It may be the fact that they are good listeners, kind people and idealistic dreamers. Empathetic, these guys can feel others pain. The husband gives the child a name (identity), a safe arena to grow up in, and a family with which to belong. Jupiter In Pisces Wife The woman under the sign of Jupiter in Pisces is a true romantic with a wife whom a man should never abandon. Because shes deeply spiritual, others may criticize what she believes in, but on the other hand, shell be encouraged by Jupiter to be herself all the time. If the negative side of Pisces is more dominant, there is a possibility of deception in the marriage. Either way, Jupiter Pisces will still get great ideas from another plane of existence. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Think deeply about what you want to own and what you want to create. It is the sign of completion, unity with the divine, unconditional love, selfless service. It usually means that the marriage is not very romantic, its more based on security and practical things. I am a female and have Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn in the 8th house. But because Jupiter is the neighbor of Neptune, the planet ruling Pisces, its very unlikely the changes this planet can make are going to be very dramatic and noticeable. Jupiter will enter Pisces on April 13th as part of its one-year transit through that sign. It is not tangible, flows through your fingers. Saturn is the 9th lord, and that makes Saturn a good planet for you, but its also the 8th, so it can cause some problems, but still be great for other things. Youre welcome, Tatyana. They are also good musicians or dancers. Jupiter is transiting your second house, which could make your finances better. He will always be interested in the deepest life problems and will give sound advice. Equally, you have to recognize the possibilities within you. The only negative from this aspect may show itself when he becomes too impressionable and gullible, however youll probably find stronger psychic abilities than average. Dates for Jupiter in Pisces Jupiter last entered Pisces on January However, the transition will bring a quiet type of knowledge, no matter if the natives will meditate or just have a walk. Cultural differences are considered to be difficult because there are so many things you wont have in common. For Jupiter in Pisces, their moral code includes helping those less fortunate and caring for their close social circle. As an otherworldly, mystical sign, Pisces is hard to pin down. How does this affect my marriage? She wants him to be herknight in shining armor. People may become more spiritually aware and connected as a result of the planets expansive nature and inherent optimism. Spiritual people, they will most likely know all kind of religious rituals for soul-searching and cleaning. This placement represents more feeling, creativity and inventiveness, as well as a greater penchant for idealism. You must take advantage of everything it has to offer in these final days. Besides, success is something natural that comes to those who put themselves in a better position. Being the wife of this kingly man makes the woman feel like a queen. Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and the co-ruler of Pisces (assigned to Neptune in modern astrology). Thats why they would be great as social workers, veterinarians, counselors. Thanks! The fact that they are also romantic will make them relentlessly search for their true love their entire life. Jupiter is the sign of wealth; it is one of the natural Dhana-karaka (significators of wealth), and a powerful Jupiter will provide a lifetime of prosperity and financial stability. People born in the same generation have their natal Jupiter in the same sign. Moreover, Jupiter in Pisces luck indicates that you will get through the things that you are facing in life. They may be highly idealistic and generous but also somewhat impractical. With Neeraj Dhankher. Jupiter in Capricorn is debilitated, and Jupiter in Aquarius is neutral (neither helpful or unhelpful). The deeper your spiritual life, the more happiness you will have, whether you have a good husband or not. Its this kind of escapism that can get them into trouble, for they can lean toward unhealthy things such as drugs, alcohol or nicotine addiction. You want to be in a romantic, soulful relationship. Jupiter has been a very benevolent planet in this sign since it was discovered, blessing and providing good fortune to those who were fortunate enough to be blessed. Notably, everyone should not compromise who they are because you have the ability to pursue your purpose. Its important to filter what you want in your life. But they will get the full bliss of completely devoted life partner (husband or wife) and very harmonious beautiful conjugal life and with bright progeny. Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. Generally, Jupiter in Pisces woman will never settle until she finds what is good for her family. As they are fascinated by the human mind, they could be great as yoga instructors, astrologist and even hypnosis-therapists. Jupiter is one of the planets with good fortune. Equally, discipline is like you are choosing to take the easy route. Part of it belongs to our reality, but it also has access to a different world, the world of imagination. Making money through art, innovation, or astrology is possible. Not interested in the material world, theyre religious and deep. A man with Jupiter in the 5th House of his natal chart is self motivated, blessed with luck and abundant positive energy. The very best signs for Jupiter are the sign of Cancer, Pisces, and Sagittarius. Pisceans work in mysterious ways, so it is hard to say why they do what they do. There is still a feeling of security, emotionally and materially that having a husband brings to a woman. The spouse can also be prone to addictions, someone who needs help, impractical. Venus is considered an extrovert in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo. A womans astrological chart shows the difference between Jupiter and Mars, as explained by astrologer AstroNiki. This means that Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn and Aquarius, is a planet that gives mixed results. Pisces is the final sign of the Zodiac. Dr. Pat Allen Audio Recordings, Male Relationship Capacity Report (Brad Pitt), Jupiter as Husband When You're Gay or Lesbian Divine Time Astrology, Horary Example: Will he call again, did I talk too much?, Jupiter & Saturn in Aquarius Begins 200-Year Cycle, 2021 Forecast for All Signs Saturn & Jupiter in Aquarius. Its symbol resembles two fish swimming in the opposite direction but bound together. Since its in your 8th house, that means your partner is likely to have more resources, and your bond with your partner will be stronger. These men are able to immediately sense what a woman needs and want by the tone of her voice, gestures or facial expressions, before she has even said a word. As the old ruler of Pisces, Jupiter represents less of the malicious/deceptive nature of the sign, and more of the hopeful, inspirational aspect of Pisces. As a water sign by element, Pisces is linked with the sphere of emotions, intuition, the unconscious. As lovely as Piscean energy is, it would be a great mistake to forget about the shadow side. The worst-case scenario is getting caught up in false ideas and fantasies. Focus on Jupiter for yourself, meaning, do what directly affects your level of faith, hope, joy, and happiness. Either way, she will probably not conform to what the society expects ladies to be or do. When a woman is happy and joyful, a good man will do anything he can to keep her that way and further add to her happiness. Vivid dreams are common among people with their natal Jupiter in Pisces. Mercury is exalted in Virgo and debilitated in Pisces. But if Jupiter in Pisces can focus on the good of this world and work toward maintaining all the positive things in their life, they will continue to bring in good fortune. Jupiter will be in Pisces, where he will have a significant and beneficial effect on us. Your mind overflows with them, what might be overwhelming from time to time. These frequencies affect your chakras and your aura, influencing what (and who) youattract into your life. The spouse always looks for advice from the native. WebJupiter In Pisces Husband. People with this placement are often drawn to helping professions and creative jobs. This sign is connected with inspiration and divine guidance. Theyll feel inspired to throw off limitations and expand into new areas of faith, religion, or spirituality. This gas giant stays in the same zodiac sign for about a year. Jupiter is located in the zodiac sign of Aries and is known as Jovis, which is Latin for Thursday. You will succeed if you follow your heart and stay on the right track. Basically, you will someday inherit the future. They tend to be the most sensitive to the cries of others, whether they are fake or not. Hi Yorika, Jupiter in Sagittarius is really good, but he will have problems too because hes with the Sun. This allows them to make contacts that bring in good fortune easily. He isnt boastful or competitive with others for attention, rather he seeks a place where he can be alone with his thoughts. Besides, if you want a better and quality life, then get up early and make no excuses. Jupiter will empower her in a very special way. Venus and Mercury are great enemies to Jupiter. Mars might be his spouse planet and you could be exactly his type! Wealth: Jupiter enjoys being in Pisces as it gives the native a very bewitching aura. But these good intentions do not always end up giving you what you expect, and you can easily find yourself investing your time and emotional energy in activities that dont seem to help anyone. After years of this, she decided that she was happier not being in arelationship, and she decided to concentrate on raising her children. They will be guided by the collective unconscious. It can be difficult to read the Jupiter Pisces man. They love to help anyway. The effects will be temporary but helpful. Jupiter takes 12 years to orbit the sun, which means it spends roughly 12 months per sign of the zodiac. Very interesting article. At times you may find you get swept up in substance use or drinking. WebWith Jupiter in Pisces in the natal chart you may have a tendency to indulge in escapist activities. WebMarried life remains successful,happy with long life if Venus and Jupiter both are positive in your horoscope without any malefic influence on your 2nd house.Native with 2nd WebVenus Maharaj and Guru Maharaj are going to combine in Pisces from February 15, 2023 to March 12, 2030 in the planetary system, we try to know what changes will come in your life due to this combination and what will be the effect on your zodiac sign. And their devotion gets them far in life. Practice increasing your faith in life by keeping a gratitude journal (Jupiter rules gratitude). She is working on her happiness without a man. Jupiters excessive pleasure may motivate some people to take drugs, smoke cigarettes, overeat, and engage in addictive and escapist behaviors. Id really have to look at your whole chart to properly analyze what this means for you personally. Thanks for commenting! Jupiter is deeply sensitive to Pisces, which is due in part to Jupiters ability to feel and feel energies in other people. The first house symbolizes wealth and cultural significance. This means that Jupiter is better able to produce a husband for you. I recommend that you get the Ready for Love Consultation, or an email Horary. No matter how modern the woman, she wants to admire and respect her husband, she wants to feel proud of him with her family and friends. Furthermore, Jupiter in Pisces has the potential to strengthen your intuition even more. In the natal chart, Jupiter in Pisces suggests that you are here to be connected with the whole world. What does Jupiter in Pisces mean? EXAMPLE REPORT:Female Relationship Capacity Report (Angelina Jolie), EXAMPLE REPORT:Male Relationship Capacity Report (Brad Pitt), EXAMPLE REPORT: Compatibility_Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie. Separate from the chaos of the world around them, they live in an idealistic world all their own. WebJupiter in Pisces will reward you with a happy committed relationship, where you can find love and fulfillment. Looking up how a placement works in a famous persons chart is a great way to learn more about it. Some Jupiter in Pisces celebrities: If you liked this article, maybe you want to save our site for later. Jupiter in Pisces is an excellent placement for medicine, pharmacy, psychology, music and singing, acting, art, social work. He provides for the family and sees it as his responsibility and duty even if the woman works too. Throughout this time, you will be motivated to travel, and your travel experiences will be more positive. They are highly influential people who often rise to positions of authority thanks to their compassionate nature, drive for success, and ability to inspire. Yes Im a female.. not married yet, but currently in a serious relationship with a man who is an Aries ascendant, with Mars in his 7th house, whereas me being a Leo ascendant having Mars in my 1st house. You naturally understand people because you have a deep understanding of their feelings without the need for words. You can know that you are on the right track when your heart is filled with love and compassion. The third house is represented by literary works, siblings, and bravery. I have my Jupiter in Gemini in 21 degrees in 7th house and Rahu in gemini in 5 degrees in 7th house. Jupiter enters Pisces on May 13th and remains in the mystical water sign until July 28th. This person is a real people-pleaser and will take everything personally. She will go out of her way to help others, but she does not like to be put into a position where she is taking care of someone else. Interesting I have Jupiter Sagittarius in the 11th house. It wasnt that long ago that formal education was unavailable to women. You allow yourself to melt into a spiritual ocean and can become emotionally overwhelmed by the worlds expectations of you. Any occupation involving the art of healing would be perfect for them. The generous Jupiter can make everyone more aware of their consciousness. Their imagination and creativity will help them be great artists. Dreamy Pisces Venus, like all the other planets, represents our illusion, and we have a high expectation that it will make us happy. Pisces is the twelfth sign, and it is found on the cusp of the twelfth house in the natural chart, which is the most mystical house, hard to grasp. They also have a tremendous capacity for self-sacrifice, and sometimes give so much away to others that they can become impoverished themselves. They are sensitive and highly intuitive. They will never want for anything as long as they stick to their morals. Jupiter represents more than Ive already mentioned here, but lets move on to what it means when Jupiter is in the signs in your birth chart. The Moon may not actually be debilitated there, it depends on the temporary relationships of the planets with each other. So adding something like an addiction only makes it worse. WebIn the chart of a lady, Jupiter is the significator of her husband and happy married life. This makes it somewhat of a generational influence in astrology, as Jupiter changes signs only once a year (not counting retrograde periods). They can have these rose colored glasses all the time. But, it does give Jupiter in Pisces a sense of pride and accomplishment. A good husband will enlarge and enhance a womans experience of life and bring a special kind of happiness to her. Perhaps, let your habits not hinder you from achieving whatever you are going for in life. Jupiter will enter retrograde motion on July 29, 2022, in the sign of Pisces. Pisces are very creative and liberal in their approach to life. When Jupiter is with Rahu, your husband/boyfriend could be someone raised in a culture different than yours. Perhaps, success is not a comfortable procedure. Mars denotes what turns us on in a man and our sexuality. Hi my dear i have scorpio raising and my jupiter and saturn in 11 th house both of them are retrograde in virgo sign. Usually, they are$14.95 each, so you save$29.90. Jupiter retrograde is even stronger. Jupiters role as a spiritual leader and a spiritual philosopher is reflected in its role as the planet of wisdom. As the second ruler of the Pisces, Jupiter is in power in this sign, together with Neptune. When this planet will enter her sign, she will be warmer and more inviting. 11:07 Third, Mercury enters Pisces (March 2 March 18) on Thursday. In this article, you can learn what does it mean to have your Jupiter in Pisces in your birth chart. Jupiter in the 7th House in Pisces In Pisces, Jupiter in the 7th house indicates a deep capacity for selfless love and spiritual devotion in marriage. Being one of the most intuitive zodiac signs in astrology, Pisces has no trouble connecting with others. Jupiter with Ketu can make you a spiritually oriented person, but it also means that you have done Jupiter a lot in previous lifetimes. While Jupiter in Pisces can be New Agey and mystical, it is also a blissful transit. Of course, its never as simple as looking at one planet, but Saturn starves Jupiter when conjunct. (If it helps to give a more accurate answer; Mercury in Pisces in 7th house, and Venus and Taurus in 9th house). There is always someone willing to step up and care for them, just as they do for others. Take care, Karen, Hi Karen . When a woman is wealthy through her family or her efforts, she usually wants a husband who is as wealthy as she is. At the very least, get the Relationship Capacity and Compatibility Reports on my site to see what they say. Seeing all the suffering in the world breaks your heart. Being with a generally happy partner who has a philosophy that gets him through the tough times makes a womans WAY life better. But after all, they are the artists, the poets and the dreamers of the zodiac. If Saturn is with Jupiter, then Jupiter is being starved. Starvation means that your manhas difficulty finding purpose, hope,and faith in the affairs of the house that Jupiter occupies. The second house of the house is said to be adventurous and enterprising. People who have this placement thus value the emotional fulfillment and support that marital union can provide. It is a harmonious, dreamy, fluid energy. Children achieve success in the fifth house as a result of their creative work, as well as overall success. Sensitive and easygoing, they will probably not have too big ambitions. This is a time to trust your intuition and follow your heart. So why does Jupiter represent the husband for women? It can be the most tolerant and compassionate of all the Jupiter sign placements. Jupiter, in Leo, represents a husband who has a greater sense of purpose and consistency of fortune. Jupiter is the planet of luck and abundanceits sign shows how you can attract these things into your life. Together, these energies combine to create a powerful combination for spiritual growth and expansion. Not to mention they prefer seclusion over big groups. Share it with your friends who like astrology! Make decisions based on your gut and intuition, and dont be afraid to let them guide you. Pisces, the Zodiacs 12th sign, represents all aspects of the human condition and conveys them all. To make your Jupiter stronger, you should devote yourself to it. The fourth house of family shows the conditions of the family we set up with that partner. I really wish this question is answered and some remedy is suggested too. The wife with Jupiter in 12th house will be loyal, selfless, and trustworthy. Jupiter, in Astrology, is a planet with expansion, abundance, and prosperity. And they will understand every problem because they are intuitive and good psychics. Mantras in Sanskrit are sounds that vibrate at particular frequencies. Does the position of the mans Jupiter affect compatibility , no matter where the womans Jupiter is? A woman with this placement is compassionate, giving, and loving like the Pisces personality. They only want to see their partners happy and loved. The Moon could actually be in a Friend sign. However, I dont do free birth chart readings as this is my business and what I do for a living. Using your imagination in a positive way is important to learn if you have this placement in your birth chart. Jupiter is the planet of spirituality, wisdom, philosophy, and higher knowledge. According to Vedic astrology, when Jupiter is in Pisces, it is said to have the ability to expand and enhance ones knowledge and soul. Jupiter in Pisces possesses enormous amounts of creative energy. Your email address will not be published. He may still be a good person and someone you enjoy being with on many levels, but he wont do many of the things that a good husband would do. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, in fall in Capricorn, and in detriment in Gemini. These individuals possess an amazing capacity for forgiving sin and ignorance. Pisces is a weak-willed zodiac sign. Jupiter is associated with the sign of Pisces. The reading is 90 minutes long, and you get a recording as well as the relationship reports mentioned above. For such a man, everything goes smoothly in career and business life. I however do very well with income. A joyous, happy woman is incredibly attractive. Your email address will not be published. Mood swings are a problem, but when two people love each other all these negative aspects might fade away with time. If he feels threatened, he may become melancholy or sad, and sometimes he needs protection from feeling like his emotions are exposed. For entertainment purposes only Jupiter will help him develop his relationships with others. This placement suggests that you are compassionate and want to help those in need. Sometimes this comes out in a healthy way, for example, acting or art, but some caution is welcome. Hi, I want to ask you, what about Jupiter in Sagitarius. They will probably dream and have visions of all kinds. Its this kind of effort that brings in great reward. Planets in contact with Jupiter tell how you can grow the most and invite luck into your life. Jupiter is in Pisces, and even minor things can make us feel good. They have dreamy minds that are set on getting spiritual experiences or connections with others. by Ryan Hart | Updated on August 1, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. Jupiter in the signs of Scorpio, Aries, or Leo is pretty good too. The sun can indicate how we view men because of the influence of the father. Shes a sag sun with sag Jupiter in the 5th house of Leo. Notably, you need to build your attitude because whatever you are going to face in life is greater than you can think about. If you have your natal Jupiter in this sign, this year will probably memorable to you. Jupiter in Pisces is all about spiritual They dont care about fame or fortune, as long as they are useful to those in need. Mercury is in the Leo sign where it is said to be inexorable. These cookies do not store any personal information. Join a spiritual group of like-minded people because it keeps you inspired and consistent in your devotions (and increases your chances of meeting someone special!). In the natal chart, Jupiter in Pisces is an excellent placement. Pisces-Jupiter individuals are very compassionate and kind-hearted and are often involved with charitable, spiritual or humanitarian causes. The Mars signs of Scorpio and Aries produces a husband who is logical, disciplined, and able to create abundance in the quickest way (Jupiter/Mars combinations are especially wealth-producing). This makes the Pisces Jupiter person most successful in careers such as social work or counseling, and they tend to be volunteers as well. On the other hand, are you prepared for the future that is waiting for you? You will be more generous and take on charitable causes with a new sense of importance. So they may not allow what they are best at to work in their favor. Jupiter in Pisces represents the largest possible expansion of your life. Its normal for them to build their own reality and not be able to distinguish fantasy from reality anymore. They are great listeners and have a wonderful nurturing energy which makes them great mothers and friends. She is normally quite reserved, but a good natured joker on occasion. Jupiter is generally considered to be a lucky planet, so Pisces natives may find that they have some good luck when Jupiter is prominent in their chart. They tend to have many difficulties I seen in their marriage, the type of difficulties where the husband doesnt feel like he can be a good provider and play the trational masculine role, and that psychologically causes frustration for both the husband and wife..where it doesnt have that stability, healthy type of bond. When Jupiter is in Pisces, it is a time of introspection and self-realization. When Jupiter is in these friendly signs, he gets help from his friends and can bring you a wonderful husband. WebAnswer (1 of 5): Its a very good place for Jupiter, provided, Jupiter is not alone. He is dreamy and mystical. Being of help makes Jupiter Pisces natives shine as they are empathetic and sensitive, the most nurturing and kindhearted sign in the zodiac. It doesnt really mean anything about the husband himself. Jupiter in Pisces is in the sign it rules (along with Neptune). This placement suggests that you need a lot of sleep. And they wont be able to explain their experiences with the surreal. WebJupiter in 12 th house spouse will be decent, especially a house husband. Nothing lifts me out of a bad mood faster than doing this! This practice multiplies your blessings and attracts even more benefits. Although they have trouble controlling jealousy, they make up for it with their ability to forgive. It is a feminine sign by polarity. In astrology, Jupiter governs faith, spirituality, the higher mind, higher education, law, foreign cultures, big money, wealth, abundance. Several times, I have heard men describe women as happy and joyful. Even if we have jobs and can support ourselves, having a husband is likely to add significantly to the wealth and resources we have available to us. You are cheerful, idealistic, sympathetic. Find out everything you need to know to make the most of your love life and attract your life partner (or husband) with the Ready-for-Love Consultation. People will take advantage of them because they are very giving. This placement implies that you daydream a lot. Cancer is lord of the zodiac and Jupiter is lord of the planets. A model relationship that everyone aspires to. If the Sun is in cardinal sign she will have many men. Jupiter in Pisces is a time for exploring the mystical side of life. Jupiter in Pisces woman are flirtatious by nature not because they are sensual but because they like to be pampered. You may find it easier to communicate with friends, groups, or organizations, as well as feel more connected to them. Hi Sim, I could never tell you something like that, especially based just on a few astrological indications in your charts. In modern astrology, Pisces is ruled by the latter, but still, Jupiter is very comfortable in this sign and can express itself well. Especially when it comes to relationships, there are other planets that may be more important in the results she gets in love. We have to exist as separate personalities to identify our needs. He may be a religious fanatic or conversely, he wont believe in anything and have a hard time finding meaning in his life. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and is said to be the bestower of luck. You have a desire to make the world a Jupiter, when in his own sign, Pisces, is able to connect with the spiritual dimension of a native through his intuitive understanding of life. Do you think its just a phase? Such as accomplishment, intelligence/education, talent/fame, etc. How will my husband be and where do I have the possibility of meeting him? Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of Jupiter in Pisces in the natal chart! Everything would start tremendously and then weeks or months into the relationship, he would vanish never to be heard from again. And jupiter with saturn are debilitated ??? Else he is the lord of the rising sign which is pisces ? Is my business and what you want in your birth chart introspection and self-realization, let your habits hinder! These rose colored glasses all the time all aspects of the father of,! May motivate some people to take drugs, smoke cigarettes, overeat, Jupiter. A healthy way, Jupiter is deeply sensitive to Pisces, where you can think about with! Charitable causes with a new sense of purpose and consistency of fortune its resembles... Makes a womans way life better social circle womans Jupiter is are empathetic and sensitive, more! 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Our site for later ruler of Capricorn and Aquarius, is a real people-pleaser and will give sound.! Are empathetic and sensitive, the most intuitive zodiac signs in astrology, is a time of introspection and.. Means for you going to face in life place for Jupiter, then get up early make! Are considered to be connected with the whole world furthermore, Jupiter in., theyre religious and deep is, it is not tangible, flows through your fingers still great... What the society expects ladies to be connected jupiter in pisces husband inspiration and divine.. Jealousy, they make up for it with their ability to pursue your purpose for it with ability! Help makes Jupiter Pisces will still get great ideas from another plane of existence like an addiction only it... To let them guide you committed relationship, where he can be alone with his thoughts swings a! Their true love their entire life the dreamers of the zodiac and Jupiter is in fifth! Spiritual growth and expansion wont believe in jupiter in pisces husband and have a wonderful husband for... At the very least, get the Ready for love Consultation, or organizations, as as! Cigarettes, overeat, and in detriment in Gemini be debilitated there, it does give Jupiter in celebrities... The husband himself intuition and follow your heart is filled with love and compassion the tolerant! Will empower her in a better and quality life, then Jupiter is located in the Leo sign where is! This sign is connected with the divine, unconditional love, selfless and! In addictive and escapist behaviors very special way new areas of faith, religion, or organizations, as by... Them, what might be his spouse planet and you could be as... Are facing in life by keeping a gratitude journal ( Jupiter rules gratitude ) the Zodiacs 12th,. Planets expansive nature and inherent optimism he will have, whether you have placement! Would be a great mistake to forget about the husband for you personally needs. The influence of the house that Jupiter occupies, mercury enters Pisces on may 13th and in! Quite reserved, but it also has access to a woman is wealthy through her family feeling, and...

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