He counted about 160 bobs. It can and does work. Next time I try for water I am using science, geology, not BS. And, despite the skepticism, there are even a few scientists who think theres more here than meets the eye. He just counts until it stops bobbing up and down and starts moving side to sidewhich indicates where the water is. Many of us may have fond remembrances of watching someone perform this noble and ' respectable ' form of divination when we were young, or at . Dowsing for water is 100% BS. This gives a solid base of support to hold the willow securely and firmly as you walk slowly over the area to be checked. Farmers have used water-witching for generations, to determine the best place to dig their wells, and to find a source of drinking water for their cattle in a pasture. The most common divining rod is a Y-shaped branch cut from a tree or bush. Driller came within 2 in of my spot he dowsed also. My father was really good at finding water for people he used wires i prefer a forked stick dowsing doesnt have to be proven to me i know without a shadow of a doubt it works i havent figured out how to scientifically prove it but i can make anyone feel what i feel as long as im touching the stick you will feel it to there has to be a way you could measure the force being put on my stick its so strong if i try to hold the stick and keep walking the stick will break. I havent tried finding pipes and cables but think it would be fun to try. All this information allows the hydrogeologist to develop a three-dimensional model of the property that might define locations that are promising or those that should be avoided. I have used bent coat hangers to locate water and pipes underground. More for local enjoyment. 90+ yr old well driller , drilled hundreds of wells, told me buttons , pliers , zippers , seams on clothing affect the results. And you dont need a doctor to go and buy yourself a cheap heart rate monitor and blood pressure cuff. English/Irish, now living in Limerick Ireland. (By the way, to water witch has nothing to do with Wicca, although there are Wiccans who. Friend said try witching the pipes. Septic. I can't do it. These maps show the types of rocks that exist below the landowners property and their direction of dip. It was life changing for me . I have witched successfully for water lines with 2 coat hangers spot on every time. I wont lie to them if I feel I dont recognize a water vein. But would take a beer sometime in the bar. If it stops going side-to-side and starts bobbing again, you can count the bobs to see how deep it is (when it stops, There are usually only two levels, because Ive located, where they cross. You didnt tell him that theres always charlatans that impersonate the real thing. I do think you have got to have the gift, as everyone can`t do it. When I was 7 we had a neighbor locate the buried water lines on a new farm. I can find stuff in the open, but the the overhead messes me up. Chinese New Year: Traditions and Superstitions, Spring Equinox and the First Day of Spring, Summer Solstice and the First Day of Summer, Sell the Farmers Almanac In Your Retail Store, Grow Your Business Advertise with the Farmers Almanac, Be The Business Your Customers Will remember. Word got around, and more people asked him to find water. My dad would swear by the witching sticks. Could tell how deep to dig and how many gallons youd get a minute. My mother can do it. Also known as divining, water witching, doodlebugging, and other names, dowsing is an ancient practice whose origins are lost in long-forgotten history. I am now retired but I still work 2 to 3 days a week Water-witching for clients. It's a centuries-old practice. "Willow branches," he says. Note ,the side to side movement helps to determine if the water is sufficient to develope. One old timer told me the force of the pull could be enough to rip the bark off the branch." . Lots of water there that was warm and even artesian. In this Aug. 7, 2012 photo, Randy Grebke of Kohnen Concrete Products, demonstrates how he locates underground water by holding two copper wires while on a well drilling site in Huey, Ill. Enough with the energies and superstitions and but it worked for me anecdotes. I tried again when my sister had a piece of farm ground. Use a pen. If I were going to pay for a wellwhich today in our area costs about $90 per foot to drillId want someone to locate the water.. Never works for me but it did for him. As the point went downward I tried to pull it up and the bark scratched the palms of my hands. The divining rod: A history of water witching, with a bibliography Water Supply Paper 416 (1917) Fill a jar half full with branches and pour boiling water over the branches to fill the jar. Willow is "water loving," and helps point the way to the water. Any advise? I have drilled 2 dry wells now and would like to hire a dowser but I cant find anyone in the area by word of mouth or internet search. Plant your weeping willow at least 50 feet away from main structures, pathways, or driveways. I was telling my buddy this and he disagreed, He told me 30 some years ago they were trying to find enough water for irrigation He ended having a well known well witcher from the area give it a try. Not a drop of wqter. Buy a chalkboard eraser and keep it in the glove compartment of your car. Some wells have been less than 100 feet. >Thanks Marc They are simply uneducated on the matter. I dont have much luck finding water veins consistently. Its the disruption in the earth that does it. Looks like a lot of potential millionaires amongst us *****I think he has passed on now but there was a guy named James Randy, who used to appear on the Johnny Carson Show. Location. So, I thanked him for his time and marked his flags with RTKand with a smile. The depth is what I need for wells. I don't know how accurate it is. The Ozarks have always been famed for its folklore, and water witching has held a steady place. But if its only a few gallons per minute and the client wants more, you know there is a deeper layer. His son & daughter can both find tile & waterlines as well. The technique requires the dowser to hold in his hands a forked green willow branch (or a pair of bent brass rods, or any number of other permutations), then walk about, waiting for the device, also called a divining rod, to dip toward . He said when you first felt the willow stick move you counted from there to when it went straight down. I sit in a chair to steady myself while holding the large end about 6 inches from the ground. He passed in 2020 or maybe you too could have become a millionaire. People who practice dowsing believe that groundwater moves in subsurface seams, veins, or streams that must be intersected by the drill to produce an adequate flow of water. Grab both ends of the Y in an underhanded grasp (so that the heels of your hands are facing towards the sky, as shown in the photo), and hold the dowsing rod horizontally so that it points in front of you. "Experts in the old days held a forked willow branch in both hands, and the single part of the stick would turn as they crossed over water. Willow twigs are long and slim. my dad did this for years using a fork from a chokecherry tree , nothing else worked for him . He researched the area and it was a water source. The twist started to take the bark off my willow branch but did not break it like the ones in my teens. The rod is usually a Y-shaped forked branch, the forks making a sort . I cant find septic to save my life. I have a place in Pigeon Mi. I am a Practicing Water-witch with over 30 years of Hands on Experience in NE Pa. But on occasion there might be more.. This is the tricky part; many experienced dowsers say that as you zero in on the water source, the dowsing rod will bend towards the earth quite sharply, which means youll need to tighten your grasp on the rod so that you dont drop it. n. the search for or discovery of underground water sources by means of a divining rod. If they ever failed to find water (or pipes) no one talked about it. However I will admit. Have also located water lines. When I was young I helped an old neighbor track a tile line all the way across his farm. Mrs. J. P. Pendergrass, of Raleigh, N.C., does her witching in suburban Laurel Hills. They swing away from you when you walk past it. Most frustrating thing Ive ever tried to locate with brass rods. Im not the type that believes in the super natural but I have no idea why/how that works, yet it does. Remain still after it stops bobbing and the stick will start to move side to side. Slide the larger copper tube over the short end and bend the remaining inch upward at 45 degrees to hold the handle in place. By the way two rods are not necessary. I usually also check the state register of wells in area to get an approximate depth and well capacity in area. My father took a shovel, and dug straight down at the point where the rods pointed at each other, hit the pipe, busted it open and fixed the issue with our main. He says the cemetery located is located on private land near Seminary, Ms. at a place calledPeps Point that dates to the 1800s. But I really dont know. Cant find any. A new branch of government to regulate it and then a $1500 license to do it. illow will work for the forked stick and the bobbing stick. I read about a technique using what was referred to as a bobbing stick to help determine the depth of to the water and then the depth of the vein of water. Traditionally, the most common dowsing rod is a forked (Y-shaped) branch from a tree or bush. It shows two workers using dowsing rods to locate subsurface ore minerals. Be clear with intention. Sometimes, the towns are really far away so you're out for eight hours and you make $200 . Using the information described in the studies above, hydrogeologists base their recommendations on 1) the characteristics of the land; 2) characteristics of rocks beneath the site; 3) results from previous drilling; and, 4) known principles of groundwater movement. Many took him up on his challenges but none were ever able to prove their mystical claims.Hmmmm, imagine that. Because a water witch's method is not scientifically proven, reliance on this technique is considered a folk practice. It is 65 feet deep, just at bedrock. Diana fowler we also have a farm that was owned by old man jones in ohio. Only some people have this ability. Hell no, I went with the pick of the most highly recommended dowser. Usually look at blue prints to go onto the street and mark what is needed. It will save a lot of backhoe time. Whats happening. This would give you the number of feet you had to go down to hit water. Water Witching, Magic Wands & Telekinesis. My current well, which is collapsing, is 400 feet down. However, according to Jim Rickords of Sonoma County, a fresh willow branch is the best tool to use due to it's natural "thirst" for water. "Dowsing," "water witching," "divining," and "doodlebugging" are all names for the practice of locating groundwater by walking the surface of a property while holding a forked stick, a pair of L-shaped rods, a pendulum, or another tool that responds when the person moves above a location that will yield an adequate flow of water to a drilled well (see Figure 1). Other historical images that appear to represent dowsing are found in the temples of Egyptian pharaohs and in ancient Chinese etchings. It doesnt seem to correlate with soil type or rock formations on the surface. My dad wit hed for water for over 50 years. A lot of people think that water divining is confined to rural areas, but that isn't true. Make sure the rod ends are not tipped upward or downward. I would appreciate that information. Works better than a cloth! He'd had a new well drilled for the house but wanted to reactivate the old one for watering his garden. The willow never moved but when he walked behind me with his hands around mine the branch would bend down no matter how tight I held it. Aug 26, 2007 Aug 26, 2007 Updated Jan 31, 2020; 0; Facebook; Twitter; . It is not easy for adults to do, apparently, because they tense up. This is all you need. The welding rods locate water but dont tell you how much. Dowsing as it is more commonly called has often been used to find water underground before time and. It was a strong well and He was only off by 5 feet.darndest thing I ever saw. If the side to side is weak then not enough water. The fence guy got out a pair of marker flags and walked around and found it and built the fence. Had a well driller challenge me, we both located the same places. They ALL use this technique everyday. They found an old hand dug tile. Cindy, just reading this looking for a witcher or dowser. There is something to that. "Dowsing," "water witching," "divining," and "doodlebugging" are all names for the practice of locating groundwater by walking the surface of a property while holding a forked stick, a pair of L-shaped rods, a pendulum, or another tool that responds when the person moves above a location that will yield an adequate flow of water to a drilled well (see Figure 1). Winter Solstice: When is it, and What is it? I go out with my #9 piece of wire and hop in their pickup. If theyd stopped at the first level, it would not be a viable well. This gives more chance to find adequate water, at two levels. Ive also used a pair of aluminum welding rods bent into a right angle. Id walk and as my stick started going down I would place a flag. A multi million dollar grant to research it. Some dowsers prefer them to be freshly cut. I used wire for finding the lost graves. When professional consultations are required or preferred, the landowner must make a decision. I ended up using some galvanized wire and then cut it to length before making the 90 degree bends. The blue line marks the subsurface location of the water table. Been doing a lot of reading on the subject and the only thing I can say to the non believers its not a hoax or that miniscule muscle is causing the stick to move. The single end was sharpened to a point, exposing the wet, fresh willow wood. Just saying it depends on how you feel. He said he gets 40 gallons a minute. It scared my hubby, though, and he asked me not to do it again.apparently didnt want to be married to someone spooky. Where are you located DryCreek? Favorite Jung & Johnnys Seeds For Your 2023 Garden, Winter Sowing The Spring Vegetable Garden. So I am completely baffled as to why I can witch water. After he finished he had me try it. My Gramma, who passed earlier this year, witched the well for her and Grampas house when it was built. He has located numerous water lines on my farm since I bought it when I wanted to install hydrants or cattle drinks. Or at least the volume and depth of a vein. At 20 to 30 feet from where the water comes to or near the grounds surface, by holding the wire (bent on a 90 degree angle) I get a magnetic attraction to the point of the start of the water vein. Ive never tried finding a water vein for a well. The most popular dowsing tool, however, is the dowsing rod. People that have never seen it or watched closely think the dowser is turning the stick down intentionally. My FIL who could do water witching told me that one time he was having no luck so he removed his 4 buckle overshoes and suddenly he could then find water again. Witching is believed to have been in use for centuries, and involves using telepathic or verbal communication with a dowsing tool to relay information regarding questions asked by a dowser. I have no idea as to the reason why, but I seem to be more adept at finding lost graves than water. Willow or apple was used to create the strongest 'pull' to the water. Thank you! I water-witch with my job 3 to 4 days a week. Some say that it helps if you concentrate on finding water as you walk. Nothing to lose for $200-$400. Cut a Y-shaped stick from a tree, making sure that all three sections of the Y are between 12 and 16 inches long. It doesnt work on a tap. And sometimes people who are interested in a certain property ask him to find water before they decide to buy it. For some it works and others not. Old-time dowsers and water witches, in the United States, preferred branches from the witch-hazel, willow, or peach tree, and often favored branches cut from green, wet wood as it was believed that the rod would be drawn to a water source. An old well striker gave me the cut coat hangers l shaped said walk around. I found it in the exact spot he did. I believed I could do it because I believed in him. I personally use a dowser to decide where to put plants. As a practice dating back to the ancient Egyptians and . Some more anecdotal evidence for those who hang their hats on such:One of my old friends who lived on a farm in Montana had a very nice farmstead but had the misfortune to live atop a very deep formation of Bear Paw Shale. After locating the underground water with a forked willow, he figured out how deep it was by using a willow stick about 3 feet long. Id concentrate more on finding water or whatever youre hunting. I drilled wells for 45 years. As I walked passed the pipe, they kept crossing. Guy that does most of the hoe work for my plumber can do it. When holding the willow branches, your arms are close to your body with elbows resting against your hips. Would you know of any dowsers in the middle TN area? When you cross the underground stream the rods will swing in toward you. I was stunned by my first success when the stick pointed straight down and pulled my hand with it. Mar 27, 2017. Second well a mille away on a different piece of strata was less stron and pulled 30 gpm at 150 foot depth. Not sure if I do agree as a Master Naturalist and geologist helper but Granpa did use Dowsing to dig a well in Jefferson County Illinois to supplement the family cisterns. Scary. Hmmmm, imagine that. Your dowsing rod should also be relatively flatno branches sticking out in odd directions. Even tried over water bed & wands turned out. Become an Online Member. Why does the weeping willow root system expand so widely? This process hasnt failed me yet. August 10, 2022 by allaboutdowsing. He would open the pliers pointing them straight up and they would get pulled out of his hands over a good well spot. George Casely uses a hazel branch to find water on his farm, 1942. "Divining" is referenced in the south, adding a magical aspect. I haven't tried to find water since but I can find water and electric lines with wires. It depends on the location and the severity of the drought, but usually it's between $75 and $200. Some researchers believe that humans can detect the presence of water by some trace amount of energy that it releases. kzks: Posted 1/27/2023 08:26 (#10062732 - in reply to #10062317) . I believe it works, but I cannot do it. He said you need to believe in it for it to work. I can do this with a dogwood stick and never asked for the ability. When I was on the board of trustees for our local cemetery the subject of finding graves was brought up. Place flags apart from each other to see how wide the vain is. We had two witchers as neighbors, saw them many times work their magic and never saw them miss they did it free for farmers drilling wells for livestock. Water is not always where youd expect. One witcher in the Cochrane district witched over twenty wells in the area in 1976. I seem to be able to do it, ive always used copper wires because thats what i was told, most of the time they cross, cant hardly stop em, but sometimes they go apart the other way, anyone know what that could mean? And I dont charge because I cant guarantee 100%. Sorta our irrigation cart at the course has a magnetic Dowsing rod in the tool box with instructions. Two right angle rods will cross in front of you pointing in the direction to walk. Water witching for graves. I specialise in water mostly , dowsing Fri maps, finding water . Somewhat superstitious of him, huh? If they find good water and want to buy me a drink sometime that up to them. You may also pass the wire through a couple of drinking straws. He was a local legend as a water witcher who succeeded in finding water when drillers failed. They also know areas where locating an adequate water supply can be challenging. In Europe and northeastern US, it is known as dowsing. Data from controlled studies is proof this is nothing more than stuff and nonsense. But if the stick only swings side-to-side a couple times, you know there isnt as much water there. He also told me how to measure depth & gal per min. 62 years later I still recall the weird experience of the willow branch twisting the bark as it pulled down. Not sure how to determine the quality of the water and its flow rate but apparently some people can determine that too. Aerial photos often reveal linear features that might indicate the presence of fracture zones in the bedrock. I am going to talk to a doctor and see if there is some way to monitor my blood pressure and pulse rate when I do this the next time. They believe that locations where this water is present are surrounded by forces that will produce a response in their tools. Does it work to find overhead power lines? I drove up later and they told me what had happened, and made me try it. The National Ground Water Association, in a position statement, "strongly opposes the use of water witches to locate groundwater on the grounds that controlled experimental evidence clearly indicates that the technique is totally without scientific merit" [2]. It took a while to learn how to hold them loosely while balancing them. Coal River Folklife Collection (AFC 1999/008) Repository. If you'd like to try dowsing for yourself, it's really quite simple. He said keep walking at a different. I decided to let him try his spot. When we bought our farm in Ohio, in 1966,it only had a hand dug cistern. We contacted him and he came with a hanger wire and took about 20 minutes to locate the water source. My buddy spent money hiring them and even worse, he spent money drilling dry hole after dry hole that would hit the shale. I've also had success finding graves. Could find water. He said, it's your money, what do you want to do? Alternately, glue several cotton reels together into a cylinder. However, in this particular study, the dowsers were also asked to tell their drill teams at what depth theyd find the water and how much water they would find. Lynn uses willow because its plentiful, but hes also used chokecherry branches. Wells drilled throughout the area will penetrate the same materials and have a high probability of yielding water. When locating water sources for wells, he says hes been able to predict the depth about 95 percent of the time. Cant even understand why anyone would vote Democrat. He does this every day he works and with 100% accuracy. You can use just one rod, and it works just as well as if you use two. All anyone has to do to find their own answer is to contact their local water welldriller and ask them if dowsing for underground water really works. A dowser, or water witch, is a person perceived to have a skill for discovering underground water with the use of a divining rod, usually a small, forked limb cut from virtually any fruit-bearing tree or willow. Yesterday the young driller cut a y shaped limb from one of our fruit trees, and used that to witch the drill site. Some real estate agents in our valley ask him to check properties before offering them for sale, to make sure there is water. The one guy just carries a crow bar or other iron bar at his side as he walks and when it starts to move that indicates water. She showed me how at an early age. Thank you very much. On a commercial property we learned that there is a natural spring underneath after an excavation company accidentally dug into it and it flooded the work site. The well driller went down more than 100 feet and didnt hit water. As per usual, I put little to no faith in anecdotal evidence. That's the way he found an underground well passing through our background. Grab both ends of the Y in an underhanded . Hopefully it means thats where the gold is! Instead, the water must move through very narrow fractures in the rock. However, it is thought to date back at least . The depth of impermeable rock units can sometimes be determined, and these can serve as a lower limit for drilling. Had heard of it long ago but never tried it myself until a family member suggested we try. The dowser walks through the field with the dowsing rod. Of you use geology and science they will not guarantee anything either. In other areas, underground water sources are few and far betweenjust streams, some large, some smallcoursing through the layers of rocks. For the bobber stick (to determine depth of water), Lynn uses a dowsing willow about 3 feet long but small and light. I can find water lines and electrical lines. The tip drops when she is over water. Geologists may have an idea, but this still doesnt tell you where the seams of water might be, he says. And even worse, he says to hold them loosely while balancing them pipe, kept! An underground well passing through our background around and found it and then cut to. Holding the willow stick move you counted from there to when it was a source... His farm technique is considered a folk practice move you counted from to., is 400 feet down you the number of feet you had to go the. Was warm and even artesian it stops bobbing up and the stick only swings side-to-side couple. 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