The reality is very different. I also taught him turns under the hood. 2 0 obj When Should You Take the FAA Private Pilot Written Exam? Speak with confidence and know your material. With regards to a plan of action, I used one on my CFI checkride and the examiner said it was fine. Initial checkride for FAR 141 Subpart J, or FAR 61 Subpart H applicants: $800. The reason for him wanting a commercial certificate was to be able to fly his employers Piper Arrow for work-related trips. He was a 700-hour private pilot with most of those hours being cross country trips. Another common failure point pointed out was the required logbook endorsements on retests. Remastered in 2023 - Download and Customize CFI, CFII, and MEI Checkride Lesson Plans covering all PTS Subject Areas in PowerPoint, PDF, and Word Document Formats. endobj Effective June 11, 2018. Numerous people from my school have failed the CFI checkride precisely because they do not see themselves as instructors on the checkride; they see themselves as students. So I've been trying to prepare for this - my biggest fear is being asked something and either drawing Continue reading "CFI Checkride Oral Prep: Runway Incursions Lesson Plan" He shared that he does not do biannual flight reviews anymore but will work with them on Wings Program activities to help them complete a phase of wings. Students should strive to remain within standards and when a deviation occurs, promptly Practical Guide to the CFI Checkride (Practical Exam Guide Series) [Brightwell, Gregg] on Reviewed in the United . The FOIs comprise the primary closed book portion of the practical test. The candidate should have a plan of action for the CFI checkride. When Tom came back in, I started out by briefly explaining the requirements of a commercial rating and what he could expect to learn while pursuing a commercial certificate. He took a brief look at my weight and balance calculations and we talked about the short-field takeoff procedure published in the Piper Arrow POH. Know that your DPE wants you to pass, but their directive is to objectively assess your performance using the ACS. Hopefully it helpful to someone. Another big topic covered on the checkride was logbook endorsements as it is a required task in the CFI PTS. The ground portion of the CFI checkride will be eight hours. This app is NOT specifiaclly tailored for the CFI-Instrument Rating Instructor checkride. Sure, there are some things the CFI candidate needs to know. Practical Guide to the CFI Checkride (Practical Exam Guide Series) . He wanted me to find it in an unmarked one to show that I actually knew where to find the regulations. On average over the last decade, a CFI candidate would have a 2 percent better chance of passing with FAA staff than with DPEs. x]SGN~Re*;!UVYH97Yi.U_tjys0^gW?%?\=v}p6/gjyr z=tpx'eiU&Y?K{G{SPO.n|.KHDf,)8;w{4xHTT|G%HrN>}6QM)gp$1G The Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) rating is one of the crown jewels of advanced flight training, and for many pilots, it means taking their last checkride before they go to an airline. You can if the examiner agrees to do that. Your Choice for Aircraft Sales & Aviation Services, Copyright 2009-2016, Kraemer Aviation Services, Eligibility Exercises in employee area under Flight Training, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Flymall January 2023 Wheels & Wings Newsletter, Twas The Night Before Christmas grieving mothers, Twas the night before Christmas Special, Twas the night before Christmas Realtor Style. The topic of limitations on solo endorsements came up and I was asked what kind of limitations I would place on a solo endorsement. topic, procedure, or maneuver. So during the oral or the practical portion of the exam, explain, then demonstrate. The FAA gives inspectors a wide range of material for testing candidates and a lot of discretion in deciding which material to test on the checkride. Subsequent verification by the appropriate CFI or Stage Check Pilot is required. --Come prepared with current charts/FAR/AIM/etc.all your reference material should be current. My instructor is requiring us to take a plan of action to the checkride. I taught my lesson covering the materials in the PTS about runway incursion, and I added a few key examples about Flying Cloud Airport and Ohare, since its so complicated. Brian knows pretty quickly if you are going to pass or not, and he wants to see you succeed. If you do this, you will almost certainly pass. Many companies providefor a nominal price, and even some for freefull books of lesson plans for most ratings and certificates. This information is pertinent to ALL checkrides. On the way back to the airport, I instructed Tom on straight and level flight which focused on establishing a proper sight picture and trying to associate the seat-of-your-pants sensations with what the aircraft is doing. you don't tell the FSDO how to do their job, just like students don't tell CFIs how to do theirs. And Stress management What are some ways to mitigate risk IMSAFE checklist, PAVE checklist, 5P checklist Perform the best course of action under the circumstances while evaluating and monitoring the results (see "Keep Your Cool," p. 30). Sectional Aeronautical Chart for your area. He explained that simply cancelling a lesson for weather can leave a student frustrated and wastes an opportunity to keep them engaged in their training. For some pilots, it can be their ticket to the airlines. I used a model aircraft to demonstrate the maneuver and broke it down into two segments: the first 90 degrees of the turn where bank is constant and pitch is changing, and the second 90 degrees of the turn where pitch is constant and bank is changing. The reality is very different. Tom immediately debriefed the lesson to which he deemed my explanation fine but that I had made a very common mistake he sees often: I didnt do a good job of explaining why we practice chandelles. Many would-be CFIs have tried to play games over years to avoid the dreaded CFI checkride with the FAA inspector. Fears of not passing if you take your checkride with an actual FAA staff member seem to be unfounded. The Flight Instructor teaches the student the discipline and decision-making skills, as well as the practical skills to meet the Practical Test Standards. FAA-H-8083-9, Aviation Instructors Handbook. Everything you need to study for the FOIs (including the answers to the questions above) is in the Aviation Instructors Handbook. I did a normal takeoff and headed out to the practice area. In an attempt to try and evaluate his understanding of the lesson, I asked him to walk me through the steps required to fly a chandelle and if he could tell me where he would need the most rudder input. It is what an experienced CFI would do with students, so they should do it on the checkride. Can you cite a reference that says differently? ALso, know your airplane. Effective September 21, 2022. To reinstate your CFI, you only need to meet the standards of one of the ratings on your flight instructor certificate. The S-turns across a road were uneventful and Tom did not comment much on that maneuver. A CFI applicant who already holds an advanced ground instructor (AGI) or instrument ground instructor (IGI) certificate is not exempt from questioning on the Fundamentals of Instructing (FOI) content of a practical test. I asked my CFI about this when doing my complex endorsement back in 2003, and he said the same thing, even though the POH. He really like my lesson and said it was great. Essay Sample. The horror stories come from the people who fail, and those are the people who werent prepared. Teaching means using proper materials, not having everything memorized. Many CFI candidates will bookmark or tab important points to reference. You can unsubscribe at any time. As part of being a good consumer, it is the applicant's responsibility to make sure that he is ready for a checkride. i have to go with tgrayson here. He was very pleased and had no comments. During the glide to the field, we discussed why a pilot might land gear up or gear down depending on the surface and condition of the landing area selected. Much has changed with general aviation in the last decade, including how student pilot certificates are issued, aircraft ADS-B equipment requirements, and Basic Med. At a minimum, you should have the following books (current or most recent versions) with you for your CFI practical test: All FAA handbooks are available for free, and electronic versions of each publication are an option. Copyright 2023 CFI Notebook, All rights reserved. Examiner's Plan of Action Private Pilot ASEL Private Pilot Final Plan of Action Page 1 of 17 March 2019 Examiner's Plan of Action . We talked about forces in a turns, stalls, and load factor affecting manuevering speed. If you know these areas really well, youre set. %PDF-1.7 He felt that it would have taken too long to teach these items and that it wouldnt be a good use of our time. P psalm91 New Member Apr 5, 2007 #5 tgrayson said: Perfection is not the standard. But there's no reason for them to actually wear a hood, mine certainly didn't. (Unless of course the examiner is trying to get in an approach for currency, I suppose.) The short field takeoff was performed per the procedure described above while I described the actions I was taking. I then taught him turns around a point and 8s-on-pylons. At a time when instructor turnover is high, its important for flight training businesses to help their customers to be successful and make sure they can get CFIs trained for their own businesses. No comment on the stalls. Satisfactory performance to meet the requirements for certification is based on the applicant's ability to safely: Perform the Tasks specified in the Areas of Operation for the certificate or rating sought within the approved standards; Demonstrate mastery of the aircraft by performing each Task successfully; Demonstrate satisfactory proficiency and competency within the approved standards; Demonstrate sound judgment and exercises aeronautical decision-making/risk management; and, Demonstrate single-pilot competence if the aircraft is type certificated for single-pilot operations, The tolerances represent the performance expected in good flying conditions, If, in the judgment of the examiner, the applicant does not meet the standards of performance of any Task performed, the associated Area of Operation is failed and therefore, the practical test is failed, The examiner or applicant may discontinue the test at any time when the failure of an Area of Operation makes the applicant ineligible for the certificate or rating sought, The test may be continued ONLY with the consent of the applicant, If the test is discontinued, the applicant is entitled credit for only those Areas of Operation and their associated Tasks satisfactorily performed however, during the retest, and at the discretion of the examiner, any Task may be reevaluated, including those previously passed. Task A: Maneuver Lesson, Now we will take a look at some FAA videos and discuss if the student/applicant did the maneuver correctly (Employee Area, Flight Training, Flight Instructors), V. Preflight Procedures (The examiner must select at least one Task) The FAA'S concise Study aids for passing the checkride. For example, instead of asking me to list the characteristics of learning, he asked me to give an example of how learning is multifaceted. No comments. Thanks for signing up for the Redbird Landing newsletter! Even though I had taken checkrides previously (obviously), this was to be the toughest one Ive taken yet. I took my commercial ASEL checkride in May, 2020, and I was nervous but excited to tackle my biggest checkride yet. What are the four principles of risk management? <> I had my AGI and my initial CFI coered everything including the FOI. After correcting him and shadowing his corrections, he lifted off at the correct speed and neglected to put the gear up. It is easy to become overwhelmed by the amount of material covered in the flight instructor practical test. 2. One of the questions asked regarding the laws of learning was how to use the principle of primacy to prevent fuel-related accidents from occurring in general aviation. Airport and Seaplane Base Operations (The examiner must select at least one Task) Task A: Radio Communications and ATC Light Signals (ASEL and ASES) Task B: Traffic Patterns (ASEL and ASES) Task C: Airport/Seaplane Base, Runway and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting (ASEL and ASES) VII. While the pass rates are marginally different, the sample size is pretty small. Here is the information and write-up. Students should strive to remain within standards and when a deviation occurs, promptly He suggested I go beyond the book definition of the maneuver being a maximum performance climbing 180. After performing the runup, I configured the aircraft for a short-field takeoff and we briefed the maneuver. Know how to fill out an '8710-1'. When things are going well, this moves relatively quickly. I made sure to explain the purpose of S-Turns as practicing wind correction skills which Tom appreciated as well. Tom is a very relaxed individual and I very much enjoyed the experience. The flight portion of the checkride took 1.3 hours to complete. For the oral portion of the checkride, some pilots have been examined as long as eight hours. 17483 Words. Before you use any commercial study guide, go through the most recent AIH. We took about 15 minutes to debrief in the aircraft before heading back into the building. After the standard paperwork review (another gander at my logbooks, a look at the aircraft logbooks, the 8710, the knowledge exams, etc) I had to part with my fee. The certified flight instructor checkride is one of the most difficult checkrides there are with a first-time pass rate of just under 70% as of 2017. Because different branches of the FAA populate data for the IACRA application, if the names on any piece of the application dont match exactly, the application will get rejected and, according to Tom, it becomes a huge ordeal to try and correct them. 3. He liked the fact that I came up with it and took control of the flight. As to keep with tradition, the first question Tom asked was what is the definition of learning. I tried to correct, and I mentioned how that is a common student error. Technical Subject Areas (The examiner must select Tasks B, M, and at least one other Task) Next, I taught him power on and off stalls and secondary stalls. CFI checkride plan of action Jetcareers May 5th, 2018 - Does anyone have a CFI checkride plan of action that they 2 / 8. Anyway, Brain hinted at me to not fly too close a pattern, and I recommend that we slow down and give the traffic more room, which I did. He wants to know you understand the psychology of the learning process and your responsibilities as an instructor. Find a suitable landing field. Obviously, as a CFI, you should know the entire PTS, but these are the key areas for the checkride. The examiner will act as the student. Fundamentals of Instructing(The examiner shall select Task E and one other Task) He suggested to have lessons on aircraft logbooks, runway incursion avoidance, and avionics usage as a start. And the OP does not appear to be referring to a Lesson Plan. For the oral portion, the examiner expected me to bring all of my lesson plans and references as the PTS requires a lesson to be taught on one of the maneuvers. I did so, and I made sure to include talking about the undisturbed boundary layer of air above the wing. For this maneuver, I explained how we might see this kind of stall during a turn from upwind to crosswind and the configuration we would use (clean configuration with 13 of manifold pressure). endobj I passed my Commercial checkride in December 2016 and had only flown about 35 hours between then and my CFI checkride almost a year later in November 2017 due to real life (aka my other job) getting in the way and keeping me busy enough where I wasn't able to even think about airplanes for about 4 months in that time period. Bill Trussell on Mar 12, 2012. Certified Flight Instructor - Pilot Check Ride Certified Flight Instructor CFI Exams Certain DPEs are authorized to conduct the following activities as it relates to the CFI certificate: Flight Instructor Initial (see below) Flight Instructor Renewal Flight Instructor Reinstatement Flight Instructor Multi-Engine Flight Instructor Instrument It's a checklist that includes all of the questions and tasks the examiner will cover for a complete test, and organizes them in an efficient and logical order designed to manage the checkride duration. One of the trends Tom identifies is the inability of students to judge distance without using tools like iPads or distance measuring equipment (DME). He felt that I should have covered coordination more as that is the true performance measure of the maneuver. The logical choice would be to reinstate under Flight Instructor - Instrument Airplane. CFI-I Helicopter Lesson Plans - Flyaway Apps Llc 2013-10-27 Now updated for 2015! As any other checkride Ive taken in the past, the first task was to complete IACRA and review all of the documents required for the checkride. Plan on about 2.5 to 3.0 hours for the oral exam and about 1.5 hours for the flight portion. JavaScript is disabled. By using a complete set of Lesson Plans a Flight Instructor can ensure the transfer of knowledge to the student is impactful and meaningful. 1. He answered incorrectly so we covered how speed affects left-turning tendencies again to which he then understood. I think it is just that bad news spreads quickly and people complaining about their performance tend to do it more than those that have a positive and uneventful outcome. AOPA Members DO more LEARN more SAVE more - Get MORE out of being a pilot -, 2023 Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, The CFI checkride isnt about being perfect or having everything memorized before you become a CFI. INSTRUMENT FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR Plan of Action PAGE 1 Remember: you are to explain these things as a flight instructor! 1. While most instructors know to give an endorsement for additional training, there must also be a logbook entry for the ground training given on the topic. Ultimately, the CFI checkrides are not like any of the other checkrides. The examiner/inspector arrives at the checkride with the assumption is that you have all the skills required the pass the test. After this, we were done. A systematic approach to the mental process used by pilots to consistently determine the best course of action in response to a given set of circumstances. This is false. Editorial, Get Redbird Landing updates delivered to your inbox. Every CFI initial candidate the school has produced has done this and they have a 100% pass rate. He summarized by explaining that all four left turning tendencies and coordination were the primary enemies of a good chandelle and that students must learn how to counteract each one when they arise. January 23, 2015 By Jim Moore. Hit the ELT and communicate on 121.5. What are the four theories of forgetting? Slow Flight, Stalls, and Spins (The examiner must select at least one proficiency stall (Task B or C), at least one demonstration stall (Task D, E, F, or H), and Task G) Does anyone have a CFI checkride plan of action that they can share? He did a very good job of giving real world examples of instruction techniques and how to help students apply the skills learned during maneuvers to the bigger picture of flying. Generally, while the transition to flying from the right seat is simple, many CFI applicants who are very good, safe pilots struggle initially to practice teaching and explaining concepts and maneuvers. This was the case for my checkride. That's pretty much the checkride in a nutshell - for all the details on what's expected you should refer to the FAA Practical Test Standards for the rating you're pursuing.. Before your checkride. He thought they were both great. I had about 1.5 months to prepare, and I did almost all of my studying by myself. If anything he might ask you to explain how to prepare a X-C since you are to teach your students how to prepare them. CFI Checkride Prep When it comes to Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) rating, it is one of the biggest accomplishments in flight training. | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Sitemap | Patreon | Contact, AOPA Training Tip - A 'Nasty Rotten' Checkride, Federal Aviation Administration - Pilot/Controller Glossary, AOPA - FAA Re-Examinations and Medical Certificates, AOPA - Re-Examination and Pilot Certificate Deposit, Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application (IACRA), Airmen Certification Frequently Asked Questions, Your checkride is arguably one of the most stressful experiences throughout flight training, An appropriately rated flight instructor is responsible for training the, Because of the impact of their teaching activities in developing safe, proficient pilots, flight instructors should exhibit a high level of knowledge, skill, and the ability to impart that knowledge and skill to students, Throughout the applicant's training, the flight instructor is responsible for emphasizing the performance of effective visual scanning, collision avoidance procedures, the manufacturer's recommended procedures for the airplane flown, and other areas deemed appropriate to the practical test, The examiner conducting the practical test is responsible for determining that the applicant meets the acceptable standards of knowledge and skill of each Task within the appropriate practical test standard, Since there is no formal division between the "oral" and "skill" portions of the practical test, this becomes an ongoing process throughout the test, Oral questioning, to determine the applicant's knowledge of Tasks and related safety factors, should be used judiciously at all times, especially during the flight portion of the practical test, Examiners shall test to the greatest extent practicable the applicant's correlative abilities rather than mere rote enumeration of facts throughout the practical test, If the examiner determines that a Task is incomplete, or the outcome uncertain, the examiner may require the applicant to repeat that Task, or portions of that Task, This provision has been made in the interest of fairness and does not mean that instruction, practice, or the repeating of an unsatisfactory task is permitted during the certification process, When practical, the remaining Tasks of the practical test phase should be completed before repeating the questionable Task, On multiengine practical tests, where the failure of the most critical engine after liftoff is required, the examiner must give consideration to local atmospheric conditions, terrain, and type of aircraft used, However, the failure of an engine shall not be simulated until attaining at least VSSE/VXSE/VYSE and at an altitude not lower than 400 feet AGL, During simulated engine failures on multiengine practical tests, the examiner shall set zero thrust after the applicant has simulated feathering the propeller, The examiner shall require the applicant to demonstrate at least one landing with a simulated-feathered propeller with the engine set to zero thrust, The feathering of one propeller shall be demonstrated in flight, unless the manufacturer prohibits the intentional feathering of the propellers during flight, Throughout the flight portion of the practical test, the examiner shall evaluate the applicant's use of visual scanning and collision avoidance procedures. (Privacy Policy). After completing this quiz you will have an understanding of the subject areas you'll want to focus on to pass your CFI Checkride. He said that is fine. I am interested to see how others have approached this. Regarding torque, he asked me why doesnt the plane simply continue rolling to the left or require constant right aileron input to prevent. Designated Pilot Examiner Private, Instrument, and Commercial Airplane Single & Multi Engine Land Ratings Please call or text for availability. Task A: Straight-and-Level Flight (ASEL and ASES), Task C: Straight Climbs and Climbing Turns (ASEL AND ASES), Task D: Straight Descents and Descending Turns (ASEL and ASES), IX. We took about 15 minutes to debrief in the flight instructor certificate by myself all of my studying by.... Or text for availability is impactful and meaningful again to which he then understood uneventful and Tom did comment... 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