Arachne Evolution - Kumo desu ga, nani ka | . She likes to relax in homes of her making and is easily scared if approached. [18], The Middle Stratum always seems fraught with danger. She is given the name White by Ariel. Spiders, also known as Taratects, encompass a race of large arachnoid monsters found in the other world. ps: Is me or Kumoko have a pretty hard time against Potimas even with the huge amount of skills she have? None. Nani ka ep24 Kumoko evolves the ultimate Arachne. It is a special evolution available exclusively to small-to-medium sized Taratects that are at least level 50 and possess the Pride Skill. Long live me! Volume 7-14: Unidentified Flying Objects Are the Vehicles of Gods, Volume 1-11: In Yen Press' translation of volume 1-11 she introduces herself as Kumoko, but in the raw volume 1-11, she says mage, HP Auto-Recovery LV2 Strength LV2 Solidity LV2 Skanda LV2, Poison Fang LV8 Poison Synthesis LV1 Spider Thread LV8 Thread Control LV5, Concentration LV1 Hit LV1 Appraisal LV7 Detection LV3, Heretic Magic LV2 Shadow Magic LV1 Poison Magic LV1, Poison Resistance LV7 Paralysis Resistance LV3 Petrification Resistance LV2 Acid Resistance LV3 Rot Resistance LV3 Fear Resistance LV5 Pain Nullification Pain Mitigation, Throw LV1 Stealth LV5 Night Vision LV10 Vision Expansion LV1, Overeating LV3 Taboo LV2 n% I = W, HP Auto-Recovery LV3 Magic Mass LV2 Instantaneous LV2 Persistent LV2 Herculean Strength LV1 Sturdy LV1 Skanda LV2 Life LV2, Poison Synthesis LV3 Spider Thread LV9 Cutting Thread LV4 Thread Control LV8, Appraisal LV8 Detection LV4 Concentration LV5 Hit LV4 Evasion LV2, Heretic Magic LV3 Shadow Magic LV2 Poison Magic LV2, Poison Resistance LV8 Paralysis Resistance LV3 Petrification Resistance LV3 Acid Resistance LV4 Rot Resistance LV3 Faint Resistance LV2 Fear Resistance LV6 Heresy Resistance LV2 Pain Nullification Pain Mitigation LV6, Throw LV3 Stealth LV6 Night Vision LV10 Vision Expansion LV2, Overeating LV4 Taboo LV2 n% I = W, HP Auto-Recovery LV5 MP Recovery Speed LV3 MP Lessened Consumption LV1 SP Recovery Speed LV2 SP Lessened Consumption LV3 Herculean Strength LV3 Sturdy LV3 Protection LV3 Skanda LV3 Persistent LV8, Destruction Enhancement LV1 Cutting Enhancement LV1 Poison Enhancement LV1, Mental Warfare LV1 Energy Conferment LV2 Poison Synthesis LV7 Spider Thread LV9 Cutting Thread LV6 Thread Control LV8 Spatial Maneuvering LV3, Hit LV7 Evasion LV3 Concentration LV9 Prediction LV8 Appraisal LV8 Detection LV6 Arithmetic Processing LV6 Parallel Thinking LV4, Heretic Magic LV3 Shadow Magic LV2 Poison Magic LV2 Abyss Magic LV10, Destruction Resistance LV1 Impact Resistance LV2 Cutting Resistance LV3 Fire Resistance LV1 Dark Resistance LV1 Deadly Poison Resistance LV2 Paralysis Resistance LV3 Petrification Resistance LV3 Acid Resistance LV4 Rot Resistance LV3 Faint Resistance LV2 Fear Resistance LV7 Heresy Resistance LV3 Pain Nullification Pain Mitigation LV7, Throw LV6 Stealth LV7 Vision Enhancement LV8 Night Vision LV10 Vision Expansion LV2 Auditory Enhancement LV8 Olfactory Enhancement LV7 Taste Enhancement LV4 Tactile Enhancement LV6 Threadsmanship LV3, Pride Overeating LV7 Hades Taboo LV4 n% I = W, HP Auto-Recovery LV5 MP Recovery Speed LV3 MP Lessened Consumption LV2 SP Recovery Speed LV3 SP Lessened Consumption LV3 Persistent LV8 Life LV8 Magic Mass LV8 Instantaneous LV8 Herculean Strength LV3 Sturdy LV3 Protection LV3 Skanda LV3, Destruction Enhancement LV1 Cutting Enhancement LV1 Poison Enhancement LV3, Mental Warfare LV1 Energy Conferment LV2 Poison Synthesis LV7 Spider Thread LV9 Cutting Thread LV6 Thread Control LV8 Spatial Maneuvering LV4, Hit LV8 Evasion LV5 Concentration LV10 Thought Acceleration LV1 Foresight LV1 Appraisal LV9 Detection LV6 Parallel Thinking LV4 Arithmetic Processing LV6, Threadsmanship LV3 Throw LV7 Stealth LV7 Vision Enhancement LV8 Night Vision LV10 Vision Expansion LV2 Auditory Enhancement LV8 Olfactory Enhancement LV7 Taste Enhancement LV4 Tactile Enhancement LV6, Foul Feeder Kin Eater Assassin Monster Slayer Poison Technique User Thread User Merciless Monster Slaughterer Ruler of Pride, HP Auto-Recovery LV6 MP Recovery Speed LV4 MP Lessened Consumption LV3 SP Recovery Speed LV3 SP Lessened Consumption LV3 Life LV9 Magic Mass LV8 Instantaneous LV9 Herculean Strength LV4 Sturdy LV4 Protection LV4 Persistent LV9 Skanda LV3, Deadly Poison Attack LV3 Rot Attack LV1, Destruction Enhancement LV2 Cutting Enhancement LV2 Poison Enhancement LV4, Mental Warfare LV2 Energy Conferment LV2 Poison Synthesis LV8 Utility Thread LV1 Thread Control LV8 Spatial Maneuvering LV4, Concentration LV10 Thought Acceleration LV3 Foresight LV3 Appraisal LV9 Detection LV6 Hit LV8 Evasion LV7 Arithmetic Processing LV7 Parallel Thinking LV5, Heretic Magic LV3 Shadow Magic LV3 Poison Magic LV3 Abyss Magic LV10, Destruction Resistance LV2 Impact Resistance LV2 Cutting Resistance LV3 Fire Resistance LV2 Dark Resistance LV2 Deadly Poison Resistance LV2 Paralysis Resistance LV4 Petrification Resistance LV3 Acid Resistance LV4 Rot Resistance LV3 Faint Resistance LV3 Fear Resistance LV7 Heresy Resistance LV3 Pain Nullification Pain Mitigation LV7, Threadsmanship LV3 Throw LV7 Stealth LV7 Silence LV1 Vision Enhancement LV9 Night Vision LV10 Vision Expansion LV2 Auditory Enhancement LV8 Olfactory Enhancement LV7 Taste Enhancement LV7 Tactile Enhancement LV7, Pride Overeating LV8 Hades Taboo LV5 n% I = W, HP Auto-Recovery LV7 SP Recovery Speed LV6 SP Lessened Consumption LV7 Longevity LV1 Instant Body LV1 Endurance LV1 Herculean Strength LV4 Sturdy LV4 Skanda LV4 Celestial Power Height of Occultism, Deadly Poison Attack LV3 Rot Attack LV4 Heretic Attack LV1, Destruction Enhancement LV3 Cutting Enhancement LV3 Poison Enhancement LV7, Magic Warfare LV2 Mental Warfare LV4 Energy Conferment LV2 Wyrm Power LV1 Poison Synthesis LV8 Utility Thread LV1 Thread Control LV8 Spatial Maneuvering LV9 Intimidation LV1 Telescopic Sight LV8 Conviction, Concentration LV10 Foresight LV7 Hit LV9 Evasion LV9 Thought Acceleration LV7 High-Speed Processing LV3 Parallel Minds LV2, Heretic Magic LV6 Shadow Magic LV7 Poison Magic LV7 Spatial Magic LV1 Abyss Magic LV10 Cursed Evil Eye LV7 Paralyzing Evil Eye LV5, Destruction Resistance LV3 Impact Resistance LV3 Cutting Resistance LV3 Fire Resistance LV4 Dark Resistance LV3 Deadly Poison Resistance LV2 Paralysis Resistance LV5 Petrification Resistance LV3 Acid Resistance LV4 Rot Resistance LV4 Faint Resistance LV3 Fear Resistance LV7 Heresy Nullification Pain Nullification Pain Mitigation LV7, Throw LV7 Stealth LV8 Silence LV5 Vision Enhancement LV10 Night Vision LV10 Vision Expansion LV3 Auditory Enhancement LV9 Olfactory Enhancement LV7 Taste Enhancement LV7 Tactile Enhancement LV8 Threadsmanship LV4, Demon Lord LV1 Perseverance Pride Satiation LV1 Wisdom Hades Taboo LV8 Divinity Expansion LV4 n% I = W, Foul Feeder Kin Eater Assassin Monster Slayer Poison Technique User Thread User Merciless Monster Slaughterer Ruler of Pride Ruler of Perseverance Ruler of Wisdom Wyrm Slayer Fearbringer, HP Rapid Recovery LV7 SP Rapid Recovery LV1 SP Minimized Consumption LV1 Celestial Power Ultimate Life LV3 Instant Body LV7 Endurance LV7 Fortitude LV2 Stronghold LV2 Skanda LV7 Height of Occultism, Deadly Poison Attack LV6 Rot Attack LV4 Heretic Attack LV6, Destruction Enhancement LV6 Cutting Enhancement LV8 Status Condition Super-Enhancement LV1, Mental Warfare LV9 Magic Power Conferment LV7 Energy Conferment LV5 Dragon Power LV7 Poison Synthesis LV10 Medicine Synthesis LV7 Utility Thread LV6 Thread Control LV10 Telekinesis LV1 Dimensional Maneuvering LV8 Camouflage LV1 Magic Divinity LV2 Clairvoyance LV8 Tyrant LV1 Conviction, Concentration LV10 Thought Acceleration LV9 Foresight LV9 High-Speed Processing LV6 Probability Correction LV7 Hit LV10 Evasion LV10 Parallel Minds LV7, Wind Magic LV4 Earth Magic LV10 Terrain Magic LV1 Heretic Magic LV10 Shadow Magic LV10 Dark Magic LV10 Black Magic LV2 Poison Magic LV10 Healing Magic LV10 Spatial Magic LV10 Dimensional Magic LV4 Abyss Magic LV10 Jinx Evil Eye LV6 Inert Evil Eye LV5 Repellent Evil Eye LV1 Annihilating Evil Eye LV3, Destruction Resistance LV5 Impact Resistance LV5 Cutting Resistance LV5 Flame Resistance LV2 Wind Resistance LV2 Earth Resistance LV8 Heavy Super-Resistance LV1 Deadly Poison Resistance LV3 Paralysis Resistance LV6 Petrification Resistance LV5 Exhaustion Nullification Acid Resistance LV6 Rot Resistance LV7 Faint Resistance LV5 Fear Resistance LV9 Heresy Nullification Pain Nullification Pain Super-Mitigation LV2, Throw LV10 Expel LV2 Stealth LV2 Silence LV8 Five Senses Super-Enhancement LV1 Perception Expansion LV5 Night Vision LV10 Threadsmanship LV8, Demon Lord LV3 Perseverance Pride Anger LV2 Satiation LV7 Sloth Wisdom Hades Corruption Taboo LV10 Divinity Expansion LV6 n% I = W, Foul Feeder Kin Eater Assassin Monster Slayer Poison Technique User Thread User Merciless Monster Slaughterer Ruler of Pride Ruler of Perseverance Ruler of Wisdom Wyrm Slayer Fearbringer Dragon Slayer Ruler of Sloth Monster Calamity, HP Rapid Recovery LV9 Height of Occultism Celestial Power SP Rapid Recovery LV2 SP Minimized Consumption LV2 Ultimate Life LV3 Instant Body LV8 Endurance LV8 Fortitude LV3 Stronghold LV3 Skanda LV7, Magic Attack LV1 Deadly Poison Attack LV7 Rot Attack LV5 Heretic Attack LV6, Destruction Enhancement LV7 Cutting Enhancement LV5 Status Condition Super-Enhancement LV2, Magic Power Conferment LV8 Energy Conferment LV6 Battle Divinity LV1 Magic Divinity LV3 Dragon Power LV8 Poison Synthesis LV10 Medicine Synthesis LV8 Thread Genius LV1 Utility Thread LV7 Thread Control LV10 Telekinesis LV3 Dimensional Maneuvering LV9 Camouflage LV3 Tyrant LV2 Clairvoyance LV8 Conviction, Concentration LV10 Thought Super-Acceleration LV1 High-Speed Processing LV7 Future Sight LV1 Probability Correction LV7 Parallel Minds LV8 Hit LV10 Evasion LV10, Heretic Magic LV10 Wind Magic LV7 Earth Magic LV10 Terrain Magic LV3 Shadow Magic LV10 Dark Magic LV10 Black Magic LV5 Poison Magic LV10 Healing Magic LV10 Spatial Magic LV10 Dimensional Magic LV5 Abyss Magic LV10 Jinx Evil Eye LV7 Inert Evil Eye LV6 Repellent Evil Eye LV3 Annihilating Evil Eye LV5, Destruction Resistance LV6 Impact Resistance LV7 Cutting Resistance LV7 Piercing Resistance LV2 Flame Resistance LV3 Wind Resistance LV4 Earth Resistance LV9 Heavy Super-Resistance LV2 Status Condition Nullification Acid Resistance LV7 Rot Resistance LV8 Faint Resistance LV6 Fear Super-Resistance LV1 Heresy Nullification Pain Nullification Pain Super-Mitigation LV2, Throw LV10 Expel LV4 Stealth LV10 Silence LV9 Night Vision LV10 Five Senses Super-Enhancement LV2 Perception Expansion LV6, Hades Corruption Immortality Perseverance Pride Anger LV4 Satiation LV8 Sloth Wisdom Divinity Expansion LV7 Demon Lord LV5 Taboo LV10 n% I = W, Foul Feeder Kin Eater Assassin Monster Slayer Poison Technique User Thread User Merciless Monster Slaughterer Ruler of Pride Ruler of Perseverance Ruler of Wisdom Wyrm Slayer Fearbringer Dragon Slayer Ruler of Sloth Monster Calamity Champion, HP Ultra-Fast Recovery LV6 Height of Occultism Celestial Power SP Rapid Recovery LV10 SP Minimized Consumption LV10 Ultimate Life LV10 Ultimate Movement LV10 Fortune LV10 Fortitude LV10 Stronghold LV10 Skanda LV10, Magic Power Super-Attack LV2 Energy Super-Attack LV4 Deadly Poison Attack LV10 Enhanced Paralysis Attack LV10 Rot Attack LV6 Heretic Attack LV8 Deadly Poison Attack LV10 Enhanced Paralysis Attack LV10, Destruction Super-Enhancement LV6 Status Condition Super-Enhancement LV10 Cutting Super-Enhancement LV7 Piercing Super-Enhancement LV4 Impact Super-Enhancement LV6, Magic Divinity LV7 Battle Divinity LV10 Magic Power Conferment LV10 Magic Conferment LV2 Energy Conferment LV10 Ability Conferment LV7 Divine Dragon Power LV7 Poison Synthesis LV10 Medicine Synthesis LV10 Thread Genius LV10 Divine Thread Weaving Thread Control Psychokinesis LV10 Dimensional Maneuvering LV10 Swim LV1 Emperor Long-Distance Vision LV1 Conviction, Concentration LV10 Thought Super-Acceleration LV3 Future Sight LV3 Parallel Minds LV9 High-Speed Processing LV10 Hit LV10 Evasion LV10 Probability Super-Correction LV10, Heretic Magic LV10 Wind Magic LV10 Gale Magic LV1 Earth Magic LV10 Terrain Magic LV3 Shadow Magic LV10 Dark Magic LV10 Black Magic LV7 Poison Magic LV10 Healing Magic LV10 Spatial Magic LV10 Dimensional Magic LV7 Abyss Magic LV10 Jinx Evil Eye LV8 Inert Evil Eye LV7 Repellent Evil Eye LV5 Annihilating Evil Eye LV5, Destruction Super-Resistance LV5 Impact Nullification Cutting Super-Resistance LV5 Piercing Super-Resistance LV5 Shock Super-Resistance LV5 Flame Resistance LV8 Flood Resistance LV1 Gale Resistance LV4 Terrain Resistance LV5 Bolt Resistance LV1 Holy Light Resistance LV9 Black Resistance LV5 Heavy Super-Resistance LV4 Status Condition Nullification Acid Super-Resistance LV7 Rot Super-Resistance LV5 Faint Resistance LV8 Fear Super-Resistance LV2 Heresy Nullification Pain Nullification Suffering Nullification, Dragon Barrier LV2 Throw LV10 Expel LV10 Dragon Barrier LV2 Night Vision LV10 Five Senses Super-Enhancement LV10 Perception Expansion LV8, Egg-Laying LV10 Hades Corruption Immortality Demon Lord LV8 Perseverance Pride Rage LV2 Snatch LV3 Gluttony Sloth Wisdom Divinity Expansion LV9 Taboo LV10 n% I = W, HP Ultra-Fast Recovery LV8 Height of Occultism SP Rapid Recover LV10 SP Minimized Consumption LV10 Celestial Power Ultimate Life LV10 Ultimate Movement LV10 Fortune LV10 Fortitude LV10 Stronghold LV10 Skanda LV10, Magic Power Super-Attack LV3 Energy Super-Attack LV5 Deadly Poison Attack LV10 Enhanced Paralysis Attack LV10 Rot Attack LV7 Heretic Attack LV9, Destruction Super-Enhancement LV7 Impact Super-Enhancement LV8 Cutting Super-Enhancement LV6 Piercing Super-Enhancement LV7 Shock Super-Enhancement LV7 Status Condition Super-Enhancement LV10, Magic Divinity LV8 Magic Power Conferment LV10 Magic Conferment LV3 Battle Divinity LV10 Energy Conferment LV10 Ability Conferment LV7 Divine Dragon Power LV8 Dragon Barrier LV6 Poison Synthesis LV10 Medicine Synthesis LV10 Thread Genius LV10 Divine Thread Weaving Thread Control LV10 Psychokinesis LV9 Dimensional Maneuvering LV10 Concealment LV2 Emperor Conviction Offer, Concentration LV10 Thought Super-Acceleration LV6 Future Sight LV 6 Parallel Minds LV10 High-Speed Processing LV10 Hit LV10 Evasion LV10 Probability Super-Correction LV10 Panoptic Vision LV4, Heretic Magic LV10 Wind Magic LV10 Gale Magic LV8 Earth Magic LV10 Terrain Magic LV10 Seismic Magic LV1 Light Magic LV8 Holy Light Magic LV3 Shadow Magic LV10 Dark Magic LV10 Black Magic LV10 Poison Magic LV10 Healing Magic LV10 Miracle Magic LV10 Spatial Magic LV10 Dimensional Magic LV9 Abyss Magic LV10 Jinx Evil Eye LV9 Inert Evil Eye LV8 Sealing Evil Eye LV3 Antimagic Evil Eye LV2 Repellent Evil Eye LV7 Warped Evil Eye LV4 Annihilating Evil Eye LV6, Destruction Super-Resistance LV6 Impact Nullification Cutting Super-Resistance LV6 Piercing Super-Resistance LV6 Shock Super-Resistance LV6 Flame Resistance LV9 Flood Resistance LV3 Gale Resistance LV8 Terrain Resistance LV9 Bolt Resistance LV3 Holy Light Resistance LV6 Black Resistance LV9 Heavy Super-Resistance LV8 Status Condition Nullification Acid Super-Resistance LV8 Rot Super-Resistance LV6 Faint Super-Resistance LV1 Fear Super-Resistance LV4 Heresy Nullification Pain Nullification Suffering Nullification, Shieldsmanship LV3 Iron Defense LV7 Throw LV10 Expel LV10 Stealth LV10 Silence LV10 Odorless LV8 Five Senses Super-Enhancement LV10 Perception Expansion LV8, Egg-Laying LV10 Hades Corruption Immortality Hero LV2 Great Demon Lord LV1 Charity Perseverance Pride Rage LV3 Snatch LV4 Satiation LV10 Sloth Wisdom Divinity Expansion LV9 Taboo n% I = W, Foul Feeder Kin Eater Assassin Monster Slayer Poison Technique User Thread User Merciless Monster Slaughterer Ruler of Pride Ruler of Perseverance Ruler of Wisdom Wyrm Slayer Fearbringer Dragon Slayer Ruler of Sloth Monster Calamity Champion Human Slayer Human Slaughterer Rescuer Medicinal Technique User Saint Savior Ruler of Charity Guardian Human Calamity, The English version has translated this to Unreal or No way.. It has mysterious properties that, upon double appraising certain terms in the skill description, bring up the notification "cannot be appraised." All spider-type monsters descend from Ariel, the Origin Taratect. She also doesn't seem significantly invested in being friendly for it, as Kumoko will always attempt to justify a selfish reason for helping people, such as raising a skill, trying to earn a title, among various other excuses. Most of her memories are intact, but she's unaware of where she is because she's surrounded by an eggshell. Rosemary Whites is a 16 year old amnesiac from America who recently transferred to a school in Japan. From the Upper Stratum to the Lower Stratum, The first person implied to be Kumoko was a student named "Rihoko", whom, The second implied identity of Kumoko was a student named, Kumoko's actual true identity was a normal spider that just happened to be in the classroom. Being the only one (to our knowledge so far) born in another country besides Filimos (the professor), and a second member of the Demon Lords army, she has the unique position of being 1) non-human, 2) disconnected from everyone else, 3) directly born into a politically unstable climate, and 4) the first human that Kumoko willingly interacts with outside of the labyrinth. However, in Volume 5, we finally get payoff for several storylines and character arcs that have been brewing in the background. This feels both obvious and a bit confusing to me. Due to her low stats, she was initially forced to rely on her human ingenuity and creative use of her limited move set just to survive. There was one split path where she couldve evolved into another small spider, but it wouldve been a downgrade for her overall potential. Kumoko doesn't have a name. In another shocking confrontation, Kumoko directly intervenes in the war that erupts between Ohts and Sariella, conveniently around the same time that Ariel wraps up her business in the Bottom Stratum of the labyrinth. Arachne is only possible with Zana Horowa since its unable to evolve any further. Continuing along this process, she also works on Arithmetic Processing by multiplying by powers of 2 for a while. She also gains Divinity Expansion. Kumoko is determined to not die from the very outset of her new life. Still, accruing these titles and skills alters her mind irreversibly. Her life in the labyrinth is fraught with danger, forcing her to fight and become stronger to survive. Turning Detection on and sustaining its use quickly levels up these Skills due to its intense usage requirements and the Pride skill; Detection also quickly reaches level 10. She even sets up some long-term goals for herself, such as learning how to talk to communicate with humans and other such details. Part of the reason this volume feels like a cap on the first saga is the fact that yes, Kumoko finally has a semi-human form, as she has been aiming for since the start of the series. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. She uses Poison Magic to deflect fireballs and dodges them as well. Particularly, how Potimas the Elf Chief conducts his work; abducting the reincarnated students while they are still newborns and childrenunder the guise of protecting them for Filimos, the reincarnation of their professor. When she finally woke up, she found herself in an egg of all things. Rosemary Whites is a special Evolution available exclusively to small-to-medium sized Taratects that are at level... Have been brewing in the labyrinth is fraught with danger, forcing her to and. 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