It combines theory and functional knowledge of people and occupation, with the creative skills of design. If theres anywhere else, where we can see a directory of people doing non-traditional work, that would be really interesting to see! Try to work in multiple acute care hospitals within your region and get to know the case managers in those facilities. The group moderators are very motivating and its informative seeing what others are doing with their therapy degrees. Meredith offers a great Non-Clinical Crash Course on Academia on her site, too. our interview with Kaia Health Product Manager, Winnie Tsui, OTL, CHT, MBA. The site is chock-full of great information to help you launch a non-traditional OT career. On this path, the short term satisfaction of getting a steady paycheck with predictable hours is foregone for the long-term prospect of being the owner of a successful and valuable practice. Office jobs, sales jobs, ergonomics/workplace evaluator jobs, telehealth jobs, and assistive technology jobs are all considered non-traditional (or non-clinical or unconventional) in this article. Usability is what we know as OTs! And, honestly, we need more OTs thinking about non-traditional ways that we can serve our clients. This list of is certainly not exhaustive (as there are SO many options in this realm), but it should at least get the wheels turning! I also helped to start an OT clinic within a University setting so I guess another would be Consultant to other universities wanting to open an OT clinic. Im always learning about new avenues from this group, so be sure to join if youre interested in making a switch. For more on ergonomics, visit AOTAs ergonomics site here. So I was trying to see if I would fit in any other career with my associates degree. Thanks, Geraldine for these great suggestions! Thank you for the great ideas as well as links to further learn about them. For a great perspective on this, check out OT Devon Breitharts experience as a freelance writer, complete with tips on how get started. They may be some of the few non-traditional roles youve considered, because for years, they were the only ones with real visibility for OTs. There probably isnt an OT provider out there who hasnt thought about taking a break from patient care. The course comes with tons of resume downloads, interview prep materials, self-assessment activities, and early access to non-clinical jobs. Rock on, OTs!!! You can read more about my own non-traditional journey, including how I built OT Potential, in my spotlight on The Non-Clinical PT! Resources to Start (and Grow) Your Occupational Therapy Business, Paige Hays, OTR/L of Beyond Accessibility, Maria Lindbergh, OTR/L of Stay At Home Solutions, Home Modification Occupational Therapy Alliance (HMOTA). Statement: The Occupational Therapist as Case Manager, The Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists, Certified Ergonomics Assessment Specialist, Alternative Careers for Rehabilitation Professionals, The Best Splinting Guide for Occupational Therapists, 6 of the Best Occupational Therapy Forums, 10 Reasons Why OTs Should Be Using Occupation-Based Interventions, Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: An Overview of 6 Typical Settings, Alternative Healthcare Careers for Rehabilitation Professionals. It is possible. In our interview with Kaia Health Product Manager, Winnie Tsui, OTL, CHT, MBA, Winnie shares the importance of building (and showcasing) a pathway into tech via stepping stones. Another great option would be to work in vocational rehab in a community-based setting. If anyone can share any additional suggestions for Ashley please do! Here are a few inexpensive courses you can take to kick-start your path to UE/UI roles! Occupational therapy practitioners help people with low vision function at the highest possible level by preventing accidents and injury (e.g., improving lighting), teaching new skills (e.g., eccentric viewing, visual tracking), modifying the task or environment (e.g., recommending magnifiers), and promoting a healthy lifestyle (e.g., ensuring they can participate in their daily activities).. Youll know if youre one of those people pretty quickly . Id like to add two more to your list. Youll spend your days scrutinizing environments, then making recommendations to ensure they are free from hazards and have injury prevention measures in place. I am excited to see non-traditional jobs being promoted, and there are more than just the opportunities listed above!! Many of these non-traditional roles, like client/customer success, might not initially be as lucrative as clinical roles. I know its an additional certification that an OT would have to get, but thought I would bring it up since it is an alternative career path for an OT, since OT does involve a lot of teaching and working with individuals with disabilities. I LOVE being able to work with them one-on-one and in small groups. Remember, if you identify a way that you can solve someone elses problem, youll be very marketable! So many interesting ideas here! Other non-clinical jobs to consider include outdoor-based therapies for all populations and so much more. Due to my own healthcare needs/risks, I am considering exploring outside the box to a non-clinical job setting but not really knowing where to start..I dont have any assistive technology training, but this could be an area of interest for meDoes anyone have any suggestions or ideas about a career in medical sales/assistive technology specific to an OT? Many positions that you did propose are more towards OTRs? Hi Shawnee, Im so glad you enjoyed the article! Since not turning anything into insurance companies? These cookies do not store any personal information. Its flexible, you can do it from anywhere, and its really easy and fun if it comes naturally to you. Also is there any volunteer activities that I could be doing in the mean time that could help me out ? What a great article to get the wheels turning! Even if I would go back to school the six month of clinical would be financially impossible! This may be a great opportunity for you if you do enjoy working with patients but want to focus on an area a bit off the mainstream path. With two teen girls heading towards college, I wouldnt dream of going back to school myself. The issue Ive had is finding a company that will give me a chance since I do not have extensive experience in these fields. Its not necessary, but its helps you feel committed psychologically when you feel youve truly exhausted all options in clinical care before trying something new. Companies that offer health and weight loss programs have proven to save costs on their insurance premiums. It is such a privilege to be able to gather this kind of information for fellow OTs! I hope this post gave you some inspiration and ideas if youre looking for a change. I graduated with a masters in occupational therapy however I have taken the board exam and have been unsuccessful after several attempts. If you are not OK with this, you can opt-out if you wish. I appreciate this post. From my personal experience, being a very emphatic and sensitive person to peoples energy made direct patient care so challenging to balance. Hi Any career transition requires self-discipline and time. These types of positions may be a bit harder to come by, but are definitely worth looking into if youre interested in health promotion. I have volunteered and shadowed, finished my pre-req.s, etc. and recommendations for how to interview, search for jobs, and more! Thank you so much for posting this. Youre so welcome and Im glad the article gave you some ideas! Definitelyequipment sales jobs are perfect for OTs and OTAs! I think that many of these non-traditional career paths can be done as a COTA, especially creating a business and consulting. For example, most OTs and PTs have a very difficult time selling themselves and their services, and very few are savvy with social media and digital marketing. In 2011, AOTA identified the low vision specialty as an emerging niche. A big part of the reason for this focus area growing is the fact that the U.S. and many other developed nations are facing a large aging population in the coming decades. There is also a website with great information on home modifications related to OT from the Home Modification Occupational Therapy Alliance (HMOTA). The next two years showed her that others wanted guidance on doing the same. I am an OT with 20+ years experience in SNF but really needing a change. Required fields are marked *. Definitely check it out! Also, note any experience you have with running insurance or auditing charts. Opting for allopathic therapies instead of natural therapies is a little bit of risky., Just happened upon this outstanding website!!!! You have to have an immense drive deep down to be able to put in the time and effort day after day as well as deal with the seemingly never-ending problems that will arise when starting a business. May I reach out to possibly feature you on The Non-Clinical PT?? Writing is one of the easiest switches you can make, but you have to be willing to put in lots of time, and you might take a pretty steep pay cut at the beginning. Their goals are to promote occupational therapists as leaders in the field of home modifications, develop a lucrative business model for home modification occupational therapists, and increase home modification occupational therapists expertise in home modification techniques, technology, equipment and design.. For more information about careers in medical sales, check out this post on, Biotech, Medical-Device Sales: Which Is for You? Can you give me any advice on where to look for employment in this area? Pharma, Biotech, Medical-Device Sales: Which Is for You? I made solving this problem my focus and went after the skills I would need to solve it: Unless you get really lucky and land the first non-traditional job you apply to, youll probably wind up slowly easing out of your day job and into your new career. Theres something rewarding and fulfilling about building something from nothing and seeing all that hard work pay off over a long period of time. 2. A byline is an attribution for authorship of an article. There are so many occupational therapy schools thatneedsolid OTs to educate future clinicians. If there is any other advice you could give me i would really appreciate it, thank you for your time. There are so many occupational therapy schools that need solid OTs to educate future clinicians. Some careers require additional education or training, or they might necessitate relocation. Once youve made contacts with key players in the contracting and architecture/design industries, you can really beef up your resume (or maybe even your references, if you make nice)! A common career path for occupational therapists after they've been in the field for several years or several decades is to go into teaching and/or research at a specific occupational therapy program. If you are, be sure to read AOTAs position on OTs role in health promotion for some added insight. There are also plenty of in-person events out there. Then, when you apply for the rehab liaison roles, play up your connections big timeyoull need them! These articles can be related to occupational therapy, but may also involve other medical topics that OTs are familiar with. Life happensyou may have an injury or health condition forcing you to step away from something you love, or you may simply be burned out and seeking change. Attend mixers with local home builders, contractors, and corporate development firms. I have 32 yrs experience as an OTR, mainly inpatient rehab, and acute care. I am working as a paraprofessional in the school but I feel I can find something that uses my knowledge and skills closer to what I went to school for. I wanted to share my recent discovery of another area we can utilize our OT expertise. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Jouyin Teoh, an Occupational Therapist in Malaysia, ran a private practice working with clients to help them start a weight loss journey and understand good habits and strategies that benefit their health. This year has been an extremely difficult year of landing a job. Read more about being a case manager from an OT perspective here:Statement: The Occupational Therapist as Case Manager. Youre going to need to network as much as possible. Becoming a home modification specialist for aging in place or individuals with new disabilities is another great alternative that OTs are already very knowledgeable about. These roles are great when theyre great, but if youre not a manager typeor if you want to avoid getting sucked back into patient care from time to timeyou might wind up miserable in management. Thanks again for the article, it did open my eyes! This is such an excellent pointits so important to hone in on what fits best with you, your life, and your individual needs/interests. Hi Heather, after posing this question to the My OT Spot Facebook group, it seems the general consensus is that you will still need an OTR to evaluate and develop a plan of care (if youre providing OT services), even if the client is private pay. An informational interview is a quick conversation where you ask a professional questions about their job. I would love to hear more about your experience! These websites are typically created and run by people that arent in the medical/healthcare field, so they contract healthcare professionals to write their blog content for them. What OT topics are you most interested in? Many jobs in mental health revolve around supporting the homeless population in the U.S. and abroad. In 2017, she launched The Non-Clinical PT, a career development platform that helps rehab professionals leverage their experience, education, and experience in fulfilling non-clinical careers. As an OT, you could be part of the system of checks and balances that makes sure treatments are necessary, effective, and billed properly. It has templates for your CV, resume, and cover letter, and it provides guidance on the interview and presentation parts of landing a role. Liaisons face quotas, so if you hate productivity requirements, you might not enjoy this role. If youre interested in a career in rehab technologyand you can afford the time and costyou must try out a healthcare hackathon. A headshot is an easy way to start establishing your personal brand. As clinicians, we are usually pretty comfortable with our clinical skills, even if we dont know everything. I bet an OT could find a rehab equipment sales job if they wanted or something similar. Once you have a few published articles under your name, you can start using sites like Upwork to start getting freelance and contract work. This is Merediths flagship course. Find your favorites, then watch their career pages to see if one of the positions might be for you! There is a huge need to be filled in this arena, and OTs are a great fit to help here as well. For your own journey into health tech, weve made this post of influential health tech companies for you to look into. Definitely check out the Facebook group Alternative Healthcare Careers for Rehabilitation Professionals. To get started, Upwork is a great platform that most businesses hire their writers from. A career coach keeps you on track and working toward your goals, while a career counselor will work with you to address underlying fears, roadblocks, and challenges that prevent you from making moves professionally. They would be providing services, but would they need an OTR? If youve landed on this article, you may be currently wondering, What else can I do with my occupational therapy degree that is not direct patient care? or are looking into non-clinical occupational therapy job options. Also, if youre still interested, you could try contacting insurance companies near you to inquire more about requirements and training. Not sure where youre located, but Center for Community Partnerships in Fort Collins, CO is a great agency for community integration/job retention services. Family or community commitments can also change over the years, which can impact your desire and ability to work in clinical care. Be sure to join the above mentioned Alternative Careers for Rehab Professionals FB group as there are a number of OTs in the group who have gone into sales and can give their perspective. Thanks! Email me at for more information , First, what is a case manager? for MSOT admission. As Director of Adult Services for an Arc agency, I often feel alone as a non-traditional OT and would love to get the word out in any way that I can to other OTs to pursue a similar non-traditional OT role such as I have! I have been struggling for a while to find my just right fit. If youre interested in working with home modifications, be sure to also check out AOTAs Home Modifications page. While some informational interviews do turn into jobs or mentorship opportunities, you should never assume this will be the case. They spend their days creating seating, positioning, and mobility solutions for people with disabilities, and tend to spend quite a bit of their days working with wheelchairs. I have 28 years in as a COTA in the nursing home setting. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Wikipedias definition says Case management is a managed care technique within the health care coverage system of the United States.. I am considering an alternative career in OT. Learn how your comment data is processed. I do hope this list at least gives you a few non-physical types of job ideas to help you with your career transition. Martin. Loved this article. If you want more info, heres a comprehensive guide on Merediths site that covers transitioning from clinician to copywriter. A common career path for occupational therapists after theyve been in the field for several years or several decades is to go into teaching and/or research at a specific occupational therapy program. I work in architecture/construction to ensure public spaces are disability accessible. I (Sarah) got one done in the early stages of my website and, honestly, it has just made life easier. While sales might be somewhat high stress, it can definitely be an interesting change-up to traditional patient care. There are so many types of medical equipment that we work with on a regular basis, like neuro VR programs, e-stim, modalities, dynamic splinting, hospital beds, wheelchairs, and so on. You are also building something that, if profitable, increases in value and could eventually be sold. Some professional organizations have built a non-clinical presence, and there are tons of groups out there for all sorts of career paths. Thank yall. With the recent change in insurance and the virus and being a new Cota everywhere I apply or look for only wants someone with experience, but how am I able to get experience if I cannot even get a chance to show them my skills. I love that our profession is so versatile when were ready to switch things up a bit , Thank you for the article, I enjoyed reading it. Thank you for reading and any input you may have. Educator. It might take a bit of applying to a variety of positions but explaining to the prospective employers about your experience will be really beneficial. This is a real issue that we OTs need to address as soon as possible. This of course will require more direct hands-on experience, so it may not be not for everyone. Much thanks She now spends her work days connecting OTs with new research in the OT Potential Club. There is more to it than you might think, and if youre interested, Id recommend checking out The Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists. , mentioned above, is open to all rehab professionals and run by The Non-Clinical PT. Reach out to companies like MedBridge,, and Embodia Academy; if youve got quite a bit of niche clinical experience, you may be able to teach a course with them! Here, youll get the chance to work one-on-one with individuals, many times veterans, who need help getting back to work. Im definitely going to be on the lookout for those courses at AOTA about being an expert witness. Got more questions for us? All the allopathic therapies leave some side effects on the patients care. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Address Mental health in OT is a much smaller niche than the typical rehab settings, but if your passion is in mental health, you can start looking on for OT mental health settings (you may need to branch out into other cities as these jobs are typically harder to find). This article walks you through the self assessment of your situation and showcases OTs who work in non-traditional jobs. The rules of thumb are to keep these calls quick, only ask questions about people youre interviewing, and send a thank-you note afterward. Its definitely advisable for new grads (or people who have only worked in one setting) to consider whether they should spend a little more time in patient care before switching gears. Always appreciate the content and the transparency! If you want to try something different in the occupational therapy career space, these are just a few ideas which can help with your brainstorming. There are a lot of OTAs and PTAs that are doing non-clinical positions in the group and can give you some great insight! Because of this, treatments that really are necessary may get denied by auditors that dont understand working on deficits. Employers are beginning to be incentivized by health insurance companies to utilize health improvement programs like the ones Jouyin developed. You may also be interested in becoming a Certified Ergonomics Assessment Specialist. Its been such a fun journey and the amount of knowledge I have gained is invaluable! I recently heard from someone who originally considered going into UX/UI as an OT, but then changed her mind and pursued an ATP cert instead, as its a great non-clinical path in tech that is more directly related to her OT experience. I studied how I could make my articles align with the questions people ask. Meredith has a huge list of non-clinical career spotlights on her site. Way to open this conversation and look forward to keeping in touch. Get business cards printed with your OT credentials (and any other special certifications you pursue). Hello fellow therapist. Almost all medical device and equipment companies have sales representatives that visit hospitals and clinics to market their products to. Occupational therapy and health tech are going to keep merging over the next decades. They wouldnt be full time but are also alternative ways to use your OT skills. If youre interested in giving this a try for My OT Spot, were always looking for guest collaborators to provide great occupational therapy content. It is an unfortunate reality that many homeless individuals suffer from mental illness, and vice versa. The good news is that those jobs are certainly out there! Thank you so much for this specific post I think as creative as we OTs are its so hard to envision a career outside of direct patient care with the fear of judgment and let down (from others and ourselves). These terms are often used interchangeably, but theyre actually quite different in terms of responsibilities and scope. If youre interested in technology and the advancing future applications, this may be something to think about pursuing long-term as well. In fact, I think many of these positions would work well for COTAs with experience. This course covers the difference between health and medical writing, and it has resume and cover letter templates, as well as interview practice questions and advice. Im also now seeing occupational therapists starting their own chronic pain clinics (which I think is great; I go to a chronic pain OT myself and love her practice). When you show that you can stay calm under pressure, youll stand out as a logical successor for managerial roles that open. Some people think they want to leave patient care, but they really want to escape bad managers, shady corporations, or unrealistic productivity expectations. With each course enrollment, you get job application materials (sample resumes, sample cover letters, etc.) There are several different popular avenues that OTs fit well into. The sky is the limit with consulting, so think about where your unique skill set can best serve others needs. I found myself absorbing it all and leaving no emotional space for myself or my family especially with the hardships Covid brought, leading to burnout and a lack of self care. OTs are usability experts, and were perfectly positioned to take on consulting roles involving workplace safety, design challenges, and the removal of barriers in parks, office buildings, and residential complexes. Your email address will not be published. Areas of focus include office ergonomics, production ergonomics, musculo-skeletal injury prevention, general health and wellness promotion. offer contract work (similar to registry or per diem work) for creatives. I am a new grad and I can say with certainty that I dont want to work in SNF, hospitals, or OP. Thanks again for sharing! Your first byline is most difficult to attain. A perfect match for me!Tanisha Cowell. You can start your own blog, or you can reach out to websites to get published and start racking up some bylines. That said, you dont need any additional training to write for your next career! You dont necessarily need to go to court. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Writing is one of the easiest switches you can make, but you have to be willing to put in lots of time, and you might take a pretty steep pay cut at the beginning. If youd like to switch to a public health, for example, you might need a masters of public health (MPH) or certification to show you have an understanding of statistics. If youre making a slow transition into a new career, you may be able to make some money as a registry or per diem OT during the process. We definitely have a great field with tons of possibilities even as we come to later stages of our career. Hello I love reading the articles you write, I was just wondering if you could help me out. It is designed for people who know they want to pivot to a new career, but arent sure what they want to do, nor how to create resumes, find jobs, interview, negotiate, etc. Its a great option if your hospital offers the position and you love interacting with people. There have been a lot of courses on this at AOTA conferences recently. Cash-based OT, early intervention, nature-based OT and other types of niche roles are not considered non-traditional for the purposes of this article. There are plenty of lateral moves that an OT degree will get you the inverview. A career change can affect more than just you. While the most obvious and easiest way to use your OT degree is to actually practice in a traditional setting, alternative career paths may be a better fit for you long term. The first thing youll need as a writer is to get published online. This one is interesting, being that many of us dread the insurance auditors. Hope this helps! In preparation for these events, youll want to: Youll want to have your title and a personal email address on hand for anytime you meet folks at networking events, healthcare hackathons, or even happy hours! For other mental health settings to look into, check out this post covering a variety of areas to work in: Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: An Overview of 6 Typical Settings Best of luck in your job search! If you enjoy working with patients, but you hate the time constraints and pressure of traditional settings, you can consider a role as an assistive technology personnel (ATP) or seating mobility specialist (SMS). Hi Martin, thanks for your comment. Your email address will not be published. You might want to check with your states individual regulations just to be sure. If you have a knack for writing and can pump out quality articles quickly that are free from errors, this is can be a flexible option that you can do from your own home. Companies near you to look into thanks She now spends her work days connecting OTs with new research in group. Information, First, what is a case Manager job ideas to help as... What a great field with tons of groups out there of clinical would be providing services, theyre. Watch their career pages to see non-traditional jobs being promoted, and more necessitate relocation you have running... With people the case managers in those facilities getting back to school.... Go back to work one-on-one with individuals, many times veterans, need. Comprehensive guide on Merediths site that covers transitioning from clinician to copywriter where we utilize. The board exam and have been a lot of courses on this at AOTA conferences recently so if identify! With your OT skills volunteered and shadowed, finished my pre-req.s, etc. with this, you job. Therapy, but may also involve other medical topics that OTs are familiar with that need solid to. 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