wanted to hurt a soul or put himself at risk, which created the drama of putting your hero into the perpetual state of being caught between a rock and a hard place. Every Iron Man suit in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and their comic roots, Destroying the Infinity Stones is next to impossible, at least in the comics, A history of Marvel comics heroes whove dared to wield the Infinity Gauntlet, What the comics tell us about Falcons Avengers: Endgame ending, Avengers: Endgame finally gives Pepper Potts one of her famous comic moments, The worthy heroes who have wielded Thors hammer in the comics. Release date. He's damaged himself. It seems clear that his origin didn't play out exactly as it did in the comics, which. There are comic book hallmarks all over the movie, but they often feel like theyre coming from a different film with different aims. Seriously, imagine how much fun these moments would have been in an act of discovery for the audience, much like the joy of getting to see Cap finally wield Thors hammer. She and Hawkeye traveled to Vormir to get the Soul Stone, but in order to do so, they had to sacrifice someone they love, and so Natasha sacrificed herself so Hawkeye could go back and be with his family. Check out never-before-seen videos, exclusive interviews, and much more! The Russos also addressed some of the key deleted scenes that made it ontoInfinity War's home release, including one cut that removed a fan-favorite supporting character from the film entirely. A decade-long character arc deserved better. The persona went from coming up with silly jokes with friends to something more sprawling, personal, and resonant, a reminder that sometimes snap decisions are the best kinds of decisions if youre willing to explore the limits of what they can be. Hulk was potentially at his strongest during the first Avengers film. What Is TikTok's 'Guardians Of The Galaxy' Disneyland Ride Trend? After traveling to different points in the past, they managed to get the Infinity Stones, but they also made it possible for Thanos of the past to arrive in the future with his armies. By Josh Coulson Published May 20, 2019 Kevin Feige has explained how Smart Hulk's snap did more than just bring billions, if not trillions of living things back to the MCU. We thought an interesting direction to take him in is, 'Well, what if Banner, who typically uses the Hulk to solve crisis situations, what if the Hulk were no longer interested in solving those problems for Banner?'" Or, more specifically, what is the difficulty at the center of this new impotence, and what is he going to learn from it? They both want to control Hulks body. But the TV show instead played with how Banners transformation into the Hulk would inevitably come too late or too soon and often to great consequence. Avengers: Endgame finally saw the brawn . Im talking about dramatic objective. In Ragnarok, after all that silliness. This is why he struggled so much, as he was focusing on undoing Thanos initial snap, not changing anything from the last five years, and bringing Black Widow back. Theres Bruce, the high-functioning self who pushes down his emotions and makes himself suitable for human presentation. Could the Avengers go back in time to kill baby Thanos? Although "Avengers: Endgame" is completely filled to the brim with CGI, large-scale sets, and green screens, the diner . It was only when he used the Stones again (to destroy them) that it really took a toll, as he emerged from the experience with a noticeable hobble and some pretty bad damage to his Gauntlet arm. And the critical lessons of empathy that we need to learn to get there? dossiers, and checked in . But I cant help but point out how, emotionally speaking, both of these endings could have come right at the end of Phase One without many other changes. However, based on the post-credits scene at the end of "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings,"it appears that Bruce somehow went back to his human form separate from the Hulk, although his arm remains in a cast from using the Infinity Gauntlet. Bill Bixby is one of our shining examples of the great working television actor. To be clear, I do think that the new Huffalo is enjoyable as all hell. In the comics, Bruce Banners traumas fractured his mind before he ever became the Hulk, leaving Hulk with different identities, all of which stemmed from when the Green Giant took control for long stretches of time. This really is what best defines the Hulk to me, because it plays into age-old lessons about the personal cost of heroism. Just like Jekyll and Hyde, the duality of these two sides should be clear. Avengers: Endgame saw two snaps, the first one by the Hulk, who even though is stronger than Iron Man, was the one who struggled the most heres why. Adrienne Tyler is a features writer for Screen Rant. Join SYFY Insider to get access to exclusive videos and interviews, breaking news, sweepstakes, and more. Avengers 5. theory explains how Hulk may transform into biggest villain yet. I know this has been . To be frank, theres not a lot going on in terms of characterization, arcs, or even relationships in this movie. Cookies help us deliver our Services. He was ready to beat up the Ancient One to secure the Time Stone. And Norton has never been that, for all his other gifts. Avengers: Infinity Waris available to watch digitally now, and arrives on Blu-ray August 14. We'll keep you updated. The arm loss sets up a majorly different look for the Hulk moving forward, along with a new curve in his character arc. In Endgame, in a shot of them together, he is definitely smaller. I saw Drunk Hulk on Twitter and thought it would be funny to have a Hulk doing New Yorker-style reviews. [Endgame] why is it that when the Hulk puts on the infinity gauntlet, his arm is all burned up, but when Tony puts it on, he gets a relatively peaceful death? You betcha! Credit:Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War Official Trailer / Marvel Entertainment YouTube. The best versions of the character not only understand this, but they also understand how to make this irony contrast with the other half of the character: Dr. Bruce Banner. The sequence features an early, and unpolished, rendering of Professor Hulk, whose mouth doesn't move when Ruffalo speaks. While Endgame did mark the end for many of the original Avengers, Mark Ruffalo still has one more movie left in his Marvel contract, which confirms that there will be a follow-up to the Hulk's radioactive amputation in a future movie. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. All in all, the populist aims make sense and work as needed. On one level, it was just a snap decision. The writers even said that Ragnarok to Endgame was a 3 part arc on The Hulk as a character, but in my opinion every movie except Ragnarok didn't seem to treat Hulk as much of a character. I cant help but feel like Nick Noltes off-kilter, gonzo performance makes the aforementioned battle of the gods feel just as confused as everything else. Hulk's relative mental health, however, did not suddenly make him more physically able than he was in Infinity War, and it would have cheapened both movies to suddenly grace him with Thanos-level strength. And Ive come to realize that whenever someone asks me, Why the Hulk? what theyre actually asking is a different question altogether: What is it about the Hulk that we all find so compelling?. The character is funny, charming, and something we havent really seen before in these films. The Hulk is not just an angry, mindless vehicle for brutality. He lost Natasha. Professor Hulk hasnt been seen in the comics in some time, mostly because the main Green Hulk personality is now smarter and more coherent, rendering the Professor somewhat moot. For many fans, Hulk's continued denial throughout the rest of the film including during the pivotal Battle of Wakanda to fight on behalf of the rest of the Avengers stemmed from his easy defeat at the hands of the Mad Titan during the film's opening scene. Its fascinating stuff on the cerebral level, but Ill admit that the action in the film feels unclear in motivation. Sure, he stems from Kirbys fascination with the golem figure of Jewish lore (and if you want to understand his relationship to such figures, know that Kirby himself was often compared to his creation of Ben Grimm, aka the Thing), but it was Stan Lee who broadly painted the objective of this new character: For a long time Id been aware of the fact that people were more likely to favor someone who was less than perfect Ive always had a soft spot in my heart for the Frankenstein monster. Comic readers may know him as Over the decades, there have been many Hulks both in the literal sense, and the metaphorical. In this first picture you can see his height at the end of Ragnarok. Even Banner is fully aware that Hulk is in all regards, just a completely different person from him who exists simultaneously to him, taking control of Hulk's body and having his mind practically cease to exist is not "accepting the Hulk". For many fans, Hulk's continued denial throughout the rest of the film including during the pivotal Battle of Wakanda to fight on behalf of the rest of the Avengers stemmed from his easy defeat at the hands of the Mad Titan during the film's opening scene. Did they give us the emotional fireworks we always wanted? In the film, well-adjusted and emotionally stable Professor Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), a merging of the brains and mild temperament of Bruce Banner with the green, super-strong physique of the Hulk, wielded the Infinity Stones to bring back the lives lost in Avengers:Infinity War. It was great. Avengers: Endgame has finally arrived in theaters, and most fans have hopefully had a chance to see it. They were willing to put their best foot forward and face the oncoming threat of the Chitauri army together, but no one could say they were truly the Avengers. The final film in Marvels Phase 3 brings Bruce Banner full circle. By Cameron Bonomolo Avengers: Endgame is bringing closure to the heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe or the first generation of them, anyway: Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and, of course, the Hulk. She was also a contributor for FanSided's BamSmackPow and 1428 Elm. There was an awkward hello and then no other conversation. Sure, Hulk's had rough fights before, but Thanos just completely dominated him, and the theory was that it had intimidated the big green guy into inaction. The film does indeed address the impotence conflict of Hulks character from the last film, but they do so in a way thats troubling to me. Before Thanos arrival, and now with all the stones and a nano gauntlet, the team was ready to reverse Thanos actions with another snap question was, who was going to do it. Nothing. And thats a move rooted in the weird, psychological backstory that the Hulk has in Marvel Comics. Who is the Hulk? He also is an avid lover of M&M McFlurries from McDonalds, and accepts that he has an addiction to them. Marvel Entertainment confirmed a while back on Twitterthat Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner (who should now technically be Smart Hulk) would be returning as well, likely in a sort of mentor role to assist Walters with her newfound abilities. In short, hes scared about getting close because hes scared of hurting people. newsletter, closure to the heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Universal Studios still has right of first refusal for any solo Hulk movie, planned their own three movie arc for Hulks personality, Avengers: Endgame failed the Incredible Hulk, Avengers: Endgames reinvented Hawkeye raises questions about superheroes who kill, In the end, the MCU was a saga about failure, The biggest questions after Avengers: Endgames ending, answered, The kid at the end of Avengers: Endgame is one of Marvels mightiest cameos, Avengers: Endgame writers on bringing Captain America to this moment, Captain Americas final act in Endgame seems to solve a lingering MCU mystery, The best Captain America moment was a nod to comic book controversy, Avengers: Endgames confusing timeline actually makes sense heres why, Thors reaction to his new look is the only one that matters, Avengers: Endgames Stan Lee cameo is a rebuke to keeping politics out of comics, Everything you need to remember about the OG Avengers before Endgame, The Avengers: Endgame scenes worth dipping out of for a bathroom break, ranked, Avengers: Endgame: the non-spoiler review, Avengers: Endgame does have a post-credits moment, its just subtle, The best way to avoid Avengers: Endgame spoilers and leaks, How to watch all 21 movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Avengers: Endgame will finish the series longest-running battle and its not Thanos, What MCUs Phase 4 looks like after Endgame, Black Widows stand-alone movie could make Avengers: Endgame richer, How Avengers: Endgame shakes up the Guardians of the Galaxy, The Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer plays way differently after Endgame. Its that there have been so many different versions of the character over the years that its practically impossible to define him in any specific way. But the question coming out of that film was a question that all the original Avengers faced: Where does their arc go from here? James Gunn Reveals New Superman, Batman Movies and More, Bruce Banners Hulk Situation in Avengers: Endgame Explained, Avengers: The Kang Dynasty Fan Poster Shows the Return of Kang the Conqueror, Hugh Jackman Teases He'll Play Multiple Wolverine Variants in Deadpool 3, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Casts Deadpool Star Karan Soni as Spider-Man India, Groot Teams Up With the Marvel Universe on Stormbreakers Variant Covers, Fantastic Four Fan Art Shows Outer Banks Star As the MCUs Human Torch, Thunderbolts Fan Art Transforms Steven Yeun Into the MCUs Sentry, Black Panther: Marvel Studios Reveals Voices Rising The Music of Wakanda Forever, Guardians of the Galaxy Releases New Teaser for Grootfall. Prior to Screen Rant, she wrote for Pop Wrapped, 4 Your Excitement (4YE), and D20Crit, where she was also a regular guest at Netfreaks podcast. And that leaves me wondering just what the heck has been the point of these last few phases, where everything felt like a half-hearted conflict delay. directors finally explain their most controversial character change. After the film jumps ahead five years in the wake of Thanos' Infinity War snap, we discover that Bruce, distressed that he couldn't summon the Hulk during that last big battle in Wakanda, decided. In fact, the cameos from Academy Award winners like Robert Redford were easier to make happen. For instance, the tank battle is fun and raucous, but theres also the weird mutant poodle battle, not to mention the freeze-framed and embossed Josh Lucas exploding into the camera. First Banner pulled him on for the finalRagnarokbattle, and then Loki used him as a ploy to get the jump on Thanos inInfinity War. So, he loses a lot of strength there. newsletter, broadly painted the objective of this new character, What Phase 4 looks like after Avengers: Endgame, that caused Banner to Hulk out during the show, Robert Downey Jr. and Jon Favreau in the first, Thats my secret, Cap: Im always angry line, The 22 Marvel movies of the MCU Infinity Saga, ranked, with the endless wheel-spinning and half-hearted lip-service toward change, Avengers: Endgames reinvented Hawkeye raises questions about superheroes who kill, In the end, the MCU was a saga about failure, The biggest questions after Avengers: Endgames ending, answered, The kid at the end of Avengers: Endgame is one of Marvels mightiest cameos, Avengers: Endgames take on the Hulk, explained, Avengers: Endgame writers on bringing Captain America to this moment, Captain Americas final act in Endgame seems to solve a lingering MCU mystery, The best Captain America moment was a nod to comic book controversy, Avengers: Endgames confusing timeline actually makes sense heres why, Thors reaction to his new look is the only one that matters, Avengers: Endgames Stan Lee cameo is a rebuke to keeping politics out of comics, Everything you need to remember about the OG Avengers before Endgame, The Avengers: Endgame scenes worth dipping out of for a bathroom break, ranked, Avengers: Endgame: the non-spoiler review, Avengers: Endgame does have a post-credits moment, its just subtle, The best way to avoid Avengers: Endgame spoilers and leaks, How to watch all 21 movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Avengers: Endgame will finish the series longest-running battle and its not Thanos, What MCUs Phase 4 looks like after Endgame, Black Widows stand-alone movie could make Avengers: Endgame richer, How Avengers: Endgame shakes up the Guardians of the Galaxy, The Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer plays way differently after Endgame. But this event is also tied up with his own buried Hulk-genes, which were a direct result of his fathers self-destructive scientific experimentation, which of course just doubles down on the whole metaphor of inherited abusive traumas. Of course, his act of service didn't come without aheavy penalty: Hulk experienced substantial cosmic charring up his entire right arm and part of his neck, and the arm was rendered pretty much useless. newsletter, Destiny 2 power level guide, all caps and Powerful and Pinnacle gear sources explained, The best way to increase your Power level in Destiny 2s new Lightfall expansion, Marvel still doesnt know what to do with its most popular hero, Spider-Man, Spider-Man endures, almost in spite of many Spider-Man stories, Where to buy the Pokmon Go Plus Plus device, The new Pokmon Go sleep-tracking multitool will start shipping July 14, The official BTS Lego set is now available, I have never found myself so inexplicably attracted to a set of Lego Minifigs, Sign up for the By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. Probably, Hulk and/or Iron Man didn't wish/need that. So when you pull the idea of the character back for common assumptions, you realize that the Hulk is simply a vehicle for exploring different dualities. Firstly as established in Ragnarok, The Hulk is not just Banner but dumbed down, he clearly has his own personality, motivation, and et cetera, he even makes it clearly that he is NOT Banner and that he doesn't even like Banner very much. Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos: Banner's Friend!". Both want control of the host body. Mark Ruffalo. And when I think about that promise of the first Avengers movie? The result is known as Professor Hulk, a dapper,. But in dramatizing this high/low dynamic, many writers make the mistake of portraying this duality in ways that are too plain or reductive. The creative team had two whole movies to really explore the fallout of Banners relationship with Natasha, and what did they do? Bruce Banner's green alter ego famously has regenerative healing powers. In particular, the Hulk suffers a massive setback that many moviegoers may not have understood the full scope of. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Funko POP Marvel Avengers Endgame Hulk #499 Figure Walmart Exclusive Blue Chrome at the best online prices at eBay! Link your TV provider to stream movies, full episodes, and live TV. We meet our new Bruce Banner (played with sunken physicality by Eric Bana), the poster boy for adult males who cant connect to their emotions. - April 26, 2019 07:43 pm EDT. Of all the reasons a scene in a mega-scale blockbuster like "Avengers: Endgame" could be hard, this one is pretty funny. This drama is what so many other writers miss out on when they just nakedly want to indulge in Hulks green side. And as he traveled throughout the country, on the run from the law, his Banner couldnt help but help people in turn. When viewed as a whole, Ang Lees film Hulk (2003) has its own stark duality. The reason the Green Goliath was injured so badly using the Infinity Stones (while Thanos was not) is simple, according to co-director Joe Russo: it was a purposeful choice to continue highlighting the magnitude of the Mad Titan's strength, as well as to display how potent the Infinity Stones are when used, irrespective of whatever nifty hardware one might come up with to house them. Having battled foes like Thor, Abomination, Thanos, and Iron Man, Hulk has already gone up against a handful of major MCU characters. At some point, these problems and conflicts are going to have to be addressed somewhere if the stakes are to feel high enough to matter. He is much taller and larger than Korg. So when "Hulk" first shows up, who clearly now is just Green Banner he explains that the entire time his struggle was because he though of Hulk as more of a disease than a part of him and all he had to do was learn to accept him. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. 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