over north, south, east and west I think they are provided a powerful fillip, widening the constituency of people, - Irish Independent - Martina Devlin, 'BE READY FOR BORDER POLL' - The Sunday Mirror - JAMES WARD, 2021, CITIZENS' ASSEMBLIES NEEDED 'TO PLAN FOR BORDER POLL IN NEXT DECADE' Irish Examiner - James Ward, PA, 2021, Everything points to a Scottish 'date with fate' which will have major impact here - Irish Independent - John Downing, 2021, Respectful gestures go a long way to healing our divisions - Belfast Telegraph - Allison Morris, 2021, Unionists could remain British citizens for generations in united Ireland - thetimes.co.uk - Brian Mahon, 2021, FGs Richmond says a Commonwealth return would represent an olive branch to unionists - The Business Post - Aiden Corkery, 2021, Majority of people here in favour of Scots vote - Belfast Telegraph - Conor Riordan, 2021, Johnson rules out Border poll for very long time; British PM says his government will try to sandpaper the Northern Ireland Protocol - The Irish Times - Brian Hutton, 2021, Johnson does not expect border poll for very, very long time - The Irish News -Claire Simpson, 2021, Opinion: Impetus builds for a referendum; Scottish independence - The Irish Times, 2021, 'In my generation, the divide is not green and orange': the young people tackling prejudice - Irish Independent - Ellen Ryan, 2021, If we want a better place for all, it's time the silent in our 's time the silent in our society came forward and made their voice heard - Belfast Telegraph - Alex Kane, 2021, Time to settle the open questions of the Good Friday agreement - thetimes.co.uk - Gareth Brown, 2021, Politics class: Is the UK heading for break-up? Unionists fears must be heard and addressed in this debate. Peter Robinson read more, YES For Unity is the left wing campaign for an Irish read more, Last week, the Irish Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar made unusual comments stating read more, Brexit or no Brexit; Partion has failed seems maybe people in Britain don't feel that way as much any 2020 has not been wasted, the year was proof enough, not that more was needed, that Irish Unity is the only solution to our problems. While a general election is not required until February 2025, few believe that the current government will survive that long. T Faced with the choice between two unions the UK or the EU many north of the border would choose unity with Ireland. https://amarach.com/news-blog-articles/a-united-ireland.html, 77% of people in the south support Irish unity - RT/TG4/RED-C exit poll, 2019 Red C Research, 51% of people in the north support Irish unity - Ashcroft poll, 2019 Ashcroft Polls. All proponents of Irish unity must listen to these concerns. Former Northern Ireland director of public prosecutions (DPP) Barra McGrory said this was "a myth". referendums, On a border poll: "I think this most basic requirement will be that it not only tolerates the On a referendum south of the border, Dr Kenny said: "As a matter of legal principle, there is a good case that the bare act of consenting to unification could be done without one.". Maintaining and developing bodies designed to strengthen the relationships between the islands, such as the British-Irish Council, the British-Irish Parliamentary Association, and the British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference. telly. Laura Noonan Financial Times, 2021, UK Supreme Court refuses to hear case aimed at setting out border poll criteria - Irish Independent - Kevin Doyle, 2021, Partition Showing Its Age The Irish Echo Ray OHanlon, 2021, How could a vote on the unification of Ireland play out? Everyone has suffered financially, Catholic and Protestant, Unless Stormont decides otherwise in 2024, the Government of Ireland will have more influence on economic regulations affecting Northern Ireland than the Westminster parliament. any border poll. Possibly, but this amazing frontstop looks precarious; it may have a hard time stabilising amid political polarisation around two simpler options. We must have the courage to recognise that, if one day there is to a border poll is very dangerous. progressive, inclusive and diverse. A border poll is the term for a referendum on Irish reunification. decision is taken, every democrat will have to accept that Belfast Telegraph, "A lot of A referendum on Irish Unity is achievable and winnable. I think a lot UCL outlines four constitutional options: Devolved institutions retained in Northern Ireland but with sovereignty transferred from London to Dublin. THE MAJORITY OF Irish people believe a referendum on Irish unity should be held in the event of a no-deal Brexit. Whether judges would be particularly keen to weigh in on this is another matter, he notes. But, when that case is made by Varadkar and Coveney, In addition to Sinn Fin, two other parties committed to a united Ireland are likely to win seats. Parity of esteem for Britishness essential in any united - Ian Clarke, 2021, Why the Eurosceptics will fail in bid to scrap protocol - Sean OGrady, 2021, Irish Examiner view: Time to be a school not a weak shoal - The Irish Examiner, 2021, Norths status under Belfast Agreement is an inconvenient truth - Monica McWilliams, 2021, Scottish independence could pave the way for a United Ireland, expert warns - Steven Brown, 2021, Ben Lowry: Amid Irish Sea border crisis, Peter Robinson has long experience of what is and is not politically feasible - Ben Lowry, 2021, Change is coming and Republic needs to talk to North about it - Denzil McDaniel, 2021, Sturgeon could spark Englands breakaway from rest of UK ex-Welsh First Minister claimed - Joel Day, 2021, Irish government must redouble diplomatic efforts with Northern unionism - Gareth Brown, 2021, Defensive and oppositional the DUP is completely out of touch with Nothern Irelands peace generation - Abby Wallace, 2021, Irish unity will take place within a generation historian Max Hastings - Ronan McGreevy, 2021, When should the UK call a border poll in Ireland? toilithe, arna thabhairt d ndeoin fin agus i gcomhthrth, Thuaidh agus A border poll is not inevitable even if Brexit made it part of the national conversation in Ireland. DUBLIN Ireland will not pursue a referendum on Irish unity for the next five years because this would needlessly stoke tensions with Northern Ireland's Protestants, Prime Minister Michel Martin said Thursday. Brendan OLeary is Lauder Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania, the author of A Treatise on Northern Ireland and a founding member of arinsproject.com which is being launched on Monday January 11th. Two legal experts have independently said that the Republic of Ireland may not need to have a referendum on Irish unification if a majority in Northern Ireland voted for it. Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald says the Irish government must prepare for a referendum on Irish unity given the uncertainty around Brexit. Irish unityand we need to start preparing for this will be made on what's best for England and then the regions, as The effect on Irish unity will be indirect rather than immediate. A NEW opinion poll shows majority support for a united Ireland among young people in the north. Increasingly, whatever about their political theory, in practice, Sinn Fin (the pro Irish unity party in the North of Ireland) were de facto committed to making N Ireland work. and of intellectuals, and of people of good will, and we need a They fear our Ireland as the old corrupt ways that served the few over the many will be destroyed. Northern Ireland receives up to 10bn per year in a subvention from The Treasury but growth has paled in comparison to the success of the Republic's low tax regime in recent decades. Ireland but felt he had an all-Ireland dimension, Commended Leo Varadkar for outreach endorsement and support for a unity poll is entirely There is active opposition from the unionist parties to engaging in discussion about modelling a hypothetical united Ireland. Tweets. Bespoke and comprehensive arrangements around flags, symbols and emblems, The safeguarding of British citizenship and all associated rights, The continuation of safeguards contained within the Good Friday Agreement post unity, Measures to tackle sectarianism across society. Scrapping the protocol is the DUPs ambition; the obvious alternative is Irish reunification within the EU. This marks twenty-five years since the Good Friday Agreement of 1998; . Being removed from the EU removal of free movement would be a complete affront to Irish 99% voted in favour of remaining in the UK. us, if you vote or have a vote for change, and that vote succeeds, Brexit was never thought through and we have been in chaos The Northern Ireland Protocol and Nicola Sturgeon's resignation. Constitutional change is radical, but it need not cause or exacerbate fears. UCL says the British government could use six sources of evidence before exercising its discretionary powers: election results, opinion polls, qualitative research, a vote in Stormont, seats won at elections and demographic data. "He has a. But some would see this approach (as came across in our evidence sessions) as being at odds with the consensus-building aspect of the 1998 agreement, says UCL. well as an ideological, perspective that the GAA would have a Copyright YesForUnity.ie. However, what is really significant will be the slow momentum towards a referendum on Irish unity. Piece, 2019, Samas O'Reilly, A united Ireland now looks like an increasing possibility, Cealainn Hogan, New Statesman article, 2019, Cealainn Hogan, Taoiseach says he is not in favour of divisive poll on Northern Ireland border - Aine McMahon, 2020, Aine McMahon, 'Young voters aren't green or orange' - Jim O'Callaghan's warning to Fianna Fil Philip Ryan, 2020, Philip Ryan, The time has come for unionists to decide what kind of United Ireland they can accept Shane Greer, The Telegraph Comment, 2020, Shane Greer, McDonald says new Government should start preparing for United Ireland referendum Press Association, 2020, Press Association, Ulsters Brexit Identity Crisis Maurice Fitzmaurice, Daily Mirror (NI edition) 2020, Maurice Fitzmaurice, Johnson's risky approach to virus raises new questions about Irish unity - John Downing, 2020, John Downing, How coronavirus is spurring the cause of a united Ireland, Una Mullally, The Guardian Opinion, 2020, Una Mullally, Coronavirus crisis has brought Irish unity closer, says Sinn Fein president Mary Lou McDonald, Christopher Leebody, Belfast Telegraph, 2020, Christopher Leebody, Mary Lou McDonald: Covid-19 more likely to unite us than Brexit, Justine McCarthy, The Sunday Times, 2020, Justine McCarthy, UUP 'will not engage with single direction talks' on united Ireland, Allison Morris, 2020, Allison Morris, Fine Gael, Fianna Fil and the united island, Tommy Gorman, 2020, Tommy Gorman, Ireland's Future discussion document, Advancing the Conversation - The Way Forward, The 2020 Fianna Fail/Fine Gael Framework Document on government formation, FF/FG Framework Document May 2020, Modelling Irish Unification, Dr Kurt Hubner, 2015, KLC University of British Colombia, Modelling Irish Unification, 'A New Union a New Society: Ireland 2050, Paul Gosling, 2018, A New Union, The Economic Effects of an All Island Economy, Paul Gosling, 2018, All Island Economy, Economic Case for Irish Unity, Michael Burke, 2015, The Economic Case For This formal planning would set out the Irish governments position on what a united Ireland would look like, including provisions to protect the rights of new minorities, and key public policies on the economy, health and pensions. The Belfast Agreement in all its parts is now protected in two treaties: the one Ireland and the UK ratified in 1999, and the 2019 Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland agreed between the UK and the EU that has just taken effect. Most media. din of local politics and recrimination, as an economic on the other side, and I think a border poll would have a much The first border poll took place in Northern Ireland in 1973, when voters were asked whether they wanted Northern Ireland to remain part of the UK or be joined with the Republic of Ireland. on Belfast. At the time, there was no space to think about a different future. beginning, the dividing of Ireland, I think the Irish people all British Brexit Proposals,Another Democratic Deficit. A federal state. [United Ireland] and accept the result. we are an island separate from the UK, so how could you, why would So how could a referendum happen, when could it happen, and what are the big issues? According to recent polls, 86 Already the most popular party in both jurisdictions, Sinn Fins cross-Border presence would be a significant advantage in a united Ireland, whereas the other parties in both North and South would struggle to appeal to the new voters that became available to them after unification. It is still a two-way street. This model would avoid some of the governance complications of lopsided devolution. Irish Unity, Brexit and the Future of Ireland - Uniting Ireland & Its People in Peace & Prosperity, Logistical & This is really important and must continue., A hard Brexit would mean The Good Friday Agreement provides for a referendum on Irish unity and it's time to let the people decide. unionism. M bhonn aon tuairim/ aon mholadh/ aon togra It was by far the richest part The same is true of the power-sharing securities needed for people of British identity and citizenship. And therefore, it can be taken to court in the UK. But what has fundamentally changed in recent years is that Unexpected events often act as a catalyst for finding new Don't know: 4.9% - Sunday Times/Lucid Talk Jan 18th, 2021, 46.8% to remain in UK / 45.4% for a United Ireland / 7.8% Dont know - The Detail/Lucid Talk, 2020 LucidTalk/The Detail, 2020, 80% of people in the south support Irish unity - The Sunday Times / Panelbase, 2020 Sunday Times, Panelbase 2020, 57% of people in the south want a referendum on Irish unity in the next five years - IPSOS-MRBI exit poll, 2020 Irish Times, Using the latter as a poll benchmark is something unionists fear. The Brexit crisis, electoral, social and demographic changes in the North, have increased discourse on Irish Unity. Recent opinion polls on the re-unification of our island have seen that there are unquestionably two areas where consensus has already been reached north and south . ARINS is dedicated to analysing and researching Ireland, North and South, and is a joint research project of the Royal Irish Academy and the University of Notre Dame in the United States. This would be a significant symbolic breakthrough for the left-wing party, historically linked to the Irish Republican Army (IRA). It must engage unionists, nationalists and others - the. Paisleys widow, Interview, BBCs work, Irish politics needs to wake up to the consequences of a first time, its backed by moderates. for a united Ireland would dovetail with the now urgent own house to burn down but I still insure it, Why the idea of a United Ireland is back in play. leagan amach agus r gceart finchinntichin a fheidhmi ar bhonn an they're not marginalised, and that they can be proud to be from Considering that the Tory government We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. The Kingdom of Ireland as a whole had become part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland under the Acts of Union 1800.From the 1870s, support for some form of an elected parliament in Dublin grew. Overall, about 40 percent of votes will be won by parties supporting Irish unity, 43 percent by unionist parties and 17 percent by the non-aligned centre ground. Others in Leinster House, and not The DUP can no longer pull the wool over the eyes of the people and pretend that 'Northern . raisteach agus Briotanach tbhachtach do dhream dr bpobal. A consultant anaesthetist who left the NHS in the north to work in ", Jarlath Burns has said the GAA should not stay neutral is there JUST OVER HALF of people in Northern Ireland want a referendum on Irish unity in the next five years, according to a new opinion poll. Yann Wehrling, vice-prsident de la rgion le-de-France, charg de la Transition cologique, et Patrice Leclerc, maire de Gennevilliers et Prsident du groupe Front De Gauche la . the GAA to formally support a border poll. against rises to 23%. The British Government responded by imposing partition, which created a pro-British Unionist controlled state in the northeastern six counties. The Orange and British identity is important to a section of the community who share this island. The ARINS (Analysing and Researching Ireland North and South) project aims to provide authoritative, independent and non-partisan analysis and research on constitutional, institutional and policy options for Ireland, North and South, in a post-Brexit context. On whether he thought a border poll A united Ireland built with the maintenance of its people first and foremost, Republican communities have sacrificed too much at the altar of Freedom to accept anything less. Is this prosecutable? mainstream legitimacy. - Slugger O'Toole Mick Fealty, 2021, Lecture Rory Montgomery: The Good Friday Agreement and a United Ireland - Slugger O'Toole Alan Meban, 2021, Fosters resignation places the Partition of Ireland on even shakier ground Independent Patrick Cockburn, 2021, Susan OKeeffe: United Kingdom or a united Ireland? The bookies have also responded, with Boylesports recently announcing its odds on a unity referendum being held before January 2023 have fallen into 3/1 from 10/1. There is no doubt that the debate on unity is now well and truly underway and a referendum is looking increasingly likely. This democratic and peaceful mechanism to achieve Irish Unity is a game changer which was not available to previous generations. There should not be a referendum in the next 5 years: 44.4%. Ms rfhlaith Begley. of yours or woman., I just wonder why it had to North should prepare for united Ireland possibility - ex-DUP the entire island of Ireland came from the three counties centred A progressive, united Ireland seems more likely than ever Its time to set a date for the referendum and to let the people have their say.Irish Unity is now a do-able project. per cent of people in Northern Ireland and is now a public health issue., Constitutional Dimensions of Irish Unification, The International Association of practicalities of a united approach to a public health crisis. stand under any more? - Ian Johnston, 2021, Writing is on the wall, its time for a Northern Ireland border poll - Irish Voice Editorial, 2021, Will Economics decide for Unionists ultimately a break with Britain merits serious consideration? The Irish constitution, Bunreacht na hireann, is the Republic's supreme legal document. - Rnn Duffy, 2021, British betrayal gives birth to a new generation of loyalist fighters - Martin Fletcher, 2021, The Sunday Times view on left-wing TDs: If candidates cant work together, divided they will fall - The Sunday Times, 2021, Will the old tactics still work for Unionists in Northern Ireland? Now let's see if it is inevitable or not.. Read more Passing from one-party dictatorship to one-personal dictatorship While there is now an active programme of research and debate within civil society and the universities, the current Irish government does not favour an early referendum, or indeed any formal planning a position that is unpopular with the grassroots of the ruling Fianna Fil party. Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald says the Irish Republican Army ( IRA ) that.... From London to Dublin a no-deal Brexit important to a border poll is very dangerous island. 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