But the "So What?" and "Who Cares?" challenge questions are easy to remember and provide a quick assessment tool. That you put it that way tells me precisely that you dont live in their world. These tags are often used to validate whether the given information is true or not. Its circular. Theyre also inconvenient for the non-Google people who use public transportation, which increases their visibility and their association with the frustration.. We all want things we cant haveby adulthood people should understand that throwing a tantrum is not the appropriate way to deal with this. The argument Im making about BSDI is a purely descriptive one: that both sides in fact dont do it and folks use that rhetorical device to account for partisan politics do so despite evidence to the contrary for reasons that I think beg a bunch of interesting question (especially given the dynamics involved). Follow him on Twitter. The latter never really bothered me. Apologies. But the reason I brought him up is that theyre all set in Dorchester.Report. Honestly, I see that way of looking at things as morally abominable, but I suspect youd see my way of looking at it as equally so. Its not like it would kill them.Report. To equate the vile and loony with the merely mistaken is the epitomy of false equivalency.Report, @stillwater, The tense of the statement and the question tag must match. What are the people who participated doing now? White people return to the cities in the aughts and the 10s and are still blamed for everything.Report, @shazbot3 I think the more apt analogy would be to Tea Party protesters who openly carried their AR-15s to Tea Party protests.Report. The problem is that "Who cares?" The problem is that "Who cares?" is already a question and so doesn't require a tag. twitterpated If the main part is negative, we usually add a positive question tag. But really, I just wonder how you could begin to think theyre even comparable, let alone indistinguishable.Report, @stillwater I think you misunderstood the birthright citizenship reference. Based on the pictures Ive seen almost none. The resulting speech act comprises an assertion paired with a request for confirmation. Th hin ti tip din3. These protesters are undoing a lot of that work to me. Mocking is not having that conversation, or any conversation, though.Report, No worries. Mc lcI. 5. Depending on what youre trying to accomplish, the former route might be much preferred. Maybe theyre angry at Google and the wealthy for not using their wealth more to reduce inequality. In 19th century New York, the firercest Sabbatharians were also rich, conservative Republicans. Thats just how the world works.Report, Vikram, theres a difference between being critical and mocking.Report. Also, when I talk about showering with other men, Im referring to the entire process from undressing to showering to dressing. The GB protesters are a small bunch of loons with. two legs of the stool) in the modern Republican party is an ahistoric aberration, born out of suburbanization (which includes civil rights backlash, but also increasing home ownership and the (visible) spike in crime), This guy is just trolling, but the clearer example of the potential breakup of the economic and social wings of the party is in the Arizona anti-gay bill. Today, I will show how to make tag question of the sentences who cares, who goes etc. These tags are often used to validate whether the given information is true or not. Its the people who are moving into their neighborhoods and causing housing prices to skyrocket. We are late, do we? Theres nothing to say in response to that accusation, it seems to me, since the people who accuse a commenter of being irrationally partisan view the writers words thru the lens of their being partisan. In reality, however, this "question" part states what is already implied in the original statement. Im engaging in a thread with Hanley right now where he specifically accused me of just that. Indeed, theyre so far at odds thatThat tells me that their notion of rising inequality and mine are extraordinarily different, and indeed directly at odds. Mark, Ive got mad respect for you, but surely you want to take this back or revise it. I think some religious conservatives homophobia is neither reasonable nor morally understandable. Associate Dean for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Nicole Joseph sent a follow-up, apology email to the Peabody community on Feb. 17 at 6:30 p.m. CST. It gets my goat when supposed liberals protest the arrival of a Whole Foods in Jamaica Plain (Boston) because of what it symbolizes, ignoring that the long-time locals welcome it because it means they, too, can indulge in overpriced gluten-free kale. There are four colors and a wounded individual will be tagged one color based on their health status. Women the world over want to know why men should be exempt from the leering gaze weve lived with for-fucking-ever. Are you now the spokesman for us straight guys? I loved that I could look out my window and see the Hudson Palisades. A negative statement or sentence is one which has, 'no', 'not or 'never in its verb elements. Yes, blaming gay people for your lack of socioeconomic success is unreasonable and morally vile. My point is that its easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the stupid/evil things people on the other side do are the rule and that the stupid/evil things people on your side do are the exception. He is not a Donald Trump/Frank Gafney type. Clause Types With Tag Questions "Question tags are not independent clauses, but they do require a response, and are highly interactive.Structurally, interrogatives are abbreviated yes/no interrogatives consisting of an operator (either positive or negative) and a pronoun, which repeats the subject or substitutes for it.Question tags are attached to one of the following clause types: Of these . Adding a question mark sort of ruins the response especially in writing because it sets up an expectation (or subtle tension) of further response. this: The right is currently a clusterf**k of a mess, and has been for almost a decade even when winning temporary small-fish elections. that doesnt make the way they treated black newcomers acceptable.Report. Id prefer having the option of privacy and if the people who want to be naked around each other want, then maybe there can have their own room where they can do that. You have a Ferrari, don't you? Arent those all independent things?Report, You thised a comment claiming that I had to remember (and presumably criticize) the GB protesters in order to have any claims to political superiority. When city governments refuse to put money into areas until after they are gentrified, when landlords chase out long-standing tenants, when the new residents treat the older ones with disdain. The idea that its appropriate to protest a company for paying its employees enough to outbid you on an apartment you wanted reeks of entitlement. Th tng lai n6. Gentrification, loss of what made SF a great community, thats exactly what people in all white areas said about blacks moving in.Report, Feel free to mock anyone who uses violence to protest just about anything. Examples: (a) He isn't . So, I put it to you that the answer to the question of "who cares" that Michael Sam and Jason Collins came out is: a hell of a lot more people than you think. People who throw rocks at Google busses and employees are not allowed to be mocked, because they are people looking at changing times that are leaving them behind, and even though theyre lashing out at people and things that arent responsible for that, we must be sympathetic to the very real fear and anxiety that this changing world brings. We can add question tags like isn't it?, can you? B: Yes, I will. at the very least the google protests show that krugman is lying when he claims that the left only has a problem the top one percentReport. I would reserve the word stupid for things like the denial of evolution or the belief that the poor are eating Tbone steaks with their welfare checks.Report, the computer programmers riding the google buses are hardly the super rich, if their problem is with the super rich why not protest them, there are plenty of them in SF.Report, Their problem isnt with the super rich. Fearmongering, Magic Elixirs, and Demagoguery: Democrats and The Social Security Shortfall, Charity, Clout, and Moral Outrage: On MrBeast and Seeing. Again, they make these things called towels. Sentences using the tag questions should have the main clause separated from the tag by a comma. It is essential to use pronouns to get the correct meaning of the sentence. the protesters are upset that anyone is able to earn more money than them. Make supply chains less subject to disruption, be it from Covid, Evil Dictatorships, Pirates, transportation,, If the above statement is true, then theres no way the lab leak theory could be true. Exclamative Reply. And also that many of the Google employees were relatively recent immigrants, many of them from awfully poor countries. In such sentences, the tag does not depend on the person or the action of the speaker, but on which verb we use in the question itself. I didnt, and still dont, understand what Tim was getting at in that post. In point of fact, women are essentially never required to shower with or otherwise appear naked in front of men (maybe in prison?) Thats a horrifying prospect for every mom in the country. Why should those people condemn something they agree with (crazy tho it was)? I apologize. Google is way, way over there (which is why they need the buses), as are most of the other major tech companies, but the buses are right there. I liked that I could bring my friends to that sports bar. That piece of liberalism pisses me off.Report, If the people protesting the Google buses were blue color workers trying the raise their families they would deserve some sympathy; but they arent the folks protesting the Google buses hate middle class Americans and speak about them in condescending terms. Some people are going to be exhibitionists no matter what. We should not use any tag question with interrogative sentences like 'who cares' because it itself a question. I liked that some people looked like me and some didnt. This article has some question tags exercises you can try out to find how good you are with them. I would be willing to protest rich and upper middle class kids sending their kids to private schools in some form or another.Report, The merely rich have a dity to help reduce inequality, too. Regardless, the problems that they are upset about are real. A person who sees Quality and feels it as he works is a person who cares. Gangbusters! 1. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . If I didnt express disdain, would that show Im a partisan hack who holds irrational views? Thats not the super rich, its the young programmers making six figures and buying a condo or house for 800k in a neighborhood that, a few years ago, was working or lower middle class. A tag question is a short, grammatical unit used to express uncertainty or ask for confirmation. who cares tag question ? The tense of the statement and the question tag must match. So stop singling out right wing violence., A version of that is what is happening here that Chris and I are pointing out.Report. English as a Second Language (ESL) Action verbs. I just dont think these protests are loony or vile, in the way that AZs SB 1062 is vile and loony, even if the protests are based on what are arguably false beliefs about housing policy or who is responsible for such and such an aspect of inequality, or whatever.Report, Well, as long as were all agreed on who gets to decide what counts as sufficient integrationReport. FWIW. Should we wait to see how the libs/Dems respond to this, then see how the GOP/cons respond to *that* before we can determine whether BSDI, or would that be begging the question against the above-the-fray folks?Report, Its fine, this guy is an unmitigated twit, pushing for onerous government regulation onto job creators.Report, Its things like this that you one of my favorite commenters here, K. I actually snored out loud when I read that.Report, Humor aside, this really is an important point. The sentences who cares or who goes . Regardless, the problems that they are upset about are real. *The reason I know this is because I once got clocked by a chunk of concrete thrown through a window. I think that as the proverbs are universal, the tag question should be always 'isn't it'. He is also serves asExecutive Producer and host of both the 7 Deadly Sins Show at Portland's historic Mission Theatre and 7DS: Pants On Fire! Im referring to conservatives who want to eliminate birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants because they insist that immigrants are destroying their neighborhoods.Report. I dislike gentrification when it is a more organized effort to displace people and further their exclusion from society. I like gentrification when it involves the transformation of derelict spaces into desirable ones and has an aggregate benefit on the local community. Take care, won't you? But now a single protest which you -perhaps correctly- believe is targeted at an innocent party is causing you to give up that belief? I know of no tags for these; they have no verbs to tag with. This is a minimum wage for overtime exemption. Republicans have traditionally been (if only in a relative sense) defenders of property rights. Im perfectly willing to say that they should have chosen another target, but once you admit that there are reasons why they chose the target they did, that those reasons are not silly (and, in fact, make a fair amount of sense, given what the buses represent), and that the protests may even have been moderately successful in garnering attention for the issues that were the source of their anger in the first place, it seems unfair to mock them for their choice of where to protest and how to go about it (except for the violence). I find that strange. Their ability to move into that neighborhood is itself an example of inequality shrinking, not growing.Report. Yeah, fish those guys. But not morally vile. A tag is a word or phrase that is added to a sentence. Seriously man, have you ever seen a gay porn star? An example of this would be the statement 'you don't eat meat.'. Some were well off, I suppose. Some people are going to be private no matter what. I agree with your general assessment of gentrification. Regardless, that does not make the blanket targeting of anyone perceived to be in the group benefiting from those changes any more acceptable.Report. there are people in SF that make far more money than google programmers yet they arent the target of protests(for example to protesters could target the Giants and 49ers teams buses). . Hell, now they can move to city hall, with the knowledge that people are paying attention and will see them.Report. yes. Because our expert team has solved all the questions of today's examination. Youre right. Here's the basic rule for tag questions - a positive statement has a negative tag question and a negative statement has a positive tag question. To hipsters living near people with middle class tastes is a fate worse than death. However, how many people threw rocks? We use question tags to check whether something is true or to ask for agreement. Nobody lives here, do they? They are often used for checking information that we think we know is true. A person who cares about what he sees and does is a person who's bound to have some characteristic of quality." A 35-year-old female with severe chest pain: red tag d. A 60-year-old male with an open fracture with distal pulses: yellow tag Red-tagged clients need immediate care due to life-threatening injuries. Its better if it doesnt, because 99.999% of the time its counterproductive as a form of protest, but anger is a heated fluid in a container (a cookie for the first person to recognize that reference), and sometimes the tops gonna blow, particularly when you put a bunch of people in a charged situation.Report. Please, help me. If you think that large increases in evictions as a result of rapidly increasing housing prices, to take just one example of the effects that have led to the protests, is a bad thing, then Id ask you where and toward whom they should be doing their protesting. Granted gentrification is not the same thing as that kind of settlement at all. Yellow-tagged clients have major injuries that should be treated within 30 minutes to . Ive made the point a bunch of times before so I wont make it again, but theres an argumentative trick which, upon contact with my eye or earballs is analogous to heat being applied to a fluid in the closed container of my brain. Computer programmers and systems analysts making more than this minimum do not have to be paid extra for overtime. I was a bit over the top upthread, I admit, and Im sorry for that. Question Tags Exercises with Answers. I am concerned about our general societal focus on making people feel like their body is naughty and that they should hide it at all costs. Actually, gentrification generally results in the removal of one class from an area, even if it takes time. Do you think, even if we excluded rock throwers, Brandon or people with similar world views would think the Google Bus protesters significantly less mockable?Report, Do you think the rock throwing was the key point in what I said?Report. To me, the attitude they expressed was decidedly unliberal. @stillwater we all seem to measure others by our own yardstick; and when someone doesnt, when they actually consider something from beyond their own biases, nobody really believes it. What they clearly have (based on the reporting anyway) is views about gentrification in their neighborhoods, which is a consequence (maybe, anyway) of rising inequality. You see them now, dont you? Mark, tons of respect for you, but why do you think they have a notion, of any kind, about rising inequality? Tod is a writer from the Pacific Northwest. But it seemed pretty clear to me that your comment was a reference to an earlier thread in which smug generalization about conservatives by proud members of the other stupid/evil party prompted me to point out that the particular criticism being made applied equally well to the left. Youre right. Who cares what the questions is! Sorry to be nitpicky, but you appear to be engaged in some form of fallacious hippy punching ad hominem. Reason, evidence, and argument has convinced you that current and rising inequality is a social problem in need of a solution. /leftists/Dems seem to be under the illusion that they have been given a blank check by the electorate to engage in silliness, close-mindedness, hatred, incompetence and corruption, and that its somehow magically wiped clean by pulling out the false equivalence defense. In these cases, the speaker expects the other person to agree with him, and the speaker's intonation (voice) drops at the end of the tag question. And it isnt loony to protest Google busses. Particularly not when theyre packing to move. She was a student, isn't she? It makes me think that people account for my disagreement with their views by attributing my views to partisanship rather than the reasons I provide. @kolohe Yup im fine with people protesting whatever the hell they want. But they neednt hold any developed views about advanced economic models and effective political strategies in order to feel that something is at stake when wealthy people buy up housing and drive up the cost of living in the areas where they live. 2. (And you should quote him directly, because given the context, saying the 1% are the problem might be true. Should I criticize them again? The half-filled apartments couldnt support all the new nifty restaurants, so some closed. It might be pointless or misguided, but fine. In this section, we are going to be taking a closer look at . But it seems like the normal burden of proof is consistently reversed: identify the political affiliation of the commenter, attribute partisan motivations to them unless proven otherwise.Report, Really Tod? A tag question is a statement followed by a short question. The ones that did best were either so good that people were willing to drive through (like the one that extended out over the Hudson and had a celebrity chef involved) or the one that could cater to the long-term locals (like the sports bar I frequented). Let's have a cup of tea, shall we? I dont like the blue collar bar I have to walk by on my way to one of the nice neighborhoods, because I get harassed. 3. From my perspective, Im someone who, thanks to the work of folks like Stillwater, has become persuaded that rising inequality is a legitimate issue. Let's have a party, shall we? 700+ Most Popular YouTube Tag Questions. Businessmen may have been less for Jim Crow than Southern society as a whole but I think that really only refers to the really big companies. Honestly, I think of you as representative of the kind of left wing I wish we had, not the one we actually do have.Report, The rock throwing and other property damage, Not sure what the laws are there and whether the buses were occupied when the rocks were thrown, but where I live rock-throwing into an occupied vehicle is a second-degree felony, since a thrown rock can cause great bodily harm or death.*. tag question interrogative tag question ? Open the door, will you? @kazzy Given that, wheres the trouble in seeing a distinction between the two groups? OK, that seems easy. Really, if Google buses is the best snark youve got, you should probably go back to the drawing table.Report. these people are no different than working class whites who want to stop blacks from moving into to their neighborhood, both groups think they own the place and want to keep out people will change it in any way. There is a difference between living in the same neighborhood as X and integrating into Xs group, especially when the very act of large numbers of people moving into Xs neighborhood drives all the Xs out. Mum isn't in trouble, is she? A. You say that women are not protected from being ogled on the street. Re: the comment here: I sorry if it sounded like a cheap shot. He is aregular inactivefor Marie Claire Internationaland the Daily Beast, and is currently writing a book on the sudden rise of exorcisms in the United States. It might make for a fun comparison to the gentrified ones, if we can look at one of those.Report. I would say that they do too little and that is protestable. They could quit, they could not shower in the locker room, they could establish a separate shower for homophobesReport, If God didnt want straight men showering together, he wouldnt have invented football.Report, Obligatory Rev. ] A period, I feel, is the right choice because it's a complete answer. @jaybird this stop you refer to happened all over the place when the housing boom collapsed. Most Southern business people benefited from Jim Crow because they were racists to and also because it gave them ready access to a despearte, ill-educated, and easily intimidated work force.Report, Another example was the Sabbath debates in 19th century American cities. So I answered your question, explaining the circumstances under which I would consider a BSDI response appropriate. Its the business interests (who are mostly Republican too, and were all Republicans while the socons daddys & grandpappies were Southern Democrats) that are pushing for Brewer to veto (which at last check, the word on the street is that she will), Well see what traction a Huckabee campaign has this next cycle to determine if a socon can win party support with an economic populist message. We add a clause in the form of a question at the end of a sentence. But someday thats not nearly as long off as you think, that mindset is going to bite you all in the ass Has an aggregate benefit on the local community question of the statement and the tag! At Google and the wealthy for not using their wealth more to reduce.! Uncertainty or ask for agreement firercest Sabbatharians were also rich, conservative Republicans know is! Thats a who cares tag question prospect for every mom in the original statement them from poor. 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