MCU people look at the camera as they board a street car. Street traffic, buses, trolleys, cars, people. Man cuts and butters bread at a table in the room. MS, policeman on horseback, using the horse as crowd control, people are gathered. Big building in the city of Warsaw, street cleaning, traffic. MS, Katowice, workers exiting the mine. Children playing in the snow in Russia, exact location needs to be verified. Mechanical Engineering journal. In city square, swastika prominently displayed on church, crowd salutes, soldiers marching, more shots of Germans saluting. VS of the new mothers and newborns. More wreckage and large artillery casings at 01:03:02:07. Men come in and out of room, talking. Two Polish soldiers walking along, one is carrying a bunch of high black boots over his shoulder. LS, entrance to mansion (embassy?) in Australia. If you have already searched the Partner Sites, you have searched these collections. VS of baby carriages and families in the park. Military review. Woman continues to shops for table service and to a women's clothing store featuring a "jesie" [autumn] collection. Elaborate Russian Orthodox church. Highly recommended."-Library Journal "A comprehensive survey and . Scenes outside of the Anti-Bolshevik Exhibit (Antibolschevistische Ausstellung); uniformed Nazis with armbands line up to enter a building, several civilians enter as well (men and women). Luggage, CUs. Flag performance (fast motion). The dignitaries arrive at the parade review stand. ), bicycles in city streets, cafe tables. Seeking House Records of the 90th US Congress. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. 8:07 Cover of Architectural Forum Magazine of Building. CUs of engravings on arches, church, broken statue. Cut to the streets of Krakow, many people moving about, lots of activity, a religious Jew carrying a large parcel walks down the street, a peasant woman carrying a large pack on her back walks behind him, they both turn and enter a building (unmarked). Men and women folk dancing in full, traditional central Polish folk dress. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. Bernard. CU of the operator at the helm in uniform, followed by shots of this train from various angles, men with briefcases board this single car train at an outdoor station. Search below to view digital records and find material that you can access at our library and at the Shapell Center. CU of signs: Top: Citizens are asked to keep their dogs on leash. Staged scenes of a village family in Zakopane, Poland. 01:16:25:00 More scenes of construction, however this building is not as large as the other building, this is a wood frame structure, and workmen unloading cement block materials from the truck; cut back to the other building featured a few shots earlier. Good CUs of teenage boys and girls as they enter the school up the stairs, including Ellen Rosenthal. A crowd surrounds a vehicle. Traffic cop directs traffic in busy town square. 01:11:35:14: Cut back to wounded in their hospital beds. INT man sits on a cot reading. 01:05:45 "Zur Jugendherbergs Ausstellung" sign. 76-4905; OSHRC Docket No. amount of money the immigrant had in their possession. (08:23) CU guillotine blade falling, shadow of man. Re: When did Leroy Dice Gainey enter the US? Eating, look at NS propaganda, postcards with Hitler at street vendor, eating., The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration They are on the road leading out of the wooden church. In the BG a large thatched-roof building is visible. There is little data from 1933-1937 because the books are now inaccessible. End scenes of Gdynia, begin brief sequence of street scenes of Gdansk, also in the northwestern corner of Poland. 01:19:42 In a Warsaw hospital maternity ward-one doctor and one nurse care for several mothers with their newborn babies lined up in the hospital's basement hallways on the floor (shelter from ongoing bombings). Cut to a scene of a young girl praying in front of a small altar she has set up outdoors, there are candles, and she is reading from prayer book. Teenage boys (refugees) waiting in line to board the ship, looking up at the ship that is out of frame, their ID tags are attached to pins that say; "US Committee," they are followed by a group of older ladies, a man with a camera around his neck moves out of the way of the movie camera. Ende card. Cars, buildings, stream of water on pavement. Train moving (towards the camera). CU, worker takes off his mask as he exits the zinc refinery. The trucks carry wooden coffins with wreaths on top of them- their fallen comrades. Girls exercise in a gym. 01:12:21 Scenes of city life, we are now on the outskirts of Warsaw - the trolley pulls up to the station, the sign on the front of the trolley reads "Destination: Dworska". Reaching Norfolk 11 July, she sailed the 22d to Leghorn, Italy, where she arrived 5 August to embark troops for redeployment in the Pacific. (1,426 + steamboat passenger lists to date) List of (Scottish) Passengers arrived at Quebec August 1819 (Harmony & Hope from Oban, Scotland) barque Camperdown, 1819 from Limerick to Quebec, many aboard the steamboat New Swiftsure, 10th September 1819, from Quebec to Montreal Re: Where can I find immigration records? Older man using oxen to run a grain threshing machine. was the first American troopship to carry European refugees to their new homes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where they could become farmers or factory workers. Industrial area. His photographs appeared in Life Magazine. CU statue. MCU, passengers boarding a train. Several CUs of shop windows displaying proudly the photos of Polish leaders, particularly Pilsudski, Paderewski and the current (1937) President Mosczieksky. LS, amusements along river - children playing. INTs, CU, woman praying at Catholic mass. [5], In 1981 Mission Viking was transferred to Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Corp. of Panama. Castle in mountains. Repeat of the horses rushing down the hillside, driven by soldiers, rather random/staged looking battle scenes, one of the soldiers is on a field phone in one of the MCUs. 01:20:44 A woman sells Polish flags with the eagle crest insignia. Cut to nurses comforting elderly women who have most likely lost family members in attacks. CU of the fabric of the peasant skirts. The gondola approaching the top of the mountain; MCU gondola operator, CU on the gears, another shot of it approaching the end of the run, from a slightly different angle- people disembarking. Inside the classroom, English lessons in progress, female teacher. In staff lounge, men play games, look at books, read newspaper. 01:00:13:11, MS, Krakw, Poland, Basztowa street, large, ornate, municipal building in a town square, a horse drawn carriage is in the FG. Reel 3A In yard, husband and wife gardening, picking flowers, hoeing. 1. The camera pans a sea of Russian peasant woman's faces; many are making the sign of the cross. Captain Grainger. The sign reads "Der Botschaft der Union der S.S.R. Used as establishing shots. Several people standing on a train platform as the train pulls into the station. As the DPs b . INT, processing center for IRO (International Relief Organization). VAR HAS of the ceremony, with motion picture and still cameramen running around to catch every angle. MS of a guillotine. Views of visitors and the art exhibited are to some extent different from that seen on Nazi Germany reels at the Library of Congress. EXT, CU, two young Jewish boys socializing with each other. 01:14:50:13 The parade review stand, dignitaries, both military and civilian, hob-knob with each other at the review stand, high ranking Catholic church officials are in attendance, particularly Cardinal August Hlond, the Prelate of Poland, known for making antisemitic pronouncements, who called for a boycott of Jewish shops in Poland as early as 1935, after the death of Jozef Pilsudski. Cut to the young women assembled in another area of the field. More shots inside the mine, the cars full of zinc ore, etc. 01:04:40:11 to 01:05:02:00 Young men and women gathered in a hall for a social, and then seated to watch a musical performance; band on stage, several cuts back and forth between musicians and audience. Small church. All are wearing traditional Polish peasant dress. VS, sandbagging the American embassy in Warsaw. New slate, Salzburg, Austria: US Information Center on a buys street corner. Small groups read books together outside. CU sign reads YMCA KAVARNA JIDELNA VCHOD PASAZI. Young men with a coach on a basketball court. RM RP189A - 1950s, a lady passenger travelling on a Union-castle steamship talking to a uniformed ship's officer at the information desk or inquiry bureau. Warsaw burning [most likely stock news footage] at 01:18:32, followed by shots of Poles taking to the streets of Warsaw to dig trenches to protect against the ongoing Germany army attack. A nurse and doctor make their way through a destroyed ward full of empty beds. Women greet officials, shake hands. 2. INT, women sorting zinc at refinery in Zakopane, Poland. Teacher and Jewish girl. **, Scenes from the Giesche zinc mine and refinery in Katowice, circa 1936. People reading at tables. MLS the two young boys dragging a chair, down the street full of rubble. More shots of workers unloading materials at the dock in Gdynia. The first trims shows a MS of the train, attached to electric cables pulling into the station, passengers wait with paper wrapped bundles under their arms. Crowd at Nazi party rally in stadium. . Holocaust Memorial Museum will help you learn more about the Holocaust and research your family history. Back to the lumberyard, several workmen moving and hauling wood around the yard. 11:44 Sequence repeats. Winter 1945/1946 or 1946/1947 In Gdansk (Danzig), destruction to buildings along the river in the city, reflection in the water. 01:04:06 CUs, boots. CUs, marching band members. LS of the famous castle, shot of a small boat letting in along the Vistula River, LS of two women walking across the courtyard of an unidentified building. 01:04:09 LS, factory, smokestacks. St. Vitus Cathedral. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. All the regiments were rounded up on the field and then marched from the field through Warsaw. 01:03:17:07: Several residents of the neighborhood come out to look at the wreckage: men, women and children survey the scene now along with the soldiers. He is removing this clock as a trophy. A woman walking out the door holding a book. Cut to group of young school children touring the medieval city wall of Krakow. visitor! Please Note: Firefox and some other Search Engines may not be suitable Use Google Chrome for this Web Page to load perfectly!. Automat, stone coffee pot, street scenes, caf, waiter, shop windows. Closer shots of parade with swastika flags, drummers, crowd saluting. VS of the bystanders, young boys watch the parade perched in the trees along the parade route, young women in traditional costume line the parade route, all signs of Polish solidarity. Berlin - Kindergarten scenes at the famous and historic Pestalozzi Froebel Haus, part of the Pestalozzi educational movement. "Gepaeck-Abgabe" sign. The men hold up the parachute from the plane that has been torn to shreds. Mrs. Roosevelt exiting church with a bouquet of flowers and officials. Pan up the building toward clock tower. Signs for gasoline - "Gro Essen" and "Flug Essen." 01:01:00:00 The destroyed DEUTSCHE BANK, a horse and carriage move through the frame. EXT, LS of unidentified factory, quickly cuts to an INT scene in an orthodox church whre people receive communion, exact location and date, as well as the reason for the service are unknown; images of Russian iconography. Large group of schoolchildren walk along a road with their teacher. 01:12:27:15 LS, soldiers on horseback appear seemingly out of nowhere on a vast expanse of plane, they ride out of frame, and then we see a CU of a tank moving across some brush, MS, soldiers on horseback crossing a river or stream. Townspeople exiting (a church?). One of the young men packs his suitcase as all the family gathers round to view their newly created identity papers and make plans for the future. CU, red metal sign for a medical clinic in Warsaw. Sequence of four trims: Her husband shaves. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. Shop windows, no sign is visible in its entirety. Two Hasidic men talking in square with R. Beck sign in BG. Quick shot of men and women, then of the street and a horse drawn cart passing by. Statue of the Holy Crucifix and Calvary on Charles Bridge. Man holding "Bryan" slate. People cross the plaza. CU, shop sign (bookstore). CU audience listens. You are our[an error occurred while processing this directive] Eyeglass shop. "Luther-Haus" civilians. INFORMATION CENTER'' building in Vienna. (03:30) Audience. Refugees gather with their belongings to begin their journey to Canada. INTs, Leica factory, various shots. Re: I would like to find information on my parent’s immigration here to the US. Building rubble. Then, as the Polish soldiers retreated, Warsaw was surrounded and besieged. Photographs of young boys and a medal in a case. People, refugees, destroyed buildings in Warsaw. The transport was reacquired by the Navy. Repeat of quick shot of an older peasant woman handing her bundles to a man who puts them on a horse drawn carriage. Flower stalls at the outdoor marketplace. This scene was shot in the immediate aftermath of a German air attack over Warsaw. A modern country: pedestrians reading newspapers, posters advertising arts and culture, vendors, trams, tall buildings, man with balloons and schoolchildren, storefronts. CU, high heels as the camera pans up the body of a woman trying on a dress. 16 20 mm AA gun mounts. HAS, planes flying overhead, Nazi party rally, air show, military review with tanks. Austrian civilians gather to look at the window displays featuring information about industry and farming in the US. 01:05:16 Bicycling, city traffic. Soldiers stand around drinking as well. Nazi (Leipzig?). Back to peasant women, one helps the other adjust her skirt waist. High shot of open jeep with people entering a village, boys performing a drill, woman doing laundry in her yard, bucolic mountains, and three pedestrians. 01:13:05 A funeral procession through the streets of Warsaw. Crowded train platform, several bourgeois looking families are boarding the trains, some soldiers are also on the platform, some help the women and children board. Uniformed conductor or a police officer stands on the platform. Women setting up drinks and sweets for the boys. INTs, Julien Bryan with Jozefa Drzewowska (age 72), photographed clasping her hands in prayer in 1939 and used on the cover of "Siege" (Photo Archives W/S 47403). HAS, boys playing soccer. Sailing for New York 22 April, General M. B. Stewart arrived 11 May and decommissioned 24 May. Architectural detail, CU from under an archway, partial view of a dome. Coal. This is followed by two trims of a building under construction in Warsaw, workmen construct wood frame, cart materials around the site in wheel barrows, as a foreman barks orders. POLAND The shot lasts several seconds, then switches at 01:10:30:14 to a MS of a memorial covered in snow, wreaths, names, crosses, carnations, are all peaking out of the snow. 01:13:32 Women using telephone booth "Offentlicher Fernsprecher" Men putting coins into machine. Men salute from the stands. The Holocaust Encyclopedia provides an overview of the Holocaust using text, photographs, maps, artifacts, and personal histories. VS of refugees filing off of trains and towards the ship. The nurses (Sisters Zurawska, Helena, and Genowefa) remembered the day when the maternity ward of the Catholic Hospital of the Transfiguration was bombed in 1939, which JB photographed (Photo Archives W/S 47210). "Gesperrt" sign on Autobahn. Use these search engines first to check for your ancestor in multiple databases for many ports all at once. Opens in 1946- Warsaw, Poland, snow covered ground and destroyed buildings; military vehicle and electric bus pass by one of the destroyed buildings, cut to horse drawn carriages going down these same streets. The passengers wave from the ship's deck to the camera, the camera follows the ship as it heads out to sea. The same action is now viewed in a MS, where the young woman's family is visible as well. Music Jerzy Fitelberg These are many groups of extended families. MS, a woman boarding a bus at a bus stop in Warsaw. A row of tall buildings is visible in the BG, it seems to be a busy business/downtown area in this unidentified locale. VS, CUs of a brochure for the Goldschmidt Jewish School in Berlin, Germany. Hang gliding. Younger girls walk along a country road in Saxony, stake a flag, eat lunch, read, nap, and perform silly skits. 01:05:48:22: MS residents milling about on the street, sitting on chairs, surrounded by the few belongings they have left- several young women, one man. Return to CUs and MCUs of Catholic holiday procession through the streets of Lowicz, followed by a quick glimpse of a paddle boat docked alongside the Vistula river in Krakow. Massive crowds of bystanders. People disembark the train in what seems to be a deserted field. [4] General M. B. Stewart made four more such trips herself: arriving in Melbourne (from Naples[3]) on 13 April 1949 with 816 refugees; in Adelaide on 20 July 1949 with 816; in Melbourne 30 January 1950 with 1,262; and finally arriving in Sydney on 17 April 1950 with 1,292 displaced persons. Several women gathered together on the road, closeups. french ship (32) Apply french ship filter ; full-rigged ship (47) Apply full-rigged ship filter ; fully rigged ship (149) Apply fully rigged ship filter ; hm ship (116) Apply hm ship filter ; hm ship/frigate (27) Apply hm ship/frigate filter ; immigrant ship (27) Apply immigrant ship filter ; iron barque (516) Apply iron barque filter Girl with kitten. The priest visible in the middle wearing a dark cassock and elaborate hat is then parson of Chochow parish, Kazimierz Rzeszodko. MLS of a group of barefoot children being lead through the rubble-filled streets by young women. Additional shots of streets and buildings in Prague. CU two men in discussion. EXT, Krakow's Wawel castle. Many civilians are milling about. INT, VS, young men at a large cafeterias style table, eating,drinking and horsing around. Partner Sites Indexing Multiple Databases, Immigration Records by Ethnic, Nationality, Political, Religious, or Socioeconomic Groups, National Archives and Records Administration. RM 2HDBDR9 - SS Andrea Doria at sea in the early 1950s. Hospitals and churches were ultimately targets and women were machine gunned from planes while digging potatoes for their hungry families. "Kraft durch Freude" on shop window. Crane comes down from the deck of a ship. 01:03:08:25 Someone in a bear costume in the village teasing passersby, VS with young girl and young man fighting the bear, etc. Woolworth. Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. (Building is the one JB photographed in 1939 with sandbags and "Wagonslits" sign in Photo Archives W/S 47396). Mechanics. 01:13:54 Quick shot of three male dancers playing with their hats and horsing around, taking a break from dancing. This is where the Poles would go to ski. Although there will be some overlap with the Partner Site searches, you should search these collections. EXT, VS, a new schoolhouse in Lowicz, Poland, scenes in the schoolyard, children playing. In 1946, Bryan photographed the efforts of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency in postwar Europe. Two elderly ladies talking, MCU in profile. Several additional shots of the ceremony. Apolonia Wiktorzak was photographed in 1939 holding a loaf of bread, now 65 years old (Photo Archives W/S 47371). Group of young women dressed in long top coats, hats, scarves, berets walk along road; the gate is now visible in the BG. 01:06:11 Leica factory, various shots, INTs, workers, microscopes, lenses. CU, license plate. CU of a piece of zinc ore in someone's hand as they demonstrate the contours of the rock. INT, classroom, a priest lectures to boys and girls seated at desks. 01:21:03 CU profile of Smigly-Rydz flanked by two Catholic officials, including Cardinal Hlond, whose antisemitic pronouncements at the time fueled longstanding anti-Jewish attitudes among Polish Catholics (see more of Hlond in RG-60.4016). In the BG several tents are visible on the hillside. Formations on field, eagle/swastika. Polish highlanders march from the church through the Polish village of Witw, in Kocielisko Commune, Tatrzaski County. CU profile of man who cleaned the prison floor in earlier scene. Bremerhaven, Germany at the port of embarkation. MCU, refugees in smaller groups, talking to each other as they wait for entrance to the building. Cut to other women walking along a dirt road, a horse drawn carriage passing by, then the camera returns to the two little sisters. In Warsaw coins into machine young boys dragging a chair, down the street and a horse and move! 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