He knew that they would lose the race back to the top of the ridge, so he suddenly stopped. That's my routine. The present system doesn't work and it's going to take us down. Transcripts Dragons: The Nine Realms Fire Escape Script view. A lot of that comes you spoke - we spoke about are driven by people who don't have access to the system. SGT. Anybody else would laugh, you know? What we don't know, is that a fundamental change? You're two or three times as likely to get a heart catheterization or have a stent in your coronaries. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, that's why you don't want him to fall again. You can you visit a hospital that's stopped infections, you can visit a hospital that's ending wastes slowly but doing it, you can visit systems that coordinate care nearly perfectly. That is how many medications I was on. Exhale. Jonas, Wayne B., commentator. We have a disease management system. The US healthcare system has to be overhauled to put the patient's needs above the doctors and the insurers. There are certain patients that are very motivated to say how do I go back and recapture the wellness I used to enjoyed? I'd have my pizza, I'd have my comics, I'd have my DVDs, and that was the weekend. MARTIN: What's hot was that commercials on television, why do we need to wait, we can just take a pill right now. One of the great contributions of America to world cuisine, you know, fake bread. We have made all of this unhealthy food the cheapest and most available food. I was popping 20 or 30 Nitrols a day. And that is why, our first priority has to be to equalize that access and then move on. People eat what's cheap and what's available. Escape Fire: The Fight To Save American Health Care. And is it still traveling into your neck? ORNISH: There's very little evidence that these conventional treatments make you live longer, but they cause many men to be impotent or incontinent or both. Does it make a difference? Look at the thinness. You've seen a lot. Host virtual events and webinars to increase engagement and generate leads. If we have better primary care that includes nutrition counseling, prevention and care of chronic disease, fewer people get sick. We want more procedures. But we're going to talk to them about it still, you know? It is so addictive. It's wonderful. I mean, when the cost of some of the things we use on a regular basis. Afghanistan? This is major reason why we see kids getting fat in this country. I mean, give me a break. NISSEN: We do have a problem in America, and that is we have misaligned incentives. When I had my first heart attack, did the cardiac catheterization, put the thing up there and put a stent in my heart, because I had a clogged artery. What does it look like over the next few years? WEIL: In the 1950s, Americans took pharmaceutical medication at about 10 percent of the rate that they do now. Your arteries around the heart. The study was conducted by Dr. Dean Ornish, who looked at patients with early stage prostate cancer. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Six and over. An estimated 600,000 stent procedures are performed every year in the United States. ROBERT YATES, INFANTRY, U.S. ARMY: Medications I was on. We are more likely to get a knee replacement or have a cat scanner, have an MRI. BROWNLEE: We have a disease care system, and we have a very profitable disease care system. And we're going to be doing CPR on a patient. The really astonishing part about the fact that we spend more is we have worse health outcomes. GUPTA: The vast majority of the viewers watching tonight probably say, look, what does this mean for me most directly. I'm Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Still bothers me to this day. What does that do? And so, I think it points to the violence in our society. And there's a lot of talk about who's going to pay for it, and that's really important. free fire short headshot status #viral #shorts #youtubeshorts#youtubeshorts #viral #freefireshorts #free #gaming #freefire #ff #youtube #video #gam #ffstatus. And it's got to the point where the pain's radiating from my back down to my hips and then down to my thighs. We create a public expectation that more is better, which isn't actually true so people seek more. CARNES: So feel yourself there in your safe place. What is really striking is how little they have written the last few years. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We all know there's things we can do and they make us feel good and we like to do them, but we're going to feel really bad if our doors close. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Good, how have you been? You also want to engage the billing representatives and the financial representatives of the hospital in that discussion and have them understand, I need an explanation of these charges. Hold my beer while I shoot this gator, you know? 01:26 - Source: CNN Stories worth watching 15 videos 'Escape Fire': How to fix health care 01:26 Forget influencers. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bye. DR. JEFFREY MARSHALL, PRESIDENT, FOR INTERVENTIONAL AND GEOGRAPHY IN INTERVENTION: I don't believe so. The fire broke out around 10 p.m. Monday at the Cozumel Apartments in the 6400 block of Sierra Blanca Drive near Westpark Tollway and Highway 6. And that's parts of what a really great healthcare system would do. It will require a huge effort. Frederick Douglass forcefully advocated for others to escape slavery, and in doing so violated laws in southern states that specifically criminalized this speech. But then Dean Ornish was starting his program to see if you can reverse heart disease through a lifestyle change, and he went to my doctor and asked if he could approach me. It's just so much more than money. Published Feb 22, 2001. I tried to get him up, he just rolled himself out. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BROWNLEE: The history of how the American healthcare system grew is not one of order, it's one of sort of happen hazard chaos. MARSHALL: You and I both know, it's hard to change the habits of a lifestyle. (CROSSTALK) KASCH: That's why he's a little high right now. I would probably leave healthcare before I went back to practicing the way I practiced last year. It's a completely irrational system. That's built in these costs as well. And I think those discussions that we between the patient and the provider about lifestyle disincentives. CARNES: Notice where you are in the room, the people around. Much more than money spent on much more expensive services. GUPTA: You know, one can't help but walk away from the documentary, Doctor , frankly, they are scared of stents. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What I'm arguing for is not to make things tough on industry, it's to make things safe for patients. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: These are all name brand. That requires so much work, but we do it because we're committed to having her stay out of the hospital. Korengal, the (INAUDIBLE), it's the most intense battleground that you can ever be in. Next, click the three-dot menu icon underneath the title of the video. Look at this. We could do 1,000 studies with a million patients, it would remain on the fringes, it's all about the Benjamins, as (INAUDIBLE) would say. Right? MARTIN: Bye. All right, so take a breath. Brownlee, Shannon, commentator. In the dialog that appears, select the language of the file you're uploading. How to know if you are being prescribed unnecessary medications or procedures, that's next. ROBERTSON: Conventional wisdom is, over the next two years, we will likely go out of business. (LAUGHTER) NIEMTZOW: Hi. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Eggs, sausage, grits, bacon. Entitled Escape Fire, Dr. Berwick's speech took its audience back to the year 1949, when a wildfire broke out on a Montana hillside, taking the lives of 13 young men and changing the way firefighting was managed in the United States. Official Trailer Watch the full 1.5 hour version on Netflix or YouTube ($3.99). Are my premiums going to go up? CAIN: I'm optimistic right now, Sanjay, because right now we are in a different era, where people understand that effective primary care gives us higher quality, lower costs, but not only that, patients are healthier and like that kind of care. No eastern medicine. It's not visible, but it's there. It caused their blockages to become less blocked in their arteries. This -- medications I was on. Let me distinguish two terms. GRUBER: Well, basically, Medicare actually - I don't have to tell - Medicare right on demonstration where they did bidding, where Medicare would pay -- would reimburse certain rates for medical devices and they had bidding across different manufacturers to be the low bidder, to brought that sources lower prices by 40 percent. American healthcare costs are rising so rapidly that they could reach $4.2 trillion annually, roughly 20% of our gross domestic product, within ten years. RICHARD UMBDENSTOCK, PRESIDENT, AMERICAN HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION: I was almost as surprised as anybody to see the reports that I was the most frequent visitor to the White House during the health reform debate. MARTIN: You used to cut? DR. WAYNE JONAS, PRESIDENT, SAMUELI INSTITUTE, MILITARY MEDICAL RESEARCH: With 10 years of ongoing wars, the amount of suffering that's going on in the military right now is tremendous. I can't be having heart problems. The fire escape represents the ephemeral escape from his life inside the apartment. We need to change the nature of medicine. Until my doctor said to me, I don't know what else to do for you. NISSEN: Contrary to what most people believe, getting a stent in your coronary, if you have stable chest pain, will likely relieve your pain, but it will not help you live longer. To get people to eat different, to eat, you know, to lose weight, to exercise regularly, those are hard things to get people to do, and we need to be better at it. All right? Rescue care is second to none. Simply the same way the hospitals and physicians. And some people even that are getting stents don't have symptoms. Let go of thinking, drop back in awareness and notice how a thought may show up, seemingly out of nowhere, or an image may show up and then disappear. It is important to keep in mind. Yes, this is Dr. Martin over at La Clinica. That isn't true in Canada. With the infantry division. Obesity leads to heart disease and strokes and diabetes. Compared to having your chest cut open? JONATHAN GRUBER, ECONOMIST, MIT: Prevention, unfortunately, does actually saves us money, you know. ORNISH: In medical school, I was learning to do bypass surgery with Michael DeBakey, the heart surgeon. Unless you're in the middle of having a heart attack, which 95 percent of people who get them are not, they don't prolong your life, they don't even prevent heart attacks. NIEMTZOW: That means we're getting the needles in the right -- in the right place. YATES: Meditation is scary sometimes. Alexander/Transcript. All Dogs Go to Heaven 2/Transcript. Do you want to tell me about some of those that you lost? ROBIN ROBERTS, ABC NEWS: Now to a new study that shows diet may be a key tool in the fight against cancer. The film interweaves personal stories with the efforts of leaders battling to transform it. ORNISH: The limitations of high-tech medicine have never been clearer. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You realize one day, wow, I haven't worked out. There's saving money and there's cost effective. Select "Show Transcript" from the menu. RICE: You know, I think, the biggest incentive for patients is that they are going to leave a higher quality at longer life. Hello, how are you? PROTESTERS: Now. We don't know what they are. Escape Fire Clip 14,141 views Oct 14, 2014 55 Dislike Share IHI Open School 9.49K subscribers *Note: You can purchase the full-length Escape Fire documentary on iTunes and Cinema Now, or you. When telomere wear down and get frayed, the genetic material would get messed up. MARTIN: When was your last mammogram and pap smear? People talk about two-minute doctors. Let me just take a listen to you. MARTIN: I'm going to make a phone call and try and get some wheels in motion so that we can get you the help that you need. COSGROVE: Cleveland Clinic was founded by four physicians, and they realized they did better working as a team than as individual practitioners. There were even times, honestly, that I looked in the mirror and said, how did you get here? And remember that you can return to this place at any time during the meditation. There is no reason that exact approach can't be applied across the board to drugs, to other diagnostic tests. 0. So tired of it. Our automatic transcription software will convert your video to text in just a few minutes (depending on the length of your video). KATY KASCH, HEAD NURSE, AIR MOBILITY COMMAND: Yes. GRUBER: For everybody. People come in and you try and fix one thing and they come back for the same thing over and over and over. All Dogs Go to Heaven/Transcript. I'm not interested in getting my productivity up. All my health issues have gone away. Escape Fire: The Fight To Save American Health Care Aired March 10, 2013 - 20:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. We know it's there. YATES: That's a healing process because you're not bottling up, it's going to a different section in your mind to where you can start processing it. The first description that the play makes about the fire escapes is "The apartment faces an alley and is entered by a fire escape, a structure whose name is a . So to make up that difference in the reimbursement rates decreasing we're changing the shorter appointments next week. The Dartmouth study showed the patients in places like Miami were receiving more care. We have a model that works simply by making changes in diet and lifestyles. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hello, Mr. Fields. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: First one's going in. I don't believe in that stuff. So, a hospital like the one you just saw there. The balloon is inflated to widen the blocked areas. Sometimes we're talking about them on a daily basis. There is no doubt, they always have. (COMMERCIAL BREAK). DR. ANDREW WEIL: There's the bright blue slush. Did you have a good day today? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What are you going to do at work? It just doesn't work out financially. I was so dependent on my pain medication. I was a walking dead man. Then all of a sudden I started getting chest pains. It has to do with the training of physicians. JONAS: What it first seems like strange bedfellows, healing oriented mind/body practices and sort of the hardcore military actually is an opportunity that they jumped at because of the pragmatic need and nature that the wars had driven them to respond to. Rescue care is second to none. ROBERTSON: It's a financial necessity. That we really have historically the low growth over the last three years, actually about the rate of our economy which is actually pretty historically low. The easiest starting point was in the 30,000 non-union workforce, and I believe that within four years all of our employees will get this kind of healthcare plan. The kinds of interventions that we have come to favor in this country are inherently costly because they are dependent on expensive technology, and that includes pharmaceutical drugs. If you're in the system, do you access of if you are insured, if you are living in a safe neighborhood, your outcomes are great in America. We're on track for that on Tuesday. The costs are going through the roof and the ability to help these service members and their families recover and repair and come back to a functional life is getting less and less. The problem with Yvonne's case, is she had all of those stents before she had the risk factors controlled. CINDY ROBERTSON, ADMINISTRATOR, MD-COLOMBIA FAMILY HEALTH CENTER: We're the only clinic in this community county, so it's about 20,000 people overall. That may strike people as very high. OK, so let's go into our meditation practice. We want that. We spend one heck of a lot of money. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I got my blood sugar under control. ESCAPE FIRE: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare tackles one of the most pressing issues of our time: how can we save our badly broken healthcare system? It's an expensive world to live in in terms of getting your voice heard in D.C., but that's the whole function of advocacy. Meditation takes the place of that. Fire Escape Transcript. Upload captions and transcripts. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, that had to be something to do with my diabetes. I was taking 64 pills a day of combinations of Roxaset and Oxycotin. And I think that's a good place to start. Up next, CNN Films presents "ESCAPE FIRE: THE FIGHT TO RESCUE AMERICAN HEALTHCARE." If we get Medicare to cover it, then everyone else will cover it and if everyone covers it then it becomes a standard of care. MARTIN: At a community healthcare center like where I work, you see chronic illness, people that aren't able to afford their medications, lots of psychiatric illnesses. It was -- with a huge amount of skepticism and resistance. MARTIN: OK? DR. REED TUCKSON, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, CHIEF OF MEDICAL AFFAIRS, UNITED HEALTH GROUP: There is no question that primary care doctors are underpaid, especially relative to their specialty counter parts, those who do procedures. Receive your transcript. BULLIS: Soldier know if they go to war and they get a leg blown off, your medic is going to take care of you and the same thing needs to apply that if you have post-traumatic stress. He is also a president of the society for interventional and geography in intervention. And there's nothing that people sort of get more antsy about is the idea of people profiting off of other's misery. But, one of the arguments seems to be, you add more people to the system, you get a lot more people insured. I think five or six of them are on the waiting list. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I feel different. Half. And Doctor Nissen is in salaried as well. So now, "ESCAPE FIRE: THE FIGHT TO RESCUE AMERICAN HEALTHCARE." But this program has just inspired me to press forward. The folks who were there were not trying to shirk their responsibilities. GUPTA: So it doesn't matter. WEIL: Most of this huge effort of the healthcare industry is devoted to intervention in established disease and the majority of that disease is lifestyle related and preventable. So we're going to open up some chi? He tried to get the other smoke jumpers to join him, and nobody did. And the disease care system actually -- I mean, if it really was honest with itself, it doesn't want you to die and it doesn't want you to get well. I'm Dr. Sanjay Gupta. ROSS: If you had to? NISSEN: I do. Sometimes when you go, go to bad places in your head. I could hardly just about walk three steps and I'd have to stop and rest. The patient is so -- UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh god. He was featured in the film. We don't have to spend ourselves into poverty on healthcare. Our healthcare premium starts here, and if you have a body mass index less than 30, you get a discount. He had -- he had Percocet then he has Marco which is Percocet. And that is where the affordable care act can help which is bringing more competition to the bidding and pricing of these items. You've done some sweating. And maybe it would be easier to take care of people and keep them from getting sick before they actually did get sick. If it's a radiologist, they get paid for each CT scan they deliver. Look at our results, our life span isn't even in the top 20. We need primary care doctors. I was on anti-depressants. It goes into the other areas, and it's just not sustainable. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You need to get up and pee? And that's the problem. Sometimes I go to the hospital and that's the only health care I ever got. (LAUGHTER) That's the way I like to look at it. MARTIN: Are you taking your medication? They may keep the disease process going and they may strengthen it over time. U.S. caregivers are told you've got to keep me pain free, you're going to do that. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: These are the costs of all of our drugs in order. I felt like there's got to be something different, something better. These lifestyle changes cannot only work as well as drugs and surgery, but often even better at a fraction of the cost and the only side effects are good ones. We see a lot of the chronic conditions that affect many Americans that have gone untreated for sometimes months, but sometimes years. Not having to eat all these pills. What made you decide to do that? So diabetics, (INAUDIBLE) costs. I mean, to talk about how we shift toward -- away from disease intervention toward disease prevention and health promotion, I mean, that -- that requires a massive rethinking about medicine and healthcare at all levels of society. Click on "Export" and choose your preferred file format. The film examines the powerful forces trying to . How long were you there? Just sheer numbers, $2.7 trillion per year. Again , when I'm talking about disincentives. If I burn the fuel around me, then when the fire comes and it takes me, I'm safe. He is the president of the American Academy of Family Physicians. All these folks have driven from 400 and 500 miles away, waiting to get care that was providing to them for free. They can pretty much get away with increasing the rates as much as they want to. It was like something that I could never have imagined I'd ever see in this country. Doctor , let me start with you. And that's because our system reimburses people for doing tasks and doing procedures, not for necessarily making people healthier. If you talk to the employees around here that have lost 35, 50, 60, 100 pounds, they will tell you without a doubt they have a better quality of life. GUPTA: I want to point out something. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If there is a 50-minute queue, I'm sure we can probably squeeze them into the schedule. Cost about $1200. It only reduces symptoms. Tell me what happened. You know, Nancy, we talked a lot about these bills. I'm not changed, but I'm changing. The answer is among us. Mountains of Afghanistan are not easy to climb, so pain in my back. that is going to raise cause. Escape From Tarkov developer Battlestate Games has issued a statement outlining its plans to tackle cheaters in the game, following the release of a community-made video . The film is about finding a way out. Because they're not using health care now. Half of Americans will be diabetic or pre-diabetic in the next 10 years. And I thought, once I get this, I won't have the blockages anymore. Format: DVD Edition: Widescreen. We tend to just see the light of healthcare, we see the goodness of health care, the potential for helping. Now that Medicare is going to cover the heart disease program, the next step will be type 2 diabetes. I have an acutely suicidal patient in my office that I need help with. We have some challenges with access and affordability. GUPTA: I think the numbers are surprising to a lot of people, even people who work in hospital. MARTIN: And they don't reimburse for nutritional counseling or anything like that. They are often poor patients, but not always. And those are surprising. DR. RICHARD NIEMTZOW, DIRECTOR, ANDREWS AIR FORCE ACUPUNCTURE CENTER: Right there. Episode Number(s) 1 S03E01 03x01. Not just the health, but healthcare, the health of a nation. That's not good medicine. It is just tragic to think of the answer being there but just in the -- in the moment not able to see it. DR. ERIN MARTIN, PRIMARY CARE: I got to go to work. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think we have about 25 patients for today for Dr. Martin. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. And for the large majority of people we help, they often don't understand what many of the charges are. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He was issued the bottle today with 20 in it and 10 are missing. TUCKSON: Primary care doctors are being cared more. Our life span isn't even in the top 20. They didn't foresee me ever trying to walk yet. BROWNLEE: The doctor that has the greatest impact on your health is primary care doctors. The check that I get back from the insurance company after that was billed is $40. GUPTA: The children dying before the age of five exceeds any of the other 16 richest countries. What do you say when someone calls you? NIEMTZOW: Oh, you would? And that being applied to health care just doesn't work. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No. Some would say overrewarded specialty and subspecialties. There's nothing else I can do. BERWICK: The healthcare system isn't affordable anymore. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. BERWICK: Everybody is doing what makes sense to them individually. But I think, to be honest, when you add more people to the system; that raises costs. You know, they'll actually fix it. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right. Seventy percent of all the deaths in diabetes are heart disease. A documentary highlighting the shortcomings of the American healthcare system. It rewards them for delivering more care. The documentary "Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare" makes this argument with stunning clarity. And that was the first study showing that heart disease was reversible. If I'm frustrated by anything, it's that more of the nation hasn't adopted this. (CROSSTALK) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's not -- yes. He's got Lunesta and also has Valium. If insurance companies don't deliver value, they won't be in business very long. Fifteen years later, you can't walk into your average hospital today and get acupuncture after an operation. And water, they are saying, I'm going to have to give up to get there. It's completely changed food. Special tubing with an attached deflated balloon is threaded up to the corner of your arteries. You have the ability to reduce or raise the risk of many preventable diseases. 27 cardiac catheterization and well over seven stents. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm going to check his chart real quick and find out how -- what he got at the CASF. Expand the Transcripts and captions section if closed, then select Upload. This is a chest tube. They had to live with some of the new consumer protections in the bill that does make it illegal for companies to just cancel someone's policy because of a preexisting condition. It takes a village to make an unhealthy patient healthy. 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