My courage is that of a chief;or, my courage is derived from my ancestors. 1 0 obj Damage to the mana of a particular person, particularly a great person, has consequences much different than those resulting from challenges to the mountains and the sea. endobj Then man who holds the weapon is a rock in defense but one who is expert at food production is a sheltering tree. 181. 2351. The leader by his industry and skill sets the example for others to follow. 1618. P whakawairua. When a chief travelled he was erect with head high, surmounted by the comb fixed in his topknot. Hawaiian Art. Ko te tohu I te rangatira he ptaka wahairo e t n I roto I te p twatawata. Tamaterangi a well known Wairoa chief, was with a war party journeying to Tauranga. Hai te kea kia toromhangatia; ko te khu te whakaora waiho kia rere ana. There is approximately seven acres which is known as the total marae area. It is therefore appropriate metaphor for a stalwart warrior or a strong dependable chief. Our activities of the time as a hapu, dictated where some of our families lived. Te Heuheu laid siege to the p but failed to capture it. Rakai-pka remained in Nhaka, where he remains the eponymous ancestor of the Ngti Rakaipaaka hap of that area. He rangatira he hoa matenga mu, kia kore koe e whakarrea. Posted at 01:41h . There is general agreement that the principal tribes of the Heretaunga district were descendants of Awanuiarangi known then as the Whatumamoa Ngati Awa and Rangitane. Although history recounts skirmishes, and waves of invasion from Ngati Kahungunu, true to old traditions they intermarried with the local people. {"url":"http:\/\/\/products\/view_cat.php?callstack_api=product_suggest&suggest_all=1","highlightAll":true,"input":"input[name='all_keywords']","direct_path":true,"suggestion_apis":{"suggest_products":"http:\/\/\/products\/view_cat.php?callstack_api=product_suggest&suggest_all=1&suggest_categories=0&suggest_products=1","suggest_categories":"http:\/\/\/products\/view_cat.php?callstack_api=product_suggest&suggest_all=1&suggest_categories=1&suggest_products=0"},"url_finder_api":"http:\/\/\/products\/view_cat.php?callstack_api=product_url","track_fields":{"within_category":"select[name=\"within_category\"]"}}. Here daylight stands for peace, happiness, wellbeing and openness. 2 0 obj 4 0 obj This is contrary to a centralised iwi entity that has more power than its hapu/hapu collectives. Within Taraia's lifetime, Heretaunga was brought under the control of his people, who became the first of the Ngti Kahungunu in that area. This proverb serves as a metaphor that one should seek those leaders who are able to weld diverse groups into a successful combination. He married several times during his travels, and as a result there are many North Island hap that trace their lineage directly back to Kahungunu. Kahungunu left and as he moved south he had more liaisons and children. 890. The chief was credited with greater strength than other people and a ciefs word was credited with trust. 1479. The chief was credited with greater strength than the other people and a chiefs word was credited with trust. Whetkamokamo met his deathat the hands of Ng Puhi who left his body in the Awatere river. They were organised into the New Zealand (Mori) Pioneer Battalion. Email:, Local Authorities: Greater Wellington Regional Council, South Wairarapa District Council, Carterton District Council, Masterton District Council, RMA Contact: Rawiri Smith Ph: 06 377 5436 Email: Paoa provided a third name, Turanganui A Maru and by travelling over the district took sole possession of these lands. Kwhao unuhia I roto o Mohoaonui, mna te iwi e tanuku noa. Kahungunu and have traversed the whenua of these great chiefs. Meaning: Though some of the braves of our tribe are killed, the remnant, including the chief, will fight the more fiercely. Many men from Ngti Kahungunu were among the Mori who enlisted for war. Kia ai he t kotuku ki roto o te nohoanga pah, kia tau ai. Te peka o te ariki. 2012. Accompanying Rkei-hikuroa from Mhia to Heretaunga was a son from one of his first marriage, Taraia. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Waiho i te toka tu moana! Ki te ao marama. Physical Address:187-189 Queen Street (rear),Masterton. After the war this tune was adopted by the Royal New Zealand Navy as their official slow march. Meaning: If he had sought shelter on the mountain, or at sea, we could have followed him; but being sheltered by a great chief, we cannot follow him there. The rule remains good in all societies up to the present day. Kore e tika kia haere ko te rae anake. The battalion participated in the Gallipoli campaign in 1915 and the Western Front between 19161918. Rehua is a famed star (planet) with the old New Zealanders,many things are said of it; some of which, however, belong to a noted chief of that name of the olden time. To him, a rock standing firm in the sea. The chiefs dense cultivation is properly planted but not that of the commoner, which is neglected. 2492. 1556. And yet, if it were wet, what then? A gathering of terns.Metaphor for band of chiefs, likend to a flock of birds. He chants and asks, Who is behind? He khu ki te rangi, he moho ki te korouku. Ko Te Whakapunake-a-te-matau-a-Maui-Tikitiki-a-Taranga te maunga, Ko Te Wairoa-hopupu-honengenenge-matangirau te waiora, Governance Board:(Updated 1 February 2022). The ttara of the great forest of Tne is fallen. The proverb emphasizes the high popularity among the chiefs of dog tail hair as ornamentation on the body of a cloak and a wide, sometimes double border taniko along the bottom of the cloak. This example refers to cultural icons like the old Ngaruroro River which marks our northern most boundary and the western boundary to the Ruahine ranges. He later travelled down the east coast, making a series of marriage alliances with high-born women as he went. Hinga atu he tt kura, ara mai he tt kura. This information is available on the Maori Land Court website. This information is available on the. Nobility evidences itself. This East Coast saying provides a metaphor for a capable leader in war and in peace, and one who is able to present his views effectively. Moteo Marae is one of the many hearts of our local iwi Ngati Kahungunu. ACCESSIBILITY| This describes a well organized tribe in which the old reliable chiefs are in the center providing advise and support for the young warriors manning the outer defenses. A person indeed within the village and respected leader within the tribe. [1], The tribe is organised into six geographical and administrative divisions: Wairoa, Te Whanganui--Orot, Heretaunga, Tamatea, Tmaki-nui-a Rua and Wairarapa. (Whitinui, Glover, & Hikuroa, 2013). By 1994 a rapid succession of other chairpeople had led the organisation, while severe disharmony between board members was increasingly hampering the board's effectiveness. From there he saw the smoke from the fires of Ruapani's pa, Popoia. The court placed Te Rnanganui o Ngti Kahungunu Incorporated into receivership, and placed it under the jurisdiction of the Mori Land Court.[23][24]. The chief or executive has a broad view of affairs not available to one in a lowly position. pirana Ngata and Maui Pomare were the most aggressive proponents of Mori enlistment, and in Ngti Kahungunu they received the support of Paraire Tomoana, who was the son of the chief Henare Tomoana. The family therefore adopted the name Awatere. 469. Who can take a strong chief captive. A fish eats upwards from below. Colenso suggests it is also applies to the allying of a weak or impoverished tribe. Upraised comb. The company of the cavern Matariki. A reference to ones supporters. The p had historically been an important strategic asset of Ngti Te pokoiri, but it had recently been occupied by Tangiteruru, a Ngti Porou chief who had invaded Heretaunga with the help of Ngti Maru. Local Authorities: Hawke's Bay Regional Council, Hastings District Council, RMA Contact: Tania Eden Ph: 027 299 6999 Email: Tn ko te hopu a te ringa whero, e kore e tngng, tn ko te hopu a te ringa iti, he aha te haunga? Kua whakamiharo a tatou nei ngakau, Huata attributes the ppeha to Paterangi of Ngti Kahungunu. Here Rehua, the star Antares, stands for a prominent chief who is feasted wherever he goes. 1417. The white crane eats leisurely, after viewing his food and his own shadow in the still water. Tara-ao and Krewa, who had married sisters. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Kapo atu koe i te kai i nga ringaringa o nga pakeke, a e taea ranei e koe te whai i nga turanga o tupuna? Tis saying refers to the fact that tapa, the cloth made by beating the bark of paper mulberry was rare and not available in quantity sufficient to go around a body. Ka kite koe I t angaanga riri. Ko te kotuku rerenga tahi. Tribal leader and major runholder. Join the raw end to the cooked end. LINKS, NgtiHingnga(TeAitangaoPourangahua), 24PomanaPRoad(MatarauaRoad), Nhaka, Taihape-NapierRoad(nearWherewhereRoad), Moawhango, 5703AMasterton-CastlepointRoad, Castlepoint. Mohotu had Te Ao-ka-waiho. Ngata translted, I think with regret of his lavish gifts of food, so that unsolicited all came to haul his canoe. Ngti Kahu is a Mori iwi of Northland, New Zealand. The eldest son of Kahungunu and Rongomaiwahine was named Kahukura-nui. As a dead frond falls, a young shoot uncoils. On this page you can scroll through the Ppeha and on the next page you can learn the meaning or history of that ppeha. I have no doubt, however, of its here having a highly figurative meaning, like other proper names in many of their proverbs. [2] In the 2006 census, 4,254 people identified as Rongomaiwahine; [3] by the 2013 census, this has increased to 4,473 people. Ko Kahutianui te tupuna (Kahutianui is the ancestress). The tribe is recognized by the marriage of Kahungunu and Rongo-mai-wahine. He mra whakautuutu ki te rangatira, he mra tiria; he mra mae ki te ware, e kore e tiria. This saying is used when a woman is vain of herself; or, when persons boast of the good old times, when better, or handsomer females lived. This metaphor comes from a lament of Te Heuheu (II) Tkino for his brother Ppaka who was killed at Haowhenua. The fire spreads out smoldering. Me haere I te manukwhaki, kaua e whakaupa ki te riri kia whai mrehu. The murder of Kahutapere's twin sons Tarakiuta and Tarakitai by Rakaihikuroa was uncovered by the flying of kites sent to seek out the assassins. He tangata an te tangata ki tna kinga, , he ariki ki tna iwi. A treasured kite lost to the winds, brings much joy when found again. Tn, k whero t Tara-ao. 539. Many of his marriages were arranged for diplomatic purposes, uniting various iwi against their enemies, forming bonds and securing peace. Neither of these two whare was adorned with whakairo, tuku tuku or kowhaiwhai. Ko Ngti Hinepare, Ngti Maahu, Ngai Twhao ng hap. But when news reached the alliance that a huge coalition of Waikato and Tuwharetoa warriors were amassing to attack Heretaunga, Te Wera agreed to protect Te Pareihe and the Ngti Kahungunu at his fortress settlement in Mhia. Te toka t moana. Who, indeed, now is the beautiful woman? 464. You shall be sheltered by my rain cape, an impervious garment. In 1822 Hongi Hika and a large contingent of Ngpuhi armed with muskets attacked Waikato. Be a leader not a follower, lest you be lead astray by an erratic leader. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Honoa te pito ora ki te pito mate. General Nature Of Wahi Tapu. Applied to a chief who boldly defends his tribe against the slander or actions of others. Ko Kahungunu he tangata, ahuwhenua, mhia ki te whakahaere I ng mahi o uta me te tai. The proverb means that a leaderless group is not capable of coordinating its efforts and therefore is weak. Kkahi whakairoiro is a term referring to a chief of high rank (no doubt an allusion to his red ochre, ornaments and robes). London Tattoo. [27] It began broadcasting full-time in late 1991, moved dedicated studios at Stortford Lodge in the late 1990s, and began an FM simulcast on 4 September 2000. Thetitoki, ortitongitree (Alectryon excelsum), from the fruit of which the natives formerly extracted an oil for anointing the hair and persons of their chiefs, only bore fruit plentifully (according to them) every fourth year; so that, in that year, all hands could use the oil and a little red pigment, and thus, for once, look like a chief without being so. The ornamented mollusc of the sea. It came to be used by anyone who saw a chief in a red garment; and by the relatives of anyone who may have killed a man, or it may be applied to the relatives of the victim. 263E whai I muri I a Rehua, kia kai ai koe I te kai. 2. 852. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Kei kai i te ketekete. It convened parliamentary style meetings at Ppwai Marae in Wairrapa and at Waipatu in Heretaunga, where key issues of importance for Mori were debated. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The chief has a broad view of affairs not available to one in a lowly position. The presence of a prominent person is in itself a contribution. Ko Ngti Kahungunu he iwi o te rwhiti o Te Ika-a-Mui, Aotearoa . The company of such a personage ensured the best treatment. The captain of Mmaru was Te Parata who married Kahutianui. The pigeon remains quietly sitting on the high trees; the parrot flies about, making the forest resound with its loud cries. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Te whakangungu nei ki nga tara a whai o Araiteuru! Go in front not behind; dont follow. A metaphor describing a chief whose influence is unchallenged in his territory which extends from the land to the sea. The hand of a chief would not normally be associated with the task of cooking. Level 1: Registered members who whakapapa to Ngati Kahungunu Level 2: Registered members not of Kahungunu descent but are Mori descent living in the Kahungunu Rohe (Nga Mata Waka) Level 3: People who do not whakapapa to Kahungunu or of Mori descent - (This level is unable to receive an iwi membership card) When Te Rnanganui o Ngti Kahungunu Incorporated was established in 1988, its first chairperson was Pita Sharples. Other songs composed by Tomoana were Tahi nei taru kino, I runga o nga puke, Hoki hoki tonu mai, Hoea ra te waka nei, Pokarekare Ana, and the haka Tika tonu. Our taha wairua flourishes and is emphasised by the enthusiasm and energy we have to carry our culture forward. A compilation of whakatauki that relate to leadership in te ao Mori. Hasten the food for us; soon (the) Long-foreheads (will be) standing (here, when) Short-foreheads (will have to) sit down. Ngai Twhao Ngti Hinepare Ngti Maahu. There, Tara-aos has turned red. This rohe map represents the area over which Ngti Kahungunu exercises kaitiakitanga for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991 and extends from the Wharerata Ranges in the Wairoa District extending to Cape Palliser in South Wairarapa. The metaphor te ringa whero, red hands was applied to the chief, as in the saying quoted. Still relevant today. I te orange o te tama a kiripia he kura, he waero. The sign of a chief is generosity. Located in the rural area of Puketapu just outside of Napier, Hawkes Bay we are registered as a Charitable Trust under The Moteo B2G2 Reserve. Ngti Kahu is a Mori iwi of Northland, New Zealand. The warrior is killed in war; the fearless scaler of lofty cliffs (in search of sea-fowl) is dashed to pieces; the industrious husbandman lives long and dies peacefully of old age. Today the saying serves as a mild rebuke for those appearing in unsuitable clothing. Tranga tangata rite. A chief is regarded as a friend until death. Only big eels enter my trap. [1] It is closely connected to the Ngti Kahungunu iwi. 705. Tribal leader and controversial landowner. 1071. There are several versions of this story with a common pattern. 2132-3. This is used to explain the absence of food when eminent visitors approach the settlement. Some of the people, referring to their imminent migration to Hawkes Bay, suggested to the leader that an arrangement should be made so that each p would be ready to start at the same time. Rongo the patron of the arts was closely associated with manutukuku. Ko te tumu herenga waka. [8] Together, their forces retook Te Roto-a-Tara p from Ngi Te Upokoiri, who had occupied the fortress island after Te Pareihe escaped to Porangahau. This is one of the expressions used to explain the absence of food sources when eminent visitors approach the settlement. The boundary described above is included in Ngti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporation (NKII) onstitution and is generally accepted as the Ngti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa boundary in this political context. Ko Ngti Kahu te iwi (Ngati Kahu is the tribe). Most speakers on Kahuranaki Marae use this expression. Ng Prkau : Ngti Kahungunu Author: Ngti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Print Book, Maori, [2010] Publisher: [Ngti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated], [Hastings, N.Z. (A daw in borrowed plumes.) There is the kokako and its supporting and of people approaching. But the pepeha is also becoming an essential part of the work life of . The protects his warriors and the chiefs judgments are followed. 440. Local Authorities: Hawke's Bay Regional Council, Hastings District Council, Central Hawke's Bay District Council, RMA Contact: Marei Apatu Email: Our pepeha acts as a cultural summary of who we are, our whakapapa and what cultural land marks define our traditional boundaries. Rangi(= sky, heaven) is an ancient name for a principal chief, whether male or female,fromRangi, the first parent or producer of man; and was also used by way of high title, or address. Generally there were two reasons for this. 1405. Contact information for hap and marae may be provided by the Representative Organisation at their discretion. Tribal leader known for his role in the 1894 legal case, Secretary of Mori Affairs 1948 to 1957 - the first Mori person to head the Department of Mori Affairs. 'Te Whnau Moana - Nga Kaupapa me ng tikanga - Customs and protoocols' by McCully Matiu and, "2013 Census iwi individual profiles: Ngti Kahu",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Ko Maungataniwha te maunga (Maungataniwha is the mountain). Except as otherwise specified, all content on this website is the copyright of Karaitiana Taiuru and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand Licence. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. In the olden time, when no chief ever raised a cup, or calabash, of water to his lips to drink, but slaves went round giving them water, by pouring. Throughout our history, we have been valued uri of Ngai Te Whatuiapiti and Ngati. It was in the early 1980s that a hall was donated and moved onto the Marae. Postal Address:8 Kauru Road,Waipatu,Hastings 4172. (Whitinui, Glover, & Hikuroa, 2013), Mate atu he ttkura, ara mai he tt kura. Iwi, hapu, marae, rohe, RMA, MFA, Treaty of Waitangi, regional and local councils, iwi contact, iwi contacts, iwi contact details, contact details. All chiefs are great. 932. [28], Last edited on 13 February 2023, at 08:11, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Chair of Independent Police Conduct Authority, Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "Trangap Mori and political parties - Creating a Mori electoral system', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand", "Mori and the union movement: Joining the workforce", "About: Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated", "Constitution of Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated", "Kahungunu Asset Holding Company Ltd Director Appointments", "Ministerial List for Announcement on 31 October 2007", "Hawke's Bay iwi support legalising cannabis to reduce Mori incarceration",, Film and television actor known for roles in. At some point, Kahungunu arrived at Mhia Peninsula, where he pursued and married Rongomaiwahine, a woman from Nukutaurua who was a chief in her own right. While NKII is the mandated iwi organisation (MIO) in charge of iwi development and overseeing the fisheries settlement it received in 2004, Ngti Kahungunu have settled their Treaty settlements of historical grievances on a hapu basis. This metaphor is applied to a chief who boldly defends his tribe against the slander or actions of others. 838. The great birds of Ruakapanga, Harongarangi and Tiungarangi which feature in Te Mana o Turanga and are associated with the kumara are also part of Rarotongan history. A mild rebuke to one who attempts to instruct the leader. First the people were very poor and second, the influence of Christian beliefs assisted with the decision. Another of his pa was located where the Anglican Vicerage stands today in Cobden street. Tribal leader and prolific seller of Mori land. Who can reach a star in the sky so it shall fall below. Just leave the big stone axe to be re-sharpened, its edge is merely chipped a bit. Kk tatak n te wao t, he tangata tohu taua, tohu marae. The Poporo is the fruit of a breadfruit tree which has quite delicious fruit that has been prized through the ages. Ka hinga te ttara o te wao nui a Tne. The star stands for a chief. This is a metaphor applied to a warrior who drives all opposition before him. It will typically mention whakapapa affiliations through the ancestral mountain, river, waka, iwi, hap, marae and other kinship ties. After some time passed and the cockle had not opened, Tara-ao simply placed the feelers of the crayfish in the fire and the crayfish immediately turned red. This later usage may have come about from the deadly quarrel which erupted out the competition over coking times. It was during their stay one year that Matariki was burnt beyond repair. Area of Interest: Click to see Area of Interest map. Matariki were taken to be the eyes of the illustrious chiefs. [16], By 1946 only a small percentage of land in the Ngti Kahungunu region had been retained by Mori, and the traditional agrarian communities at the core of Mori society were beginning to break down as returned servicemen found employment and settled in urban areas, such as Wairoa, Napier, Hastings, and Masterton. 1812. During this time families lived in their own homes on their entitled blocks of land. Maori People. The warrior was ever subject to the uncertainties of warfare but the leader with a knowledge of food production helped to ensure the well-being of the tribe, was not involved in frequent battles, and tended to live longer. Use deceptive tactics, dont prolong the fighting, cause us to be survivors. Te Whakatwheratanga - Introduction and background 2. A small quarrel will involve more and more partisans to become a serious concern. According to Ngti Kahungunu traditions, Tkitimu arrived in Aotearoa around 11001200 AD as one of the waka in the great migration. The spread of European settlement eventually reached Ngti Kahungunu territory, and led to the rapid acquisition of Mori land by The Crown during the 1850s and 1860s. Ngti Kahu view themselves as holding authority and power derived from their ancestors over several inland territories including the Maungataniwha range and all the lands to the north and east of the range including the settlements with their associated marae of Waiaua, Hh, Knana, Kohumaru, Aputerewa, Mangnui, Koekoe (Coopers beach), Waipapa (Cable Bay), Taip, Te hua, Pria, Parapara, Aurere, Lake hia, Rangiputa, Whatuwhiwhi, Karikari, Mrita, Kingaroa, Karepnia, Oinu, poka, turu, Kaitia, kahu, Tangonge, Waipapakauri, Takahue, Pmapria, Mangataiore (Victoria Valley) and all areas between. [4], In 1807, the Musket Wars broke out as chiefs from the northern Ngpuhi, now equipped with firearms, launched attacks on weaker tribes to the south. Environmental Director: Ngaio Tiuka Ph: 027 543 3822 Email: As one chief dies another rises to take his place. Postal Address:PO Box 12129,Ahuriri,Napier 4144. Although he had beaten back a superior force at Te Roto-a-Tara, Te Pareihe knew that the defence of Heretaunga was unsustainable without the advantage of firearms. Over subsequent generations the descendants of Taraia split into various hap. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, ehua pona nui! 2045. A chief is regarded as a friend until death. He is also known to have descended from other ancestral waka that came to the East Coast. All the lines of descent from Paoa, Kiwa and other members of the Horouta migration converged on him. The information in this list represents a compilation of different oral traditions from around New Zealand. T-purupuru, paramount chief of Tranga, had great mana. Pluck out the stars. Te Pareihe commanded such a strong resistance in the ensuing battle that Te Heuheu and Te Whatanui were thrown back in total defeat, with the loss of over 500 chiefs. A chiefly parrot. He visited Ruapani and married one of his daughters. 1998Ng huruhuru o ku waewae. The father of T-purupuru was the grandson of Kahungunu and Rongomaiwahine. Join the living end to the weak one. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, I taia to moko ki te aha?To what purpose was your face tattooed? Te Ao ka-waiho had Trou. At the rear of the marae Ppwai Stream flows its short length from the puna that is its source to its mouth . There were always other hapu, brothers and sisters, aunties and uncles who practiced mana-aki-tanga as was expected. - 6\-8`#/lC{zh>ue M7)eGTA"~;sn;p_f_'zyH>.6+0c9Yhv1RmF=DRb6 Using this item. Thus the name from the whakatauaki, Turanga Makaurau meaning Turanga of a hundred lovers. It ay be equally applied to a leader who shows unusual energy and drive. Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand He ika paewai anake hei tomo I roto I te hnaki. A chiefs mana is derived from his position among his people (their spears are his palisades). On this occasion Krewa went to from his seaside home to visit Tara-ao at his inland hoe. The hero dies in fight; the climber of precipices by a fall; the cultivator of food by wormsmeaningold age, or gradual decay. 1508. Te tohu o te rangatira, he manaaki. One who has learned in the house and on the marae stands with dignity. One who has been schooled in marae customs and speech will stand on the marae confidently, speaking well and admired by those present. The white hawk stands for a prominent chief. 1 Kahungunu ki Tmaki nui-a-Rua operate as a Trust and are one of four Iwi Founder of the newspaper, Prolific writer and diarist, friend and confidant of, Tribal leader and editor of the newspaper. As it took so long for the Horouta to arrive he bestowed on the meeting place Turanganui A Kiwa or the long waiting place of Kiwa. With the help of Maori Access and work schemes, the present kai hall would be ready and dedicated as the kai hall. This story concerns two chiefs. The Kahungungu iwi also comprises 86 hap (sub-tribes) and 90 mrae (meeting grounds). Stand firm and compact as the surf-beaten rock in the ocean! Kill the main combatant, the principal chief. Wai-puirangi married Moroki, and Mohotu was born. Of the many hap to emerge in Heretaunga, Ngti Te Whatuipiti and Ngti Te pokoiri were two of the most dominant. N te ea r ia he rakau tawhito, e mau ana te taitea I waho ra, e t te khiwi. The Trustees welcome you to the Moteo B2G2 Reserve Charitable Trust website. Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini. Used by a chief in battle. ], [2010] Show more information Location not available We are unable to determine your location to show libraries near you. A hawk in the sky, a rail in a hidden place. . 453. Kitea te nga n te haku. He rangatira he hoa matenga mu, kia kore koe e whakarrea. However, the grasp of the chief cannot be loosened. A person alone is a bad look. Probably suggested by his carved moko and the ornaments he wrote. Hence, in late 1823, Te Pareihe led an exodus of Ngti Kahungunu refugees from Heretaunga to Mhia, setting off from the beach at Waimarama. 2398. A metaphor for a chief with followers. For a long period of time after Ruapani and Kahungunu the history of Turanganui A Kiwa witnessed the breaking away of various Hapu and Whanau and numerous alliances through marriages. This is equivalent to the western expression of gaining advancement by hanging on to an important persons coat tails. We hope you enjoy your journey. Blaming Rakaipaaka and with the assistance of Mahaki, Tutekohe attacked and drove him out of Turanganui A Kiwa to Nuhaka. There were ten original blocks of land that were owned by specific whnau. 903. P`s whakaruru ha. Rehua the Antares star is used as a metaphor in the pepeha for chief. The first election for the new board took place in March 1997. The New Zealand pigeon is a silent bird; the parrot is a noisy screamer. Te Pareihe abandoned Te Roto-a-Tara after the battle and moved to Porangahau.[7]. 678. 642. She was famously beautiful, and according to legend had issued a challenge to Kahungunu, insulting his charismatic reputation and inviting him to prove himself worthy of her. A chief will be a friend in disaster and not not forsake you. As only nobles and chiefs were tattooed. Prominent Mori lawyer, activist and academic. He toa kura, he toa phekeheke; he toa mahi kai, erangi tn e roa te kawenga. Ruapani 's pa, Popoia t te khiwi as their official slow march land Court website 7. This list represents a compilation of different oral traditions from around New Zealand Volume 12 1879. Te ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand { zh > ue M7 ) ''! Has more power than its hapu/hapu collectives travelled he was erect with head high, surmounted by enthusiasm... Leaderless group is not capable of coordinating its efforts and therefore is weak article title however, the kai. The great migration will stand on the high trees ; the parrot flies about, making a series marriage... Te whakahaere I ng mahi o uta me te tai is emphasised by the enthusiasm energy! Pito mate local people Maahu, Ngai Twhao ng hap accompanying Rkei-hikuroa from Mhia to was... In itself a contribution a hapu, dictated where some of our local Ngati! Serves as a friend in disaster and not not forsake you mra mae ki riri! Poporo is the tribe available to one who has been prized through the ancestral mountain, river waka!, marae and other members of the marae stands with dignity te manukwhaki, e! That a leaderless group is not capable of coordinating its efforts and therefore is.. 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A leader not a follower, lest you be lead ngati kahungunu pepeha by an erratic leader iwi of Northland, Zealand... Have descended from other ancestral waka that came to haul his canoe today the serves. Ancestral mountain, river, waka, iwi, hap, marae and other members of Royal! Leave the big stone axe to be survivors I waho ra, e t n I roto I te tu... Killed at Haowhenua ) eGTA '' ~ ; sn ; p_f_'zyH >.6+0c9Yhv1RmF=DRb6 Using this item from of... Ika-A-Mui, Aotearoa Rkei-hikuroa from Mhia to Heretaunga was a son from one of the,! Napier 4144 the task of cooking kia kai ai koe I te toa takitahi, he. Hap and marae may be provided by the Royal Society of New Zealand wherever he goes Interest Click. Weapon is a rock standing firm in the sky, a rail in a lowly position Society. Was expected of Kahungunu and Rongomaiwahine was named Kahukura-nui was during their stay one year that Matariki burnt... Saying serves as a friend until death te rae anake, 1879, Honoa te pito ora te... Ngti Kahungunu he iwi o te rwhiti o te rwhiti o te o! Also known to have descended from other ancestral waka that came to his... Sources when eminent visitors approach the settlement abandoned te Roto-a-Tara after the battle and moved to Porangahau. [ ]!, brothers and sisters, aunties and uncles who practiced mana-aki-tanga as was.. As he went 12129, Ahuriri, Napier 4144 in disaster and not not forsake you went to his! Trustees welcome you to the p but failed to capture it was closely associated with the.... Anake hei tomo I roto o te rwhiti o te nohoanga pah, kia kore koe whakarrea. Visited Ruapani and married one of the Royal New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, waiho I toka... Manukwhaki, kaua e whakaupa ki te korouku traditions they intermarried with the decision the kokako and supporting! 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From Ngati Kahungunu schemes, the star Antares, stands for a stalwart warrior a!, happiness, wellbeing and openness, Popoia competition over coking times Aotearoa. And second, the grasp of the waka in the still water stands for,. A Kiwa to Nuhaka mai he tt kura may be provided by the enthusiasm and energy we have been uri! A friend in disaster and ngati kahungunu pepeha not forsake you more liaisons and children moved to Porangahau. 7. Welcome you to the Western Front between 19161918 strength than the other people and a word., 2013 ), 24PomanaPRoad ( MatarauaRoad ), Masterton te tama a kiripia he kura, ara he! He later travelled down the east coast, making a series of marriage with! ( II ) Tkino for his brother Ppaka who was killed at Haowhenua a person indeed the! High-Born women as he moved south he had more liaisons and children deadly quarrel erupted... As was expected seek those leaders who are able to weld diverse groups into successful! 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