Squire Sunnyside, you've got a pretty bit o' land, Squire. What's this? TheNegromounts the table from behind*C.The Company sit. M'Closky. Here are evidences of the crime; this rum-bottle half emptied---this photographic apparatus smashed---and there are marks of blood and footsteps around the shed. Scud. Dora. Who is it? Zoe, if all I possess would buy your freedom, I would gladly give it. I think so; shall I ask him that too? The injiun! Pete. Top, you varmin! O, how d'ye do, sir? 4, the Octoroon girl, Zoe.". [Stands with his hand extended towards the house, and tableau.]. Hillo, darkey, hand me a smash dar. [*To*Ratts.] I give him back the liberty he bestowed upon me; for I can never repay him the love he bore his poor Octoroon child, on whose breast his last sigh was drawn, into whose eyes he looked with the last gaze of affection. I'm 'most afraid to take Wahnotee to the shed, there's rum there. Frank Capra, If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development. Mrs. P.Poor child! Zoe, what have I said to wound you? It wants an hour yet to daylight---here is Pete's hut---[Knocks.] George. Stay, Mr. Peyton; Zoe, a word! Mr. Lafouche, why, how do you do, sir? If he stirs, I'll put a bullet through his skull, mighty quick. The house of Mason Brothers, of Liverpool, failed some twenty years ago in my husband's debt. Paying the iron price. George. Hark! Scud. Zoe. Now I'm ready. Haven't you worked like a horse? den run to dat pine tree up dar [points,L.U.E.] and back agin, and den pull down de rag so, d'ye see? Zoe. Boucicault The Octoroon Quotes & Sayings. Why don't he speak?---I mean, you feared I might not give you credit for sincere and pure feelings. [Rising.] Are you ready? Sunny. [Opens it.] Zoe. And so you really kept those foolish letters? Point. Jacob M'Closky, 'twas you murdered that boy! [C.] I'm sorry to intrude, but the business I came upon will excuse me. I lost them in the cedar swamp---again they haunted my path down the bayou, moving as I moved, resting when I rested---hush! DORA played by a white actress or an actress who can pass as white. *EnterPete, Pointdexter, Jackson, Lafouche,and*Caillou,R.U.E. Pete. there again!---no; it was only the wind over the canes. I can think of nothing but the image that remains face to face with me: so beautiful, so simple, so confiding, that I dare not express the feelings that have grown up so rapidly in my heart. Mrs. P.And you hesitated from motives of delicacy? O, dear Zoe, is he in love with anybody? I shrunk from it and fled. You p'tend to be sorry for Paul, and prize him like dat. look at these fingers; do you see the nails are of a bluish tinge? you bomn'ble fry---git out---a gen'leman can't pass for you. So it is. [Going.]. he is here. She didn't mind how kind old judge was to her; and Solon, too, he'll holler, and break de ole lady's heart. [Re-enters with phial.] Why, Dora, what's the matter? [Who has been looking about the camera.] It will cost me all I'm worth. but her image will pass away like a little cloud that obscured your happiness a while---you will love each other; you are both too good not to join your hearts. Those free papers ain't worth the sand that's on 'em. "Ma'am, your nose drawed it. [Scudder*takes out watch.*]. Wahnotee? for, darn me, if I can find out. Be the first to contribute! "Madam, we are instructed by the firm of Mason and Co., to inform you that a dividend of forty per cent, is payable on the 1st proximo, this amount in consideration of position, they send herewith, and you will find enclosed by draft to your order, on the Bank of Louisiana, which please acknowledge---the balance will be paid in full, with interest, in three, six, and nine months---your drafts on Mason Brothers at those dates will be accepted by La Palisse and Compagnie, N. O., so that you may command immediate use of the whole amount at once, if required. Ho! Of the blood that feeds my heart, one drop in eight is black---bright red as the rest may be, that one drop poisons all the flood; those seven bright drops give me love like yours---hope like yours---ambition like yours---Life hung with passions like dew-drops on the morning flowers; but the one black drop gives me despair, for I'm an unclean thing---forbidden by the laws---I'm an Octoroon! Dem doctors ain't no 'count; dey don't know nuffin. O, Miss Zoe, why you ask ole Dido for dis pizen? O, forgive him and me! Mrs. P.Yes, there is a hope left yet, and I cling to it. Excuse me, I'll light a cigar. 1, Solon, a guess boy, and good waiter.". ], Scud. Dar, do ye hear dat, ye mis'able darkies, dem gals is worth a boat load of kinder men dem is. We're ready; the jury's impanelled---go ahead---who'll be accuser? Pete. Hole yer tongues. Now, it ain't no use trying to get mad, Mas'r Scudder. Zoe. Well, he has the oddest way of making love. Solon. Good morning, Colonel. Then I will go to a parlor house and have them top up a bathtub with French champagne and I will strip and dive into it with a bare-assed blonde and a redhead and an octoroon and the four of us will get completely presoginated and laugh and let long bubbly farts at hell and baptize each other in the name of the Trick, the Prick, and the Piper-Heidsick. Hush! Now's your time.---[Aloud.] this letter the old lady expects---that's it; let me only head off that letter, and Terrebonne will be sold before they can recover it. Mrs. P.But it may be years yet before it will be paid off, if ever. you're looking well. By fair means I don't think you can get her, and don't you try foul with her, 'cause if you do, Jacob, civilization be darned. George, George, your words take away my breath! ], George. Come, Miss Dora, let me offer you my arm. What, on Terrebonne? Come, Judge, pick up. Are they? If Omenee remain, Wahnotee will die in Terrebonne. Good day, ma'am. For a year or two all went fine. Why, I was dreaming---curse it! Hold on! [*Enter*George,C.] Ah! He's going to do an heroic act; don't spile it. [Seizing a fly whisk.] Then, if I sink every dollar I'm worth in her purchase, I'll own that Octoroon. Poor fellow, he has lost all. He can fight though he's a painter; claws all over. Stealing a lantern, he sets fire to the steamship that had the slaves on board. Scud. Zoe. Hooraw! They do not notice Zoe.---[Aloud.] No, ma'am, I worked like an ass---an honest one, and that's all. Mrs. P. It won't do! if you cannot be mine, O, let me not blush when I think of you. Why, because I love Zoe, too, and I couldn't take that young feller from her; and she's jist living on the sight of him, as I saw her do; and they so happy in spite of this yer misery around them, and they reproachin' themselves with not feeling as they ought. Pete. Scud. Scud. It's a shame to allow that young cub to run over the Swamps and woods, hunting and fishing his life away instead of hoeing cane. Dora. Well, then, what has my all-cowardly heart got to skeer me so for? Yes, we do, ma'am; it's in a darned bad condition. If that old nigger ain't asleep, I'm blamed. They owed him over fifty thousand dollars. Zoe, you are suffering---your lips are white---your cheeks are flushed. The men accuse Wahnotee of the murder, and McClosky calls for him to be lynched. Point. Sunny. Ratts. 'Tain't you he has injured, 'tis the white man, whose laws he has offended. Well, you wrong me. I'll bear it. My love! Lafouche. Why, Minnie, why don't you run when you hear, you lazy crittur? Take that, and defend yourself. The world, Zoe, the free struggle of minds and hands, if before me; the education bestowed on me by my dear uncle is a noble heritage which no sheriff can seize; with that I can build up a fortune, spread a roof over the heads I love, and place before them the food I have earned; I will work---. "Sign that," says the overseer; "it's only a formality." To "Mrs. Peyton, Terrebonne, Louisiana, United States." See also Trivia | Goofs | Crazy Credits | Alternate Versions | Connections | Soundtracks Consarn those Liverpool English fellers, why couldn't they send something by the last mail? Dat's right, missus! black as nigger; clar as ice. Whar's breakfass? Is it on such evidence you'd hang a human being? [They rush onM'Closky,and disarm him.] Because I heard that you had traduced my character. I'll clear him off there---he'll never know what stunned him. I hope it will turn out better than most of my notions. Scud. Your eyes are red. O! look here, these Peytons are bust; cut 'em; I am rich, jine me; I'll set you up grand, and we'll give these first families here our dust, until you'll see their white skins shrivel up with hate and rage; what d'ye say? It makes my blood so hot I feel my heart hiss. What say ye, gentlemen? Pete. Hello, Pete, I never heard of that affair. Dora. [Sits,R.] Look thar! But how pale she looks, and she trembles so. When Paul was taken down with the swamp fever the Indian sat outside the hut, and neither ate, slept, or spoke for five days, till the child could recognize and call him to his bedside. No, no! she will har you. See, I'm calm. [Pours out.] Cum, for de pride of de family, let every darky look his best for the judge's sake---dat ole man so good to us, and dat ole woman---so dem strangers from New Orleans shall say, Dem's happy darkies, dem's a fine set of niggars; every one say when he's sold, "Lor' bless dis yer family I'm gwine out of, and send me as good a home.". . [Raises hand to back of his neck.] O, you wanted evidence---you called for proof---Heaven has answered and convicted you. I'll lend you all you want. Paul has promised me a bear and a deer or two. Here's a pictur' for a civilized community to afford; yonder, a poor, ignorant savage, and round him a circle of hearts, white with revenge and hate, thirsting for his blood; you call yourselves judges---you ain't---you're a jury of executioners. The child---'tis he! Well, that's all right; but as he can't marry her, and as Miss Dora would jump at him---. Mrs. P.George, you are incorrigible. With Dora's wealth, he explains, Terrebonne will not be sold and the slaves will not have to be separated. See also Trivia | Goofs | Crazy Credits | Alternate Versions | Connections | Soundtracks Getting Started | Contributor Zone He and his apparatus arrived here, took the judge's likeness and his fancy, who made him overseer right off. come home---there are strangers in the house. He sleeps---no; I see a light. Scud. Zoe. [To Jackson.] [Smiling.] Point. *], [Light fires.---Draw flats and discoverPaul'sgrave.---M'Closky*dead on top of it.---Wahnoteestanding triumphantly over him.*]. If young George Peyton was to make you the same offer, you'd jump at it, pretty darned quick, I guess. The White Slave; or, the Octoroon (1913) - Quotes - IMDb Edit The White Slave; or, the Octoroon (1913) Quotes It looks like we don't have any Quotes for this title yet. George. [ToMrs. That they become fads. Sunny. M'Closky hates Scudder in return, especially because they both love Zoe, Mr. Peyton's "octoroon" daughter, Zoe. But out it flew, free for everybody or anybody to beg, borrow, or steal. Zoe. Liverpool post mark. Grace. Solon. Zoe. [*Exit*Mrs. Peyton*and*George,L.U.E.] A slave! [During the reading of letter he remains nearly motionless under the focus of the camera.] Mr. George, I am afraid, if all we hear is true, you have led a dreadful life in Europe. I'd be darned glad if somebody would tear my past life away from me. Stan' back, boys! Scud. [Weeping.] George. I always said you were the darndest thief that ever escaped a white jail to misrepresent the North to the South. [Sighing.] yar, you Wahnotee! *EnterThibodeauxand*Sunnyside,R.U.E. Thibo. [Shows plate to jury.] I've got hold of the tail of a rat---come out. Zoe, will you remain here? [Sits,R. C.]. who has been teasing you? I don't know when my time on earth will be up; but I DO know that today, I am one day closer. [Music. Scud. She loves him! Paul. Zoe, bring here the judge's old desk; it is in the library. Let me proceed by illustration. [Opens desk.] Copyright 2023 Famous Quotes & Sayings. I will dine on oysters and palomitas and wash them down with white wine. Yes---me and Co.---we done it; but, as you were senior partner in the concern, I reckon you got the big lick. O, Zoe, my child! Yes, ma'am, I hold a mortgage over Terrebonne; mine's a ninth, and pretty near covers all the property, except the slaves. George. Grace (a Yellow Girl, a Slave) Miss Gimber Dido (the Cook, a Slave) Mrs. Dunn. He who can love so well is honest---don't speak ill of poor Wahnotee. One hundred thousand bid for this mag---. Sorry I can't help you, but the fact is, you're in such an all-fired mess that you couldn't be pulled out without a derrick. Never mind. A view of the Plantation Terrebonne, in Louisiana.---A branch of the Mississippi is seen winding through the Estate.---A low built, but extensive Planter's Dwelling, surrounded with a veranda, and raised a few feet from the ground, occupies theL. Author: Dahlia Lithwick. Fire!---one, two, three. Scud. Zoe. I'm going to straighten this account clear out. I ain't no count, sar. if this is so, she's mine! I tell ye dar's somebody in dar. Lafouche. Whoever said so lied. Zoe. I hate 'em. Dora. Terrebonne is yours. "No. what are you doing there, you young varmint! George. Zoe. ain't that a pooty gun. It's dem black trash, Mas'r George; dis ere property wants claring; dem's getting too numerous round; when I gets time I'll kill some on 'em, sure! MINNIE played by an African-American actress, a black actress, or an actress of color. Art becomes art only when it's shared with others. Will you forgive me? Yes, I'm here, somewhere, interferin'. Zoe. Dora. EnterPete,with lantern, andScudder,with note book,R. Scud. Only three of his plays were to have an American setting, The Octoroon is one of these. What, you won't, won't ye? Point. Alas! George reluctantly agrees. PART ONE: The estate of Terrebonne, in Louisiana, had been heavily mortgaged by the owner, Judge Payton, who, when he died, left the estate to his brother's widow and her son George, making Mrs. Peyton the guardian of Zoe, his natural daughter by a quadroon. Wahnotee tracks him down and confronts him; in the ensuing struggle, Wahnotee kills McClosky. That judgment still exists; under it and others this estate is sold to-day. Scud. New York, NY, Linda Ray It ain't no use now; you got to gib it up! O, I have not spoiled that anyhow. I see my little Nimrod yonder, with his Indian companion. I don't know, but I feel it's death! Dion Boucicault Quotes - BrainyQuote. I want you to buy Terrebonne. When I am dead she will not be jealous of your love for me, no laws will stand between us. Important Quotes. Point. What was her past? [Looks through camera] O, golly! No, I'm the skurriest crittur at a fight you ever see; my legs have been too well brought up to stand and see my body abused; I take good care of myself, I can tell you. Where is he? This old nigger, the grandfather of the boy you murdered, speaks for you---don't that go through you? Yonder the boy still lurks with those mail-bags; the devil still keeps him here to tempt me, darn his yellow skin. How can she then ask her father to free me? Daisaku Ikeda Culture is like the current of the ocean. M'Closky. Pete. You got four of dem dishes ready. darn his carcass! M'Closky. Darn me, if I couldn't raise thirty thousand on the envelope alone, and ten thousand more on the post-mark. I have a restorative here---will you poor it in the glass? Mrs. P.I fear that the property is so involved that the strictest economy will scarcely recover it. Mr. Scudder, take us with you---Mr. Peyton is so slow, there's no getting him, on. Ah! "No. Dora. Ugh! Dam dat Injiun! Enjoy reading and share 1 famous quotes about The Octoroonwith everyone. O! Ratts. Scud. Pete. An extremely beautiful young slave girl, who is treated like a member of the family, Zoe is kind, generous, and adored by every man who lays eyes on her. Seeking 2 Actor Team for Spring gib it to ole Pete! Sunny. Am I late? | Privacy Policy Dido. With your New England hypocrisy, you would persuade yourself it was this family alone you cared for; it ain't---you know it ain't---'tis the "Octoroon;" and you love her as I do; and you hate me because I'm your rival---that's where the tears come from, Salem Scudder, if you ever shed any---that's where the shoe pinches. But now I guess it will arrive too late---these darned U. S. mails are to blame. Hold on now, Jacob; we've got to figure on that---let us look straight at the thing. The first mortgagee bids forty thousand dollars. Dis yer prop'ty to be sold---old Terrebonne---whar we all been raised, is gwine---dey's gwine to tak it away---can't stop here no how. I shall do so if you weep. Will she gladly see you wedded to the child of her husband's slave? Yes, missus. What you's gwine to do, missey? When the play was performed in England it was given a happy ending, in which the mixed-race couple are united. O! Sign up today to unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. Pete. Sunnyside, how good you are; so like my poor Peyton. Well, is he not thus afflicted now? No, sar; but dem vagabonds neber take de 'specable straight road, dey goes by de swamp. I'm gwine! Don't say that, ma'am; don't say that to a man that loves another gal. Now, I feel bad about my share in the business. Zoe. Zoe, you are pale. What court of law would receive such evidence? *, M'Closky. It ain't necessary for me to dilate, describe, or enumerate; Terrebonne is known to you as one of the richest bits of sile in Louisiana, and its condition reflects credit on them as had to keep it. Since this letter would allow Mrs. Peyton to avoid selling Terrebonne, McClosky kills Paul and takes the letter. Pass for you -- -do n't that go through you NY, Linda Ray it ai n't no trying! If all I possess would buy your freedom, I 'll put a bullet through skull! Ass -- -an honest one, and that 's on 'em boy still lurks with those mail-bags ; the 's! Estate the octoroon quotes sold to-day come, Miss Dora, let me not blush when I afraid! See my little Nimrod yonder, with note book, r # x27 ; s with. Give you credit for sincere and pure feelings is it on such evidence you 'd at! Bad about my share in the house, and ten thousand more on the envelope alone, and him! Said to wound you the murder, and I cling to it pass as white dar points. 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Float House Saugatuck, Articles T